How can I get server statistics XML of Icecast? - icecast

I'm using Icecast 2.3.3 on Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS.
I want to display currently played song title and its artist name on Apache run on the same server as Icecast.
How can I get server statistics XML of Icecast as described at the following page?

If you want the XML representation, you'll either have to access http://localhost:8000/admin/stats with admin credentials or place a custom XSLT sheet in /usr/share/icecast2/web.
For current versions of Icecast this should not be necessary, but if you want to deeply customize things, this is retained for reference.
You can find old and potentially outdated example XSLT files here:
A file that produces XML output is here:
All you need to do is edit the mountpoint name in the file to match the name of the mountpoint you want information for.
Or you could just install the official package of latest Icecast:
As it provides a JSON API. It can even be queried directly from within a web page without necessitating any server side code.


Where are Postman collections saved?

Where does the standalone Postman client for Windows save collections when working offline?
To clarify, I want to find where Postman saves collection files to by default when online syncing is disabled. I am not trying to export my collection as a JSON file.
I've looked in %LocalAppData%, My Documents, and Program Files, but I don't see where Postman saves its collection data.
It looks like Postman uses LevelDB. On Windows, I found my Postman DB located at:
ps: %HOMEPATH% is path for C:\Users\xxxx\
also worth mentioning: %APPDATA% is a shortcut for C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\
According to Piere F, macOS users can find it under:
~/Library/Application Support/Postman/IndexedDB
ps: Note ~ is path for /Users/userAccount/
According to David, Ubuntu users can find it under:
Postman is using Chromium offline storage capabilities because at the end it's a SPA running inside Chromium (Electron technology).
From Postman's top menubar:
Select View → Show Dev Tools
Select the Application tab
In the sidebar, open Storage → IndexedDB → postman - file:// → collection_requests
In windows, postman v9.6.2 I was able to restore collections by pasting the IndexedDB folder in the following path:
On Mac: The json files were automatically backed up (/Users//Library/Application Support/Postman/backup-YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ.json) but it is not documented anywhere.
You just have to reimport them
This support documentation helped me recover my collections after the postman application stopped working.
If you weren't logged in to the app and using it offline or in the
Scratch Pad mode then your data won't get synced to our servers and
stays local to your instance. In this case, try following the steps
Look for the backup files under the following folder:
%appdata%\Postman\​for Windows ~/Library/Application
Support/Postman​for macOS ~/.config/Postman​ for Linux
Backup file names will be similar to
backup-2020-02-26T23-13-43.082Z.json (date or time will be different
for you).
Alternatively, if you just want to look at the collection, you can export it into json format from the collection menu.
We work offline. So for Postman Scratchpad (official offline usage):
On Windows: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\Postman\Partitions\
On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Postman/Partitions/
Simply backup or share the entire directory when you want to synch.
For the version Postman from Google Chrome extension, you need copy all files from path:
"%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Storage\ext\fhbjgbiflinjbdggehcddcbncdddomop\def\IndexedDB\chrome-extension_..."
The files inside path above contains all history and collections from Postman
Linux Chrome or Chromium Postman extension storage path Location
If you are using a snapped Postman on Linux, let me save you some time.
Copy all the content from your source snapped Postman UNDER (as the target GUID can be different)
/home/username/snap/postman/<id>/.config/Postman/Partitions/<standalone GUID>
to your target snapped Postman UNDER
/home/username/snap/postman/<a different id>/.config/Postman/Partitions/<a different standalone GUID>
Make sure you respect the target postman id and partition GUID.
You have to back up your old Postman
Then copy it to the same location of the new Postman installation.
This will recover all your collections.
In Debian-like systems, using Postman v7, I found a backup of all the collections and environments saved as JSON in ~/.config/Postman with the prefix backup-.
eg: ~/.config/Postman/backup-timestamp.json
Also, found a recent support article in Postman documentation:
How to recover my data
Windows 10, I copy these folder to another and worked.
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\IndexedDB\chrome-extension_coohjcphdfgbiolnekdpbcijmhambjff_0.indexeddb.leveldb

Can a MediaWiki site running on Apache Tomcat be transferred to SharePoint 2013?

I have a requirement to transfer an internal media wiki site which is running on Cent OS server, Apache tomcat webserver to Sharepoint 2013.
Is it possible to migrate if yes how to proceed with that?
In general, the answer is no, unless your MediaWiki system contains only trivially basic articles.
MediaWiki and SharePoint are completely different products. They are not compatible in any special way. MediaWiki is a wiki with hundreds of features and behaviors that do not exist in SharePoint, not even in SharePoint's wiki product. Examples are:
A thousand configuration variables
Many extensions (plugins) that affect the content
Now, if your wiki content is completely trivial and you don't care about any of MediaWiki's rich features, you can dump all your articles to HTML files (say, using wget or similar) and try to import them into SharePoint somehow. You'll still need to handle embedded images (anything in the File: namespace) specially, however. Your HTML files will contain links to the images, and you'll need to change those links to point to the images' new location in SharePoint.
Alternatively, if you're running SharePoint in house (i.e., not as SaaS) on a Windows server, you could install MediaWiki on that server and pretend it's part of SharePoint. :-)
On hearing your question, I can't help but wonder what you're trying to accomplish. Does somebody in your organization just not like MediaWiki (or Linux)? Maybe they don't understand MediaWiki. (That's likely, if they think it can be migrated into SharePoint.) Anyway, good luck!

Read data from different system in different format, like xml, csv, database, etc in IBM BPM

I am very new to IBM BPM. I want to know how can i read/write data from/to different system to IBM BPM ? What are the different formats supported ? like xml, csv, database, WSDL etc. ??
Let us suppose I have a system from where i can get some data, may be in the form of xml, csv or database, etc (without WSDL contract. Now I want to create an interface in my IBM BPM, which can be used to read/extract data from above mentioned system. Is this possible without a WSDL contract ?
IBM BPM provides out of the box connectors for both the standard (BPMN) and advanced (BPEL) products. For BPM Standard the System Data Toolkit has built in ready to go integration points for databases, SOAP, XML parsing, HTTP requests, and more. There are a few examples of connectors in the L2-SampleApps project. There are more here on the BPM Tutorials page and here. and a full PDF of simple how to samples.
For the advanced side, there are some example here which have code you can review for connecting to various outside systems.
When you say "import from a remote location" which of the following do you mean
A user looking at a coach and uploading to the server from their computer
A user lookking at a coach and uploading to the server from a network location
A user looking at a coach and selecting from a location on the BPM server
The server accessing a file on its file system
The server accessing a file on another file system
If it is one of the coach options, you could use the file upload widget for coaches and then parse the file that is uploaded from the file repository using one of the open source java packages that allow reading of excel spreadsheets.
You can get this information here:

Push OO or xslt doc to google drive from django

I use pod to generate reports from django. A very smart solution, I enjoy it.
But pod solution required an Open Office (or LibreOffice) installation on client desktop (or server side).
To avoid Open Office software I will hope to send report to google drive as a new (or existing) doc from a django app (or python ...).
Someone would to share expertise with this kind of issue? Else, What would be the steps to publish a google doc from django app?
If your Python app can produce a csv file, you can upload it to Google Docs using the Documents List API and convert it into a Spreadsheet:
Many other file formats can be imported, please check the docs for more details.

Sharepoint web services to edit existing list from desktop

Perhaps I am not asking or searching for this correctly:
I want to have a desktop script (currently using python) that will update a list on a sharepoint site.
The current script reads various file shares, ftp sites and a ArcGIS database to determine which metadata files have been updated and published. The script then writes all these results to a Excel spreadsheet.
We would like to do the same thing, but keep the data in a Share Point list instead of a spreadsheet. We don't need to upload any files (which is what I keep running across in my search) but just update or add to a list.
We could care less about what language or tools we use, we just don't have access to any custom coding on the Share Point server.
You should be able to use the lists webservice on the Sharepoint server,
the url is normally:
you are looking at the UpdateListItems webservice call. I don't know python but I use C# and work with sharepoint every day you can find a working example on MSDN on a Windows app to call the web service.