Facebook webhook does not trigger via native app - facebook-graph-api

I have configured the Facebook Webhook of my app, that it sends a call when a change has happened on my (user)feed. When I post something on Facebook via my laptop or mobile browser, the Webhook triggers.
But when I post something via the native iOS app, it doesn't trigger.
Does anyone have an idea about this?


Instagram API Webhook URL not receiving test updates

I have a Business App in dev mode and would like to test the handling of a test updates to my webhook for Instagam, but none of my test updates seem to go through.
I'm trying to use a Firebase HTTP Cloud Function to handle the verification and notification updates. Upon setting up the HTTP cloud function to respond appropriately if it's invoked with a GET or a POST request, I deployed my function to Firebase Cloud Functions.
I followed the steps in the getting started pages of using Webhooks, including configuring the Webhook Product, enabling page subscriptions, I have access to the Instagram Account and Facebook Page with admin access, but none of my test updates are going through to the webhook url, which I specified as a url to my Firebase Cloud Function.
My firebase cloud function url is
https://us-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx.cloudfunctions.net/webhooks with the "xxxx" covering my project id details. When I first specify my url Webhook URL using "Instagram" and subscribing to "messages" I see that my function get's one GET request, but that's it. No test updates, or subscribing updates go through.
What the function currently does is respond with the hub.challenge if the request to the cloud function is a GET request, and if it's a POST request to the cloud function, I'll send 200 OK HTTPS. I have print messages along the way so I would know in my cloud function logs that something is being triggered. Any ideas?
Any suggestions on what to do to get the test webhooks to show up would be great. Thanks

Instagram Webhook subscription fails

I am trying to enable an Instagram story_insights webhook on a live Facebook App. I am able to receive test data successfully, but won't receive any live data.
The webhook has been configured via the Facebook App Dashboard for an app with both "manage_pages" and "instagram_manage_insights" permissions granted.
I tried to perform a POST request to the {page-id}/subscribed_apps endpoint but couldn't subscribe to the instagram story insights as there is no related subscribed_field.
Is registering the webhook in the app dashboard sufficient to receive data, or do I need to perform some kind of registration for each Facebook Page connected to an Instagram Business account?
With Graph API version 3.2, the /{page-id}/subscribed_apps edge now requires the subscribed_fields parameter, which currently doesn't support Instgram webhooks fields. To get around this, use an older version of the API, or include the subscribed_fields parameter with a non-Instagram field, then unsubscribe from the field later using your app's dashboard.
Just use some field that will most likely not change from your Facebook Page, like "email".
From the API docs it says ( https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/guides/webhooks )
Technically it doesn't matter which Page Field you subscribe to. Your app will not receive notifications of changes to that field unless you configure Page subscriptions in the App Dashboard and subscribe to that field.

AWS Lex and Facebook Messenger Integration Not Working

I'm banging my head against the wall trying to get an AWS Lex based chatbot integrated with Facebook.
As far as I can tell, everything is set up correctly.
When I send a message to my page in Facebook, I don't get a reply. However, the analytics in my app shows that the app is getting messages, so I know the message is making it from the page to the app.
When I try to hit the AWS Lex Webhook directly using POSTMAN, the webhook responds to literally everything I sent to it with a blank HTTP 200 OK response.
The lambda function that is tied to the AWS Lex chatbot is not getting invoked as a result of the messages from Facebook because no logs are getting generated and cloudwatch doesn't show an attempts to run the lambda function.
Does anyone have any ideas?
UPDATE : I ended up engineering around this by bypassing the Facebook channel capability inside AWS Lex and using Lambda instead. I deployed a passthrough API which calls a lambda function and then interacts with AWS Lex via Boto3/Python. In theory this is all supposed to be taken care of from inside AWS Lex with the Facebook channel integration, but I wasn't able to get it to work so I just built around it.
Verify Amazon lex is properly configured with facebook messenger .
Check : Page access token
Verification token
App ID
Check if your webhook is subscribed to page you are messaging on.
Check if your facebook user is added as tester/admin/developer
Check if your latest version of BOt is published on intended alias.
Also while configuring webhook tick necessary options : messages, messaging_postbacks, messaging_optins, message_deliveries, message_reads, messaging_payments
This should resolve your head ache. If not please reply

Integrated API Console in WSO2 API managers store use unproper port in request URL

I created API with WSO2 APi Manager Publisher. Then I subscribed and invoked this API with Integrated API console. All worked OK.
Request URL was like:
Later I unsubscribed, edited this API a little, published and subscribed.
Now, when I invoke API with API console port number in URL is changed from 8280 to 9443 and, of course, API doesn't work.
When I invoke API in (for instance) Postman with right port number, API works properly.
When I delete API and create new one - API console works properly.
After editing, port is changed again.
Could somebody explain such strange behavior of API Console?

notification from app request Facebook not received

Im making an application on Phonegap, and therefore using javascript. I have added the facebook plugin, and everything seems to work fine. The user can log in and make app requests to friends using the FB.ui:
FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',
message: 'Try this application, and get ready to Guess This Sound!'
}, requestCallback);
The dialog pop up, and when I send an invitation my requestCallback method return OK
function requestCallback(response){
alert("response " + response);
However, my friends do not receive any notification about the request. My application is no longer i sandbox mode, and I can't figure out whats the problem is. Since Im using phonegap, I have added ios and android platform on facebook, and I guess no canvas URL is needed.
Some users do now receive the notifications from the application, but not everyone.However, when my friend clicks on the notification he receive this message: "The requested page can not be viewed right now. It could be temporary unavailable." Is it because my application is not available on google play and app store for the moment?
You have to Add app in your developer account
facebook -> Apps -> "You app" -> Setting -> add platform -> App on Facebook -> Add any URl
Now you will get app request notification
The problem was due to wrong set up in facebook developer API. The error still remains, but is because the app is not released yet. To see the solution to this, see:
Facebook invite request error android