error: expected declaration or statement at end of input atmel studio - avr-gcc

I'm new in Embedded systems I am using "atmel Studio7" so I opened ASF wizard T_C driver for xmega128a1 and modified it to set just the timer TCC0 to count 50 ms and throw an overflow flag every 50 ms beside I commented other timers,
I tried to compile but I have one error and I can't correct it the error is: "expected declaration or statement at end of input".
which located in this segment of the code:
void tc_set_ccd_interrupt_callback(volatile void *tc, tc_callback_t callback)
#ifdef TCC0
if ((uintptr_t) tc == (uintptr_t) & TCC0)
tc_tcc0_ccd_callback = callback;
anyone have an idea or advise.

Remove the else word. It expects a new statement after it, which you do not have


i got the 100 errors when include a ntddk.h and wdm.h in my program

enter link description here[2][this image shows the error]
I tried this code for block the process before execution.But i got a 100 errors while import a ntddk.h and wdm.h in c++.How to solve it?
Then i got sme erroe like this expected a ')' in my 14 and 22 line of code.
So what should i do for removing the 100 error?
#include <ntstatus.h>
#include <ntddk.h>
#include <wdm.h>
int main()
PEPROCESS process1;
process1 = IoGetCurrentProcess();
HANDLE ProcessId = PsGetCurrentProcessId();
PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE_EX(process1, ProcessId, CreateInfo);
NTSTATUS CreationStatus;
CreateInfo.CreationStatus = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;
ImageFileName = CreateInfo.ImageFileName;
if (ImageFileName == (PCUNICODE_STRING)L"firefox.exe")
NTSTATUS result;
result = PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx(PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE_EX(process1, ProcessId, CreateInfo), FALSE);
if (result)
return 0;
Then i got sme erroe like this expected a ')' in my 14 and 22 line of code.
PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE_EX(process1, ProcessId, CreateInfo);
result=PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx(PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE_EX(process1, ProcessId, CreateInfo), FALSE);
this is the link for showing my error
Don't mix SDK and DDK headers/libraries in one executable.
If you write a driver, don't include Windows.h. Driver code is not Win32 code.
If you want to create a process in suspended state from another Win32 process, use CREATE_SUSPENDED process creation flag in CreateProcess() (or a similar) Win32 call.
If you want to deny process creation for a particular process from a driver, check this StackOverflow question for the boilerplate code.

Success compiling but no display, setting bkcolor

#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
int gd=DETECT,gm;
The compiling was successful and tried running it, but the result was I see no display for my code It's just a blink of screen and gone back to the console.
you need to point initgraph to bgi subfolder of turboc3
Yes your code may compile successfully but your code is having a runtime problem. Just add these line first below the line you initialized your graphics.
int errorcode = graphresult();
if (errorcode != grOk) { /* an error occurred */
printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
printf("Press any key to halt:");
exit(1); /* terminate with an error code(requires process.h) */
Through these lines runtime problems of graphics can be detected. Its just a safety method for avoid errors and system crash. Well these lines will tell you that they cannot find the file VGAEGA.bgi file. That's generally the default drivers of graphics.
The reason the file is not found is your path c:\\TURBOC3\\. see this post for avoiding the errors.

Visual Studio C++ : Debug Assertion Failed

I recently tried to create a program that can read an ODBC database then write the entries in an Excel file by using the CRecordset class, the program complilates perfectly, but the problems come in the execution...
First error :
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program: C:\Windows\system32\mfc140ud.dll
File: f:\dd\vctools\vc7libs\ship\atlmfc\include\afxwin1.inl
Line: 24
Second error :
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program: C:\Windows\system32\mfc140ud.dll
File: f:\dd\vctools\vc7libs\ship\atlmfc\src\mfc\dbcore.cpp
Line: 3312
The two errors are pointing toward the mfc140ud.dll file, it's not a missing file, so it's not the problem.
Here is the function where the exception is raised:
void parseDB(CRecordset &rs, const CString &SqlString, CString strOut) {
std::cout << "test2";
rs.Open(CRecordset::snapshot, SqlString, CRecordset::readOnly);
std::string entry;
std::fstream file;
std::cout << "test3";
while(!rs.IsEOF()) {
std::cout << "test4";
rs.GetFieldValue((short)0, strOut);
CT2CA pszConvertedAnsiString = strOut;
entry = pszConvertedAnsiString;
writeXLSX(entry.c_str(), file);
The "std::cout << "test"" are here for debugging, and my program generates these errors right after the "test2" display, so I deducted that the error comes from the "Open" line.
This is the way I initialize the CRecordset:
CString sDsn;
CDatabase db;
CRecordset rs(&db);
CString strOut;
CString SqlString;
Then, I use a CALL SQL function in a switch-case:
switch (sequence) {
case 1:
case 2:
AfxMessageBox(_T("Wrong entry!"));
I searched on many sites and I couldn't find an answer, that's why I ask a question here, thanks by advance.
The first assertion comes from AfxGetResourceHandle complaining that it has not been set up correctly.
This will usually happen because you either didn't call AfxWinInit at the start of your application (if you have a console application and didn't set it up with the MFC wizard, this is very likely the case), or you're writing an MFC DLL called from non-MFC code, and you didn't add AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); at the start of every externally visible function.
I believe the second is because MFC requires you to wrap CALL queries in curly braces, like so: {CALL GETCUSNAME(AGENTS)}. Otherwise the call is not recognized, and code execution enters a path it is not supposed to take.

"RpcAsync.h" header file not being read, in which I have put in order for recognizing AnsiString in Microsoft Visual Studio

This is my first time working with header files, and I have a source code and I'm trying to include RpcAsync.h file and written in the beginning of my source file.
However Visual Studio is not recognizing the header file for AnsiString. I am able to see AnsiString definitions in RpcASync.h .
It throws an error saying :
1 IntelliSense: identifier "AnsiString" is undefined.
I did include the file in the solution. and I did used std::string it doesn't serve the purpose.
AnsiString has been declared in header file RpcASync.h as :
typedef struct tagRPC_EE_INFO_PARAM
LPSTR AnsiString;
} u;
In CPP file I have included RpcASync.h header file and tried to access AnsiString as a parameter in function as follows
bool FindRunningProcess(AnsiString process)
AnsiString compare;
if (pe32.szExeFile == process) {
procRunning = true;
} else {
// loop through all running processes looking for process
while (Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &pe32)) {
// Set to an AnsiString instead of Char[] to make compare easier
compare = pe32.szExeFile;
if (compare == process) {
// if found process is running, set to true and break from loop
procRunning = true;
but when I compile it throws an error -
IntelliSense: identifier "AnsiString" is undefined.
Note : pe32.szExeFile is of WCHAR , So I am using process as AnsiString

LuaPlus: How to make a function return a table?

I'm wondering how I you can create and register a function from the C++-side that returns a table when called from the Lua-side.
I've tried a lot of things but nothing did really work. :/
(sorry for the long code)
This for example won't work, because Register() expects a "luaCFunction"-styled function:
LuaPlus::LuaObject Test( LuaPlus::LuaState* state ) {
int top = state->GetTop();
std::string var( state->ToString(1) );
LuaPlus::LuaObject tableObj(state);
if (var == "aaa")
tableObj.SetString("x", "ABC");
else if (var == "bbb")
tableObj.SetString("x", "DEF");
tableObj.SetString("y", "XYZ");
return tableObj;
int main()
LuaPlus::LuaState* L = LuaPlus::LuaState::Create(true);
//without true I can't access the standard libraries like "math.","string."...
//with true, GetLastError returns 2 though (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
//no side effects noticed though
LuaPlus::LuaObject globals = L->GetGlobals();
char pPath[MAX_PATH];
if(L->DoFile(pPath)) {
if( L->GetTop() == 1 ) // An error occured
std::cout << "An error occured: " << L->CheckString(1) << std::endl;
When I try to set it up as a luaCFunction-function it just crashes (0x3) and says:
Assertion failed: 0, file C:\......\luafunction.h, line 41
int Test( LuaPlus::LuaState* state ) {
int top = state->GetTop();
std::string var( state->ToString(1) );
LuaPlus::LuaObject tableObj(state);
if (var == "aaa")
tableObj.SetString("x", "ABC");
else if (var == "bbb")
tableObj.SetString("x", "DEF");
tableObj.SetString("y", "XYZ");
return state->GetTop() - top;
For clarification: from the Lua side I wanted it to be callable like:
myVar = Test("aaa")
Print(myVar) -- output: ABC
EDIT: The Print function comes from here. And was basically the cause for this to not work. Print can only print strings not tables... The C++ code from above works fine if you just return 1.
This is the documentation that came with my LuaPlus version btw:
I really hope you can help me.. I'm already starting to think that it is not possible. :'(
I totally forgot to say that using PushStack() lead into an error because "the member does not exist"...
After some painstaking probing from the long comment discussion, I'm posting this answer to help summary the situation and hopefully to offer some useful advice.
The main issue the OP was running into was that the wrong print function was being called in the lua test script. Contrary to the original code shown the real code the OP was testing against was calling Print(myVar) which is a custom provided lua_CFunction and not the builtin print function.
Somehow along the way, this ended up creating some instantiation of template <typename RT> class LuaFunction and calling the overloaded operator()(). From inspecting the luafunction.h from luaPlus any lua errors that occurs inside this call will get swallowed up without any kind of logging (not a good design decision on luaPlus's part):
if (lua_pcall(L, 0, 1, 0)) {
const char* errorString = lua_tostring(L, -1); (void)errorString;
To help catch future errors like this, I suggest adding a new luaplus_assertlog macro. Specifically, this macro will include the errorString so that the context isn't completely lost and hopefully help with debugging. This change hopefully won't break existing uses of luaplua_assert from other parts of the API. In the long run though, it's probably better to modify luaplus_assert so it actually includes something meaningful.
Anyway here's a diff of the changes made:
## -81,5 +81,6 ##
} // namespace LuaPlus
+#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define luaplus_assert(e) if (!(e)) assert(0)
## -84,5 +85,6 ##
#include <assert.h>
#define luaplus_assert(e) if (!(e)) assert(0)
+#define luaplus_assertlog(e, msg) if (!(e)) { fprintf(stderr, msg); assert(0); }
#define luaplus_throw(e) assert(0)
## -21,7 +21,7 ##
class LuaFunction
- LuaFunction(LuaObject& _functionObj)
+ LuaFunction(const LuaObject& _functionObj)
: functionObj(_functionObj) {
## -36,7 +36,7 ##
if (lua_pcall(L, 0, 1, 0)) {
const char* errorString = lua_tostring(L, -1); (void)errorString;
- luaplus_assert(0);
+ luaplus_assertlog(0, errorString);
return LPCD::Type<RT>::Get(L, -1);
In the change above, I opted not to use std::cerr simply because C++ streams tend to be heavier than plain-old C-style io functions. This is especially true if you're using mingw as your toolchain -- the ld linker is unable to eliminate unused C++ stream symbols even if your program never uses it.
With that in place, here's an example where an unprotected call is made to a lua function so you can see the errorString printed out prior to the crash:
// snip...
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
LuaStateAuto L ( LuaState::Create(true) );
LuaObject globals = L->GetGlobals();
globals.Register("Test", Test);
globals.Register("Print", Print);
if(argc > 1)
if (L->DoFile(argv[argc - 1]))
std::cout << L->CheckString(1) << '\n';
L->LoadFile( argv[argc - 1] );
LuaFunction<int> f ( LuaObject (L, -1) );
Running the above will trigger the crash but will include a semi-helpful error message:
g++ -Wall -pedantic -O0 -g -I ./Src -I ./Src/LuaPlus/lua51-luaplus/src plustest.cpp -o plustest.exe lua51-luaplus.dll
plustest.exe plustest.lua
plustest.lua:2: bad argument #1 to 'Print' (string expected, got table)Assertion failed!
Program: G:\OSS\luaplus51-all\plustest.exe
File: ./Src/LuaPlus/LuaFunction.h, Line 39
Expression: 0
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
first you may try to register the function using RegisterDirect(), this may avoid lua_CFunction's problem, check the luaplus this
LuaPlus::LuaObject globals = L->GetGlobals();
second if I remeber to create a table have two solutions,like this
LuaObject globalsObj = state->GetGlobals();
LuaObject myArrayOfStuffTableObj = globalsObj.CreateTable("MyArrayOfStuff");
LuaObject aStandaloneTableObj;
check whether you have use the right function.
third I remember the lua stack object is not the luaobject, they have a conversion, may be you can try this
LuaStackObject stack1Obj(state, 1);
LuaObject nonStack1Obj = stack1Obj;
forth, like the function Test() you have give above, the table tableObj you have pushing onto the lua stack, you must remember to clear the object.