Loading Rubywork Facets unto a Rails Application - ruby-on-rails-4

I want to use a particular rubyworks facets unto a helper:
require 'core/facets/string/snakecase'
module GenericTableHelper
def generic_table_theadlink(head_title, order_parameter = head_title.snake_case )
render(:partial => 'common_partials/generic_table/theadlink', :locals => {:head_title => head_title,
:order_parameter => order_parameter})
I get the error:
No such file to load -- core/facets/string/snakecase
Checked gemfile:
gem 'facets'
How do I load Rubyworks Facets unto the Helper? and any other model/view/controller

I think the core is leading you astray.
require 'facets/string/snakecase`


Missing creative spec facebook

I'm trying to create an ad using the php sdk.
I can create the campaign, targeting, adset, and the creative (which returns a creative_id that I can validate using the graph explorer).
But when I finally run the code to create the ad itself, I get an exception that looks like this:
"error_user_title" => "Missing creative spec"
"error_user_msg" => "No creative spec found for given adgroup."
I just can't find anything referring to this error.
Below is the relevant portion of my code:
$link_data = new AdCreativeLinkData();
AdCreativeLinkDataFields::LINK => $route,
AdCreativeLinkDataFields::MESSAGE => $petition_statement,
AdCreativeLinkDataFields::NAME => $banner_title,
AdCreativeLinkDataFields::IMAGE_HASH => $image_hash,
$object_story_spec = new AdCreativeObjectStorySpec();
AdCreativeObjectStorySpecFields::PAGE_ID => $pageid,
$creative = new AdCreative(null,$account_id);
AdCreativeFields::TITLE => $banner_title,
AdCreativeFields::BODY => $banner_subtitle,
AdCreativeFields::IMAGE_HASH => $image_hash,
AdCreativeFields::OBJECT_TYPE => 'SHARE',
echo 'Creative ID: '.$creative->id . "\n";
$ad = new Ad(null, $account_id);
AdFields::NAME => $short_name,
AdFields::ADSET_ID => $adset->id,
AdFields::CREATIVE => $creative,
AdFields::TRACKING_SPECS => array(array(
'action.type' => 'offsite_conversion',
'fb_pixel' => $pixel_code,
$ad->create(array(Ad::STATUS_PARAM_NAME => Ad::STATUS_PAUSED));
Appreciate any help.
I've often said that the only skill you need to be a successful developer is the ability to agonize over a problem for days, read through source code, google it, refactor, rewrite and then realize you forgot something fucking obvious.
AdFields::CREATIVE => $creative,
should read
AdFields::CREATIVE => $creative->id,
But the ability to persist isn't the skill you need. The real skill is to somehow resist the overwhelming urge to chuck your computer out the window and do something productive with your life instead.
After hours of testing it seems Trevor's answer is incorrect. This is the right syntax:
AdFields::CREATIVE => array('creative_id'=>$creative->id)

serve static views from subdirs using a single controller in rails 4

If have some static pages in a tree structure. The ones at the first level are served using static_pages_controller.rb and in my routes.rb I have :
get '/static_pages/news' , :to => 'static_pages#news' , :as => 'news'
get '/static_pages/index' , :to => 'static_pages#index' , :as => 'index'
The above exist in
Now, I pasted some other static pages underneath the static_pages root:
I added in routes.rb this:
get '/static_pages/ermis/news' , :to => 'static_pages#news' , :as => 'news'
get '/static_pages/ermis/index' , :to => 'static_pages#index' , :as => 'index'
The above doesnt work because the actions already exist (parent folders). So I went the painful step of renaming the files to (there must be a better way though?!?)
and my routes.rb became
get '/static_pages/ermis/news' , :to => 'static_pages#ermisnews' , :as => 'ermisnews'
get '/static_pages/ermis/index', :to => 'static_pages#ermisindex', :as => 'ermisindex'
the controller is empty
class StaticPagesController < ApplicationController
Why cant the pages be served ? what am I missing?
When I click on
<%= link_to("Ermis", ermisnews_path, class: 'pictureTitle') %>
I get
"The action 'ermisnews' could not be found for StaticPagesController"
Here my routes.rb
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
root GET / static_pages#index
ermisindex GET /static_pages/ermis/index(.:format) static_pages#ermisindex
ermisnews GET /static_pages/ermis/news(.:format) static_pages#ermisnews
news GET /static_pages/news(.:format) static_pages#news
index GET /static_pages/index(.:format) static_pages#index
NOTE: I do not get an error when using link directly pointing to .erb files on static_pages
<%= link_to("News" , news_path , class: 'pictureTitle')
1) How can I use the same controller to also serve static pages underneath /static_pages eg. /static_pages/ermis
2) Am I obliged to actually rename the files to have them represent unique actions?
In route.rb, change your routes as:
resources :static_pages do
resources :ermis do
get 'ermisnews' , :on => :collection
match '/ermisnews' => 'static_pages#ermisnews', :as => :news
And then run rake routes.
Eventually I found a solution to my issue:
created the following namespace:
namespace :sp do
resources: ixanos
resources: ermis
created the following controllers
class Sp::IxanosController < ApplicationController
class Sp::ErmisController < ApplicationController
Placed the controllers under app/controllers/sp/
Created the directories app/views/sp/ixanos and app/views/sp/ermis and copied my files in them.
(*) This way I can have as many static pages as I want underneath the given roots (ermis and ixanos). I haven't tested the situation whereby I will have sub-directories like sp/ermis/dir1/dir2 ...

rails4 Devise omniauth How to modify dynamically one of the strategy options?

I am using Devise+Omniauth , and I defined my own doorkeeper strategy to add a language option
In config/initializers/devise.rb , I set up :
require 'omniauth/strategies/doorkeeper'
config.omniauth :doorkeeper, Rails.application.secrets.doorkeeper_app_id, Rails.application.secrets.doorkeeper_app_secret,
:client_options => {
:site => Rails.application.secrets.doorkeeper_url
:authorize_params =>{:lang => I18n.locale}
which initially set lang to :en ( default locale )
this works fine and send the lang options to the remote server for Doorkeeperprocessing
now, how can I change this parameter in my client calling controller ?
I tried to use :
def index
I18n.locale = :fr
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :doorkeeper, :setup => lambda{|env| env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:authorize_params][:lang] = env['rack.session'][I18n.locale] }
but I got an error :
RuntimeError (can't modify frozen Array):
app/controllers/home_controller.rb:7:in `index'
Is there any better way to do it ? thanks for help
I modified the config/initializers/devise.rb, adding :setup => true
require 'omniauth/strategies/doorkeeper'
config.omniauth :doorkeeper, Rails.application.secrets.doorkeeper_app_id, Rails.application.secrets.doorkeeper_app_secret,
:client_options => {
:site => Rails.application.secrets.doorkeeper_url
:authorize_params =>{:lang => I18n.locale},
:setup => true
and I modified my doorkeeper strategy, to include the setup_phase, in which I set the lang option to the current locale.
def setup_phase
request.env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:authorize_params][:lang] = request.params["locale"]

How do I access sinatra settings in custom extension specs?

I have an email helper extension I have written for my application. I use settings I have defined on the application like so:
set :mailgun_options, JSON.parse(File.open('config/mailer.json').read)[ENV['RACK_ENV']]
which reads configuration settings from a json file into the global Sinatra settings.
I then have my email helper which references these settings to create connections and what not.
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'faraday'
module Sinatra
module EmailHelper
def connect opts={}
connection = Faraday.new(:url => settings.mailgun_options['mailgun_url']) do |faraday|
if settings.mailgun_options['test']
faraday.adapter :test do |stubs|
stubs.post(settings.mailgun_options['domain'] + '/messages') {[ 200, {}, 'success' ]}
faraday.request :url_encoded
faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
connection.basic_auth('api', settings.mailgun_options['key'])
return connection
def send_email params={}
connect.post((settings.mailgun_options['domain'] + '/messages'), params)
def send_password_reset_email email
template = File.open( File.expand_path( '../../helpers/email_helper/templates/password_reset.erb', __FILE__ ), 'r' ).read
:from => 'REscour <noreply#' + settings.mailgun_options['domain'] + '>',
:to => email,
:subject => 'REscour.com Password Reset',
:text => ERB.new(template).result(binding)
So, when I am trying to write my specs to test the "connect" method, I get the following error:
undefined local variable or method `settings' for #<Class:0x007faaf9c9bd18>
My spec code is as follows:
module Sinatra
describe EmailHelper
let(:dummy_class) { Class.new { extend EmailHelper } }
it 'should connect to mailgun\'s api' do
app.set :mailgun_options, ::JSON.parse(File.open('config/mailer.json').read)['test']
puts dummy_class.connect
I'm not sure how to interact with the global Sinatra settings from my specs to have the local "settings" variable be defined during execution of the helper code.
I could have the architecture of my application wrong here for all I know. Does anyone have any experience in writing Sinatra extensions using the global settings and write specs for them?
The spec you've written seems to want to be a unit test, because you've not run the extension the way it would be used in an app. In the specs, try something like:
describe "connect" do
let(:app) { Sinatra.new do
helpers Sinatra::EmailHelper
configure do
:mailgun_options, ::JSON.parse(File.open('config/mailer.json')
get "/" do
# now write specs for the `connect` helper
Using an anonymous class (Sinatra.new do…) lets you quickly set up an app that's convenient for a small test, but there are other ways too.
In the extension, you need to add:
helpers EmailHelper
as per the example in the docs.

Google Charts Axis Label Issues Line Chart

I am creating google charts to show Google Analytics data from the past 7 days. I have an issue with the X-Axis labels stacking on top of each other when I have certain data (or at least that's all I can tell is different.)
I am generating the API call using this gem: https://github.com/mattetti/googlecharts and I've looked at what each part of the URL is doing and can't find the issue, but I'm sure I'm missing something.
Here is an example of two sites data over the same time period, the first one shows the issue and the second one is a working example:
Here is the URL, these are text encoded for readability, but it has the same issues when switched to simple or extended encoding:
The chxr values were incorrect. The gem was generating them for multiple axes when it should have only been generating them for one. I manually overrode the min, max and step in the gem and it worked.
Here is my code using the gem, first getting the max value from all my data points:
[#visits,#visitors,#new_visits,#organic_searches].each do |array|
array.values.each do |value|
#max_value = value if (value > #max_value)
# Chart it
chart = Gchart.line(
:title => prop.to_s.upcase + ' Google Analytics - Past 7 Days',
:size => '600x200',
:bg => 'ffffff',
:axis_with_labels => ['x'],
:axis_labels => [#visits.keys],
:legend => ['Visits','Visitors','New Visits','Organic Searches'],
:line_colors => ['58838C','BF996B','BF5841','A61C1C'],
:encoding => 'text',
:data => [#visits.values,#visitors.values, #new_visits.values, #organic_searches.values],
:max_value => #max_value,
:axis_range => [nil, [0, #max_value, (#max_value / 10).to_i]],
:format => 'image_tag')