What is the .idea folder? - webstorm

When I create a project in JetBrains WebStorm, a folder called .idea gets created. Is it okay if I delete it? Will it affect my project?

When you use the IntelliJ IDE, all the project-specific settings for the project are stored under the .idea folder.
Project settings are stored with each specific project as a set of xml
files under the .idea folder. If you specify the default project
settings, these settings will be automatically used for each newly
created project.
Check this documentation for the IDE settings and here is their recommendation on Source Control and an example .gitignore file.
Note: If you are using git or some version control system, you might want to set this folder "ignore".
Example - for git, add this directory to .gitignore. This way, the application is not IDE-specific.

There is no problem in deleting this. It's not only the WebStorm IDE creating this file, but also PhpStorm and all other of JetBrains' IDEs.
It is safe to delete it but if your project is from GitLab or GitHub then you will see a warning.

As of year 2020, JetBrains suggests to commit the .idea folder.
The JetBrains IDEs (webstorm, intellij, android studio, pycharm, clion, etc.) automatically add that folder to your git repository (if there's one).
Inside the folder .idea, has been already created a .gitignore, updated by the IDE itself to avoid to commit user related settings that may contains privacy/password data.
It is safe (and usually useful) to commit the .idea folder.

It contains your local IntelliJ IDE configs. I recommend adding this folder to your .gitignore file:
# intellij configs

The reason my device was not being recognized was because my emulator was frozen.
What helped me was to wipe my emulator's data.
Android Emulator freezes
Checkout #gimme-the-411 's comment on this thread.


I deploy project on GITHUB pages not appear on browser

I deploy an angular project on GitHub successfully but when I click on the link of the project documentation appear instead of project How can I open the project on browser. the link of the project is https://khaledelmasry247.github.io/myNote/
This is Jekyll that runs by default on GitHub Pages.
You can disable it by adding the file .nojekyll in the root of your project.
More here:
I have faced the similar issue long back with my repository. You can check these steps:
navigate to repository
Go to settings of your repository
In the options section, navgate to github pages.
In the source select "root" as shown below.
Then check it once.
In order for GitHub pages to work with your project, you will need to build the angular project and push the built artifacts to your repository. You will also need to tell GitHub which directory to look at for your built files. It will look for index.html by default. Looking at your repo, it looks like you have already built your project and the files are in your gh-pages branch. You will need to do something like #KushalSeth suggests, except in your instance, you will have to change it to look at the gh-pages branch.
Click on the Settings for your project.
Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section.
Change the branch to your gh-pages branch.

Visual Studio 2017 and Git Clone

This is driving me crazy. We are using a local installation of gitlab and I'm trying to create a new remote repository from Visual Studio, for a new solution.
If I try creating the solution first, then Git clone, it complains the folder is not empty.
If I empty the folder and clone the repository, works, but then I cannot create the solution because it complains the folder is not empty.
So how the heck I am supposed to create a new clone for a new solution?! The remote repository has only readme.md file in it.
I had the same issue, and I found the same workaround (git clone empty repository, copy .git folder to my app folder, then sync).
Lately, I found that it's much simpler:
open your solution in VS
select "add to source control" (bottom right corner), then select "git"
a local .git folder is created, VS also populates .gitignore and .gitattributes, and commits.
now, you can notice that Team Explorer page shows a "Publish Git Repo" button, press it
enter an URL pointing to a non-existent git repo, e.g. "https://gitlab.com/full/path/to/myproject.git"
press "Publish" button
that's all.
Obviously, you must have installed GitLab extension for visual studio, before.

Pycharm not recognizing Django project

I've seen similar questions but they don't solve my problem.
I have a correctly installed django project. I haven't being able to make Pycharm recognize it. I can't get file name completions (i.e static files), imports from the project apps aren't recognized and neither are urls tags, can't run the server ... How can I solve this?
The problem was that I wasn't selecting the correct folder when opening the project. I opened the whole virtualenv folder with Pycharm cause I wanted quick access to the activate file in /bin where I keep my environment variables.
The solution was to delete the .idea folder and open the specific django project folder. I thought there was a workaround to this but there wasn't. The question still remains if there is a way to add the activate file in the /bin directory of the virtualenv to the project, even if it is outside the project root.

Export/Import Django project settings in PyCharm

Actually I have project with about 20 settings (Django server, Django tests, fabric tasks). Now I want to move my environment to other computer.
Is it possible to migrate all these configurations or should I create manually one by one in new PyCharm instance?
Yes there is. What you need to do, is copy everything in your project directory, including .idea folder, and pasting it to the new place that you want to place it.
Now, all you have to do is open the directory as a project using PyCharm in your new workstation.

Customize web deployment package in Visual Studio 2010

I have a WCF DataService build in VS 2010, targetting .Net 4.0. This all works fine. I've created a deployment package and have the application deployed to a web server using MSDeploy and a zip file. When I set up an automated build on a TFS Build Agent the contents of the deployment package changed. I no longer get the strong named assemblies in my deployment package. These excluded assemblies are projects within the solution and are built on the Build Server.
I don't see a lot of configuration options for the deployment package, but I would like to know why the build server creates a different package than my workstation, using the same settings.
I am using "Only files needed to run this application", I have ticked "Exclude generated debug symbols" and "Exclude files from App_Data folder". I _do_not_ include database packages. I do create a zip file (which is missing the strong named assemblies)
Thanks for any information you may have explaining why this occurs. Then maybe I can solve the problem.
On the build server I've ungaced the assemblies I was concerned about and that got my deployment package to the state I want it. So it appears the deployment package does not include the GACed assemblies, which is a good thing. I would still like to know how to override this behavior on certain referenced assemblies.
If you want to include a DLL files for a GAC assembly do the following:
In your project, expand the "References" folder
right-click on the reference you want to include the DLL and click "properties" to bring up the properties pane
set "Copy Local" to "True"
That's it! When publishing your project, it will include the DLL in the bin folder for that reference!