Replace element in string after first occurrence - regex

I wish to replace all 2's in a string after the first occurrence of a 2, ideally using regex in base R. This seems like it must be a duplicate, but I cannot locate the answer.
Here is an example: <- read.table(text='
', header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
desired.result <- read.table(text='
', header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
my.last.2 <- c(4, 9, 5, 2, NA)
Thank you for any assistance.

This appears to match your desired output:
> gsub(pattern = "(?<=2)(.*?)2",
replacement = "\\1\\.",
x =$my.string,
perl = TRUE)
[1] ".1.2......" "..1..1..2." "1.1.2....." ".2....3..." "..1..1...."
This is literally a directly modification from this answer to a very similar question to make it R specific. I'll be honest, I don't quite understand this regex, so use (and up-vote) with caution.

This works, but is probably inefficient:
with(, gsub("#", "2", gsub("2", ".", sub("2", "#", my.string))))
# [1] ".1.2......" "..1..1..2." "1.1.2....." ".2....3..." "..1..1...."
Approach: Use sub to only match the first occurrence and change it to # (or some other placeholder character which doesn't show up elsewhere in my.string, then use gsub to replace all remaining 2s, then gsub # back into 2.


Regexp in R to match everything in between first and last occurene of some specified character

I'd like to match everything between the first and last underscore. I use R.
What I have until now is this:
p.subject <- c('bla_bla', 'bla', 'bla_bla_bla', 'bla_bla_bla_bla')
sub('[^_]*_(.*)_[^_]*', x = p.subject, replacement = '\\1', perl = T)
Where 'bla' is any character except an underscore...
The result I'd like would be something like this:
c(NA, NA, bla, bla_bla)
I can't figure it out! Why does the first pattern match? It shouldn't because the pattern must have 2 underscores! Or do I have to use some kind of lookahead expression?
Your help is very welcome!
You can use gsub:
vec <- gsub("(^[^_]+)_?|_?([^_]+$)", "", p.subject)
vec <- ifelse(nchar(vec) == 0 , NA, vec)
[1] NA NA "bla" "bla_bla"
c("bla_bla", "bla", "bla_bla_bla", "bla_bla_bla_bla")
Here is another option using str_extract. We use regex lookarounds to extract the pattern between the first and the last occurrence of a specified character i.e. _.
str_extract(p.subject, "(?<=[^_]{1,30}_).*(?=_[^_]+)")
#[1] NA NA "bla" "bla_bla"
NOTE: We didn't use any ifelse.
p.subject <- c('bla_bla', 'bla', 'bla_bla_bla', 'bla_bla_bla_bla')

Using regular expressions in R to extract information from string

I searched the stack overflow a little and all I found was, that regex in R are a bit tricky and not convenient compared to Perl or Python.
My problem is the following. I have long file names with informations inside. The look like the following:
I want to extract the parts from the filename and convert them conveniently into values, for example the first part is a date, the second is machine abbreviation, the next an institute abbreviation, group abbreviation, sample number(s) etc...
What I do at the moment is constructing a regex, to make (almost) sure, I grep the correct part of the string:
regex <- '([:digit:]{8})_([:alnum:]{1,4})_([:upper:]+)_ etc'
Then I use sub to save each snipped into a variable:
date <- sub(regex, '\\1', filename)
machine <- sub(regex, '\\2', filename)
This works, if the filename has the correct convention. It is overall very hard to read and I am search for a more convenient way of doing the work. I thought about splitting the filename by _ and accessing the string by index might be a good solution. But sometimes, since the filenames often get created by hand, there are terms missing or additional information in the names and I am looking for a better solution to this.
Can anyone suggest a better way of doing so?
What I want to create is an object, which has all the information of the filenames extracted and accessible... such as my_object$machine or so....
The help page for ?regex actually gives an example that is exactly equivalent to Python's re.match(r"(?P<first_name>\w+) (?P<last_name>\w+)", "Malcolm Reynolds") (as per your comment):
## named capture
notables <- c(" Ben Franklin and Jefferson Davis",
"\tMillard Fillmore")
#name groups 'first' and 'last'
name.rex <- "(?<first>[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+) (?<last>[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+)"
(parsed <- regexpr(name.rex, notables, perl = TRUE))
gregexpr(name.rex, notables, perl = TRUE)[[2]] <- function(res, result) {
m <-, lapply(seq_along(res), function(i) {
if(result[i] == -1) return("")
st <- attr(result, "capture.start")[i, ]
substring(res[i], st, st + attr(result, "capture.length")[i, ] - 1)
colnames(m) <- attr(result, "capture.names")
}, parsed)
The normal way (i.e. the R way) to extract from a string is the following:
text <- "Malcolm Reynolds"
x <- gregexpr("\\w+", text) #Don't forget to escape the backslash
regmatches(text, x)
[1] "Malcolm" "Reynolds"
You can use however Perl-style group naming by using argument perl=TRUE:
regexpr("(?P<first_name>\\w+) (?P<last_name>\\w+)", text, perl=TRUE)
However regmatches does not support it, hence the need to create your own function to handle that, which is given in the help page: <- function(res, result) {
m <-, lapply(seq_along(res), function(i) {
if(result[i] == -1) return("")
st <- attr(result, "capture.start")[i, ]
substring(res[i], st, st + attr(result, "capture.length")[i, ] - 1)
colnames(m) <- attr(result, "capture.names")
Applied to your example:
text <- "Malcolm Reynolds"
x <- regexpr("(?P<first_name>\\w+) (?P<last_name>\\w+)", text, perl=TRUE), x)
first_name last_name
[1,] "Malcolm" "Reynolds"
To go back to your initial problem:
filenames <- c("20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1234_hs_IP_NON_060.raw", "20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1234-1235_hs_IP_NON_060.raw", "20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1236_hs_IP_NON_060_some_other_info.raw", "20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1237_hs_IP_NON_060")
regex <- '(?P<date>[[:digit:]]{8})_(?P<machine>[[:alnum:]]{1,4})_(?P<whatev>[[:upper:]]+)'
x <- regexpr(regex,filenames,perl=TRUE),x)
date machine whatev
[1,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"
[2,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"
[3,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"
[4,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"

Replace parts of string using package stringi (regex)

I have some string
string <- "abbccc"
I want to replace the chains of the same letter to just one letter and number of occurance of this letter. So I want to have something like this:
I use stringi package to do this, but it doesn't work exactly like I want. Let's say I already have vector with parts for replacement:
vector <- c("b2", "c3")
stri_replace_all_regex(string, "([a-z])\\1{1,8}", vector)
The output:
[1] "ab2b2" "ac3c3"
The output I want: [1] "ab2c3"
I also tried this way
stri_replace_all_regex(string, "([a-z])\\1{1,8}", vector, vectorize_all=FALSE)
but i get error
Error in stri_replace_all_regex(string, "([a-z])\\1{1,8}", vector, vectorize_all = FALSE) :
vector length not consistent with other arguments
Not regex but astrsplit and rle with some paste magic:
string <- c("abbccc", "bbaccc", "uffff", "aaabccccddd")
sapply(lapply(strsplit(string, ""), rle), function(x) {
paste(x[[2]], ifelse(x[[1]] == 1, "", x[[1]]), sep="", collapse="")
## [1] "ab2c3" "b2ac3" "uf4" "a3bc4d3"
Not a stringi solution and not a regex either, but you can do it by splitting the string and using rle:
string <- "abbccc"
#[1] "ab2c3"

Eliminating the characters that are not a date in R

I have some data frame, df with a column with dates that are in the following format:
01/01/13 00:00:00
03/01/13 00:02:03
04/03/13 00:10:15
I would like to eliminate the timestamp, just leaving the date (e.g. 01/01/13 for the first row). I have tried both using sapply() to apply the strsplit() function, and tried to filter the content using a regex, but don't seem to have quite gotten it right in either case. This:
sapply(pv$day, function(x) strsplit(toString(x), ' '))
gives me the column with the correct split, but indexing with either [1] or [[1]] does not return the first element of the split.
What is the best way to go about this?
You can use sub:
vec <- c("01/01/13 00:00:00", "03/01/13 00:02:03", "04/03/13 00:10:15")
sub(" .+", "", vec)
# [1] "01/01/13" "03/01/13" "04/03/13"
A simple, flexible solution is to use strptime and strftime. Here is an example that uses your dates from the example above:
# Your dates
t <- c("01/01/13 00:00:00","03/01/13 00:02:03", "04/03/13 00:10:15")
# Convert character strings to dates
z <- strptime(t, "%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%OS")
# Convert dates to string, omitting the time <- strftime(z,"%d/%m/%y")
# Print the first date[1]
Here's a nice way to use sapply, it uses strsplit to split at the space
> d <- c("01/01/13 00:00:00", "03/01/13 00:02:03", "04/03/13 00:10:15")
> sapply(strsplit(d, " "), `[`, 1)
# [1] "01/01/13" "03/01/13" "04/03/13"
And also, you could use stringr::word if you just want a character vector.
> library(stringr)
> word(d)
# [1] "01/01/13" "03/01/13" "04/03/13"
Here is an approach using a look around assertion:
vec <- c("01/01/13 00:00:00", "03/01/13 00:02:03", "04/03/13 00:10:15")
gsub(pattern = "(?=00).*$", replacement = "", vec, perl = TRUE)
[1] "01/01/13 " "03/01/13 " "04/03/13 "
The pattern looks for anything at the end of a string that begins with double 00, and removes it.

dynamic regex in R

The below code works so long as before and after strings have no characters that are special to a regex:
before <- 'Name of your Manager (note "self" if you are the Manager)' #parentheses cause problem in regex
after <- 'CURRENT FOCUS'
pattern <- paste0(c('(?<=', before, ').*?(?=', after, ')'), collapse='')
ex <- regmatches(x, gregexpr(pattern, x, perl=TRUE))
Does R have a function to escape strings to be used in regexes?
In Perl, there is for doing exactly that. If the doc is correct when it says
Returns the value of EXPR with all the ASCII non-"word" characters backslashed. (That is, all ASCII characters not matching /[A-Za-z_0-9]/ will be preceded by a backslash in the returned string, regardless of any locale settings.)
then you can achieve the same by doing:
quotemeta <- function(x) gsub("([^A-Za-z_0-9])", "\\\\\\1", x)
And your pattern should be:
pattern <- paste0(c('(?<=', quotemeta(before), ').*?(?=', quotemeta(after), ')'),
Quick sanity check:
a <- "he'l(lo)"
grepl(a, a)
# [1] FALSE
grepl(quotemeta(a), a)
# [1] TRUE
Use \Q...\E to surround the verbatim subpatterns:
# test data
before <- "A."
after <- ".Z"
x <- c("", "ABxyzYZ")
pattern <- sprintf('(?<=\\Q%s\\E).*?(?=\\Q%s\\E)', before, after)
which gives:
> gregexpr(pattern, x, perl = TRUE) > 0
dnagirl, such a function exists and is glob2rx
a <- "he'l(lo)"
tt <- glob2rx(a)
# [1] "^he'l\\(lo)$"
before <- 'Name of your Manager (note "self" if you are the Manager)'
tt <- glob2rx(before)
# [1] "^Name of your Manager \\(note \"self\" if you are the Manager)$"
You can just remove the "^" and "$" from the strings by doing:
substr(tt, 2, nchar(tt)-1)
# [1] "he'l\\(lo)"