Imacro SAVE_ELEMENT_SCREENSHOT error - imacros

Can't save screenshot of the Element...
Here is code:
TypeError: Argument 1 of CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawWindow does not implement interface Window., line 21 (Error code: -1001)
Couldn't find anything in web. This error was reported only on ScreenGrab add-on.
Do you know how to fix this?
Thanks in advance.

I had firefox developer edition and that was causing problems... after reinstalling normal firefox it worked perfectly.


where should i put the text_loader.json?

I've put the text_loader.json file in /root/.questdb/conf/ directory, and I changed the cairo.sql.copy.formats.file = /root/.questdb/conf/text_loader.json which in server.conf, finally when i start questDB , it appeared can't find the file.
Exception in thread "main" io.questdb.cutlass.json.JsonException: [0] could not find [resource=/root/.questdb/conf/text_loader.json]
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.std.ThreadLocal.initialValue(
at java.base/java.lang.ThreadLocal.setInitialValue(
at java.base/java.lang.ThreadLocal.get(
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.cutlass.json.JsonException.position(
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.cutlass.json.JsonException.$(
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.cutlass.text.types.InputFormatConfiguration.parseConfiguration(
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.PropServerConfiguration.<init>(
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.ServerMain.readServerConfiguration(
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.ServerMain.<init>(
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.ServerMain.main(
this picture is my storage localtion.
enter image description here
and document is here
please tell me how to deal with it. thanks
This seems to be a bug, raised an issue.
Will come back to this thread when fixed.

Chronic ripgrep / vim Plugin Error on Load: "-complete Used Without -nargs"?

I recently added ripgrep to my list of vim plugins and, immediately after installation, I began receiving this error message whenever I loaded up vim:
Error detected while processing /Users/my_macbook/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep/plugin/vim-ripgrep.vim:
line 149: E1208: -complete used without -nargs
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Opening the offending file and reviewing lines 148-149 reveals:
148 command! -nargs=* -complete=file Rg :call s:Rg(<q-args>)
149 command! -complete=file RgRoot :call s:RgShowRoot()
I am well & truly out of my depth here, especially considering that this error was generated by simply installing the plugin; I've made 0 changes to the underlying file (vim-ripgrep.vim).
Has anyone encountered a similarly chronic error after installing ripgrep and, if so, how did you resolve it?
Congratulations, you have found a bug in a FOSS program. Next step is to either notify the maintainer via their issue tracker or, if you know how to fix it, submit a patch.
Case in point, the author assigns a completion method, -complete=file, but custom commands like :RgRoot don't accept arguments by default so the command makes no sense as-is: you can't complete arguments if you can't pass arguments.
It only needs a -nargs=*, like its upstairs neighbour, :Rg, to work properly and the error message is pretty clear about it:
line 149: E1208: -complete used without -nargs
See :help -complete, :help -nargs, and more generally, :help user-commands.
As the other answer stated, it is a bug in this plugin. There is a currently open pull request to fix this: Unfortunately, the repository is currently unmaintained, so it is unlikely to be merged any time soon. This active forks page may help you identify a new maintainer.
Until there is a new maintainer for vim-ripgrep, I suggest checking out that branch in your ~/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep directory and reopening vim.
I met the functionally same error on VIM plugins while using vim ~/.vimrc.
My met error liking yours:
Error detected while processing /Users/my_macbook/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep
I fixed the upstairs with the below:
cd /Users/my_macbook/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep/plugin/
git pull --rebase
If you are using vim-plug, try to change
Plug "jremmen/vim-ripgrep"
Plug "miyase256/vim-ripgrep", {'branch': 'fix/remove-complete-from-RgRoot'}
Here are detail steps:
comment Plug "jremmen/vim-ripgrep"
add Plug "miyase256/vim-ripgrep", {'branch': 'fix/remove-complete-from-RgRoot'}

reprojecting a raster in R error "could not find function "wkt"

I've been working with raster data and the code has been working fine. Unexpectedly when reprojecting with:
I get
"Error in wkt(projfrom) :could not find function "wkt".
I'm using... CRS arguments:
+proj=utm +zone=5 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
I have also tried projectRaster() and get a similar error
Might be an issue with the rgdal package? Anyone else getting this? thank you!
This problem should go away if you update the sp package

Drupal 8 error InvalidArgumentException

i got this with drush :
InvalidArgumentException: Field field_date is unknown. in Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityBase->getTranslatedField() (line 472 of
And i don't find solutions to resolve this :/
Has anyone ever encountered this problem?
Try running and see if it helps
if this does not solve your problem I would suggest you go to admin/config/development/logging and enable backtrace and reproduce the error again and look for (or post) a bug in the first module of the backtrace

cfvideoplayer javascript error in IE 7 & 8

I am using Railo CFVideoPlayer tag with colorbox effect in my project. It is working fine in all browsers except IE (Version 7 & 8).IE 9 is fine. I am getting below JS error line# 11 in /railo-context/swfobject.js.cfm & I am getting only loading symbol.
Message: 'null' is null or not an object
Line: 11
Char: 3894
Code: 0
URI: http://Mysite/railo-context/swfobject.js.cfm
Whats the version you using? Upgrade it to the latest and give it a try again!
Not to forget.. First Uninstall your Flash and then do a re-install.
For more on this topic read this lengthy comments driven page here