Simulation terminated with exit code: 132 - c++

I am Mac OS 10.11 (El Capitan) user. I used 4.6 and when I tried to build some simulation I always get "Simulation terminated with exit code: 139" and couldn’t do nothing at all with that. I thought that when I install 5.0 then everything will be fine, but now I get something like that:
Simulation terminated with exit code: 132
Working directory: /Users/JL_Data/omnetpp-5.0/samples/tictoc
Command line: tictoc -r 0 --debug-on-errors=false omnetpp.ini
Environment variables:
And when I tried open some simulation in terminal I get:
Illegal instruction: 4
Do you have some idea what can I do with that problem? I tried to find something on the internet, but after one day I do not get any idea.
If you need some more information, please let me know.

As it is right now, your question is not completely clear, since it requires one to be familiar with omnet++ and probably some experience installing and setting it up. However, let me make a couple guesses.
First, Illegal instruction. This usually occurs when the binary was built for an architecture different than the one it's being run on; e.g. when then SSE2 or AVX instructions are present in the binary code, but are missing on the CPU.
See, for example, this SO question:
Find which assembly instruction caused an Illegal Instruction error without debugging
There is also a question that discusses exactly your problem, namely, "Illegal instruction: 4" on OS X:
What is the "Illegal Instruction: 4" error and why does "-mmacosx-version-min=10.x" fix it?
Now, since omnet++ appears to be an open source project, I expect it to have a mailing list and / or an IRC channel. Indeed, here is the communications page on the official website that links to a Google Groups-based mailing list:!forum/omnetpp
I advise you to get in touch with the developers with a thorough description of your problem, since the chances of them knowing the solution are significantly higher compared to the chances of there being a user on SO who has faced similar problems when installing an identical version of omnet++ on an identical version of Mac OS X.


No source file for Netaccel_link error on running program

I have an OCaml program that worked fine on Ubuntu 16 but when recompiled and run on Ubuntu 20 I get the following error:-
$ ocamldebug ./linearizer
OCaml Debugger version 4.08.1
(ocd) r
Loading program... done.
Time: 89534
Program end.
Uncaught exception: Sys_error "Illegal seek"
(ocd) b
Time: 89533 - pc: 624888 - module Netaccel_link
No source file for Netaccel_link.
I thought this was due to missing dev libraries but:-
$ sudo apt install libocamlnet-ocaml-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libocamlnet-ocaml-dev is already the newest version (4.1.6-1build6).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 20 not upgraded.
What setup step am I missing on Ubuntu 20?
This looks like a regression bug in libocamlnet and you should report an issue there or, I am a bit pessimistic that you will get any response, you can try to debug the issue yourself.
The problem that you are facing has nothing to do with missing libraries (they will be reported during installation or, if the package is broken, end up in linker errors). It may result, however, from some misconfiguration of the system. If that is true, then you're lucky as you can fix it yourself.
I will give you some advice that might help you in debugging this issue. For more, please try using as a more suitable media (SO doesn't favor this kind of a discussion and we might get deleted by admins).
The illegal seek exception is thrown when the seek operation is applied on a non-regular file, aka ESPIPE Unix error. So check your inputs. It could be that what was previously regarded as a file in Ubuntu is now a pipe or a socket.
Try to use ltrace or strace to pinpoint the culprit e.g.,
ltrace ./linearizer
or, if it overwhelms you, try strace
strace ./linearizer
Instead of using ocamldebug you can use plain gdb. You can use gdb's interfaces to provide the path to the source code (though most likely it won't work since ocamlnet is not compiled with debug information). I believe that it will give you a more meaningful backtrace.
Instead of using the system installation try using opam. Install your dependencies with opam and try older versions as well as newer versions of the OCaml compiler. Also, try different versions of ocamlnet. Ideally, try to reproduce the environment that used to work for you.
When nothing else works, you can use objdump -d and look at the disassembly of your binary. OCaml is using a pretty readable and intuitive name mangling scheme (<module_name>__<function_name>_<uid>), so you can easily find the source code (search for <module_name>.ml file and look for the <function_name> there)
Finally, just use docker or any other container to run your application. Consider switching from ocamlnet to something more modern and supported.

Calling a c++ function on Rstudio on a MAC and getting (clang: error: unsupported option '-fopenmp')

I know how to code but I really do not know my way around a computer.
I have a program that I have to run for my master thesis. It is a code with multiple collabs and runs perfectly on Linux. However, it is a very complex simulational code and therefore it takes time to run for multiple parameters. I've been using my Linux at the university to run it but would like to run some of it on my personal computer (MAC OS). It works by using the R language to call upon c++ functions as follows (being filename a code on c++).
On a Rstudio script:
Sys.setenv("PKG_CPPFLAGS" = "-fopenmp -DPARALLEL")
system("rm filename.o")
system ("R CMD SHLIB filename.cpp")
After system ("R CMD SHLIB filename.cpp") I get error:
clang: error: unsupported option '-fopenmp'
make: *** [filename.o] Error 1
I've researched on the subject and found this
Enable OpenMP support in clang in Mac OS X (sierra & Mojave)
I've Installed LLVM, yet I do not know how to use it in this case.
How do I use it in this case?
Thank you in advance.
"Don't do it that way." Read up on R and Rcpp and use the proper tools (especially for packaging and/or compiling) which should pick up OpenMP where possible. In particular,
scan at least the Rcpp Introduction vignette
also look at the Rcpp Attributes vignette
"Just say no" to building the compilation commands by hand unless you know what you are doing with R and have read Writing R Extensions carefully a few times. It can be done, I used to show how in tutorials and workshops (see old slides from 12-15 years ago on my website) but we first moved to package inline which helps here, and later relied on the much better Rcpp Attributes.
Now, macOS has some extra hurdles in which tools work and which ones don't. The rcpp-devel mailing list may be of help, the default step is otherwise to consult the tutorial by James.
Edit: And of course if you "just want the above to work" try the obvious step of removing the part causing the error, i.e. use
Sys.setenv("PKG_CPPFLAGS" = "")
as your macOS box appears to have a compiler but not OpenMP (which, as I understand it, is the default thanks to some "surprising" default choices at Apple -- see the aforementioned tutorial for installation help.)

Installing HDF5 library on Cygwin: "make check" stuck at, no error message

I am currently installing the HDF5 library, more precisely the hdf5-1.10.0-patch1, on Cygwin, as I want to use it with Fortran. Following the instructions from the hdfgroup website
(here is the link), I did the following:
./configure --enable-fortran
make > "out1_check.txt" 2> "warn1_check.txt" &
make check > "out2_check.txt" 2> "warn2_check.txt" &
The execution of the last command (make check) proceeds as it should, until it gets stuck. The process does not stop and something is happening (8-12% CPU are in use by sh.exe, already 39 hours of CPU time) but "out2_check.txt" looks like
Making check in src
[many successful checks]
No need to test again.
Unfortunately, I do not have the output file from the first run of make check, but it did not contain more information on Testing There was never any error message.
So, what is this, why does it get stuck and how can I finalize the installation process? Maybe I can skip the remaining checks and just proceed to make install?
Important note: an older version of HDF5 is already installed from the Cygwin repo. It does not seem to support Fortran however, so I decided to install the current version myself.
Available (and used) compilers are gcc and gfortran.
As far as I can tell, only Intel Fortran is supported on Windows. There is no Cygwin download here and I have never come across a report of experience for Cygwin/Fortran/HDF5.
Your options:
Use Intel Fortran
Use Linux or Mac

how to get started with PCM?

I wanted to work on Intel PCM. I follwed the below link:
I downloaded the code, i started to study example pcm.cpp. But Im not getting any proper understanding. Documentation is not that much clear.
I tried to run , pcm.x ,it gave basic information then showed some error like:
"Trying to use Linux perf events...
Linux Perf: Error on programming generic event #0 error: Invalid argument
Access to Intel(r) Performance Counter Monitor has denied (Unknown error)."
Unknown error! I cant figure out why its not accessible. I used with sudo also(root privileges).
Any suggestions how I can start working with it? Where to start?
Found a workaround here by Roman Dementiev that worked for me:
As a workaround you can disable perf usage in the PCM Makefile by removing "-DPCM_USE_PERF".

"Compile Server Error." while building OpenCL kernels

I am trying to compile OpenCL kernels on OS X. Everything is ok when there are just a few lines. However, after the code grows over 1.5k lines, clGetProgramBuildInfo with CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG flag returned "Compile Server Error." every time. I googled but found nothing about it. Could anyone help me?
You can learn the meaning of OpenCL error codes by searching in cl.h. In this case, -11 is just what you'd expect, CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE. It's certainly curious that the build log is empty. Two questions:
1.) What is the return value from clGetProgramBuildInfo?
2.) What platform are you on? If you are using Apple's OpenCL implementation, you could try setting CL_LOG_ERRORS=stdout in your environment. For example, from Terminal:
$ CL_LOG_ERRORS=stdout ./myprog
It's also pretty easy to set this in Xcode (Edit Scheme -> Arguments -> Environment Variables).
Please find the original answer by #James
This unhelpful error message indicates that there is bug in Apple's compiler. You can inform them of such bugs by using the Apple Bug Reporting System.