How to simulate mathimatically correct shadows of transparent objects? - opengl

I want to simulate shadows casted by complex and composite transparent objects.
This shadows must be mathematically correct for particular light source (at least for point light). I think this is true for any graphical library, is it?
Than, there must NOT be any refraction at all.
This image is not what I actually want to get of course.
Does OpenGL can do this? If it can not then what should I use instead?
UPD. So I need some path tracer. Is there some wich I could use programmatically: give it file of 3d-scene with objects and get the result of tracing?

This shadows must be mathematically correct
There's no such thing as a mathematically correct or wrong illumination. What you mean is physically correct.
Images like you want to create them rely on light propagation. The only way to properly simulate light propagation is to shoot virtual photons into a scene and follow their path. This is called path tracing.
Does OpenGL can do this?
OpenGL just draws points, lines and triangles… one at a time, without any concept of a scene or models.
Old, fixed function pipeline OpenGL had a simple Blinn illumination model built in, but this did just calculate a "light" value per vertex based on surface orientation (normal) and position relative to a light source.
Modern OpenGL does not even do that. Instead it relies on the programmer to provide programs that are executed for every vertex to decide where in the picture it goes and for every fragment (roughly a pixel) drawn to determine which color to give it.
In this programs, called shaders you can do just about anything. So if you want to implement a path tracer using OpenGL shaders, you can most certainly do this. But this path tracer will not interact with the points, lines and triangles you draw. Instead these will just serve to define the boundaries within which the shaders do their computations.
If it can not then what should I use instead?
It's not so much a question of if it is possible, but how easy it is to implement. In your case OpenGL is certainly not the right programming environment, because you'd be essentially starting from scratch. Instead you should use one of the existing path tracers around. There are also some, that are GPU accelerated.


opengl - possibility of a mirroring shader?

Until today, when I wanted to create reflections (a mirror) in opengl, I rendered a view into a texture and displayed that texture on the mirroring surface.
What i want to know is, are there any other methods to create a mirror in opengl?
And 2. can this be done lonely in shaders (e.g. geometry shader) ?
Ray-tracing. You can write a ray-tracer in the fragment shader (every fragment follows a ray). Ray-tracers can perfectly deal with reflection (mirroring) on all kinds of surfaces.
You can find an OpenGL example here and a WebGL example including mirroring here.
There are no universal way to do that, in any 3D API i know of.
Depending on your case there are several possible techniques with different downsides.
Planar reflections: That's what you are doing already.
Note that your mirror needs to be flat and you have to clip so anything closer than the mirror ins't rendered into the texture.
Good old cubemaps: attach a cubemap to each mirror then sample it in the reflection direction. This works for any surface but you will need to render the cubemaps (which can be done only once if you don't care about moving objects being reflected). I don't think you can do this without shaders but only the mirror will need one. Its a very common technique as it's easy do implement, can be dynamic and fairly cheap while being easy to integrate into an existing engine.
Screen space ray-marching: It's what danny-ruijters suggested. Kind of like SSAO : for each pixel, sample the depth buffer along the reflection vector until you hit something. This has the advantage to be applicable anywhere (on arbitrary complex surfaces) however it can only reflect stuff that appear on screen which can introduce lots of small artifacts but it's completly dynamic and very simple to implement. Note that you will need an additional pass (or rendering normals into a buffer) to access your scene final color in while computing the reflections. You absolutely need shaders for that, but it's post process so it won't interfere with the scene rendering if that's what you fear.
Some modern game engines use this to add small details to reflective surfaces without the burden of having to compute/store cubemaps.
They are probably many other ways to render mirrors but these are the tree main one (at least for what i know) ways of doing reflections.

Is there a way to use GLSL programs as filters?

Assume that we have different shader programs for different objects in a game. For example the player model has a shader that controls skeleton system (bone matrices multiplication etc.), or a particle has a shader for sparkling effects, wall has parallax mapping etc.
But what if I want to add fog to the game that must affect every one of these objects ? For example I have a room that will have a red fog, should I change EVERY glsl program to have fog code or is there a possible way to make global filters ? Should I change every glsl program when i want to add a feature ?
The typical process for this type of thing is to use a full-screen shader in post processing using the depth buffer from your fully rendered scene, or using a z-pass, which renders only to the depth buffer. You can chain them together and create any number of effects. It typically involves some render-to-texture work, and is not a real trivial task (too much to post code here), but it's not THAT difficult either.
If you want to take a look at a decent post-processing system, take a look at the PostFx system in Torque3D:
And here is an example of creating fog with GLSL in post:

Is it possible to reuse glsl vertex shader output later?

I have a huge mesh(100k triangles) that needs to be drawn a few times and blend together every frame. Is it possible to reuse the vertex shader output of the first pass of mesh, and skip the vertex stage on later passes? I am hoping to save some cost on the vertex pipeline and rasterization.
Targeted OpenGL 3.0, can use features like transform feedback.
I'll answer your basic question first, then answer your real question.
Yes, you can store the output of vertex transformation for later use. This is called Transform Feedback. It requires OpenGL 3.x-class hardware or better (aka: DX10-hardware).
The way it works is in two stages. First, you have to set your program up to have feedback-based varyings. You do this with glTransformFeedbackVaryings. This must be done before linking the program, in a similar way to things like glBindAttribLocation.
Once that's done, you need to bind buffers (given how you set up your transform feedback varyings) to GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER with glBindBufferRange, thus setting up which buffers the data are written into. Then you start your feedback operation with glBeginTransformFeedback and proceed as normal. You can use a primitive query object to get the number of primitives written (so that you can draw it later with glDrawArrays), or if you have 4.x-class hardware (or AMD 3.x hardware, all of which supports ARB_transform_feedback2), you can render without querying the number of primitives. That would save time.
Now for your actual question: it's probably not going to help buy you any real performance.
You're drawing terrain. And terrain doesn't really get any transformation. Typically you have a matrix multiplication or two, possibly with normals (though if you're rendering for shadow maps, you don't even have that). That's it.
Odds are very good that if you shove 100,000 vertices down the GPU with such a simple shader, you've probably saturated the GPU's ability to render them all. You'll likely bottleneck on primitive assembly/setup, and that's not getting any faster.
So you're probably not going to get much out of this. Feedback is generally used for either generating triangle data for later use (effectively pseudo-compute shaders), or for preserving the results from complex transformations like matrix palette skinning with dual-quaternions and so forth. A simple matrix multiply-and-go will barely be a blip on the radar.
You can try it if you like. But odds are you won't have any problems. Generally, the best solution is to employ some form of deferred rendering, so that you only have to render an object once + X for every shadow it casts (where X is determined by the shadow mapping algorithm). And since shadow maps require different transforms, you wouldn't gain anything from feedback anyway.

Lens shader / Image disortion

Well, i have a 3d scene currently with just a quad (painting) with texture on it. Between the painting and the "camera" i have places an other quad i would like to behave like a optical lens: distorting the picture "below" it
how would one achieve it preferably with a shader and some pixelbuffers?
Here is an example I found a while ago which does something very similar to what you want.
You will probably have to modify the code a bit to achieve the inversion effect you want, but this will get you started on the right track.
By the way, you will not need the second image (the inverted small rectangle). Just use a single background image and the shader.
Between the painting and the "camera" i have places an other quad i would like to behave like a optical lens:
This is a tricky one. First one must understand that OpenGL is a so called localized rendering model rasterizer, which means in layman terms, that it works like pencils and brushes on a canvas.
It thus works in very contrast to global scene representation renderers like raytracers. A raytracer actually operates on a fully defined scene, because of that it can to things like refraction trivially.
Indeed one must treat OpenGL like an artist treats its tools. So any optical "effect" you want to create must be implemented by mastering various drawing techiques possible with the tools OpenGL offers. To create the effect you desire you must implement a multistage process.
For refraction you first render the scene as "seen" by the refracting object in all directions (you create a dynamic cube map), then you use this cube map as input data for rasterizing the "refracting" object, where a shader is used to determine the refracted direction of a ray of light hitting the rasterized fragments.
BTW: What holds for refraction holds for any other like interacting effect. Shadows are as non-trivial like refractions in OpenGL.

OpenGL, How to create a "bumpy Polygon"?

I am unsure of how to describe what I'm after, so I drew a picture to help:
My question, is it possible within OpenGL to create the illusion of those pixel looking bumps on a single polygon, without having to resort to using many polygons? And if it is, what's the method?
I think what your looking for is actually Parallax mapping (Or Parallax Occlusion mapping).
Parralax mapping basically works by using the height map to alter the texture UV coordinate being used.
The main disadvantage to parallax is that anything that appears to be 'outside' the polygon will be clipped (think of looking at an image on a 3D tv), so it's best for things indented in a surface rather than sticking out of it (although you can reduce this by making the polygon lager than the visible texture area). It's also fairly complex and would need to be combined with other shader techniques for a good effect.
Bump mapping works by using a texture for normal's, this makes the light's shading appear to be 3D however it does not change 3D data depending on the position of the viewer only the shading. Bump mapping would also be fairly useless for the OP's sample image since the surface is all the same angle just at different heights, bump mapping relies on the changes in the surfaces angles. You would have to slope the edges like this.
Displacement mapping/tessellation uses a texture to generate more polygons rather than just being 1 polygon.
There's a video comparing all 3 here
EDIT: There is also Relief mapping, which is a similar to parallax. See demo. There's a comparison video too (it's a bit lowquality but relief looks like it gives better depth).
I think what you're after is bump mapping. The link goes to a simple tutorial.
You may also be thinking of displacement mapping.
Of the techniques mentioned in other people's answers:
Bump mapping is the easiest to achieve, but doesn't do any occlusion.
Parallax mapping is probably the most complex to achieve, and doesn't work well in all cases.
Displacement mapping requires high-end hardware and drivers, and creates additional geometry.
Actually modeling the polygons is always an option.
It really depends on how close you expect the viewer to be and how prominent the bumps are. If you're flying down the Death Star trench, you'll need to model the bumps or use displacement mapping. If you're a few hundred meters up, bumpmapping should suffice.
If you have DX11 class hardware then you could tessellate the polygon and then apply displacement mapping. See But then it gets a little complicated to get it running and develop something on top of it.