Using regular expressions in R to extract information from string - regex

I searched the stack overflow a little and all I found was, that regex in R are a bit tricky and not convenient compared to Perl or Python.
My problem is the following. I have long file names with informations inside. The look like the following:
I want to extract the parts from the filename and convert them conveniently into values, for example the first part is a date, the second is machine abbreviation, the next an institute abbreviation, group abbreviation, sample number(s) etc...
What I do at the moment is constructing a regex, to make (almost) sure, I grep the correct part of the string:
regex <- '([:digit:]{8})_([:alnum:]{1,4})_([:upper:]+)_ etc'
Then I use sub to save each snipped into a variable:
date <- sub(regex, '\\1', filename)
machine <- sub(regex, '\\2', filename)
This works, if the filename has the correct convention. It is overall very hard to read and I am search for a more convenient way of doing the work. I thought about splitting the filename by _ and accessing the string by index might be a good solution. But sometimes, since the filenames often get created by hand, there are terms missing or additional information in the names and I am looking for a better solution to this.
Can anyone suggest a better way of doing so?
What I want to create is an object, which has all the information of the filenames extracted and accessible... such as my_object$machine or so....

The help page for ?regex actually gives an example that is exactly equivalent to Python's re.match(r"(?P<first_name>\w+) (?P<last_name>\w+)", "Malcolm Reynolds") (as per your comment):
## named capture
notables <- c(" Ben Franklin and Jefferson Davis",
"\tMillard Fillmore")
#name groups 'first' and 'last'
name.rex <- "(?<first>[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+) (?<last>[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+)"
(parsed <- regexpr(name.rex, notables, perl = TRUE))
gregexpr(name.rex, notables, perl = TRUE)[[2]] <- function(res, result) {
m <-, lapply(seq_along(res), function(i) {
if(result[i] == -1) return("")
st <- attr(result, "capture.start")[i, ]
substring(res[i], st, st + attr(result, "capture.length")[i, ] - 1)
colnames(m) <- attr(result, "capture.names")
}, parsed)
The normal way (i.e. the R way) to extract from a string is the following:
text <- "Malcolm Reynolds"
x <- gregexpr("\\w+", text) #Don't forget to escape the backslash
regmatches(text, x)
[1] "Malcolm" "Reynolds"
You can use however Perl-style group naming by using argument perl=TRUE:
regexpr("(?P<first_name>\\w+) (?P<last_name>\\w+)", text, perl=TRUE)
However regmatches does not support it, hence the need to create your own function to handle that, which is given in the help page: <- function(res, result) {
m <-, lapply(seq_along(res), function(i) {
if(result[i] == -1) return("")
st <- attr(result, "capture.start")[i, ]
substring(res[i], st, st + attr(result, "capture.length")[i, ] - 1)
colnames(m) <- attr(result, "capture.names")
Applied to your example:
text <- "Malcolm Reynolds"
x <- regexpr("(?P<first_name>\\w+) (?P<last_name>\\w+)", text, perl=TRUE), x)
first_name last_name
[1,] "Malcolm" "Reynolds"
To go back to your initial problem:
filenames <- c("20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1234_hs_IP_NON_060.raw", "20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1234-1235_hs_IP_NON_060.raw", "20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1236_hs_IP_NON_060_some_other_info.raw", "20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1237_hs_IP_NON_060")
regex <- '(?P<date>[[:digit:]]{8})_(?P<machine>[[:alnum:]]{1,4})_(?P<whatev>[[:upper:]]+)'
x <- regexpr(regex,filenames,perl=TRUE),x)
date machine whatev
[1,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"
[2,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"
[3,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"
[4,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"


Extracting hashtags AND attached string elements (IF ANY) with regular expressions AND positive lookarounds and lookbehinds in r

I'd like to create a function in r using regular expressions that extracts hashtags (and one for #'s as well) but checks to see if its a part of a string and return those parts of that string. I'm still picking up hashtags (and #'s) and so I'm assuming that I'm not picking up pure hashtag strings (#word) because this is after using a function to remove URLs, emails, hashtags, and #'s via:
clean.text <- function(x){
x <- gsub("http[^[:space:]]+"," ", x)
x <- gsub("([_+A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[_+A-Za-z0-9-]+)*#[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[A-Za-z]{2,14}))","", x)
x <- gsub("\\s#[[:alnum:]_]+"," ", x)
x <- gsub("\\s#[^[:space:]]+"," ", x)
So I'd like to know what parts of the string are attached to the hashtags (and #'s) because I'm still getting hashtags (and #'s) when use the following on my cleaned text.
findHash2 <- function(x){
m <- gregexpr("(#\\w+)", x, perl=TRUE)
w <- unlist(regmatches(x,m))
op <- paste(w,collapse=" ")
findAT2 <- function(x){
m <- gregexpr("#(\\w+)", x, perl=TRUE)
w <- unlist(regmatches(x,m))
op <- paste(w,collapse=" ")
Note: again, this is after I apply my clean.text function to my text. Would it be something like this?
findHash1 <- function(x){
m <- gregexpr("(?<=^)#\\w+(?=$)", x, perl=TRUE)
w <- unlist(regmatches(x, m))
return(paste(w, collapse=" "))
UPDATE Example
x <- "yp#MonicaSarkar: RT #saultracey: Sun kissed .....#olmpicrings at #towerbridge #london2012 # Tower Bridge
x <-I don'nt#know #It would %%%%#be #best if#you just.idk#provided/a fewexample#character! strings# #my#&^( 160,000+posts#in #of text #my) #data is#so huge!# (some# that #should match#and some that #shouldn't) and post# the desired#output.#We'll take it from there."
As for the desired output, I guess something like:
[1] yp#MonicaSarkar: #saultracey: .....#olmpicrings
Or in the second example:
[1] don'nt#know if#you 160,000+posts#in %%%%#be fewexample#character!
Ultimately, I'd like to see what's attached to the hash tags.
I'd like to use a function or functions that would extract a hashtag (another function or set of functions for #'s) if part of a string in three scenarios and presented my attempt at the first: one that says it must be preceded and followed by one or more characters, another that matches if only followed by one or more characters and a third that matches only if preceded by one or more characters. That is: one that would match the string hashtag only if it's at the middle not if it's present at the start or at the end of a string, one that would match the string only if it's present at the start, and one that would match the string if it's present at the end.
Would three functions like I discussed need to be created for that type of procedure or could it be combined into one?

Sequentially replace multiple places matching single pattern in a string with different replacements

Using stringr package, it is easy to perform regex replacement in a vectorized manner.
Question: How can I do the following:
Replace every word in
to different replacements, e.g. increasing numbers
Note that simple separators cannot be assumed, the practical use case is more complicated.
stringr::str_replace_all does not seem to work because it
str_replace_all(x, "(\\w+)", 1:7)
produces a vector for each replacement applied to all words, or it has
uncertain and/or duplicate input entries so that
str_replace_all(x, c("hello" = "1", "world" = "2", ...))
will not work for the purpose.
Here's another idea using gsubfn. The pre function is run before the substitutions and the fun function is run for each substitution:
x <- "hello,world??your,make|[]world,hello,pos"
p <- proto(pre = function(t) t$v <- 0, # replace all matches by 0
fun = function(t, x) t$v <- v + 1) # increment 1
gsubfn("\\w+", p, x)
Which gives:
[1] "1,2??3,4|[]5,6,7"
This variation would give the same answer since gsubfn maintains a count variable for use in proto functions:
pp <- proto(fun = function(...) count)
gsubfn("\\w+", pp, x)
See the gsubfn vignette for examples of using count.
I would suggest the "ore" package for something like this. Of particular note would be and ore.subst, the latter of which can accept a function as the replacement value.
x <- "hello,world??your,make|[]world,hello,pos"
## Match all and replace with the sequence in which they are found
ore.subst("(\\w+)", function(i) seq_along(i), x, all = TRUE)
# [1] "1,2??3,4|[]5,6,7"
## Create a cool ore object with details about what was extracted"(\\w+)", x, all = TRUE)
# match: hello world your make world hello pos
# context: , ?? , |[] , ,
# number: 1==== 2==== 3=== 4=== 5==== 6==== 7==
Here a base R solution. It should also be vectorized.
#split x into single chars
#find all char positions and replace them with "a"
x_split[gregexpr("\\w", x)[[1]]]="a"
#find all runs of "a"
#replace run lengths by 1
#replace run values by increasing number
#use inverse.rle on the modified rle object and collapse string
#[1] "1,2??3,4|[]5,6,7"

Replace parts of string using package stringi (regex)

I have some string
string <- "abbccc"
I want to replace the chains of the same letter to just one letter and number of occurance of this letter. So I want to have something like this:
I use stringi package to do this, but it doesn't work exactly like I want. Let's say I already have vector with parts for replacement:
vector <- c("b2", "c3")
stri_replace_all_regex(string, "([a-z])\\1{1,8}", vector)
The output:
[1] "ab2b2" "ac3c3"
The output I want: [1] "ab2c3"
I also tried this way
stri_replace_all_regex(string, "([a-z])\\1{1,8}", vector, vectorize_all=FALSE)
but i get error
Error in stri_replace_all_regex(string, "([a-z])\\1{1,8}", vector, vectorize_all = FALSE) :
vector length not consistent with other arguments
Not regex but astrsplit and rle with some paste magic:
string <- c("abbccc", "bbaccc", "uffff", "aaabccccddd")
sapply(lapply(strsplit(string, ""), rle), function(x) {
paste(x[[2]], ifelse(x[[1]] == 1, "", x[[1]]), sep="", collapse="")
## [1] "ab2c3" "b2ac3" "uf4" "a3bc4d3"
Not a stringi solution and not a regex either, but you can do it by splitting the string and using rle:
string <- "abbccc"
#[1] "ab2c3"

How can you increment a gsub() replacement string?

Assume a data frame has many columns that all say “bonus”. The goal is to rename each bonus column uniquely with an appended number. Example data:
string <- c("bonus", "bonus", "bonus", "bonus")
[1] "bonus" "bonus" "bonus" "bonus"
Desired column name output:
[1] "bonus1" "bonus2" "bonus3" "bonus4"
Assume you don’t know how many bonus columns there are be so you cannot simply paste from 1 to that number of columns to each bonus column name.
The following approach works but seems inelegant and seems too hard-coded:
bonus.count <- nrow(count(grep(pattern = "bonus", x = string)))
string.numbered <- paste0(string, seq(from = 1, to = bonus.count, 1)
How can the gsub function (or another regex-based function) substitute an incremented number? Along the lines of
string.gsub.numbered <- gsub(pattern = "bonus", replacement = "bonusincremented by one until no more bonuses", x = string)
As far as I know, gsub can't run any sort of function over each result, but using regexpr and regmatches makes this pretty easy
string <- c("bonus", "bonus", "bonus", "bonus")
m <- regexpr("bonus",string)
regmatches(string,m) <- paste0(regmatches(string,m), 1:length(m))
# [1] "bonus1" "bonus2" "bonus3" "bonus4"
The nice part is that regmatches allows for assignment so it's easy to swap out the matched values.
1) Using string defined in the question we can write:
paste0(string, seq_along(string))
2) If what you really have is something like this:
string2 <- "As a bonus we got a bonus coupon."
and you want to change that to "As a bonus1 we got a bonus2 coupon." then gsubfn in the gsubfn package can do that. Below, the fun method of the p proto object will be applied to each occurrence of "bonus" with count automatically incremented. THe proto object p automatically saves the state of count between matches to allow this:
string2 <- "As a bonus we got a bonus coupon." # test data
p <- proto(fun = function(this, x) paste0(x, count))
gsubfn("bonus", p, string2)
[1] "As a bonus1 we got a bonus2 coupon."
There are additional exxamples in the proto vignette.

Convert string of accounting data into integers (positive and negative)

I have a data formatted in the "accounting" style from Excel that look like ($317.40) or $13,645.48. As a regexp newbie, I'm looking for a more efficient way of removing all useless symbols and converting strings with parentheses into negative numbers.
Here's how I've been doing it so far:
spending$Amount <- gsub("^[(]", "-", spending$Amount)
spending$Amount <- gsub("[$]", "", spending$Amount)
spending$Amount <- gsub("[)]", "", spending$Amount)
spending$Amount <- as.numeric(gsub("[,]", "", spending$Amount))
Can I do this in one line? Is there a specialized R package that can do it?
A nested gsub solution
x <- c("($317.40)", "$13,645.48")
as.numeric(gsub("\\(", "-", gsub("\\)|\\$|,", "", x)))
## [1] -317.40 13645.48
## Really convoluted bad way of doing it solution
mapply(FUN = function(x,y) ifelse(x,-1,1)*as.numeric(paste(y,collapse="")), grepl('\\(',x) ,regmatches(x, gregexpr('[0-9\\.]+',x)) )