BPS process data fails to be deployed in DAS using KPISample - wso2

Using wso2bps-3.5.1, wso2das-3.0.1
I've followed the instructions for deploying and testing the KPISample process that comes with BPS.
I'm able to include the extension bundle, deploy the project .zip file and execute a couple of process call without any errors.
But, I'm not getting any stream definitions deployed in the DAS. According to the instructions that is expected to happen automatically when sending data from BPS.
As I said, no errors in log files on either BAS or BPS.
What am I missing here?

Had to create the stream and receiver first in DAS. Not mentioned in the tutorial.


Why "directory-expression" is not creating dynamic folder ddMMyyyy using regex on linux server?

I am using spring jms integration to consume mq message and file integration outbound-channel-adapter move error mq message (if any) to dynamic folder error/filtered/ddMMyyyy using "directory-expression" and regex.
mqMsgFeedChannel checks if mq message is subject to filter or not? if yes then it should be move msg to today's date 04102018 (ddMMyyyy) folder where myproject.consumer.filter.output.dir=/our_nas_drive/our_project/data/our_env/error/filtered.
<int:filter id="mqMessageFilter" expression="${myproject.consumer.filter.expression:true}" input-channel="mqMsgFeedChannel" output-channel="mqMsgProcessChannel" discard-channel="filterFileOutputChannel" throw-exception-on-rejection="false"/>
I can see mq depth is increased by 1 when a message is published and reduced to 0 once consume, but configuration is not creating dynamic directory. Also checked by creating directory manually even now its not moving error message file to static 04102018 folder.
I checked if its permission issue, by "directory" attribute for static folder without regex and I can confirm that its not a permission issue.
<int-file:outbound-channel-adapter id="filterFileOutput" channel="filterFileOutputChannel" auto-create-directory="true" directory-expression="'${myproject.consumer.filter.output.dir}'+new java.text.SimpleDateFormat('ddMMyyyy').format(new java.util.Date())" delete-source-files="true"/>
Looks like this regular expression works well in windows but not on Linux once deployed on server.
Please advice, thank you in advance

wso2am Error while sending stream to wso2das

While trying to follow the instructions from the wso2am (1.10.0) manual, regarding working with statistics with the wso2das (3.0.1) server i have encountered a problem.
If i choose to let the wso2am server define the stream while making the first call of the api, the wso2das server refuses to post statistics to the WSO2_STATS_DB.
If on the other hand i choose to import the analytics.car file in wso2das (as stated here ) i get an exception (AsyncDataPublisher Stream definition already exist) because the org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.request defined in the latest Analytics.car is different to the one being send from wso2am.
I pinpointed the problem in the definition of the Eventstream_request_1.0 in files
org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.request_1.0.0.json ,
where the definition of the throttledOut option is missing
Is there a way to solve this issue?
Thank you.
I think your DAS is in some kind of a corrupted state. Can you first delete the car application (/repository/deployment/server/carbonapps) and then log in to DAS and go to Manage > Event > Streams and delete any existing streams. Then try again to deploy the car app in the /repository/deployment/server/carbonapps location.
If everything goes well you would see two scripts in Manage > Batch Analytics > Scripts section. Try to execute each script and see if there is any error. If not then you can point the API manager to DAS

How to read file from WSO2 ESB without using poll interval

I am able to read the file from specified READFILEURI path if I can specify the poll interval.
My current requirement is to read the file from given path only when we trigger the proxy service.It should not poll the file automatically.When I click on "try this service" and send the request then only the file should read from the read file path and do processing.
TO test this I have removed the "transport.vfs.pollInterval" attribute from my proxy configuration and tested it.But file is not getting read from the path once I trigger the proxy request.
Could some one help me how to achieve this.
I guess it should work if you use the file connector.
You should be able to create a simple proxy that get's triggered via http/https and the uses the above mentioned file connector read operation to read the file.
Unfortunately I cannot give you an exact example because we're still on an older esb version where this connector isn't available.
Hope that helps.

Web Service Data Stage

I get the following error:Service Invocation Exeption i am working with Version 8.7 IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Designer and using a server job and there, i have 1 sequential file, web service, sequential file.
Any idea what could be the reason of this error ?
Make sure you have chosen proper DataStage job type and your stage that operates on web service is configured properly.
You should also check the DataStage logs to get more information about root cause of the error.

Powerbuilder 12.5.2 Classic .NET Web Service error with Amazon SQS WSDL

I get the error below when I try to access the Amazon SQS WSDL:
Cannot access the WSDL or the WSDL file is invalid.
I believe I have .NET 4 SDK installed and I have tried downloading the WSDL file to a local drive and pointing the proxy wizard to it. Still the same error.
Can someone try to use it and let me know your outcomes?
Try running the .Net WSDL utility directly on the WSDL. That utility reports back error information. It's also what PowerBuilder is calling under the covers, but is not sharing the error information back to you.
When I do that, I get this result:
Error: Unable to import binding 'SimpleQueueServicePostBinding' from namespace '
- The operation 'GetQueueUrl' on portType 'SimpleQueueServicePortType' from na
mespace 'http://queue.amazonaws.com/doc/2012-11-05/' had the following syntax error:
The operation has no matching binding. Check if the operation, input and
output names in the Binding section match with the corresponding names in the PortType section.
It looks like it might be a problem with the format of the WSDL. Not the first time that's happened, I've had to edit one of their other WSDL files by hand to correct an error in it.
If you choose to do that, you can download the file to your local machine, make the edits, and then run the PB proxy tool against the local file.