How should I implement a dynamic partner link endpoint in WSO2 BPS? - wso2

I am trying to implement a partner link with a dynamically determined endpoint address in a WSO2 BPS BPEL process. The idea is that the request sent to the process contains an endpoint URL and that this URL is used as the address for a certain partner link. I have successfully used endpoint references stored in the registry before, but I can't use that approach here as the address can be different every time the process is called.
I have tried a number of different approaches (using WSO2 BPS 3.5.1 and WS02 Developer Studio 3.8.0):
The approach used in the DynPartner example referenced in This gives me the following validation error in Developer Studio: The from-spec of "<xs:simpleType "string">" is not compatible with to-spec of "<wsdl:portType
"DynResponderPortType">". Also, when I deploy and invoke the process, I get an error stating that the endpoint cannot be created (Couldnt create any endpoint for element ...)
Assigning a fixed value to the partner link, e.g. like this:
<wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsdl11="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" uep_schema.xsd">
This works and does not give a validation error, but I haven't found a way to dynamically change the address that is used here based on the input my process is called with.
Create a variable that holds the endpoint reference, using a type that defines the content of an endpoint reference. I've tried several XSDs (, (which doesn't get validated without errors), the ws-addr.xsd from w3c, my own very simple XSD). I've had varying success with regarding how well Developer Studio could handle them and for instance generate initializations, but they all share the problem that I get a validation error stating something like The from-spec of "<element "EndpointReference">" is not compatible with to-spec of "<wsdl:portType
"ThisIsThePartnerLinkPortType">" -.
At this point, I am using the last approach with my own simple XSD. The process is actually working the way I intend it to, but I am still getting validation errors in Developer Studio which I would like to get rid of. Is there another and better way to approach this?
Thanks in advance for your help.

For anyone who is having the same issue: The approach is use now is that the BPS calls a specific proxy in the ESB (at a fixed location) and provides the endpoint URL to that proxy. The proxy then performs the actual call to the endpoint.
This has a number of advantages for me:
I get rid of the validation errors in the BPEL designer
Passing through the ESB allows me to perform validation on the message that I receive from the service located at the dynamic URL. Note that this is not possible in the BPS at the moment, as validation is not yet properly implemented. See also


Add Web Root Context to return calls in WSO2 IS 5.7.0

I need to add a WebRootContext to all the calls in the WSO2 Identity Server's Implicit Flow so that I can make calls through an API Gateway. I have managed to do this for all the calls I need by changing the
property as well as changing the name of my webapp folders: wso2-is#authenticationendpoint and wso2-is#oauth2 endpoints. I can now successfully call http://localhost:9443/wso2-is/oauth2/authorize.
I also changed the endpoints in repository/conf/identity/identity.xml to include the wso2-is root context, specifically the OAuth2AuthzEPUrl, so that in the management console this shows up under identity:
However, after I login, the application calls http://localhost:9443/wso2-is/commonauth which has a return location of http://localhost:9443/oauth2/authorize?sessionDataKey=... and I can't figure out how to add my context root to the returning call. Where does the commonauth endpoint get the location it returns to? I'm assuming there is some property I need to set to make that happen, but I can't find it.
I also tried re-seeding the database with all my changes and this did not solve my issue either.
I looked in the source code here in github and couldn't find any references to commonauth or oauth2/authorize that stood out as to where this call is being formed. Any additional details would be greatly appreciated.
As per the official documentation, using a reverse proxy is the recommended way to add a custom context path to wso2 products.
However, as I wrote in another question, I could complete the implicit flow with local auth successfully with the mentioned configs in my answer.
I guess, what you are missing here is ProxyContextPath.

Issue connecting SOAP through Postman

I’m stuck with trying to connect to my SOAP API. The goal is to retrieve a quote via the “Getquote” function which is available in our webservice and use that quote in an application in Therefore, I want to make it work through form-data so I can reuse the keys and values in Bubble. I get a succesfull quote through the raw method. See picture
Raw method:
You can see that all my fields are in the body so with the form-data method I put all the individual fields in key and value but I get the error message you see below.
Form data method:
Can someone see what I'm doing wrong? Excuses me for I am just starting. There might be some beginner mistakes in there. Thanks for the help!
SOAP encodes messages by using XML. Form data uses a completely different encoding, which the SOAP server doesn't understand, hence the error.
Although I've never used it, there is a Chrome extension called Boomerang that supports SOAP requests, and which may suit you better.

WSO2 - simple endpoint fails

I am trying to setup a simple API test against a local endpoint. I have create the sample API (phone number lookup) and that works fine. is my endpoint and the WSO2 service also runs on ... but when I test it in 'publisher', it always fails. This is a simple GET with no parameters.
I can run it from a browser or CURL (outside of WSO2) and it works fine.
I assume you talk about clicking the Test button when providing Backend Endpoint in API publisher.
The way that Test button works at the moment (as far as I understand) is that it invokes HTTP HEAD method on the endpoint provided (because according to RFC 2616, "This method is often used for testing hypertext links for validity, accessibility, and recent modification.")
Then it checks response. If response is valid or 405 (method not allowed), then the URL is marked as Valid.
Thus sometimes, if backend is not properly following RFC, you might get otherwise working URLs declared as Invalid during the test because of that improper HEAD response evaluation. Obviously, this is just a check for your convenience and you can ignore the check if you know the endpoint works for the methods and resources you need it to work.
P.S. Checked it on API Cloud but behavior is identical to downloadable API Manager.

HTTP/XML Binding with Spring Web services

I am working on web services POC. I need to develop a Spring-based web services, that use XML/HTTP i.e. HTTP binding (NOT SOAP/HTTP) so that I can invoke a web-service with URL parameters like the one example described in the WSDL specification especially a GET with query parameters.
I am unable to map the URL's query-parameter to the end-point's (#EndPoint) method parameter.
Is it possible to develop such a web-service (XML/HTTP bound) with spring-ws?
Is it possible to invoke such a service with GET request + query string?
Let me know for any such examples/tutorials.
Please take a look at this page ( Assuming that you are using spring 3, I believe you should find some relief there.
Based your question, I assume you already have the DispatcherServlet declared and mapped in web.xml. The trick, then, is to pull out the arguments. The page indicates how to pull arguments from both the URL (which I believe is your goal) and from the request body.
Good luck and write back if anything is unclear.

How to get/debug request message when calling a Web Service

I have an application that calls a Https web service (as it seems created with java, not sure though). I get an error as response:
"Error on verifying message against security policy Error code:1000"
Now I don't exactly understand the error code and currently cannot find any responsible to answer me correctly. I don't ask for the error ofcourse cause this could be something about certificates, security from server etc.
Though I would like to catch the request client call I make, and see the whole envelope message to compare with a couple of samples I have so I might catch something.
How can I do this....I remember there is a tool that u can do such things when debugging a WCF service call, can this tool be used in this situation? Can someone rember me the name of the tool :)
I created the client using Add Service Reference, from VS 2010 and it created some custom bindings. On these bindings it created this a tag with an attribute decompressionEnabled="true" but I deleted because VS was complaining attribute is not allowed!!!
The documentation I have for these services says about authentication credential inside the message transport object that serialized in the request (requestObject) but refers to another couple of password and username properties I cannot seem to find them. Tried to add the in client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName and Password properties, but I get a read only error there (strange not always).
They also mention in the specifications about Connect with SOAP Security Extensions (WS-Security) which I don't understand if me, the client, has to do something from it's side, aren't these supposed to extract in the config file when generated?
Any hints and tips are welcome.
Thank you.