Solid fill of an ellipse in python dxf - python-2.7

I'd like to draw filled ellipse with python. This would be easy if I could use PIL oder some other libraries. The problem is I need the ellipse in a .dxf file format. Therefore I used the dxfwrite package. This allows me to draw an ellipse but I couldn't find a way to fill it with a solid color. The following code does draw an ellipse line, but does not fill it.
import dxfwrite
from dxfwrite import DXFEngine as dxf
name = 'ellipse.dxf'
dwg = dxf.drawing(name)
dwg.add(dxf.ellipse((0,0), 5., 10., segments=200))
Does anybody of you guys know a solution?

The HATCH entity is not supported by dxfwrite, if you use ezdxf this is the solution:
import ezdxf
dwg ='AC1015') # hatch requires the DXF R2000 (AC1015) format or later
msp = dwg.modelspace() # adding entities to the model space
# important: major axis >= minor axis (ratio <= 1.) else AutoCAD crashes
msp.add_ellipse((0, 0), major_axis=(0, 10), ratio=0.5)
hatch = msp.add_hatch(color=2)
with hatch.edit_boundary() as boundary: # edit boundary path (context manager)
edge_path = boundary.add_edge_path()
# an edge path can contain line, arc, ellipse or spline elements
edge_path.add_ellipse((0, 0), major_axis_vector=(0, 10), minor_axis_length=0.5)
# upcoming ezdxf 0.7.7:
# renamed major_axis_vector to major_axis
# renamed minor_axis_length to ratio

You could fill an ellipse by using a solid hatch object:
For the above example, here is a snippet from the DXF file that contains the ellipse and the hatch:
There are a lot of DXF codes involved. This is the information Autodesk provide:
Hatch group codes
Group code
Subclass marker (AcDbHatch)
Elevation point (in OCS)
DXF: X value = 0; APP: 3D point (X and Y always equal 0, Z represents the elevation)
20, 30
DXF: Y and Z values of elevation point (in OCS)
Y value = 0, Z represents the elevation
Extrusion direction (optional; default = 0, 0, 1)
DXF: X value; APP: 3D vector
220, 230
DXF: Y and Z values of extrusion direction
Hatch pattern name
Solid fill flag (solid fill = 1; pattern fill = 0); for MPolygon, the version of MPolygon
For MPolygon, pattern fill color as the ACI
Associativity flag (associative = 1; non-associative = 0); for MPolygon, solid-fill flag (has solid fill = 1; lacks solid fill = 0)
Number of boundary paths (loops)
Boundary path data. Repeats number of times specified by code 91. See Boundary Path Data
Hatch style:
0 = Hatch “odd parity” area (Normal style)
1 = Hatch outermost area only (Outer style)
2 = Hatch through entire area (Ignore style)
Hatch pattern type:
0 = User-defined; 1 = Predefined; 2 = Custom
Hatch pattern angle (pattern fill only)
Hatch pattern scale or spacing (pattern fill only)
For MPolygon, boundary annotation flag (boundary is an annotated boundary = 1; boundary is not an annotated boundary = 0)
Hatch pattern double flag (pattern fill only):
0 = not double; 1 = double
Number of pattern definition lines
Pattern line data. Repeats number of times specified by code 78. See Pattern Data
Pixel size used to determine the density to perform various intersection and ray casting operations in hatch pattern computation for associative hatches and hatches created with the Flood method of hatching
Number of seed points
For MPolygon, offset vector
For MPolygon, number of degenerate boundary paths (loops), where a degenerate boundary path is a border that is ignored by the hatch
Seed point (in OCS)
DXF: X value; APP: 2D point (multiple entries)
DXF: Y value of seed point (in OCS); (multiple entries)
Indicates solid hatch or gradient; if solid hatch, the values for the remaining codes are ignored but must be present. Optional; if code 450 is in the file, then the following codes must be in the file: 451, 452, 453, 460, 461, 462, and 470. If code 450 is not in the file, then the following codes must not be in the file: 451, 452, 453, 460, 461, 462, and 470
0 = Solid hatch
1 = Gradient
Zero is reserved for future use
Records how colors were defined and is used only by dialog code:
0 = Two-color gradient
1 = Single-color gradient
Number of colors:
0 = Solid hatch
2 = Gradient
Rotation angle in radians for gradients (default = 0, 0)
Gradient definition; corresponds to the Centered option on the Gradient Tab of the Boundary Hatch and Fill dialog box. Each gradient has two definitions, shifted and unshifted. A Shift value describes the blend of the two definitions that should be used. A value of 0.0 means only the unshifted version should be used, and a value of 1.0 means that only the shifted version should be used.
Color tint value used by dialog code (default = 0, 0; range is 0.0 to 1.0). The color tint value is a gradient color and controls the degree of tint in the dialog when the Hatch group code 452 is set to 1.
Reserved for future use:
0 = First value
1 = Second value
String (default = LINEAR)
I hope this may be of some use to you. I apologize if I missunderstood your issue.


perft-function of chess engine is giving self-contradictory output

I am currently developing a chess engine in C++, and I am in the process of debugging my move generator. For this purpose, I wrote a simple perft() function:
int32_t Engine::perft(GameState game_state, int32_t depth)
int32_t last_move_nodes = 0;
int32_t all_nodes = 0;
Timer timer;
int32_t output_depth = depth;
if (depth == 0)
return 1;
std::vector<Move> legal_moves = generator.generate_legal_moves(game_state);
for (Move move : legal_moves)
last_move_nodes = perft_no_print(game_state, depth - 1);
all_nodes += last_move_nodes;
std::cout << index_to_square_name(move.get_from_index()) << index_to_square_name(move.get_to_index()) << ": " << last_move_nodes << "\n";
std::cout << "\nDepth: " << output_depth << "\nTotal nodes: " << all_nodes << "\nTotal time: " << timer.get_milliseconds() << "ms/" << timer.get_milliseconds()/1000.0f << "s\n\n";
return all_nodes;
int32_t Engine::perft_no_print(GameState game_state, int32_t depth)
int32_t nodes = 0;
if (depth == 0)
return 1;
std::vector<Move> legal_moves = generator.generate_legal_moves(game_state);
for (Move move : legal_moves)
nodes += perft_no_print(game_state, depth - 1);
return nodes;
It's results for the initial chess position (FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1) for depths 1 and 2 match the results of stockfish's perft command, so I assume they are correct:
h2h3: 1
h2h4: 1
g2g3: 1
g2g4: 1
f2f3: 1
f2f4: 1
e2e3: 1
e2e4: 1
d2d3: 1
d2d4: 1
c2c3: 1
c2c4: 1
b2b3: 1
b2b4: 1
a2a3: 1
a2a4: 1
g1h3: 1
g1f3: 1
b1c3: 1
b1a3: 1
Depth: 1
Total nodes: 20
Total time: 1ms/0.001s
h2h3: 20
h2h4: 20
g2g3: 20
g2g4: 20
f2f3: 20
f2f4: 20
e2e3: 20
e2e4: 20
d2d3: 20
d2d4: 20
c2c3: 20
c2c4: 20
b2b3: 20
b2b4: 20
a2a3: 20
a2a4: 20
g1h3: 20
g1f3: 20
b1c3: 20
b1a3: 20
Depth: 2
Total nodes: 400
Total time: 1ms/0.001s
The results stop matching at depth 3, though:
go perft 3
a2a3: 380
b2b3: 420
c2c3: 420
d2d3: 539
e2e3: 599
f2f3: 380
g2g3: 420
h2h3: 380
a2a4: 420
b2b4: 421
c2c4: 441
d2d4: 560
e2e4: 600
f2f4: 401
g2g4: 421
h2h4: 420
b1a3: 400
b1c3: 440
g1f3: 440
g1h3: 400
Nodes searched: 8902
My engine:
h2h3: 361
h2h4: 380
g2g3: 340
g2g4: 397
f2f3: 360
f2f4: 436
e2e3: 380
e2e4: 437
d2d3: 380
d2d4: 437
c2c3: 399
c2c4: 326
b2b3: 300
b2b4: 320
a2a3: 280
a2a4: 299
g1h3: 281
g1f3: 280
b1c3: 357
b1a3: 320
Depth: 3
Total nodes: 7070
Total time: 10ms/0.01s
I figured that my move generator was just buggy, and tried to track down the bugs by making a move the engine gives incorrect values for on the board and then calling perft() with depth = 2 on it to find out which moves are missing. But for all moves I tried this with, the engine suddenly starts to output the correct results I expected to get earlier!
Here is an example for the move a2a3:
When calling perft() on the initial position in stockfish, it calculates 380 subnodes for a2a3 at depth 3.
When calling perft() on the initial position in my engine, it calculates 280 subnodes for a2a3 at depth 3.
When calling perft() on the position you get after making the move a2a3 in the initial position in my engine, it calculates the correct number of total nodes at depth 2, 380:
h7h5: 19
h7h6: 19
g7g5: 19
g7g6: 19
f7f5: 19
f7f6: 19
e7e5: 19
e7e6: 19
d7d5: 19
d7d6: 19
c7c5: 19
c7c6: 19
b7b5: 19
b7b6: 19
a7a5: 19
a7a6: 19
g8h6: 19
g8f6: 19
b8c6: 19
b8a6: 19
Depth: 2
Total nodes: 380
Total time: 1ms/0.001s
If you have any idea what the problem could be here, please help me out. Thank you!
I discovered some interesting new facts that might help to solve the problem, but I don't know what to do with them:
For some reason, using std::sort() like this in perft():
std::sort(legal_moves.begin(), legal_moves.end(), [](auto first, auto second){ return first.get_from_index() % 8 > second.get_from_index() % 8; });
to sort the vector of legal moves causes the found number of total nodes for the initial position (for depth 3) to change from the wrong 7070 to the (also wrong) 7331.
When printing the game state after calling game_state.make_move() in perft(), it seems to have had no effect on the position bitboards (the other properties change like they are supposed to). This is very strange, because isolated, the make_move() method works just fine.
I'm unsure if you were able to pin down the issue but from the limited information available in the question, the best I can assume (and something I faced myself earlier) is that there is a problem in your unmake_move() function when it comes to captures since
Your perft fails only at level 3 - this is when the first legal capture is possible, move 1 and 2 can have no legal captures.
Your perft works fine when it's at depth 1 in the position after a2a3 rather than when it's searching at depth 3 from the start
This probably means that your unmake_move() fails at a depth greater than 1 where you need to restore some of the board's state that cannot be derived from just the move parameter you are passing in (e.g. enpassant, castling rights etc. before you made the move).
This is how you would like to debug your move generator using perft.
Given startpos as p1, generate perft(3) for your engine and sf. (you did that)
Now check any move that have different nodes, you pick a2a3. (you did that)
Given startpos + a2a3 as p2, generate perft(2) for your engine and sf. (you partially did this)
Now check any move that have different nodes in step 3. Let's say move x.
Given startpos + a2a3 + x as p3, generate perft(1) for your engine and sf.
Since that is only perft(1) by this time you will be able to figure out the wrong move or the missing move from your generator. Setup that last position or p3 on the board and see the wrong/missing moves from your engine compared to sf perft(1) result.

Slicing a box of certain width along arbitrary line through 3d array

I have a big (600,600,600) numpy array filled with my data. Now I would like to extract regions from this with a given width around an arbitrary line through the box.
For the line I have the x, y and z coordinates of every point in separate numpy arrays. So let's say the line has 35 points in the data box, then the x, y and z arrays each have lengths of 35 as well. I can extract the points along the line itself by using indexing like this
extraction = data[z,y,x]
Now ideally I'd like to extract a box around it by doing something like the following
extraction = data[z-3:z+3,y-3:y+3,z-3:z+3]
but because x, y and z are arrays, this is not possible. The only way I could think of of doing this is through a for-loop for each point, so
extraction = np.array([])
for i in range(len(x)):
extraction = np.append(extraction,data[z[i]-3:z[i]+3,y[i]-3:y[i]+3,z[i]-3:z[i]+3])
and then reshaping the extraction array afterwards. However, this is very slow and there will be some overlap between each of the slices in this for-loop I'd like to prevent.
Is there a simple way to do this directly without a for-loop?
Let me rephrase the question through another idea I came up with that is also slow. I have a line running through the datacube. I have a lists of x, y and z coordinates (the coordinates being the indices in the datacube array) with all the points that define the line.
As an example these lists look like this:
x_line: [345 345 345 345 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342 342]
y_line: [540 540 540 543 543 543 543 546 546 546 549 549 549 549 552 552]
z_line: [84 84 84 87 87 87 87 87 90 90 90 90 90 93 93 93]
As you can see, some of these coordinates are identical, due to the lines being defined in different coordinates and then binned to the resolution of the data box.
Now I want to mask all cells in the datacube with a distance larger than 3 cells.
For a single point along the line (x_line[i], y_line[i], z_line[i]) this is relatively easy.I created a meshgrid for the coordinates in the datacube and then create a mask array of zeros and put everything satisfying the condition to 1:
data = np.random.rand(600,600,600)
x_box,y_box,z_box = np.meshgrid(n.arange(600),n.arange(600),n.arange(600))
mask = np.zeros(np.shape(data))
for i in range(len(x_line)):
distance = np.sqrt((x_box-x_line[i])**2 + (y_box-y_line[i])**2 + (z_box-z_line[i])**2)
mask[distance <= 3] = 1.
extraction = data[mask == 1.]
The advantage of this is that the mask array removes the problem of having duplicate extractions. However, both the meshgrid and distance calculations are very slow. So is it possible to do the calculation of the distance directly on the entire line without having to do a for-loop over each line point, so that it directly masks all cells that are within a distance of 3 cells from ANY of the line points?
How about this?
# .shape = (N,)
x, y, z = ...
# offsets in [-3, 3), .shape = (6, 6, 6)
xo, yo, zo = np.indices((6, 6, 6)) - 3
# box indices, .shape = (6, 6, 6, N)
xb, yb, zb = x + xo[...,np.newaxis], y + yo[...,np.newaxis], z + zo[...,np.newaxis]
# .shape = (6, 6, 6, N)
extractions = data[xb, yb, zb]
This extracts a series of 6x6x6 cubes, each "centered" on the coordinates in x, y, and z
This will produce duplicate coordinates, and fail on cases near the borders
If you keep your xyz in one array, this gets a little less verbose, and you can remove the duplicates:
# .shape = (N,3)
xyz = ...
# offsets in [-3, 3), .shape = (6, 6, 6, 3)
xyz_offset = np.moveaxis(np.indices((6, 6, 6)) - 3, 0, -1)
# box indices, .shape = (6, 6, 6, N, 3)
xyz_box = xyz + xyz_offset[...,np.newaxis,:]
if remove_duplicates:
# shape (M, 3)
xyz_box = xyz_box.reshape(-1, 3)
xyz_box = np.unique(xyz_box, axis=0)
xb, yb, zb = xyz_box
extractions = data[xb, yb, zb]

Python multidimensional array

I'm a bit of a beginner in Python, but I think I have a simple question. I am using image processing to detect lines in an image
lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges,1,np.pi/180,50,minLineLength,maxLineGap)
lines.shape is (151, 1, 4) meaning that I've detected 151 lines, and has 4 parameters x1, y1, x2, y2.
What I want to do is add another factor to lines, called slope, thus increasing lines.shape to (151, 1, 5). I know I can concatenate an empty array of zeros at the end of lines, but how do I make it so I can call it in a for loop or the like?
For example I want to be able to say
for slope in lines
#do stuff
Unfortunately, the HoughLinesP function returns a numpy array of type int32. I stayed up past my bedtime to figure this out, though, so I'm going to post it anyways. I just multiplied the slopes by 1000 and put them in the array like that. Hopefully, it's still useful to you.
slopes = []
for row in lines:
slopes.append((row[0][1] - row[0][3]) / float(row[0][0] - row[0][2]) * 1000)
new_column = []
for slope in slopes:
new_array = np.insert(lines, 4, new_column, axis=2)
print lines
print new_array
Sample output:
[[[14 66 24 66]]
[[37 23 54 56]]
[[ 7 62 28 21]]
[[70 61 81 61]]
[[24 64 42 64]]]
[[[ 14 66 24 66 0]]
[[ 37 23 54 56 1941]]
[[ 7 62 28 21 -1952]]
[[ 70 61 81 61 0]]
[[ 24 64 42 64 0]]]
Edit: Better (and full) code with same output
import cv2
import numpy as np
img = cv2.imread('cmake_logo-main.png')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
edges = cv2.Canny(img,50,150,apertureSize = 3)
lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges,1,np.pi/180,50,3,10)
def slope(xy):
return (xy[1] - xy[3]) / float(xy[0] - xy[2]) * 1000
new_column = [[slope(row[0])] for row in lines]
new_array = np.insert(lines, 4, new_column, axis=2)
print lines
print new_array
Based on your comments, here's my guess as to what you should do:
lines = np.squeeze(lines)
# remove the unneeded middle dim, a convenience, but not required
slope = <some calculation> # expect (151,) array of floats
mask = np.ones((151,),dtype=bool) # boolean mask
<assign False to mask for all lines you want to delete>
<alt start with False, and set True to keepers>
lines = lines[mask]
slope = lines[mask]
Alternatively you could extend lines with np.hstack([lines, np.zeros((151,1))]) (or concatenate on axis 1). But if as Jason thinks, lines is dtype int, and slope must be float, that won't work. You'd have to use his scaling solution.
You could also use a structured array to combine the ints and float columns into one array. Why do that if it is just as easy to keep slope as separate variable?

Bash: expand a list of coordinates (sed?)

I have a list of simple coordinates (longitude, latitude pairs) like
110 30
-120 0
130 -30
0 30
and try to expand it to this:
110 30 110\272E 30\272N 110 30 LON0
-120 0 120\272W 0\272 -120 0 LON0
130 -30 130\272E 30\272S 130 -30 LON0
0 30 0\272 30\272N 0 30 LON0
Examining the first line:
110 30 110\272E 30\272N 110 30 LON0
110 30 The first two values just stay the same
110\272E the third value is basically the first value with an added (octal \272) degree symbol and an E for positive values or a W for negative values
30\272N similar to the third value, this is the latitude with an added degree symbol and a N for positive and a S for negative values.
110 30 is just a repetition of the first two values
LON0 is a fixed string for later replacement.
Things tried so far:
I played around with sed, but was unable to achieve anything remotely useful. I wasn't able to manipulate the matched values depending on them being negative or positive.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
All the best,
EDIT: #jaypal suggested to add different possible cases that can occur. Original was only one case with minor deviations in value.
EDIT2: Had to adjust the example data due to me not updating all values in the sample data. My apologies.
Can you use awk? It will be very easy:
$ cat file
110 30
-120 0
130 -30
0 30
awk '
function abs(x) {
x = x > 0 ? x : x * -1
return x
print abs($1),abs($2), ($1>0?abs($1)"\272E":$1==0?$1"\272":abs($1)"\272W"), ($2>0?abs($2)"\272N":$2==0?$2"\272":abs($2)"\272S"), abs($1), abs($2), "LON0"
}' file
110 30 110ºE 30ºN 110 30 LON0
120 0 120ºW 0º 120 0 LON0
130 30 130ºE 30ºS 130 30 LON0
0 30 0º 30ºN 0 30 LON0
If you want to print \272 instead of º just add another backslash to prevent it from interpolating. So modify the above script and use \\272 where ever you see \272.
We print the fields as you desire in your output and the following two syntax:
are ternary operators that checks for the positivity of the values. If first is positive use E else W. If second is positive use N else use S.
awk '
function abs(x) {
x = x > 0 ? x : x * -1
return x
print $1,$2,($1>0?$1"\\272E":$1==0?$1"\\272":abs($1)"\\272W"),($2>0?$2"\\272N":$2==0?$2"\\272":abs($2)"\\272S"),$1,$2, "LON0"
}' file
110 30 110\272E 30\272N 110 30 LON0
-120 0 120\272W 0\272 -120 0 LON0
130 -30 130\272E 30\272S 130 -30 LON0
0 30 0\272 30\272N 0 30 LON0

Which color gradient is used to color mandelbrot in wikipedia?

At Wikipedia's Mandelbrot set page there are really beautiful generated images of the Mandelbrot set.
I also just implemented my own Mandelbrot algorithm. Given n is the number of iterations used to calculate each pixel, I color them pretty simple from black to green to white like that (with C++ and Qt 5.0):
QColor mapping(Qt::white);
double quotient = (double) n / (double) MAX_ITERATIONS;
double color = _clamp(0.f, 1.f, quotient);
if (quotient > 0.5) {
// Close to the mandelbrot set the color changes from green to white
mapping.setRgbF(color, 1.f, color);
else {
// Far away it changes from black to green
mapping.setRgbF(0.f, color, 0.f);
return mapping;
My result looks like that:
I like it pretty much already, but which color gradient is used for the images in Wikipedia? How to calculate that gradient with a given n of iterations?
(This question is not about smoothing.)
The gradient is probably from Ultra Fractal. It is defined by 5 control points:
Position = 0.0 Color = ( 0, 7, 100)
Position = 0.16 Color = ( 32, 107, 203)
Position = 0.42 Color = (237, 255, 255)
Position = 0.6425 Color = (255, 170, 0)
Position = 0.8575 Color = ( 0, 2, 0)
where Position is in range [0, 1) and Color is RGB in range [0, 255].
The catch is that the colors are not linearly interpolated. The interpolation of colors is likely cubic (or something similar). Following image shows the difference between linear and Monotone cubic interpolation:
As you can see the cubic interpolation results in smoother and "prettier" gradient. I used monotone cubic interpolation to avoid "overshooting" of the [0, 255] color range that can be caused by cubic interpolation. Monotone cubic ensures that interpolated values are always in the range of input points.
I use following code to compute the color based on iteration i:
double smoothed = Math.Log2(Math.Log2(re * re + im * im) / 2); // log_2(log_2(|p|))
int colorI = (int)(Math.Sqrt(i + 10 - smoothed) * gradient.Scale) % colors.Length;
Color color = colors[colorI];
where i is the diverged iteration number, re and im are diverged coordinates, gradient.Scale is 256, and the colors is and array with pre-computed gradient colors showed above. Its length is 2048 in this case.
Well, I did some reverse engineering on the colours used in wikipedia using the Photoshop eyedropper. There are 16 colours in this gradient:
66 30 15 # brown 3
25 7 26 # dark violett
9 1 47 # darkest blue
4 4 73 # blue 5
0 7 100 # blue 4
12 44 138 # blue 3
24 82 177 # blue 2
57 125 209 # blue 1
134 181 229 # blue 0
211 236 248 # lightest blue
241 233 191 # lightest yellow
248 201 95 # light yellow
255 170 0 # dirty yellow
204 128 0 # brown 0
153 87 0 # brown 1
106 52 3 # brown 2
Simply using a modulo and an QColor array allows me to iterate through all colours in the gradient:
if (n < MAX_ITERATIONS && n > 0) {
int i = n % 16;
QColor mapping[16];
mapping[0].setRgb(66, 30, 15);
mapping[1].setRgb(25, 7, 26);
mapping[2].setRgb(9, 1, 47);
mapping[3].setRgb(4, 4, 73);
mapping[4].setRgb(0, 7, 100);
mapping[5].setRgb(12, 44, 138);
mapping[6].setRgb(24, 82, 177);
mapping[7].setRgb(57, 125, 209);
mapping[8].setRgb(134, 181, 229);
mapping[9].setRgb(211, 236, 248);
mapping[10].setRgb(241, 233, 191);
mapping[11].setRgb(248, 201, 95);
mapping[12].setRgb(255, 170, 0);
mapping[13].setRgb(204, 128, 0);
mapping[14].setRgb(153, 87, 0);
mapping[15].setRgb(106, 52, 3);
return mapping[i];
else return Qt::black;
The result looks pretty much like what I was looking for:
I believe they're the default colours in Ultra Fractal. The evaluation version comes with source for a lot of the parameters, and I think that includes that colour map (if you can't infer it from the screenshot on the front page) and possibly also the logic behind dynamically scaling that colour map appropriately for each scene.
This is an extension of NightElfik's great answer.
The python library Scipy has monotone cubic interpolation methods in version 1.5.2 with pchip_interpolate. I included the code I used to create my gradient below. I decided to include helper values less than 0 and larger than 1 to help the interpolation wrap from the end to the beginning (no sharp corners).
#set up the control points for your gradient
yR_observed = [0, 0,32,237, 255, 0, 0, 32]
yG_observed = [2, 7, 107, 255, 170, 2, 7, 107]
yB_observed = [0, 100, 203, 255, 0, 0, 100, 203]
x_observed = [-.1425, 0, .16, .42, .6425, .8575, 1, 1.16]
#Create the arrays with the interpolated values
x = np.linspace(min(x_observed), max(x_observed), num=1000)
yR = pchip_interpolate(x_observed, yR_observed, x)
yG = pchip_interpolate(x_observed, yG_observed, x)
yB = pchip_interpolate(x_observed, yB_observed, x)
#Convert them back to python lists
x = list(x)
yR = list(yR)
yG = list(yG)
yB = list(yB)
#Find the indexs where x crosses 0 and crosses 1 for slicing
start = 0
end = 0
for i in x:
if i > 0:
start = x.index(i)
for i in x:
if i > 1:
end = x.index(i)
#Slice away the helper data in the begining and end leaving just 0 to 1
x = x[start:end]
yR = yR[start:end]
yG = yG[start:end]
yB = yB[start:end]
#Plot the values if you want
#plt.plot(x, yR, color = "red")
#plt.plot(x, yG, color = "green")
#plt.plot(x, yB, color = "blue")