wso2am Error while sending stream to wso2das - wso2

While trying to follow the instructions from the wso2am (1.10.0) manual, regarding working with statistics with the wso2das (3.0.1) server i have encountered a problem.
If i choose to let the wso2am server define the stream while making the first call of the api, the wso2das server refuses to post statistics to the WSO2_STATS_DB.
If on the other hand i choose to import the file in wso2das (as stated here ) i get an exception (AsyncDataPublisher Stream definition already exist) because the org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.request defined in the latest is different to the one being send from wso2am.
I pinpointed the problem in the definition of the Eventstream_request_1.0 in files
org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.request_1.0.0.json ,
where the definition of the throttledOut option is missing
Is there a way to solve this issue?
Thank you.

I think your DAS is in some kind of a corrupted state. Can you first delete the car application (/repository/deployment/server/carbonapps) and then log in to DAS and go to Manage > Event > Streams and delete any existing streams. Then try again to deploy the car app in the /repository/deployment/server/carbonapps location.
If everything goes well you would see two scripts in Manage > Batch Analytics > Scripts section. Try to execute each script and see if there is any error. If not then you can point the API manager to DAS


Cannot read message on ActiveMQ-queue when implemented in WSO2: "Cannot display ObjectMessage body"

I've just successfully implemented a JMS-message-processor in my WSO2-process. However, when logged in as an admin on the ActiveMQ console, I can view the stats of the queue but I cannot access the contents of the pending message. Instead, I see this error:
Cannot display ObjectMessage body. Reason: Failed to build body from content. Serializable class not available to broker. Reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Accessing the contents of a pending message is possible when using the RabbitMQ, so I figured it should also be possible with this message broker.
I've found solutions online, but they don't seem to be working, or perhaps they're out of date. Can somebody point me to the correct answer to solve this? I'm on WSO2 Integration Studio 8.1.0 and am using ActiveMQ 5.17.1.
It appears that WSO2 is using javax.jms.ObjectMessage despite the fact that there's a long list of reasons why doing so is a bad idea, including the issue you're currently facing, but I digress.
The problem here is that the implementation of the javax.jms.ObjectMessage (i.e. in this case) must be on the classpath of any application which wants to deserialize that message. This class is not, in fact, on the classpath of ActiveMQ therefore the ActiveMQ web console cannot deserialize the message and display its contents (assuming those contents are human-readable in the first place). That's why a ClassNotFoundException is thrown.
You may be able to resolve the issue by putting on ActiveMQ's classpath. Aside from that there's really nothing to be done.
I assume this is different for RabbitMQ because in that case WSO2 doesn't use the JMS API and uses the AMQP protocol which is not Java-centric like JMS.
Justin has explained the cause of the issue and as suggested you can try adding the class to ActiveMQ runtime and see whether it resolves the issue. This class is located in the Synapse-Core(synapse-core_2.x.x.wso2vXXX.jar). But remember although this may resolve the ActiveMQ UI issue, this message is not consumable by other systems unless they know how to deserialize it.
Let me add more details on why the message is serialized. Message serialization happens when you use the Store mediator, and when you store a message with Store Mediator it is intended to be only read by a Message Processor. Simply the serialized message can only be consumed by WSO2 Message Processors. In other words, Store Mediator and the Message processors are tightly coupled.
If message serialization is an issue for you. For example, if other systems are consuming the messages that WSO2 publishes you can try using the JMS transport to produce and to consume messages from ActiveMQ. Other than that you can also consider using JMS Inbound Endpoint to consume messages, which all use standard media types when storing the message.

BPS process data fails to be deployed in DAS using KPISample

Using wso2bps-3.5.1, wso2das-3.0.1
I've followed the instructions for deploying and testing the KPISample process that comes with BPS.
I'm able to include the extension bundle, deploy the project .zip file and execute a couple of process call without any errors.
But, I'm not getting any stream definitions deployed in the DAS. According to the instructions that is expected to happen automatically when sending data from BPS.
As I said, no errors in log files on either BAS or BPS.
What am I missing here?
Had to create the stream and receiver first in DAS. Not mentioned in the tutorial.

One or more services have started or stopped unexpectedly SPTimerService (SPTimerV4)

I have stop and restart services(Sharepoint Administration & Sharepoint Timer Service)
I cleaned the Configuration Cache by using mentioned steps.
Summary of the steps to clear the timer job:
Stop SharePoint Timer service on all servers in the farm.
Browse to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config{GUID} where the {GUID} folder contains a bunch of XML files and NOT the files with a “.PERSITEDFILE” extension.
Delete all the XML files
Update the contents of the Cache.ini file to just say “1” (without quotes).
Restart the SharePoint Timer service on each server
Reanalyze the issue in Health Analyzer
Does anyone know why this keeps occurring and how I can stop it?
First of all try and check your ULS Logs and see if there is any error that arise.
Secondly try and maybe check the event viewer on your SharePoint server to see if any errors are shown and make sure you have enough disk space available.
and also you might want to check this :Clearing Timer Services
Let me know if you see any error post it here.
hope it helps.

Web Service Data Stage

I get the following error:Service Invocation Exeption i am working with Version 8.7 IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Designer and using a server job and there, i have 1 sequential file, web service, sequential file.
Any idea what could be the reason of this error ?
Make sure you have chosen proper DataStage job type and your stage that operates on web service is configured properly.
You should also check the DataStage logs to get more information about root cause of the error.

Monitoring WSO2 Message Broker via JMX

I've been attempting to monitor the WSO2 MB 2.1.1 via JMX which appears to be a valid option for other WSO2 tools such as the ESB however the MB does not appear to be updating any of the MBeans for the Queue attributes.
This has a number of potentially useful attributes like the following:
However the counters always read "0" even when there are messages in the queue dropped in via the sample sender or manually.
Creating a new queue will create the following, but the issue is seen on the new queue as well.
Am I simply looking in the incorrect location or any other variety of user error?
Is this the intentional behavior of the application?
Do you have any suggestions which may assist in getting this data reported via JMX?
Any help would be appreciated.
This does not appear to be functional in MB 2.1.1, it looks as if they may be moving to using the CEP or the BAM to provide metrics on some products.