Grails Unit Testing Issues - unit-testing

I am having issues while testing my grails controllers, as it depends on one service which seems not to be injected. I tried several ways (for ex. Extending classess like grailsunitestcase, specification) but I keep getting errors. The thing is that that service variable is null and I cant test my controller index method (which calls a render view) due to the exception...
I really need to know how to do this but I don't have a clue where to start...

Unit tests are just that. There is no grails 'environment' surrounding your controller. If the controller makes use of a service which is normally injected, you have to mock that service yourself.
class SomeControllerSpec extends Specification
def "test some method"() {
def mockService = mockFor(SomeService)
mockService.demand.someServiceMethod() { ->
return something
controller.someService = mockService.createMock()
// whatever checks are appropriate


Spock Testing when method under test contains closure

I'm using grails plugin multi-tenant-single-db. Within that context I need to write a spock test in which we temporarily remove the tenant restrictions. Location is my Tenant, so my method looks like this:
def loadOjectDetails(){
// code here to retrieve specific items to the object to be loaded
render( template: "_loadDetails", model:[ ... ]
The method runs as expected, but trying to put method under test coverage the error output suggests that:
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: com.myPackage.myController.Location.withoutTenantRestriction() is applicable for argument types:
and a stacktrace that stems on from there.
Do I need to Stub this? The withoutTenantRestriction is a wrapper around my entire method logic.
The test code looks like this:
given: = 3002
currentUser = Mock(User)
controller.getSalesOrder >> salesOrders[2]
(1.._) controller.springSecurityService.getCurrentUser() >> currentUser
view == 'orderMange/orderManageDetail'
model.orderInstance == salesOrders[2]
Yes! You should be stubbing it as is created at run time not compile time.
You could stub it like below:
Your_Domain.metaClass.withoutTenantRestriction{Closure closure ->
This way your regular code will work in test cases. Also,as in withoutTenantRestriction it basically starts a new hibernate session, which doesn't matter much as now you have stubbed the closure, you could perform desired action in place of calling only.
Also, same could be applied to withThisTenant.
In integration tests you don't need to stub it as is loading the whole environment.
Hope it helps!!

Testing afterInsert in Grails

Simply, I have the following scenario:
class OwnedRights {
static belongsTo = [comp: Competition]
def afterInsert() {
// Erroring out here.
Event.findAllByComp(comp).each { event ->
// Do something with event.
When I attempt to save in my unit test with something like the following:
def ownedRights = new OwnedRights(params).save(flush: true, failOnError: true)
I am seeing the following stacktrace:
at org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(
at org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(
This lead to me to this Jira Issue which indicated that I was not using the #Mock annotation, however in my test, I am mocking all used domain classes:
#Mock([OwnedRights, Sport, Competition, Event])
Is this a known problem with hibernate events containing GORM logic?
Attempts to Solve
I have attempted to override the afterInsert() and beforeDelete methods by using the metaClass:
OwnedRights.metaClass.afterInsert = null;
OwnedRights.metaClass.beforeDelete = null;
OwnedRights.metaClass.afterInsert = {};
OwnedRights.metaClass.beforeDelete = {};
Both of which had no effect on the outcome. If I comment out the afterInsert event, the save works perfectly.
You are mentioning #Mock. This can only be used in unit tests, but then you should never try to test transactions in unit tests.
That's a no-no. Test transactions in an integration test. The work they did in allowing you to have an in-memory GORM implementation is wonderful, but transactions are a database feature. You just can't expect an in-memory implementation (backed by a Map!!) to behave like a database. What you are testing is the behavior of the GORM implementation for unit tests, not your actual database. So the test is useless in the real world.
I used this annotation (in unit test file) to solve the problem.
And yes, it's possible to test Service layer using unit tests (but some of GORM methods may not be available, depending of your Grails version)

how to mock a service method inside a controller for unit testing in grails using JUnit and when to use mockController

Help me understand how to mock a service method inside a controller for unit testing in grails using JUnit
I was trying to write a unit test case for my controller "add".
void testAdd_UT_03(){
......declaring and assigning prerequisites
controller.add() // This is the controller i want to unit test
.... asserting
def add{
def a =someService.method()
Inside controller, some service methods are getting called which in turn is using HQL statements. Since i could not find a way to deal with HQL statements in unit testing, i want to mock the service method itself. ( i want the service method to return the predefined output).
Could someone please explain how to achieve this?
Could you also explain when to use mockController? what we really achieve by mocking something? ( i dint get the real picture as i am entirely new to this)
Thanks in advance,
you can add the following code in the setUp method of your test to mock the service method and when you call the method "add" method on your controller it will call the mocked service method.
def predifinedOutput
void setUp(){
def mockControl = mockFor(YourService)
//params are the parameters passed to the service method
mockControl.demand.yourServiceMethod(0..10) { params->
predifnedOutput = "predifinedOutput"
return "predefined output"
controller.yourService = mockControl.createMock()

How do I write test(s) for this in Symfony?

I'm about to delve into test in the PHP world and I have some questions. I have a controller which handles a loan application. The bulk of the work is then delegated to a ProcessLoanApplication class.
class ApplyController extends Controller
public function indexAction(Request $request)
$form = $this->createForm(new LoanApplication());
if($request->getMethod() == 'POST') {
if($form->isValid()) {
$session = $this->getRequest()->getSession();
$loan_app_processor = new Tasks\ProcessLoanApplication($form, $session);
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('apply_thanks'));
class ProcessLoanApplication
private $_QuickBaseModels;
private $_session;
private $_app; // submitted form data
private $_existingApp = false; // holds existing application in QB, if it exists
public function __construct(Form $form, Session $session)
$this->_app = $form->getNormData();
$this->_session = $session;
// save the form data to a session
$session->set('application', $this->_app);
// create the quickbase table models objects
$this->_QuickBaseModels['GenFnHome\Application'] = new GenFnHome\Application();
$this->_QuickBaseModels['GenFnHome\SSN'] = new GenFnHome\SSN();
public function process()
$this->_existingApp = $this->_getExistingApplication();
$app_status = $this->_existingApp[GenFnHome\SSN::LogInApplicationStatus];
if(!$this->_existingApp || ($this->_existingApp && ($app_status !== 'PENDING' && $app_status !== 'OPEN' && $app_status !== 'EXPIRED')))
return $this->_saveNewLoanApplication();
if($app_status == 'EXPIRED') $this->_reOpenApplication();
There's a lot going on here, so I will outline it first:
User makes a requests for the application
Application form is validated
If valid, process loan application
Check if the user already has an app, if so - do X, if not Y
The application is persisted in an 'online database' (QuickBase) that my application communicates with via XML over HTTP (in other words, there is no real db)
My questions to the community:
What should be tested here? I know it is largely up to me, but perhaps the community can recommend some baseline tests that should def be written. Should I be testing the controller, the processor class, and the QuickBase class?
Should my tests be independent of one another - meaning, I should test each component individually, rather than have one massive testApplication that does everything the indexAction does and just looks for the expected sessions vars that get set?
Finally, how does one test API calls (request / response) without actually making real request (I'm using PHPUnit).
Anything else I should know?
What should be tested here? I know it is largely up to me, but perhaps the community can recommend some baseline tests that should def be written. Should I be testing the controller, the processor class, and the QuickBase class?
I recommend to test every class you build. If you are using Test Driven Development, the test declares what you are building, no test no code.
Should my tests be independent of one another - meaning, I should test each component individually, rather than have one massive testApplication that does everything the indexAction does and just looks for the expected sessions vars that get set?
Every Unit test should be isolated and should only test the Class that you are testing. You should use Mock object (use the PHPunit mock library or other 3th party libraries as Mockery) if one object dependences on another object.
Finally, how does one test API calls (request / response) without actually making real request (I'm using PHPUnit).
You can use the Symfony's WebTestCase that provides easy methods to imitate a browser request, learn more about that in the documentation. We call that Functional Testing.
This is usually the stage after Unit Testing. In Unit Testing you will test each individual class (it's a good practice to unit test your controller) and after that you write your Functional Tests which combines everything and tests if it works like expected.
for Controllers you should use functional tests ( With them you can emulate browser and user's actions like submiting form and checking validation, database changes, http status codes and so on.
You should not forget to unit test ProcessLoanApplication.
I dont realy know why you pass form object to ProcessLoanApplication anyway. You should pass entity - it has normdata already.

mspec & rhino mocks expected exception testing

I'm fairly new to unit testing and can't get around how to test (or if I even should) this case properly.
I have a controller method (pseudo code):
public ActionResult Register(formModel model)
if (ModelState.isValid) {
try {
_userService.CreateUser(a bunch of parameters here);
return RedirectToAction(some other action);
catch (Exception e)
return View();
I have a bunch of separate tests against "_userService". The "CreateUser" method just creates a new user and returns nothing OR throws an exception if there was an error (ex. the user exists) that I bubble up to the controller surround in a try catch and add the exception to the ModelState.
From what I understand I should mock the service and assert that it was called correctly (i use the assertwascalled syntax) since it returns nothing and I just want to know that my controller calls it.
What I'm not sure is how to test that when the userservice throws an error it should not redirect and should add that exception to the modelstate. With rhino mocks you can stub a mock but the book art of unit testing advises against that.
Right now in my test I manually add a model error (not caring if it's from user service) and test that the controller returns the same view if there are errors. Is this the correct way of going about this? Or should I maybe create a separate test where I stub the _userService to throw an error and check it gets added to modelstate? Or should I not even test that case? I feel like I may be just over analyzing the whole thing and testing using the modelstate would be enough to satisfy this...
Your mock represents a collaborating class. I wouldn't get too hung up on the difference between mocks and stubs; it's still a collaborating class.
You can think of your unit tests as describing how to use your class, and how the class then interacts with its collaborators. You have two examples:
Given a controller
When I register the model
Then the class should ask the user service to create a user.
Given a controller
Given the user service is broken
When I register the model
Then the class should attach the error to the model state.
It's that second Given that tells you you're stubbing rather than mocking. You're setting the user service up as though it's broken. The context in which the class acts is different, so you need to stub, and you should indeed throw an exception.
If you put these lines as comments inside your test, it'll make sense. If it makes sense, ignore the book.
BTW, this is unit-level BDD. You can use "Given, When, Then" at a unit level just as at a scenario level, and it might help you think about the logic of your tests. Just don't use BDD scenario tools for this.