SAS - Sort Multiple Dataset using loops - sas

I have a list of SAS datasets which I want to sort by the same variable.
I do not want to use the PROC Sort statement for each one of them,
is there a way to use loops to shorten the entire code?
I am new to SAS so please help!
%let prim =sasdata.qc_no_rx ;
%let other_removals = sasdata.qc_other_removals;
%let drops =sasdata.droplist;
Array data_1(3) $ sasdata.qc_no_rx sasdata.qc_other_removals
sasdata.droplist ;
do over data_1;
Proc sort data = data_1 ;
by ims_ref;

Assuming you have a data set, called dname_list, with the data set names, and they're called dname. Call execute will generate the code and execute it.
I usually create my command in a string and then pass that to call execute. This is a data _null_ step so it doesn't generate a data set but you can generate the data set to test at first if necessary.
You don't need to loop because SAS loops through the records in a data set by itself.
If you're sorting data in a library make sure to include the library name as well.
data _null_;
*data dname_execute;
set dname_list;
string = catt('proc sort data=', dname, '; by age; run;');
call execute(string);

This should help:
%macro multsort(indlist,outdlist,byvarlist,ndata);
%do i = 1 %to &ndata.;
%let indata = %scan("&indlist.",&i.," ");
%let outdata = %scan("&outdlist.",&i.," ");
%let byvars = %scan("&byvarlist.",&i.," ");
proc sort data = &indata. out=&outdata.;by &byvars. ;run;
%multsort(indlist=sashelp.Air sashelp.Buy,outdlist=Sa Sb,byvarlist=Air amount,ndata=2);


SAS Append datasets only if they exist

I have many datasets for each month with the same name, changing just the end with specific month so for instance my datasets that i am calling with this code:
TEMPCAAD.LIFT_&NOME_MODELO._&VERSAO_MODELO._'!! put(cur_month,yymmn6.));
are called "TEMPCAAD.LIFT_MODEL_V1_202021", "TEMPCAAD.LIFT_MODEL_V1_202022" and so on...
I am trying to append all datasets but some of them doesn't exist, so when i run the following code I get the error
Dataset "TEMPCAAD.LIFT_MODEL_V1_202022" does not exist.
%let currentmonth = &anomes_scores;
%let previousyearmonth = &anomes_x12;
data _null_;
length string $1000;
cur_month = input("&previousyearmonth.01",yymmdd8.);
do until (cur_month > input("&currentmonth.01",yymmdd8.));
string = catx(' ',trim(string),'TEMPCAAD.LIFT_&NOME_MODELO._&VERSAO_MODELO._'!! put(cur_month,yymmn6.));
cur_month = intnx('month',cur_month,1,'b');
call symput('mydatasets',trim(string));
%put &mydatasets;
set &mydatasets.;
How can I append only existing datasets?
Instead of looping on every file to see whether it exist or not, why don't you just extract all the dataset names from dictionary.tables?
libname TEMPCAAD "/home/kermit/TEMPCAAD";
data tempcaad.lift_model_v1_202110 tempcaad.lift_model_v1_202111 tempcaad.lift_model_v1_202112;
id = 1;
output tempcaad.lift_model_v1_202110;
id = 2;
output tempcaad.lift_model_v1_202111;
id = 3;
output tempcaad.lift_model_v1_202112;
%let nome_modelo = MODEL;
%let versao_modelo = V1;
proc sql;
select strip("TEMPCAAD."||memname) into :dataset separated by " "
from dictionary.tables
where libname="TEMPCAAD" and memname like "LIFT_&NOME_MODELO._&VERSAO_MODELO.%";
data want;
set &dataset.;
You can easily tweak the where statement to only extract the data that you wish to append. Just remember to put double quotes if you specify a macro-variable in it.

Matching SAS character variables to a list

So I have a vector of search terms, and my main data set. My goal is to create an indicator for each observation in my main data set where variable1 includes at least one of the search terms. Both the search terms and variable1 are character variables.
Currently, I am trying to use a macro to iterate through the search terms, and for each search term, indicate if it is in the variable1. I do not care which search term triggered the match, I just care that there was a match (hence I only need 1 indicator variable at the end).
I am a novice when it comes to using SAS macros and loops, but have tried searching and piecing together code from some online sites, unfortunately, when I run it, it does nothing, not even give me an error.
I have put the code I am trying to run below.
*for example, I am just testing on one of the SASHELP data sets;
*I take the first five team names to create a search list;
data terms; set (obs=5);
search_term = substr(team,1,3);
keep search_term;;
*I will be searching through the baseball data set;
data test; set;
%macro search;
%local i name_list next_name;
proc SQL;
select distinct search_term into : name_list separated by ' ' from work.terms;
%let i=1;
%do %while (%scan(&name_list, &i) ne );
%let next_name = %scan(&name_list, &i);
*I think one of my issues is here. I try to loop through the list, and use the find command to find the next_name and if it is in the variable, then I should get a non-zero value returned;
data test; set test;
indicator = index(team,&next_name);
%let i = %eval(&i + 1);
Here's the temporary array solution which is fully data driven.
Store the number of terms in a macro variable to assign the length of arrays
Load terms to search into a temporary array
Loop through for each word and search the terms
Exit loop if you find the term to help speed up the process
proc sql noprint;
select count(*) into :num_search_terms from terms;
%put &num_search_terms.;
data flagged;
*declare array;
array _search(&num_search_terms.) $ _temporary_;
*load array into memory;
if _n_ = 1 then do j=1 to &num_search_terms.;
set terms;
_search(j) = search_term;
set test;
*set flag to 0 for initial start;
flag = 0;
*loop through and craete flag;
do i=1 to &num_search_terms. while(flag=0); /*4*/
if find(team, _search(i), 'it')>0 then flag=1;
drop i j search_term ;
Not sure I totally understand what you are trying to do but if you want to add a new binary variable that indicates if any of the substrings are found just use code like:
data want;
set have;
indicator = index(term,'string1') or index(term,'string2')
... or index(term,'string27') ;
Not sure what a "vector" would be but if you had the list of terms in a dataset you could easily generate that code from the data. And then use %include to add it to your program.
filename code temp;
data _null_;
set term_list end=eof;
file code ;
if _n_ =1 then put 'indicator=' # ;
else put ' or ' #;
put 'index(term,' string :$quote. ')' #;
if eof then put ';' ;
data want;
set have;
%include code / source2;
If you did want to think about creating a macro to generate code like that then the parameters to the macro might be the two input dataset names, the two input variable names and the output variable name.

load values from datasets into arrays and use them in a datastep

I have 5 separate datasets(actually many more but i want to shorten the code) named dk33,dk34,dk35,dk51,dk63, each dataset contains a numeric field: surv_probs. I would like to load the values into 5 arrays and then use the arrays in a datastep(result), however, I need advice what is the best way to do it.
I am getting error when I use the macro: setarrays: (code below)
WARNING: The quoted string currently being processed has become more than 262 characters long. You might have unbalanced quotation
WARNING: The quoted string currently being processed has become more than 262 characters long. You might have unbalanced quotation
ERROR: Illegal reference to the array dk33_arr.
Here is the main code.
%let var1 = dk33;
%let var2 = dk34;
%let var3 = dk35;
%let var4 = dk51;
%let var5 = dk63;
%let varN = 5;
/*put length of each column into macro variables */
%macro getlength;
%do i=1 %to &varN;
proc sql noprint;
select count(surv_probs)
into : &&var&i.._rows
from work.&&var&i;
/*load values of column:surv_probs into macro variables*/
%macro readin;
%do i=1 %to &varN;
proc sql noprint;
select surv_probs
into: &&var&i.._list separated by ","
from &&var&i;
data _null_;
call execute('%readin');
call execute('%getlength');
/* create arrays*/
%macro setarrays;
%do i=1 %to 1;
array &&var&i.._arr{&&&&&&var&i.._rows};
do while(scan("&&&&&&var&i.._list",j,",") ne "");
&&var&i.._arr = scan("&&&&&&var&i.._list",j,",");
data result;
put dk33_arr(1);
* some other statements where I use the arrays*
Answer to toms question:
*macro getlength(when executed) creates 5 macro variables named: dk33_rows,dk34_rows,dk35_rows,dk51_rows,dk63_rows
*the macro readin(when executed):creates 5 macro variables dk33_list,dk34_list,dk35_list,dk51_list,dk63_list. Each containing a string which is comma separates the values from the column: eg.: 0.99994,0.1999,0.1111
*the macro setarrays creates 5 arrays,when executed, dk33_arr,dk34_arr,... holding the parsed values from the macro variables created by readin
I find that "macro arrays" like VAR1,VAR2,.... are generally more trouble than they are worth. Either keep your list of dataset names in an actual dataset and generate code from that. Or if the list is short enough put the list into a single macro variable and use %SCAN() to pull out the items as you need them.
But either way it is also better to avoid trying to write macro code that needs more than three &'s. Build up the reference in multiple steps. Build a macro variable that has the name of the macro you want to reference and then pull the value of that into another macro variable. It might take more lines of code, but you can more easily understand what is happening.
%let i=1 ;
%let mvarname=var&i;
%let dataset_name=&&&mvarname;
Before you begin using macro code (or other code generation techniques) make sure you know what code you are trying to generate. If you want to load a variable into a temporary array you can just use a DO loop. There is no need to macro code, or copying values, or even counts, into macro variables. For example instead of getting the count of the observations you could just make your temporary array larger than you expect to ever need.
data test1 ;
if _n_=1 then do;
do i=1 to nobs_dk33;
array dk33 (1000) _temporary_;
set dk33 nobs=nobs_dk33 ;
do i=1 to nobs_dk34;
array dk34 (1000) _temporary_;
set dk34 nobs=nobs_dk34 ;
* What ever you are planning to do with the DK33 and DK34 arrays ;
Or you could transpose the dataset first.
proc transpose data=dk33 out=dk33_t prefix=dk33_ ;
var surv_probs ;
Then your later step is easier since you can just use a SET statement to read in the one observation that has all of the values.
data test;
if _n_=1 then do;
set dk33_t ;
array dk33 dk33_: ;

Do loop for creating new variables in SAS

I am trying to run this code
data swati;
input facility_id$ loan_desc : $50. sys_name :$50.;
fac_001 term_loan RM_platform
fac_001 business_loan IQ_platform
fac_002 business_loan BUSES_termloan
fac_002 business_loan RM_platform
fac_003 overdrafts RM_platform
fac_003 RCF IQ_platform
fac_003 term_loan BUSES_termloan
proc contents data=swati out=contents(keep=name varnum);
proc sort data=contents;
by varnum;
data contents;
set contents ;
where varnum in (2,3);
data contents;
set contents;
summary=catx('_',name, 'summ');
data _null_;
set contents;
call symput ("name" || put(_n_ , 10. -L), name);
call symput ("summ" || put (_n_ , 10. -L), summary);
options mlogic symbolgen mprint;
%macro swati;
%do i = 1 %to 2;
proc sort data=swati;
by facility_id &&name&i.;
data swati1;
set swati;
by facility_id &&name&i.;
length &&summ&i. $50.;
retain &&summ&i.;
if first.facility_id then do;
if first.&&name&i. = last.&&name&i. then &&summ&i.=catx(',',&&name&i., &&summ&i.);
else if first.&&name&i. ne last.&&name&i. then &&summ&i.=&&name&i.;
if last.facility_id ;
This code will create two new variables loan_desc_summ and sys_name_summ which has values of the all the loans_desc in one line and the sys_names in one line seprated by comma example (term_loan, business_loan), (RM_platform, IQ_platform) But if a customer has only one loan_desc the loan_summ should only have its value twice.
The problem while running the do loop is that after running this code, I am getting the dataset with only the sys_name_summ and not the loan_desc_summ. I want the dataset with all the five variables facility_id, loan_desc, sys_name, loan_desc_summ, sys_name_summ.
Could you please help me in finding out if there is a problem in the do loop??
Your loop is always starting with the same input dataset (swati) and generating a new dataset (SWATI1). So only the last time through the loop has any effect. Each loop would need to start with the output of the previous run.
You also need to fix your logic for eliminating the duplicates.
For example you could change the macro to:
%macro swati;
data swati1;
set swati;
%do i = 1 %to 2;
proc sort data=swati1;
by facility_id &&name&i.;
data swati1;
set swati1;
by facility_id &&name&i ;
length &&summ&i $500 ;
if first.facility_id then &&summ&i = ' ' ;
if first.&&name&i then catx(',',&&summ&i,&&name&i);
if last.facility_id ;
Also your program could be a lot smaller if you just used arrays.
data want ;
set have ;
by facility_id ;
array one loan_desc sys_name ;
array two $500 loan_desc_summ sys_name_summ ;
retain loan_desc_summ sys_name_summ ;
do i=1 to dim(one);
if first.facility_id then two(i)=one(i) ;
else if not findw(two(i),one(i),',','t') then two(i)=catx(',',two(i),one(i));
if last.facility_id;
drop i loan_desc sys_name ;
If you want to make it more flexible you can put the list of variable names into a macro variable.
%let varlist=loan_desc sys_name;
You could then generate the list of new names easily.
%let varlist2=%sysfunc(tranwrd(&varlist,%str( ),_summ%str( )))_summ ;
Then you can use the macro variables in the ARRAY, RETAIN and DROP statements.

Macro to loop through variables and store results SAS

I have the following variables: A_Bldg B_Bldg C_Bldg D_Bldg. I want to multiply them by INTSF and store the result in a new variable, Sale_i. For example, A_Bldg * INTSF = Sale_A, B_Bldg * INTSF = Sale_B, and so on.
My code is:
%macro loopit(mylist);
%let n=%sysfunc(countw(&mylist));
%do J = 1 %to &n;
%let i = %scan(&mylist,&J);
data test;
set data;
sale_&i. = &i._Bldg * INTSF;
%let list = A B C D;
This only produces Sale_D, which is the last letter in the list. How do I get Sales A-C to appear? The first four lines of code are so I can loop through the text A-D. I thought about doing it with arrays, but didn't know how to choose the variables based on the A-D indicators. Thanks for your help!
You're currently looping through your list and recreating the test dataset every time, so it only appears to have sale_d because you're only viewing the last iteration.
You can clean up your loop by scanning through your list in one data step to solve your problem:
%let list = A B C D;
%macro loopit;
data test;
set data;
%do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&list.));
%let this_letter = %scan(&list., &i.);
sale_&this_letter. = &this_letter._Bldg * INTSF;
%mend loopit;
Your %DO loop is in the wrong place. But really you do not need to use macro code to do something that the native SAS code can already do.
data want;
set have ;
array in A_Bldg B_Bldg C_Bldg D_Bldg ;
array out sale_1-sale4 ;
do i=1 to dim(in);