How to secure an S3 bucket to an Instance's Role? - amazon-web-services

Using cloudformation I have launched an EC2 instance with a role that has an S3 policy which looks like the following
In S3 the bucket policy is like so
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Id": "MyPolicy",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "ReadAccess",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456678:role/Production-WebRole-1G48DN4VC8840"
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::web-deploy/*"
When I login to the instance and attempt to curl any object I upload into the bucket (without acl modifications) I receive and Unauthorized 403 error.
Is this the correct way to restrict access to a bucket to only instances launched with a specific role?

The EC2 instance role is more than sufficient to put/read to any of your S3 buckets, but you need to use the instance role, which is not done automatically by curl.
You should use for example aws s3 cp <local source> s3://<bucket>/<key>, which will automatically used the instance role.

There are three ways to grant access to an object in Amazon S3:
Object ACL: Specific objects can be marked as "Public", so anyone can access them.
Bucket Policy: A policy placed on a bucket to determine what access to Allow/Deny, either publicly or to specific Users.
IAM Policy: A policy placed on a User, Group or Role, granting them access to an AWS resource such as an Amazon S3 bucket.
If any of these policies grant access, the user can access the object(s) in Amazon S3. One exception is if there is a Deny policy, which overrides an Allow policy.
Role on the Amazon EC2 instance
You have granted this role to the Amazon EC2 instance:
This will provide credentials to the instance that can be accessed by the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) or any application using the AWS SDK. They will have unlimited access to Amazon S3 unless there is also a Deny policy that otherwise restricts access.
If anything, that policy is granting too much permission. It is allowing an application on that instance to do anything it wants to your Amazon S3 storage, including deleting it all! It is better to assign least privilege, only giving permission for what the applications need to do.
Amazon S3 Bucket Policy
You have also created a Bucket Policy, which allows anything that has assumed the Production-WebRole-1G48DN4VC8840 role to retrieve the contents of the web-deploy bucket.
It doesn't matter what specific permissions the role itself has -- this policy means that merely using the role to access the web-deploy bucket will allow it to read all files. Therefore, this policy alone would be sufficient to your requirement of granting bucket access to instances using the Role -- you do not also require the policy within the role itself.
So, why can't you access the content? It is because using a straight CURL does not identify your role/user. Amazon S3 receives the request and treats it as anonymous, thereby not granting access.
Try accessing the data via the CLI or programmatically via an SDK call. For example, this CLI command would download an object:
aws s3 cp s3://web-deploy/foo.txt foo.txt
The CLI will automatically grab credentials related to your role, allowing access to the objects.


Cross account access for AWS accounts using Direct Connect

I have been working with AWS for a number of years, but I am not very strong with some of the advanced networking concepts.
So, we have multiple AWS accounts. None of them have public internet access, but we use Direct Connect for on-prem to AWS connection.
I have a S3 bucket in Account A.
I created an IAM user in Account A along with a access/secret key and granted this IAM user s3:PutObject permission to the S3 bucket.
I write a simple Python script to list the objects in this bucket from on-prem, it works, as expected.
I then execute the same Python script on an EC2 instance running in Account B, I get "botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occured (AccessDenied) when calling the ListObjects operation: Access Denied".
Do I need to create VPC endpoint for S3 in Account B? Does cross account IAM role come into play here?
Your situation is:
You have an Amazon S3 Bucket-A in Account-A
You have an IAM User (User-A) in Account-A
You have an Amazon EC2 instance running in Account-B
From that EC2 instance, you wish to access Bucket-A
It also appears that you have a means for the EC2 instance to access Amazon S3 endpoints to make API calls
Assuming that the instance is able to reach Amazon S3 (which appears to be true because the error message refers to permissions, which would have come from S3), there are two ways to authenticate for access to Bucket-A:
Option 1: Using the IAM User from Account-A
When making the call from the EC2 instance to Bucket-A, use the IAM credentials created in Bucket-A. It doesn't matter that the request is coming from an Amazon EC2 instance in Account-B. In fact, Amazon S3 doesn't even know that. An API call can come from anywhere on the Internet (including your home computer or mobile phone). What matters is the set of credentials provided when making the call.
If you are using the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) to make the call, then you can save the User-A credentials as a profile by using aws configure --profile user_a (or any name), then entering the credentials from the IAM User in Account-A. Then, access Amazon S3 with aws s3 ls --profile user_a. Using a profile like this allows you to switch between credentials.
Option 2: Using a Bucket Policy
Amazon S3 also has the ability to specify a Bucket Policy on a bucket, which can grant access to the bucket. So, if the EC2 instance is using credentials from Account-B, you can add a Bucket Policy that grants access from those Account-B credentials.
Let's say that the Amazon EC2 instance was launched with an IAM Role called role-b, then you could use a Bucket Policy like this:
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<Account-B>:role/role-b"
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-a/*"
Disclaimer: All of the above assumes that you don't have any weird policies on your VPC Endpoints / Amazon S3 Access Points or however the VPCs are connecting with the Amazon S3 endpoints.

How to restrict users to create a public S3 object into a private bucket

I have created an Amazon S3 bucket which is private in nature but I don't want my users to create any public object inside that bucket. How should I do that through an S3 policy of that bucket? I tried but I am getting an error that the policy has an invalid resource.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "DenyPublicReadGetObject",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": [
" arn:aws:s3:::aws-my-bucket-s3-vk/*"
Users should be able to access the bucket and create new object/get the object from inside an EC2 instance with necessary permissions.
On the S3 console, after the bucket name there is access column which should come "bucket and object cannot be public".
You should enable Block Public Access on the S3 bucket. This will prevent anyone making objects public in that bucket. You should also restrict which IAM users/roles/policies have permission to modify the Block Public Access settings.
Amazon S3 block public access settings will override S3 bucket policies and object-level permissions to prevent public access.
All Amazon S3 buckets are private by default. Nobody can access/use the buckets or its contents unless they have been granted permission via an IAM Policy, Bucket Policy or object-level permission.
It appears that you want a particular Amazon EC2 instance to be able to use the bucket. Therefore:
Create an IAM Role
Grant the desired permissions to the IAM Role (eg PutObject and GetObject on that bucket)
Assign the IAM Role to the Amazon EC2 instance
Applications on the EC2 instance will then be able to access the bucket
There is no need to use the Deny policy. It will always override other policies. It is better to use Allow policies to grant access, but only to the desired entities.
Here are some policy examples: User Policy Examples - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Allow access to S3 Bucket from all EC2 instances of specific Account

Is there any way to allow all instances created by a specific AWS account access to an S3 bucket?
I would like to provide data that should be very simple for clients to download to their instances. Ideally, automatically via the post_install script option of AWS ParallelCluster.
However, it seems like this requires a lot of setup, as is described in this tutorial by AWS:
This is not feasible for me. Clients should not have to create IAM roles.
The best I came up with at the moment is allowing S3 bucket access to a specific AWS account and then working with access keys:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<key-id>
export AWS_SECRETE_ACCESS_KEY=<secret-key>
aws s3 cp s3://<bucket> . --recursive
Unfortunately, this is also not ideal as I would like to provide ready-to-use AWS Parallelcluster post_install scripts. These scripts should automatically download the required data on cluster startup.
Is there any way to allow all instances created by a specific AWS account access to an S3 bucket?
Yes. It's a 2 step process. In summary:
1) On your side, the bucket must trust the account id of the other accounts that will access it, and you must decide which calls you will allow.
2) On the other accounts that will access the bucket, the instances must be authorised to run AWS API calls on your bucket using IAM policies.
In more detail:
Step 1: let's work through this and break it down.
On your bucket, you'll need to configure a bucket policy like this:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "111",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID_TO_TRUST:root"
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_BUCKET_NAME_HERE/*"
You can find more examples of bucket policies in the AWS documentation here.
WARNING 1: "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:root" will trust everything that has permissions to connect to your bucket on the other AWS account. This shouldn't be a problem for what you're trying to do, but it's best you completely understand how this policy works to prevent any accidents.
WARNING 2: Do not grant s3:* - you will need to scope down the permissions to actions such as s3:GetObject etc. There is a website to help you generate these policies here. s3:* will contain delete permissions which if used incorrectly could result in nasty surprises.
Now, once that's done, great work - that's things on your end covered.
Step 2: The other accounts that want to read the data will have to assign an instance role to the ec2 instances they launch and that role will need a policy attached to it granting access to your bucket. Those instances can then run AWS CLI commands on your bucket, provided your bucket policy authorises the call on your side and the instance policy authorises the call on their side.
The policy that needs to be attached to the instance role should look something like this:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": "s3:*",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_BUCKET_NAME_HERE/*"
Keep in mind, just because this policy grants s3:* it doesn't mean they can do anything on your bucket, not unless you have s3:* in your bucket policy. Actions of this policy will be limited to whatever you've scoped the permissions to in your bucket policy.
This is not feasible for me. Clients should not have to create IAM roles.
If they have an AWS account it's up to them on how they choose to access the bucket as long as you define a bucket policy that trusts their account the rest is on them. They can create an ec2 instance role and grant it permissions to your bucket, or an IAM User and grant it access to your bucket. It doesn't matter.
The best I came up with at the moment is allowing S3 bucket access to a specific AWS account and then working with access keys:
If the code will run on an ec2 instance, it's bad practice to use access keys and instead should use an ec2 instance role.
Ideally, automatically via CloudFormation on instance startup.
I think you mean via instance userdata, which you can define through CloudFormation.
You say "Clients should not have to create IAM roles". This is perfectly correct.
I presume that you are creating the instances for use by the clients. If so, then you should create an IAM Role that has access to the desired bucket.
Then, when you create an Amazon EC2 instance for your clients, associate the IAM Role to the instance. Your clients will then be able to use the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) to access the S3 bucket (list, upload, download, or whatever permissions you put into the IAM Role).
If you want the data to be automatically downloaded when you first create their instance, then you can add User Data script that will execute when the instance starts. This can download the files from S3 to the instance.

S3 - Revoking "full_control" permission from owned object

While writing S3 server implementation, ran into question I can't really find answer anywhere.
For example I'm the bucket owner, and as well owner of uploaded object.
In case I revoke "full_control" permission from object owner (myself), will I be able to access and modify that object?
What's the expected behaviour in following example:
s3cmd setacl --acl-grant full_control:ownerID s3://bucket/object
s3cmd setacl --acl-revoke full_control:ownerID s3://bucket/object
s3cmd setacl --acl-grant read:ownerID s3://bucket/object
So there's the official answer from AWS support:
The short answer for that question would be yes, the bucket/object
owner has permission to read and update the bucket/object ACL,
provided that there is no bucket policy attached that explicitly
removes these permissions from the owner. For example, the following
policy would prevent the owner from doing anything on the bucket,
including changing the bucket's ACL:
"Id": "Policy1531126735810",
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Example bucket policy",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket>",
"Principal": "*"
However, as root (bucket owner) you'd still have permission to delete
that policy, which would then restore your permissions as bucket owner
to update the ACL.
By default, all S3 resources, buckets, objects and subresources, are
private; only the resource owner, which is the AWS account that
created it, can access the resource[1]. As the resource owner (AWS
account), you can optionally grant permission to other users by
attaching an access policy to the users.
Example: let's say you created an IAM user called -S3User1-, and gave
it permission to create buckets in S3 and update its ACLs. The user in
question then goes ahead and create a bucket and name it
"s3user1-bucket". After that, he goes further and remove List objects,
Write objects, Read bucket permission and Write bucket permissions
from the root account on the ACL section. At this point, if you log in
as root and attempt to read the objects in that bucket, an "Access
Denied" error will be thrown. However, as root you'll be able to go to
the "Permissions" section of the bucket and add these permissions
These days it is recommended to use the official AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) rather than s3cmd.
You should typically avoid using object-level permissions to control access. It is best to make them all "bucket-owner full control" and then use Bucket Policies to grant access to the bucket or a path.
If you wish to provide per-object access, it is recommended to use Amazon S3 pre-signed URLs, which give time-limited access to a private object. Once the time expires, the URL no longer works. Your application would be responsible for determining whether a user is permitted to access an object, and then generates the pre-signed URL (eg as a link or href on an HTML page).

How can AWS CloudFormation Lambda resource access code file in S3 if it is KMS encrypted?

My Lambda function deployment via CloudFormation works OK when the Lambda's code file in S3 bucket is not encrypted, but fails when I use KMS encrypted code file.
I have AWS CloudFormation stack that contains Lambda resources. My Python code ZIP file is in an S3 bucket. The Lambda resources in my CFN template contain "Code" property that points to S3Bucket and S3Key where zip is located. The bucket policy allows my role the actions s3:GetObject, s3:PutObject, s3:ListBucket. The stack build works fine when code ZIP file is unencrypted. But when I use a KMS encrypted zip file in bucket, I get the error:
"Your access has been denied by S3, please make sure your request credentials have permission to GetObject for my-bucket/my-folder/ S3 Error Code: AccessDenied. S3 Error Message: Access Denied"
Do I need to enhance my S3 bucket policy to support accessing KMS encrypted files? How is that done? (The error message seems misleading, since my bucket policy already does allow my role GetObject access.) Thanks.
Since you are almost certain that the request is failing for encrypted objects, you have to give the "role" you are referring permission to use the KMS CMK and it must be done via the KMS key policy (and/or IAM policy).
If you are using a customer managed CMK, then you can refer here and add the IAM role as the Key User. If you are using AWS managed CMK (identifiable by the AWS icon), you can add permission policy to the IAM role as following:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": {
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Above policy allows all KMS API for the specific key but you can tweak it to give minimum required permission.
For customer managed CMKs, it is also possible to manage the permission to KMS CMK via the IAM policy (along with key policy), since we don't know the key policy, I just included the option to manage via the key policy itself.