I am new to Direct X, but I've been successfully able to use the Windows Desktop Duplication API to capture video. The API also allows you to retrieve mouse cursor information, including the position, height, width, and the raw pixel data (in system memory) of the cursor image. The mouse cursor is not drawn on the captured screen image by default, it needs to be handled manually.
I'm trying to "copy" this mouse cursor data to the main screen capture image to create a single image with a visible mouse cursor. So far I have been able to make the cursor show up by creating an ID3D11Texture2D from the cursor pixel data, then preforming an ID3D11DeviceContext::CopySubresourceRegion to copy the cursor to the main screen image, also stored as an ID3D11Texture2D. The main screen image texture is always in the DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM format, and the raw cursor pixel data seems to be in the same format, at least for the DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE_COLOR shape.
My current issue seems to be related to the alpha handling of this copy. The cursor shows up, but when the rectangle is copied the alpha surrounding the cursor is instead filled in black. Here is an example of what it looks like: Black border around mouse
Also, it is important to me that this happens in video memory, as the final texture goes straight from video memory into a video encoder.
I'm willing to change my method if CopySubresourceRegion is not the right tool for the job. Any ideas on how I can get this cursor onto the main screen image texture with proper alpha?
The only way to access the alpha blending capabilities of you GPU is with draw commands. Copy calls only do replacement, as you see.
You already have your mouse cursor in an 'ID3D11Texture2D', what you need now, is an 'ID3D11ShaderResourceView' to use it as a texture, an 'ID3DVertexShader' and 'ID3DPixelShader' pair to render in a surface. An 'ID3D11RenderTargetView' from your destination surface.
A set of 'ID3D11RasterizerState', 'ID3D11DepthStencilState' and 'ID3D11BlendState' to configure the gpu state with no depth test, alpha blend, and other meaning full setting, most of them at default for you should be ok.
Then you need to draw a quad with all that to display your cursor. Depending on how you write the shader, you will need either a constant buffer, a vertex buffer and an input layout or both too.
For that kind of quad blit, i usually prefer to only deal with a single constant buffer and rebuild the vertex position from SV_VertexID inside the vertex shader, but it is up to you.
This is how you can write the blit shader without a vertex buffer to manage, a single Draw(4,0) with a strip primitive topology is enough :
struct IA {
uint vid : SV_VertexID;
struct VSPS {
float4 pos : SV_Position;
float2 uv : COLOR;
struct Root {
float left;
float top;
float right;
float bottom;
ConstantBuffer<Root> root_ : register(b0);
Texture2D<float4> texture_ : register(t0);
SamplerState sampler_ : register(s0);
void mainvs( in IA input, out VSPS output ) {
float x = input.vid < 2 ? 0.f : 1.f;
float y = (input.vid & 1) ? 1.f : 0.f;
output.uv = float2(x, y);
float px = input.vid < 2 ? root_.left : root_.right;
float py = (input.vid & 1) ? root_.bottom : root_.top;;
output.pos = float4(px,py,0.f,1.f);
output.pos.y = 1 - output.pos.y;
output.pos.xy *= 2;
output.pos.xy -= 1;
float4 mainps( in VSPS input ) : SV_TARGET {
return texture_.Sample( sampler_, input.uv );
I have a DirectX 12 desktop project on Windows 11 that implements post-processing using a combination of DXTK post-process effects.
The aim of the post-proc sequence is to end up with individual bloom and blur textures (along with a depth texture rendered in a depth pass) which are sampled in a 'big triangle' pixel shader to achieve a depth of field effect for the final backbuffer screen image.
The DXTK PostProcesses operate on the full-size (1920x1080) screen texture. Presently this isn't impacting performance (benchmarked at 60fps), but I imagine it could be an issue when I eventually want to support 4K resolutions in future, where full-size image post-processing could be expensive.
Since the recommended best practice is to operate on a scaled down copy of the source image,
I hoped to achieve this by using half-size (i.e. quarter resolution) working textures with the DownScale_2x2 BasicPostProcess option. But after several attempts experimenting with the effect, only the top-left quarter of the original source image is being rendered to the downsized texture... not the full image as expected per the documentation:
DownScale_2x2: Downscales each 2x2 block of pixels to an average. This is intended to write to a render target that is half the size of the source texture in each dimension.
Other points of note:
scene geometry is first rendered to a _R16G16B16A16_FLOAT MSAA render target and resolved to single-sample 16fp target
postprocessing operates on resolved single-sample 16fp target (where only the intermediate 'Pass1' & 'Pass2' working render targets are set to half the backbuffer length & width)
final processed image is tonemapped to the _R10G10B10A2_UNORM swapchain backbuffer for presentation.
The following code snippets show how I'm implementing the DownScale_2x2 shader into my post-process. Hopefully it's enough to resolve the issue and I can update with more info if necessary.
Resource initialization under CreateDeviceDependentResources():
namespace GameConstants {
constexpr DXGI_FORMAT BACKBUFFERFORMAT(DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM); // back buffer to support hdr rendering
constexpr DXGI_FORMAT HDRFORMAT(DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT); // format for hdr render targets
constexpr DXGI_FORMAT DEPTHFORMAT(DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT); // format for render target depth buffer
constexpr UINT MSAACOUNT(4u); // requested multisample count
// Render targets
mMsaaHelper = std::make_unique<MSAAHelper>(GameConstants::HDRFORMAT, GameConstants::DEPTHFORMAT, GameConstants::MSAACOUNT);
mDistortionRenderTex = std::make_unique<RenderTexture>(GameConstants::BACKBUFFERFORMAT);
mHdrRenderTex = std::make_unique<RenderTexture>(GameConstants::HDRFORMAT);
mPass1RenderTex = std::make_unique<RenderTexture>(GameConstants::HDRFORMAT);
mPass2RenderTex = std::make_unique<RenderTexture>(GameConstants::HDRFORMAT);
mBloomRenderTex = std::make_unique<RenderTexture>(GameConstants::HDRFORMAT);
mBlurRenderTex = std::make_unique<RenderTexture>(GameConstants::HDRFORMAT);
mMsaaHelper->SetDevice(device); // Set the MSAA device. Note this updates GetSampleCount.
RenderTargetState ppState(GameConstants::HDRFORMAT, DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN); // 2d postproc rendering
// Set other postprocessing effects
mBloomExtract = std::make_unique<BasicPostProcess>(device, ppState, BasicPostProcess::BloomExtract);
mBloomPass = std::make_unique<BasicPostProcess>(device, ppState, BasicPostProcess::BloomBlur);
mBloomCombine = std::make_unique<DualPostProcess>(device, ppState, DualPostProcess::BloomCombine);
mGaussBlurPass = std::make_unique<BasicPostProcess>(device, ppState, BasicPostProcess::GaussianBlur_5x5);
mDownScalePass = std::make_unique<BasicPostProcess>(device, ppState, BasicPostProcess::DownScale_2x2);
Resource resizing under CreateWindowSizeDependentResources():
// Get current backbuffer dimensions
CD3DX12_RECT outputRect(mDeviceResources->GetOutputSize());
// Determine the render target size in pixels
mBackbufferSize.x = std::max<UINT>(outputRect.right - outputRect.left, 1u);
mBackbufferSize.y = std::max<UINT>(outputRect.bottom - outputRect.top, 1u);
XMUINT2 halfSize(mBackbufferSize.x / 2u, mBackbufferSize.y / 2u);
mPass1RenderTex->SizeResources(halfSize.x, halfSize.y);
mPass2RenderTex->SizeResources(halfSize.x, halfSize.y);
Post-processing implementation:
// Render 3d scene
mMsaaHelper->Resolve(commandList, mHdrRenderTex->GetResource(),
// Postprocessing
// Set texture descriptor heap in prep for postprocessing if necessary.
// Unbind dsv for postprocess textures and sprites.
ID3D12DescriptorHeap* postProcHeap[] = { mPostProcSrvDescHeap->Heap() };
commandList->SetDescriptorHeaps(UINT(std::size(postProcHeap)), postProcHeap);
// downscale pass
CD3DX12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE rtvDownScaleDescriptor(mRtvDescHeap->GetCpuHandle(RTV_Descriptors::Pass1RTV));
commandList->OMSetRenderTargets(1u, &rtvDownScaleDescriptor, FALSE, nullptr);
mPass1RenderTex->BeginScene(commandList); // transition to render target state
mDownScalePass->SetSourceTexture(mPostProcSrvDescHeap->GetGpuHandle(SRV_PostProcDescriptors::HdrSRV), mHdrRenderTex->GetResource());
mPass1RenderTex->EndScene(commandList); // transition to pixel shader resource state
// blur horizontal pass
commandList->OMSetRenderTargets(1u, &rtvPass2Descriptor, FALSE, nullptr);
mPass2RenderTex->BeginScene(commandList); // transition to render target state
mGaussBlurPass->SetSourceTexture(mPostProcSrvDescHeap->GetGpuHandle(SRV_PostProcDescriptors::Pass1SRV), mPass1RenderTex->GetResource());
//mGaussBlurPass->SetSourceTexture(mPostProcSrvDescHeap->GetGpuHandle(SRV_PostProcDescriptors::HdrSRV), mHdrRenderTex->GetResource());
mGaussBlurPass->SetBloomBlurParameters(TRUE, 4.f, 1.f); // horizontal blur
mPass2RenderTex->EndScene(commandList); // transition to pixel shader resource
// blur vertical pass
CD3DX12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE rtvBlurDescriptor(mRtvDescHeap->GetCpuHandle(RTV_Descriptors::BlurRTV));
commandList->OMSetRenderTargets(1u, &rtvBlurDescriptor, FALSE, nullptr);
mBlurRenderTex->BeginScene(commandList); // transition to render target state
mGaussBlurPass->SetSourceTexture(mPostProcSrvDescHeap->GetGpuHandle(SRV_PostProcDescriptors::Pass2SRV), mPass2RenderTex->GetResource());
mGaussBlurPass->SetBloomBlurParameters(FALSE, 4.f, 1.f); // vertical blur
mBlurRenderTex->EndScene(commandList); // transition to pixel shader resource
// render the final image to hdr texture
CD3DX12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE rtvHdrDescriptor(mRtvDescHeap->GetCpuHandle(RTV_Descriptors::HdrRTV));
commandList->OMSetRenderTargets(1u, &rtvHdrDescriptor, FALSE, nullptr);
//mHdrRenderTex->BeginScene(commandList); // transition to render target state
commandList->SetGraphicsRootSignature(mRootSig.Get()); // bind root signature
commandList->SetPipelineState(mPsoDepthOfField.Get()); // set PSO
commandList->SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView(RootParameterIndex::PSDofCB, psDofCB.GpuAddress());
commandList->SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(RootParameterIndex::PostProcDT, mPostProcSrvDescHeap->GetFirstGpuHandle());
// use the big triangle optimization to draw a fullscreen quad
commandList->DrawInstanced(3u, 1u, 0u, 0u);
PIXBeginEvent(commandList, PIX_COLOR_DEFAULT, L"Tone Map");
// Set swapchain backbuffer as the tonemapping render target and unbind depth/stencil for sprites (UI)
CD3DX12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE rtvDescriptor(mDeviceResources->GetRenderTargetView());
commandList->OMSetRenderTargets(1u, &rtvDescriptor, FALSE, nullptr);
CD3DX12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE postProcTexture(mPostProcSrvDescHeap->GetGpuHandle(SRV_PostProcDescriptors::HdrSRV));
ApplyToneMapping(commandList, postProcTexture);
Vertex shader:
We use the 'big triangle' optimization that only requires three vertices to completely
cover the full screen area.
v0 v1 ID NDC UV
*____* -- ------- ----
| | / 0 (-1,+1) (0,0)
|_|/ 1 (+3,+1) (2,0)
| / 2 (-1,-3) (0,2)
TexCoordVertexOut VS(uint id : SV_VertexID)
TexCoordVertexOut vout;
vout.texCoord = float2((id << 1u) & 2u, id & 2u);
// See Luna p.687
float x = vout.texCoord.x * 2.f - 1.f;
float y = -vout.texCoord.y * 2.f + 1.f;
// Procedurally generate each NDC vertex.
// The big triangle produces a quad covering the screen in NDC space.
vout.posH = float4(x, y, 0.f, 1.f);
// Transform quad corners to view space near plane.
float4 ph = mul(vout.posH, InvProj);
vout.posV = ph.xyz / ph.w;
return vout;
Pixel shader:
float4 PS(TexCoordVertexOut pin) : SV_TARGET
//float4 PS(float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0) : SV_TARGET
// Get downscale texture sample
float3 colorDownScale = Pass1Tex.Sample(PointSampler, pin.texCoord).rgb;
return float4(colorDownScale, 1.f); // only top-quarter of source input is rendered!
//return float4(colorOutput, 1.f);
//return float4(distortCoords, 0.f, 1.f);
//return float4(colorHDR, 1.f);
//return float4(colorBlurred, 1.f);
//return float4(colorBloom, 1.f);
//return float4((p.z * 0.01f).rrr, 1.f); // multiply by a contrast factor
The PostProcess class uses a 'full-screen quad' rendering model. Since we can rely on Direct3D 10.0 or later class hardware, it makes use of the 'self-generating quad' model to avoid the need for a VB.
As such, the self-generating quad is going to be positioned wherever you have the viewport set. The scissors settings are also needed since it uses the "big-triangle" optimization to avoid having a diagonal seam across the image IF you have the viewport positioned anywhere except the full render target.
I have this detail in the Writing custom shaders tutorial, but I forgot to replicate it in the PostProcess docs on the wiki.
TL;DR: When you go to render to the smaller render target, use:
auto vp = m_deviceResources->GetScreenViewport();
Viewport halfvp(vp);
halfvp.height /= 2.f;
halfvp.width /= 2.f;
commandList->RSSetViewports(1, halfvp.Get12());
Then when we switch back to your full-size rendertarget, use:
commandList->RSSetViewports(1, &vp);
Updated the wiki page.
I've been working around to make a little light shader.
It works perfectly, I mean, the light fades as it's supposed to, it's a circle around my character moving with it.
It could be perfect only if that resizing event wasn't existing.
When SFML resizes the window, it enlarges everything, but in a strange way. It enlarged everything but shaders.
I tried to resize my window (I love resizing pixel graph games, I find it most beautiful. So I don't want to prevent the resizing event).
Here's my shader :
uniform vec3 light;
void main(void) {
float distance = sqrt(pow(gl_FragCoord.x - light.x, 2) + pow(gl_FragCoord.y - light.y, 2));
float alpha = 1.;
if (distance <= light.z) {
alpha = (1.0 / light.z) * distance;
gl_FragColor = vec4(0., 0., 0., alpha);
So, the problem is, my window is showed at 1280 x 736 (to fit with 32x32 textures), and I have a 1920 x 1080 monitor. When I enlarge the window to fit in 1920 x 1080 (title bar included), the whole thing resizes correctly, everything's fine, but the shader is now 1920x1080 (minus the title bar). So the shader needs different coordinates (what's supposed to be in x = 32, y = 0 is, for the shader, in x = 48 y = 0).
So I was wondering, is it possible to enlarge the shader with the whole window ? Should I use events or something like that ?
Thanks for your answers ^^
EDIT : Here's some pics :
So this is the light shader before it resizes (it's dark everywhere but on the player, like it's supposed to be).
Then I resize the window, the player doesn't move, the textures fit the entire window, but the light moved.
So, to explain correctly, when I resize the window, I want everything to fit the window, so it's full of textures, but when I do that, the coordinates given to my shader are the ones before resizing, and if I move it moves as if I didn't resize the window, so the light is never on my player again.
I'm not sure it's clearer, but I tried my best.
EDIT2 : Here's my code which calls the shader :
void Graphics::UpdateLight() {
short radius = 65; // 265 on the pictures
int x = m_game->GetPlayer()->GetSprite()->getPosition().x + CASE_LEN / 2; // Setting on the middle of the player sprite (CASE_LEN is a const which contains the size of a case (here 32))
int y = HEIGHT - (m_game->GetPlayer()->GetSprite()->getPosition().y + CASE_LEN / 2); // (the "HEIGHT -" part was set because it seems that y = 0 is on the bottom of the texture for GLSL)
sf::Vector3f shaderLight;
shaderLight.x = x;
shaderLight.y = y;
shaderLight.z = radius;
m_lightShader.setParameter("light", shaderLight);
The code snippet you're showing really only updates the shader coordinates (and from a quick glimpse it looks fine). The bug most likely happens somewhere where you're actually drawing things.
I'd use a completely different approach, because your shader approach might get rather tedious once you're rendering multiple things, other light sources, etc.
As such I'd suggest you render a light map to a render texture (which would essentially be like "black = no light, color = light of that color").
Rather than trying to explain everything in text, I've written a quick commented example program which will draw a window on screen and move some light sources over a background image (I've used the one that comes with SFML's shader example):
There are no requirements other than having a file called "background.jpg" in your startup path.
Feel free to copy this code or use it for inspiration. Just keep in mind this isn't optimized and really just a quick edit to show the general idea.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
const float PI = 3.1415f;
struct Light
sf::Vector2f position;
sf::Color color;
float radius;
int main()
// Let's setup a window
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(640, 480), "SFML Lights");
// Create something simple to draw
sf::Texture texture;
sf::Sprite background(texture);
// Setup everything for the lightmap
sf::RenderTexture lightmapTex;
// We're using a 512x512 render texture for max. compatibility
// On modern hardware it could match the window resolution of course
lightmapTex.create(512, 512);
sf::Sprite lightmap(lightmapTex.getTexture());
// Scale the sprite to fill the window
lightmap.setScale(640 / 512.f, 480 / 512.f);
// Set the lightmap's view to the same as the window
// Drawable helper to draw lights
// We'll just have to adjust the first vertex's color to tint it
sf::VertexArray light(sf::PrimitiveType::TriangleFan);
light.append({sf::Vector2f(0, 0), sf::Color::White});
// This is inaccurate, but for demo purposes…
// This could be more elaborate to allow better graduation etc.
for (float i = 0; i <= 2 * PI; i += PI * .125f)
light.append({sf::Vector2f(std::sin(i), std::cos(i)), sf::Color::Transparent});
// Setup some lights
std::vector<Light> lights;
lights.push_back({sf::Vector2f(50.f, 50.f), sf::Color::White, 100.f });
lights.push_back({sf::Vector2f(350.f, 150.f), sf::Color::Red, 150.f });
lights.push_back({sf::Vector2f(150.f, 250.f), sf::Color::Yellow, 200.f });
lights.push_back({sf::Vector2f(250.f, 450.f), sf::Color::Cyan, 100.f });
// RenderStates helper to transform and draw lights
sf::RenderStates rs(sf::BlendAdd);
while (window.isOpen()) {
sf::Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
switch (event.type) {
case sf::Event::Closed:
bool flip = false; // simple toggle to animate differently
// Draw the light map
for(Light &l : lights)
// Apply all light attributes and render it
// Reset the transformation
rs.transform = sf::Transform::Identity;
// Move the light
// And scale it (this could be animated to create flicker)
rs.transform.scale(l.radius, l.radius);
// Adjust the light color (first vertex)
light[0].color = l.color;
// Draw the light
lightmapTex.draw(light, rs);
// To make things a bit more interesting
// We're moving the lights
l.position.x += flip ? 2 : -2;
flip = !flip;
if (l.position.x > 640)
l.position.x -= 640;
else if (l.position.x < 0)
l.position.x += 640;
// Draw the background / game
// Draw the lightmap
window.draw(lightmap, sf::BlendMultiply);
I'm trying to set up a two-stage render of objects in a 3D engine I'm working on written in C++ with DirectX9 to facilitate transparency (and other things). I thought it was all working nicely until I noticed some dodgyness on the edge of objects rendered before objects using this two stage method.
The two stage method is simple:
Draw model to off-screen ("side") texture of same size using same zbuffer (no MSAA is used anywhere)
Draw off-screen ("side") texture over the top of the main render target with a suitable blend and no alpha test or write
In the image below the left view is with the two stage render of the gray object (a lamppost) with the body in-front of it rendered directly to the target texture. The right view is with the two-stage render disabled, so both are rendered directly onto the target surface.
On close inspection it is as if the side texture is offset by exactly 1 pixel "down" and 1 pixel "right" when rendered over the target surface (but is rendered correctly in-place). This can be seen in an overlay of the off screen texture (which I get my program to write out to a bitmap file via D3DXSaveTextureToFile) over a screen shot below.
One last image so you can see where the edge in the side texture is coming from (it's because rendering to the side texture does use z test). Left is screen short, right is side texture (as overlaid above).
All this leads me to believe that my "overlaying" isn't very effective. The code that renders the side texture over the main render target is shown below (note that the same viewport is used for all scene rendering (on and off screen)). The "effect" object is an instance of a thin wrapper over LPD3DXEFFECT, with the "effect" field (sorry about shoddy naming) being a LPD3DXEFFECT itself.
void drawSideOver(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 dxDevice, drawData* ddat)
{ // "ddat" drawdata contains lots of render state information, but all we need here is the handles for the targetSurface and sideSurface
D3DXMatrixIdentity(&idMat); // create identity matrix
dxDevice->SetRenderTarget(0, ddat->targetSurface); // switch to targetSurface
dxDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, false); // disable z test and z write
dxDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, false);
vertexOver overVerts[4]; // create square
overVerts[0] = vertexOver(-1, -1, 0, 0, 1);
overVerts[1] = vertexOver(-1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
overVerts[2] = vertexOver(1, -1, 0, 1, 1);
overVerts[3] = vertexOver(1, 1, 0, 1, 0);
effect.setTexture(ddat->sideTex); // use side texture as shader texture ("tex")
effect.effect->SetTechnique("over"); // change to "over" technique
effect.setViewProj(&idMat); // set viewProj to identity matrix so 1/-1 map directly
setAlpha(dxDevice); // this sets up the alpha blending which works fine
UINT numPasses, pass;
effect.effect->Begin(&numPasses, 0);
dxDevice->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, overVerts, sizeof(vertexOver));
dxDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, true); // revert these so we don't mess everything up drawn after this
dxDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, true);
The C++ side definition for the VertexOver struct and constructor (HLSL side shown below somewhere):
struct vertexOver
float x;
float y;
float z;
float w;
float tu;
float tv;
vertexOver() { }
vertexOver(float xN, float yN, float zN, float tuN, float tvN)
x = xN;
y = yN;
z = zN;
w = 1.0;
tu = tuN;
tv = tvN;
Inefficiency in re-creating and passing the vertices down to the GPU each draw aside, what I really want to know is why this method doesn't quite work, and if there are any better methods for overlaying textures like this with an alpha blend that won't exhibit this issue
I figured that the texture sampling may matter somewhat in this matter, but messing about with options didn't seem to help much (for example, using a LINEAR filter just makes it fuzzy as you might expect implying that the offset isn't as clear-cut as a 1 pixel discrepancy). Shader code:
struct VS_Input_Over
float4 pos : POSITION0;
float2 txc : TEXCOORD0;
struct VS_Output_Over
float4 pos : POSITION0;
float2 txc : TEXCOORD0;
float4 altPos : TEXCOORD1;
struct PS_Output
float4 col : COLOR0;
Texture tex;
sampler texSampler = sampler_state { texture = <tex>;magfilter = NONE; minfilter = NONE; mipfilter = NONE; AddressU = mirror; AddressV = mirror;};
// side/over shaders (these make up the "over" technique (pixel shader version 2.0)
VS_Output_Over VShade_Over(VS_Input_Over inp)
VS_Output_Over outp = (VS_Output_Over)0;
outp.pos = mul(inp.pos, viewProj);
outp.altPos = outp.pos;
outp.txc = inp.txc;
return outp;
PS_Output PShade_Over(VS_Output_Over inp)
PS_Output outp = (PS_Output)0;
outp.col = tex2D(texSampler, inp.txc);
return outp;
I've looked about for a "Blended Blit" or something but I can't find anything, and other related searches have only brought up forums implying that rendering a quad with an orthographic projection is the way to go about doing this.
Sorry if I've given far too much detail for this issue but it's both interesting and infuriating and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
It looks for me that you problem is the mapping of texels to pixels. You must offset a screen-aligned quad with a half pixel to match the texels direct to the screenpixels. This issue is explaines here: Directly Mapping Texels to Pixels (MSDN)
For anyone else hitting a similar wall, my specific problem solved by adjusting the U and V values of the verticies sent to the GPU for the overlaid texture triangles thus:
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
overVerts[i].tu += 0.5 / (float)ddat->targetVp->Width; // ddat->targetVp is the viewport in use, and the viewport is the same size as the texture
overVerts[i].tv += 0.5 / (float)ddat->targetVp->Height;
See Directly Mapping Texels to Pixels as provided by Gnietschow's answer for an explanation as to why this makes sense.
I am using the D3DXSPRITE method to draw my map tiles to the screen, i just added a zoom function which zooms in when you hold the up arrow, but noticed you can now see gaps between the tiles, here's some screen shots
normal size (32x32) per tile
zoomed in (you can see white gaps between the tiles)
zoomed out (even worst!)
Here's the code snipplet which I translate and scale the world with.
D3DXMATRIX matScale, matPos;
D3DXMatrixScaling(&matScale, zoom_, zoom_, 0.0f);
D3DXMatrixTranslation(&matPos, xpos_, ypos_, 0.0f);
device_->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &(matPos * matScale));
And this is my drawing of the map, (tiles are in a vector of a vector of tiles.. and I haven't done culling yet)
LayerInfo *p_linfo = NULL;
RECT rect = {0};
pos.x = 0.0f;
pos.y = 0.0f;
pos.z = 0.0f;
for (short y = 0;
y < BottomTile(); ++y)
for (short x = 0;
x < RightTile(); ++x)
for (int i = 0; i < TILE_LAYER_COUNT; ++i)
p_linfo = tile_grid_[y][x].Layer(i);
if (p_linfo->Visible())
&rect, NULL, &pos, 0xFFFFFFFF);
pos.x += p_engine_->TileWidth();
pos.x = 0;
pos.y += p_engine_->TileHeight();
Your texture indices are wrong. 0,0,32,32 is not the correct value- it should be 0,0,31,31. A zero-based index into your texture atlas of 256 pixels would yield values of 0 to 255, not 0 to 256, and a 32x32 texture should yield 0,0,31,31. In this case, the colour of the incorrect pixels depends on the colour of the next texture along the right and the bottom.
That's the problem of magnification and minification. Your textures should have invisible border populated with part of adjacent texture. Then magnification and minification filters will use that border to calculate color of edge pixels rather than default (white) color.
I think so.
I also had a similar problem with texture mapping. What worked for me was changing the texture address mode in the sampler state description; texture address mode is used to control what direct3d does with texture coordinates outside of the ([0.0f, 1.0f]) range: i changed the ADDRESS_U, ADDRESS_V, ADDRESS_W members to D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP which basically clamps all out-of-range values for the texture coordinates into the [0.0f, 1.0f] range.
After a long time searching and testing people solutions I found this rules are the most complete rules that I've ever read.
pixel-perfect-2d from Official Unity WebSite
plus with my own experience i found out that if sprite PPI is 72(for example), you should try to use more PPI for that Image(96 maybe or more).It actually make sprite more dense and make no space for white gaps to show up.
Welcome to the world of floating-point. Those gaps exist due to imperfections using floating-point numbers.
You might be able to improve the situation by being really careful when doing your floating-point math but those seams will be there unless you make one whole mesh out of your terrain.
It's the rasterizer that given the view and projection matrix as well as the vertex positions is slightly off. You maybe able to improve on that but I don't know how successful you'll be.
Instead of drawing different quads you can index only the visible vertexes that make up your terrain and instead use texture tiling techniques to paint different stuff on there. I believe that won't get you the ugly seam because in that case, there technically isn't one.
I am using Nvidia CG and Direct3D9 and have the question about the following code.
It compiles, but doesn't "loads" (using cgLoadProgram wrapper) and the resulting failure is described simplyas D3D failure happened.
It's a part of the pixel shader compiled with shader model set to 3.0
What may be interesting is that this shader loads fine in the following cases:
1) Manually unrolling the while statement (to many if { } statements).
2) Removing the line with the tex2D function in the loop.
3) Switching to shader model 2_X and manually unrolling the loop.
Problem part of the shader code:
float2 tex = float2(1, 1);
float2 dtex = float2(0.01, 0.01);
float h = 1.0 - tex2D(height_texture1, tex);
float height = 1.00;
while ( h < height )
height -= 0.1;
tex += dtex;
// Remove the next line and it works (not as expected,
// of course)
h = tex2D( height_texture1, tex );
If someone knows why this can happen or could test the similiar code in non-CG environment or could help me in some other way, I'm waiting for you ;)
I think you need to determine the gradients before the loop using ddx/ddy on the texture coordinates and then use tex2D(sampler2D samp, float2 s, float2 dx, float2 dy)
The GPU always renders quads not pixels (even on pixel borders - superfluous pixels are discarded by the render backend). This is done because it allows it to always calculate the screen space texture derivates even when you use calculated texture coordinates. It just needs to take the difference between the values at the pixel centers.
But this doesn't work when using dynamic branching like in the code in the question, because the shader processors at the individual pixels could diverge in control flow. So you need to calculate the derivates manually via ddx/ddy before the program flow can diverge.