mspec & rhino mocks expected exception testing - unit-testing

I'm fairly new to unit testing and can't get around how to test (or if I even should) this case properly.
I have a controller method (pseudo code):
public ActionResult Register(formModel model)
if (ModelState.isValid) {
try {
_userService.CreateUser(a bunch of parameters here);
return RedirectToAction(some other action);
catch (Exception e)
return View();
I have a bunch of separate tests against "_userService". The "CreateUser" method just creates a new user and returns nothing OR throws an exception if there was an error (ex. the user exists) that I bubble up to the controller surround in a try catch and add the exception to the ModelState.
From what I understand I should mock the service and assert that it was called correctly (i use the assertwascalled syntax) since it returns nothing and I just want to know that my controller calls it.
What I'm not sure is how to test that when the userservice throws an error it should not redirect and should add that exception to the modelstate. With rhino mocks you can stub a mock but the book art of unit testing advises against that.
Right now in my test I manually add a model error (not caring if it's from user service) and test that the controller returns the same view if there are errors. Is this the correct way of going about this? Or should I maybe create a separate test where I stub the _userService to throw an error and check it gets added to modelstate? Or should I not even test that case? I feel like I may be just over analyzing the whole thing and testing using the modelstate would be enough to satisfy this...

Your mock represents a collaborating class. I wouldn't get too hung up on the difference between mocks and stubs; it's still a collaborating class.
You can think of your unit tests as describing how to use your class, and how the class then interacts with its collaborators. You have two examples:
Given a controller
When I register the model
Then the class should ask the user service to create a user.
Given a controller
Given the user service is broken
When I register the model
Then the class should attach the error to the model state.
It's that second Given that tells you you're stubbing rather than mocking. You're setting the user service up as though it's broken. The context in which the class acts is different, so you need to stub, and you should indeed throw an exception.
If you put these lines as comments inside your test, it'll make sense. If it makes sense, ignore the book.
BTW, this is unit-level BDD. You can use "Given, When, Then" at a unit level just as at a scenario level, and it might help you think about the logic of your tests. Just don't use BDD scenario tools for this.


Grails Unit Testing Issues

I am having issues while testing my grails controllers, as it depends on one service which seems not to be injected. I tried several ways (for ex. Extending classess like grailsunitestcase, specification) but I keep getting errors. The thing is that that service variable is null and I cant test my controller index method (which calls a render view) due to the exception...
I really need to know how to do this but I don't have a clue where to start...
Unit tests are just that. There is no grails 'environment' surrounding your controller. If the controller makes use of a service which is normally injected, you have to mock that service yourself.
class SomeControllerSpec extends Specification
def "test some method"() {
def mockService = mockFor(SomeService)
mockService.demand.someServiceMethod() { ->
return something
controller.someService = mockService.createMock()
// whatever checks are appropriate

Unit Testing and Integration Testing examples

I have created following four tests in a Test class that tests a findCompany() method of a CompanyService.
public void findCompany_CompanyIdIsZero() {
public void findCompany_CompanyIdIsNegative() {
public void findCompany_CompanyIdDoesntExistInDatabase() {
Company storedCompany = companyService.findCompany(100000);
public void findCompany_CompanyIdExistsInDatabase() {
Company company = new Company("FAL", "Falahaar");
Company storedCompany1 = companyService.findCompany(company.getId());
My understanding says that the first three of these are unit tests. They test the behavior of the findCompany() method, checking how the method will respond on different inputs.
The fourth test, though placed in the same class, actually seems to be an integration test to me. It requires a Company to be added to the database first, so that it can be found later on. This introduces external dependencies - addCompany() and database.
Am I going right? If yes, then how should I unit test finding an existing object? Just mock the service to "find" one? I think that kills the intent of the test.
I appreciate any guidance here.
I look at it this way: the "unit" you are testing here is the CompanyService. In this sense all of your tests look like unit tests to me. Underneath your service, though, there may be another service (you mention a database) that this test is also exercising? This could start to blur the lines with integration testing a bit, but you have to ask yourself if it matters. You could stub out any such underlying service, and you may want to if:
The underlying service is slow to set up or use, making your unit tests too slow.
You want to be sure the behaviour of this test is unaffected by the underlying service - i.e. this test should only fail if there is a bug in CompanyService.
In my experience, provided the underlying service is fast enough I don't worry too much about my unit test relying on it. I don't mind a bit of integration leaking into my unit tests, as it has benefits (more integration coverage) and rarely causes a problem. If it does cause problems you can always come back to it and add stubbing to improve the isolation.
[1,2,3,4] could be unit-based (mocked | not mocked) and integration-based tests. It depends what you want to test.
Why use mocking? As Jason Sankey said ...test only service tier not underlaying tier.
Why use mocking? Your bussiness logic can have most various forms. So you can write several test for one service method, eg. create person (no address - exception, no bank account - exception, person does not have filled not-null attributes - exception).
Can you imagine that each test requested database in order to test all possibility exception states (no adress, no bank account etc.)? There is too much work to fill database in order to test all exception states. Why not to use mocked objects which eg. act like 'crippled' objects which do not contains expected values. Each test construct own 'crippled' mock object.
Mocking various states === your test will be simply as possible because each test method will be test only one state. These test will be clear and easy to understand and maintance. This is one of goals which I want to reach if I write a test.

Conflicting results when unit testing MVC controller

I'm writing unit tests (using NUnit & Moq) for my MVC 2 controllers, and am following examples in the Pro MVC 2 Framework book by Steven Sanderson (great book, btw). However, I've run into problems, which I think are just due to my lack of understanding of NUnit.
Here's an excerpt, with the irrelevant parts removed:
public void Cannot_Save_Invalid_Event()
repository.Setup(x => x.SaveEvent(evt)).Callback(Assert.Fail);
repository.Verify(x => x.SaveEvent(evt));
This test is passing for me, although from what I understand, those two statements should directly conflict with each other. The second one wasn't there originally, but I put it in to verify that it was passing for the right reasons.
From what I understand, my repository is set up to fail if "repository.SaveEvent(evt)" is called. However, later in the test, I try to verify that "repository.SaveEvent(evt)" was called. Since it passes, doesn't this mean that it was both called, and not called? Perhaps those statements don't act as I suspect they do.
Can someone explain how these two statements are not opposites, and how they can both exist and the test still pass?
Maybe your tests doesn-t fail beacuse it has a catch-everything block that also hides the assert/verify-exception that is necessary for the test to fail.
Note: the following unittest will allways pass
public void HidingAssertionFailure()
try {
Assert.AreEqual(0,1); // this should fail
} catch (Exception ex) {
// this will hide the assertion failure
The reason for this behavior was that it was running "SaveEvent()", however, since the mocked repository didn't define that action, it was throwing an exception in my controller, which my controller was catching.
So, it seems that the callback will only execute if control returns successfully.

How do I ignore a test based on another test in NUnit?

I'm writing some NUnit tests for database operations. Obviously, if Add() fails, then Get() will fail as well. However, it looks deceiving when both Add() and Get() fail because it looks like there's two problems instead of just one.
Is there a way to specify an 'order' for tests to run in, in that if the first test fails, the following tests are ignored?
In the same line, is there a way to order the unit test classes themselves? For example, I would like to run my tests for basic database operations first before the tests for round-tripping data from the UI.
Note: This is a little different than having tests depend on each other, it's more like ensuring that something works first before running a bunch of tests. It's a waste of time to, for example, run a bunch of database operations if you can't get a connection to the database in the first place.
Edit: It seems that some people are missing the point. I'm not doing this:
public void AddTest()
public void GetTest()
Assert.That(data was retrieved successfully);
Rather, I'm doing this:
public void AddTest()
public void GetTest()
// need some way here to ensure that db.Add() can actually be performed successfully
Assert.That(data was retrieved successfully);
In other words, I want to ensure that the data can be added in the first place before I can test whether it can be retrieved. People are assuming I'm using data from the first test to pass the second test when this is not the case. I'm trying to ensure that one operation is possible before attempting another that depends on it.
As I said already, you need to ensure you can get a connection to the database before running database operations. Or that you can open a file before performing file operations. Or connect to a server before testing API calls. get the point.
NUnit supports an "Assume.That" syntax for validating setup. This is documented as part of the Theory (thanks clairestreb). In the NUnit.Framework namespace is a class Assume. To quote the documentation:
/// Provides static methods to express the assumptions
/// that must be met for a test to give a meaningful
/// result. If an assumption is not met, the test
/// should produce an inconclusive result.
So in context:
public void TestGet() {
MyList sut = new MyList()
Object expecting = new Object();
Assume.That(sut.size(), Is(1));
Assert.That(sut.Get(), Is(expecting));
Tests should never depend on each other. You just found out why. Tests that depend on each other are fragile by definition. If you need the data in the DB for the test for Get(), put it there in the setup step.
I think the problem is that you're using NUnit to run something other than the sort of Unit Tests that NUnit was made to run.
Essentially, you want AddTest to run before GetTest, and you want NUnit to stop executing tests if AddTest fails.
The problem is that that's antithetical to unit testing - tests are supposed to be completely independent and run in any order.
The standard concept of Unit Testing is that if you have a test around the 'Add' functionality, then you can use the 'Add' functionality in the 'Get' test and not worry about if 'Add' works within the 'Get' test. You know 'Add' works - you have a test for it.
The 'FIRST' principle ( describes how Unit tests should behave. The test you want to write violates both 'I' (Isolated) and 'R' (Repeatable).
If you're concerned about the database connection dropping between your two tests, I would recommend that rather than connect to a real database during the test, your code should use some sort of a data interface, and for the test, you should be using a mock interface. If the point of the test is to exercise the database connection, then you may simply be using the wrong tool for the job - that's not really a Unit test.
I don't think that's possible out-of-box.
Anyway, your test class design as you described will make the test code very fragile.
MbUnit seems to have a DependsOnAttribute that would allow you to do what you want.
If the other test fixture or test
method fails then this test will not
run. Moreover, the dependency forces
this test to run after those it
depends upon.
Don't know anything about NUnit though.
You can't assume any order of test fixture execution, so any prerequisites have to be checked for within your test classes.
Segregate your Add test into one test-class e.g. AddTests, and put the Get test(s) into another test-class, e.g. class GetTests.
In the [TestFixtureSetUp] method of the GetTests class, check that you have working database access (e.g. that Add's work), and if not, Assert.Ignore or Inconclusive, as you deem appropriate.
This will abort the GetTests test fixture when its prerequisites aren't met, and skip trying to run any of the unit tests it contains.
(I think! I'm an nUnit newbie.)
Create a global variable and return in the test for Get unless Add set it to true (do this in the last line of Add):
public boolean addFailed = false;
public void testAdd () {
try {
... old test code ...
} catch (Throwable t) { // Catch all errors
addFailed = true;
throw t; // Don't forget to rethrow
public void testGet () {
if (addFailed) return;
... old test code ...

Pragmatic Unit testing

I'm writing an application using an MVC framework which takes care of a lot of the boilerplate wiring of our system. Specifically - application is written in Flex, using the Parsley MVC framework. However, the question is not language specific.
In my Presentation Model / Code-Behind / View-Controller (whatever you want to call it), I might have something like this:
public class LoginViewPM {
public function attemptLogin(username:String,password:String):void
dispatchEvent(new AttemptLoginEvent(username,password));
Then, elsewhere in my system, code which responds to this, would look like this
public class LoginCommand {
public function execute(attemptLoginEvent:AttemptLoginEvent):void {
// Do login related stuff
It's important to note that within Flex / Actionscript, Metatags are not checked by the compiler. For example:
[ManagedEvent["attemptLogin"] // Spelling mistake - metatag is ManagedEvents
public class LoginViewPM {
[ManagedEvent["attemtLogin"] // Spelling mistake - event name is wrong
public class LoginViewPM {
In the above two examples, the framework will fail. In the first example it fails silently (because the metatag is incorrect - hence the framework is never engaged). In the second example, we get some runtime logging that partially alerts us that things are wrong.
Given this, what is a pragmatic level of unit testing for the attemptLogin() method on the PM, with regard to the MVC framework's duties? Ie:
Should I:
Test that the AttemptLoginEvent is managed by the MVC framework
Test that the LoginCommand gets invoked by the framework when the event is dispatched.
In other container / framework environments, I tend not to write tests that exercise the responsibilities of the frameworks, as (IMHO) this leads to brittle tests. However, given the lack of compiler checking, in this case it may seem warrented.
If you think about it, you're not really testing the responsibilities of the framework as much as you are testing how well your coders can type.
However, if the same coder who wrote the event also writes the test, and if the event name is something that will not be updated frequently, then you could probably skip it, since any typos would most likely be caught while the test is being written.
What you want to test sounds like integration testing. If you want a unit test, you have to define what your unit is.
If you want to test your eventing, mock the event receiver and find out whether the mock has been called afterwards.
public class MockLoginCommand : ICommandReceiver {
public bool BeenCalled { get; set; }
public function execute(attemptLoginEvent:AttemptLoginEvent):void {