How to split expression containing brackets correctly - regex

I am trying to write an expression handler that will correctly split brackets, until today it has worked very well, but I've now encountered a problem I hadn't thought of.
I try to split the expression by the content of brackets first, once these are evaluated I replace the original content with the results and process until there are no brackets remaining.
The expression may contain marcos/variables. Macros are denoted by text wrapped in $macro$.
A typical expression:
($exampleA$ * 3) + ($exampleB$ / 2)
Macros are replaced before the expression is evaluated, the above works fine because the process is as follows:
Split expression by brackets, this results in two expressions:
$exampleA$ * 3
$exampleB$ / 2
Each expression is then evaluated, if exampleA = 3 and exampleB = 6:
$exampleA$ * 3 = 3 * 3 = 9
$exampleB$ / 2 = 6 / 2 = 3
The expression is then rebuilt using the results:
9 + 3
The final expression without any brackets is then evaluated to:
This works fine until an expressions with nested brackets is used:
((($exampleA$ * 3) + ($exampleB$ / 2) * 2) - 1)
This breaks completely because the regular expression I'm using:
Results in:
($exampleA$ * 3
$exampleB$ / 2
So how can I correctly decode this, I want the above to be broken down to:
$exampleA$ * 3
$exampleB$ / 2

I am not exactly sure what you are trying to do. If you want to match the innermost expressions, wouldn't this help?:
By the way, are the parentheses in your example unbalanced on purpose?

Traditional regex cannot handle recursive structures like nested brackets.
Depending on which regex flavor you are using, you may be able to use regex recursion. Otherwise, you will probably need a new method for parsing the groups. I think the traditional way is to represent the expression as a stack: start with an empty stack, push when you find a '(', pop when you find a ')'.

You can't really do this with regex. You really need a recursive method, like this:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Xml;
public class Program
public static void Main() {
Console.WriteLine(EvaluateExpression("(1 + 2) * 7"));
public static int EvaluateExpression(string expression) {
// Recursively evaluate parentheses as sub expressions
var expr = expression.ToLower();
while (expr.Contains("(")) {
// Find first opening bracket
var count = 1;
var pStart = expr.IndexOf("(", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
var pos = pStart + 1;
// Find matching closing bracket
while (pos < expr.Length && count > 0) {
if (expr.Substring(pos, 1) == "(") count++;
if (expr.Substring(pos, 1) == ")") count--;
// Error if no matching closing bracket
if (count > 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Closing parentheses not found.");
// Divide expression into sub expression
var pre = expr.Substring(0, pStart);
var subexpr = expr.Substring(pStart + 1, pos - pStart - 2);
var post = expr.Substring(pos, expr.Length - pos);
// Recursively evaluate the sub expression
expr = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", pre, EvaluateExpression(subexpr), post);
// Replace this line with you're own logic to evaluate 'expr', a sub expression with any brackets removed.
return (int)new DataTable().Compute(expr, null);
I'm assuming your using C# here... but you should get the idea and be able to translate it into whatever.

If you use the following regex, you can capture them as group(1). group(0) will have parenthesis included.
Hope it helps!


Replace C++ function with Regular Expression

I would like to convert the following C++ method to a regular expression match/replace string pair. Is it possible to do this in a single pass, i.e. with a single call to a regex replace method? (such as this one)
std::string f(std::string value)
if (value.length() < 3)
value = std::string("0") + value;
value = value.substr(0, value.length() - 2) + std::string(".") + value.substr(value.length() - 2, 2);
return value;
The input is a string of one or more digits.
Some examples:
f("1234") = "12.34"
f("123") = "1.23"
f("12") = "0.12"
f("1") = ".01"
The only way I've been able to achieve this so far is by using 2 steps:
1. Apply a prefix of "00" to the input string.
2. Use the following regex match/replace pair:
Match: (0*)(\d+)(\d{2})
Replace: $2.$3
My question is, can this be done in a single "pass" by only calling the Regex replace method once and without prepending anything to the string beforehand.
I believe this isn't possible with a single expression/replacement, but I'd just like someone to confirm that (or otherwise provide a solution :) ).
I hope this will help. (Change a bit again) x3.
string a_="123456";
string a = regex_replace(a_,regex("(.*)(.{2})|()"),string("$1.$2."));
//a = regex_replace(regex_replace(a,regex("^"),string("00$1$2")),regex("(.+)(.{2})"),string("$1.$2"));
//a = regex_replace("00"+a,regex("(.+)(.{2})"),string("$1.$2"));
float i=atof(a.c_str());
if(!(i))//just go here for 0-9
return 0;

Regex for parenthesis (JavaScript)

This is the regexp I created so far:
This is my test string: (2+2) + (2+3*(2+3))
The matches I get are:
I want my matches to be:
How should I modify my regular expression?
You cannot parse parentesized expressions with regular expression.
There is a mathematical proof that regular expressions can't do this.
Parenthesized expressions are a context-free grammar, and can thus be recognized by pushdown automata (stack-machines).
You can, anyway, define a regular expression that will work on any expression with less than N parentheses, with an arbitrary finite N (even though the expression will get complex).
You just need to acknowledge that your parentheses might contain another arbitrary number of parenteses.
It works like this:
\(([^()]+ matches an open parenthesis, follwed by whatever is not a parenthesis;
(\([^)]+\)[^)]*)* optionally, there may be another group, formed by an open parenthesis, with something inside it, followed by a matching closing parenthesis. Some other non-parenthesis character may follow. This can be repeated an arbitrary amount of times. Anyway, at last, there must be
)\) another closed parenthesis, which matches with the first one.
This should work for nesting depth 2. If you want nesting depth 3, you have to further recurse, allowing each of the groups I described at point (2) to have a nested parenthesized group.
Things will get much easier if you use a stack. Such as:
foundMatches = [];
mStack = [];
start = RegExp("\\(");
mid = RegExp("[^()]*[()]?");
idx = 0;
while ((idx = != -1) {
//Start a search
nidx = input.substr(idx + 1).search(mid);
while (nidx != -1 && idx + nidx < input.length) {
idx += nidx;
match = input.substr(idx).match(mid);
match = match[0].substr(-1);
if (match == "(") {
} else if (mStack.length == 1) {
nidx = input.substr(idx + 1).search(mid);
//Check the result
if (nidx != -1 && idx + nidx < input.length) {
//idx+nidx is the index of the last ")"
idx += nidx;
//The stack contains the index of the first "("
startIdx = mStack.pop();
foundMatches.push(input.substr(startIdx, idx + 1 - startIdx));
idx += 1;
How about you parse it yourself using a loop without the help of regex?
Here is one simple way:
You would have to have a variable, say "level", which keeps track of how many open parentheses you have come across so far (initialize it with a 0).
You would also need a string buffer to contain each of your matches ( e.g. (2+2) or (2+3 * (2+3)) ) .
Finally, you would need somewhere you can dump the contents of your buffer into whenever you finish reading a match.
As you read the string character by character, you would increment level by 1 when you come across "(", and decrement by 1 when you come across ")". You would then put the character into the buffer.
When you come across ")" AND the level happens to hit 0, that is when you know you have a match. This is when you would dump the contents of the buffer and continue.
This method assumes that whenever you have a "(" there will always be a corresponding ")" in the input string. This method will handle arbitrary number of parentheses.

how to solve adding with REGEX

i want to get math equation only with addition such as 1+2+3 and return its result. i have the following code, and the problem is that it doesn't deal with doubles (i cant write 2.2+3.4)
I tried to change the regex expression to ([\+-]?\d+.\d+)([\+-])(-?(\d+.\d+)) and now it doesnt deal with integers (i cant write 2+4). what should be the correct regex expression to deal with doubles and integers? thanx
the code:
regEx = new Regex(#"([\+-]?\d+)([\+-])(-?(\d+))");
m = regEx.Match(Expression, 0);
while (m.Success)
double result;
switch (m.Groups[2].Value)
case "+":
result = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[1].Value) + Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[3].Value);
if ((result < 0) || (m.Index == 0)) Expression = regEx.Replace(Expression, DoubleToString(result), 1);
else Expression = regEx.Replace(Expression, "+" + result, 1);
m = regEx.Match(Expression);
case "-":
result = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[1].Value) - Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[3].Value);
if ((result < 0) || (m.Index == 0)) Expression = regEx.Replace(Expression, DoubleToString(result), 1);
else Expression = regEx.Replace(Expression, "+" + result, 1);
m = regEx.Match(Expression);
if (Expression.StartsWith("--")) Expression = Expression.Substring(2);
return Expression;
As the comments have stated, RegEx is not a good solution to this problem. You would be much better off with either a simple split statement (if you only want to support the + and - operators), or an actual parser (if you want to support actual mathematical expressions).
But, for the sake of explaining some RegEx, your problem is that \d+.\d+ matches "one or more digits, followed by any character, followed by one or more digits." If you gave it an integer greater than 99, it would work, since you're matching . (any character) and not \. (specifically the dot character).
A simpler version would be [\d\.]+, which matches one-or-more digits-or-dots. The problems is that it allows multiple dots, so is a valid match. So what you really want is \d+\.?\d*, which matches one-or-more digits, one-or-zero dots, and zero-or-more digits. Thus 2, 2., and 2.05 are all valid matches.

Validate mathematical expressions using regular expression?

I want to validate mathematical expressions using regular expression. The mathematical expression can be this
It can be blank means nothing is entered
If specified it will always start with an operator + or - or * or / and will always be followed by a number that can have
any number of digits and the number can be decimal(contains . in between the numbers) or integer(no '.' symbol within the number).
examples : *0.9 , +22.36 , - 90 , / 0.36365
It can be then followed by what is mentioned in point 2 (above line).
examples : *0.9+5 , +22.36*4/56.33 , -90+87.25/22 , /0.36365/4+2.33
Please help me out.
Something like this should work:
Regexr Demo
^ - beginning of the string
[-+/*] - one of these operators
\d+ - one or more numbers
(\.\d+)? - an optional dot followed by one or more numbers
()* - the whole expression repeated zero or more times
You could try generating such a regex using moo and such:
(?:(?:((?:(?:[ \t]+))))|(?:((?:(?:\/\/.*?$))))|(?:((?:(?:(?<![\d.])[0-9]+(?![\d.])))))|(?:((?:(?:[0-9]+\.(?:[0-9]+\b)?|\.[0-9]+))))|(?:((?:(?:(?:\+)))))|(?:((?:(?:(?:\-)))))|(?:((?:(?:(?:\*)))))|(?:((?:(?:(?:\/)))))|(?:((?:(?:(?:%)))))|(?:((?:(?:(?:\()))))|(?:((?:(?:(?:\)))))))
This regex matches any amount of int, float, braces, whitespace, and the operators +-*/%.
However, expressions such as 2+ would still be validated by the regex, so you might want to use a parser instead.
If you want negative or positive expression you can write it like this>
And a second one
With parenthesis in expression but doesn't count the number you will need method that validate it or regex.
// the method
public static bool IsPairParenthesis(string matrixExpression)
int numberOfParenthesis = 0;
foreach (char character in matrixExpression)
if (character == '(')
if (character == ')')
if (numberOfParenthesis == 0)
{ return true; }
return false;
This is java regex, but this is only if not have any braces
Also this with braces in java code
In this case I raplace (..) to number (..), should matches without brace pattern
// without brace pattern
static Pattern numberPattern = Pattern.compile("[+\\-]?(([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\\.?)|(\\.?[0-9]+))([+\\-/*](([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\\.?)|(\\.?[0-9]+)))*");
static Pattern bracePattern = Pattern.compile("\\([^()]+\\)");
public static boolean matchesForMath(String txt) {
if (txt == null || txt.isEmpty()) return false;
txt = txt.replaceAll("\\s+", "");
if (!txt.contains("(") && !txt.contains(")")) return numberPattern.matcher(txt).matches();
if (txt.contains("(") ^ txt.contains(")")) return false;
if (txt.contains("()")) return false;
Queue<String> toBeRematch = new ArrayDeque<>();
while (toBeRematch.size() > 0) {
String line = toBeRematch.poll();
Matcher m = bracePattern.matcher(line);
if (m.find()) {
String newline = line.substring(0, m.start()) + "1" + line.substring(m.end());
String withoutBraces = line.substring(m.start() + 1, m.end() - 1);
if (!numberPattern.matcher(withoutBraces).matches()) return false;
return true;

Matching math expression with regular expression?

For example, these are valid math expressions:
a * b + c
-a * (b / 1.50)
(apple + (-0.5)) * (boy - 1)
And these are invalid math expressions:
--a *+ b # 1.5.0 // two consecutive signs, two consecutive operators, invalid operator, invalid number
-a * b + 1) // unmatched parentheses
a) * (b + c) / (d // unmatched parentheses
I have no problem with matching float numbers, but have difficulty with parentheses matching. Any idea? If there is better solution than regular expression, I'll accept as well. But regex is preferred.
I want to make some comments on my choice of the “accepted answer”, hoping that people who have the same question and find this thread will not be misled.
There are several answers I consider “accepted”, but I have no idea which one is the best. So I chose the accepted answer (almost) randomly. I recommend reading Guillaume Malartre’s answer as well besides the accepted answer. All of them give practical solutions to my question. For a somewhat rigorous/theoretical answer, please read David Thornley’s comments under the accepted answer. As he mentioned, Perl’s extension to regular expression (originated from regular language) make it “irregular”. (I mentioned no language in my question, so most answerers assumed the Perl implementation of regular expression – probably the most popular implementation. So did I when I posted my question.)
Please correct me if I said something wrong above.
Use a pushdown automaton for matching paranthesis (or just a stack ;-) )
Details for the stack solution:
while (chr available)
if chr == '(' then
push '('
if chr == ')' then
if stack.elements == 0 then
print('too many or misplaced )')
pop //from stack
end while
if (stack.elements != 0)
print('too many or misplaced(')
Even simple: just keep a counter instead of stack.
Regular expressions can only be used to recognize regular languages. The language of mathematical expressions is not regular; you'll need to implement an actual parser (e.g. LR) in order to do this.
Matching parens with a regex is quite possible.
Here is a Perl script that will parse arbitrary deep matching parens. While it will throw out the non-matching parens outside, I did not design it specifically to validate parens. It will parse arbitrarily deep parens so long as they are balanced. This will get you started however.
The key is recursion both in the regex and the use of it. Play with it, and I am sure that you can get this to also flag non matching prens. I think if you capture what this regex throws away and count parens (ie test for odd parens in the non-match text), you have invalid, unbalanced parens.
$re = qr /
( # start capture buffer 1
\( # match an opening paren
( # capture buffer 2
(?: # match one of:
(?> # don't backtrack over the inside of this group
[^()]+ # one or more
) # end non backtracking group
| # ... or ...
(?1) # recurse to opening 1 and try it again
)* # 0 or more times.
) # end of buffer 2
\) # match a closing paren
) # end capture buffer one
sub strip {
my ($str) = #_;
while ($str=~/$re/g) {
$match=$1; $striped=$2;
print "$match\n";
strip($striped) if $striped=~/\(/;
return $striped;
while(<DATA>) {
print "start pattern: $_";
while (/$re/g) {
strip($1) ;
"(apple + (-0.5)) * (boy - 1)"
"a) * (b + c) / (d"
"-a * (b / 1.50)"
start pattern: "(apple + (-0.5)) * (boy - 1)"
(apple + (-0.5))
(boy - 1)
start pattern: "((((one)two)three)four)x(one(two(three(four))))"
start pattern: "a) * (b + c) / (d"
(b + c)
start pattern: "-a * (b / 1.50)"
(b / 1.50)
I believe you will be better off implementing a real parser to accomplish what you're after.
A parser for simple mathematical expressions is "Parsing 101", and there are several examples to be found online.
Some examples include:
ANTLR: Expression Evaluator Sample (ANTLR grammars can target several languages)
pyparsing: (pyparsing is a Python library)
Lex & Yacc: (contains a PDF tutorial and sample code for a calculator)
Note that the grammar you will need for validating expressions is simpler than the examples above, since the examples also implement evaluation of the expression.
You can't use regex to do things like balance parenthesis.
This is tricky with one single regular expression, but quite easy using mixed regexp/procedural approach. The idea is to construct a regexp for the simple expression (without parenthesis) and then repeatedly replace ( simple-expression ) with some atomic string (e.g. identifier). If the final reduced expression matches the same `simple' pattern, the original expression is considered valid.
Illustration (in php).
function check_syntax($str) {
// define the grammar
$number = "\d+(\.\d+)?";
$ident = "[a-z]\w*";
$atom = "[+-]?($number|$ident)";
$op = "[+*/-]";
$sexpr = "$atom($op$atom)*"; // simple expression
// step1. remove whitespace
$str = preg_replace('~\s+~', '', $str);
// step2. repeatedly replace parenthetic expressions with 'x'
$par = "~\($sexpr\)~";
while(preg_match($par, $str))
$str = preg_replace($par, 'x', $str);
// step3. no more parens, the string must be simple expression
return preg_match("~^$sexpr$~", $str);
$tests = array(
"a * b + c",
"-a * (b / 1.50)",
"(apple + (-0.5)) * (boy - 1)",
"--a *+ b # 1.5.0",
"-a * b + 1)",
"a) * (b + c) / (d",
foreach($tests as $t)
echo $t, "=", check_syntax($t) ? "ok" : "nope", "\n";
The above only validates the syntax, but the same technique can be also used to construct a real parser.
For parenthesis matching, and implementing other expression validation rules, it is probably easiest to write your own little parser. Regular expressions are no good in this kind of situation.
Ok here's my version of parenthesis finding in ActionScript3, using this approach give a lot of traction to analyse the part before the parenthesis, inside the parenthesis and after the parenthis, if some parenthesis remains at the end you can raise a warning or refuse to send to a final eval function.
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import mx.utils.StringUtil;
public class Stackoverflow_As3RegexpExample extends Sprite
private var tokenChain:String = "2+(3-4*(4/6))-9(82+-21)"
public function Stackoverflow_As3RegexpExample() {
// remove the "\" that just escape the following "\" if you want to test outside of flash compiler.
var getGroup:RegExp = new RegExp("((?:[^\\(\\)]+)?) (?:\\() ( (?:[^\\(\\)]+)? ) (?:\\)) ((?:[^\\(\\)]+)?)", "ix") //removed g flag
while (true) {
tokenChain = replace(tokenChain,getGroup)
if ( == -1) break;
private var cummulativeEvaluable:Array = new Array()
protected function analyseGrammar(matchedSubstring:String, capturedMatch1:String, capturedMatch2:String, capturedMatch3:String, index:int, str:String):String {
trace("\nanalyseGrammar str:\t\t\t\t'"+str+"'")
trace("analyseGrammar matchedSubstring:'"+matchedSubstring+"'")
trace("analyseGrammar capturedMatchs:\t'"+capturedMatch1+"' '("+capturedMatch2+")' '"+capturedMatch3+"'")
trace("analyseGrammar index:\t\t\t'"+index+"'")
var blank:String = buildBlank(matchedSubstring.length)
// I could do soo much rigth here!
return str.substr(0,index)+blank+str.substr(index+matchedSubstring.length,str.length-1)
private function replace(str:String,regExp:RegExp):String {
var result:Object = regExp.exec(str)
if (result)
return analyseGrammar.apply(null,objectToArray(result))
return str
private function objectToArray(value:Object):Array {
var array:Array = new Array()
var i:int = 0
while (true) {
if (value.hasOwnProperty(i.toString())) {
} else {
return array
protected function buildBlank(length:uint):String {
var blank:String = ""
while (blank.length != length)
blank = blank+" "
return blank
It should trace this:
analyseGrammar str: '2+(3-4*(4/6))-9(82+-21)'
analyseGrammar matchedSubstring:'3-4*(4/6)'
analyseGrammar capturedMatchs: '3-4*' '(4/6)' ''
analyseGrammar index: '3'
analyseGrammar str: '2+( )-9(82+-21)'
analyseGrammar matchedSubstring:'2+( )-9'
analyseGrammar capturedMatchs: '2+' '( )' '-9'
analyseGrammar index: '0'
analyseGrammar str: ' (82+-21)'
analyseGrammar matchedSubstring:' (82+-21)'
analyseGrammar capturedMatchs: ' ' '(82+-21)' ''
analyseGrammar index: '0'
cummulativeEvaluable=3-4*(4/6),2+( )-9,(82+-21)