Template<typename T>
T Choose(T x, T y, T z)
//What code do i write so that when Choose() is called it would randomly
// return x y or z?
For example if x=2, y=ten and z=4 then it would chose neither 2, ten or 4 to return
#include <stdlib.h>
Template<typename T>
T Choose(T x, T y, T z)
std::array<T*,3> temp{&x,&y,&z}; // or use std::reference_wrapper instead
auto rand_index=std::rand() % temp.size();
return *temp[rand_index];
Place all your parameters in a list. Pick a random number from start of list to end of list and return that parameter. Note, I am not familiar with writing C++ so please forgive the C# code here. This should be enough to give you an idea on how to complete this.
//Place all params in an array
var params = [x,y,z];
//Instantiate random number generator
var r = new Random();
//use 0 for min and 2 for max in this example and return
//the random array position
return params[r.Next(int min, int max)];
I do not know the value of V before. It is found within a file I open in the program. It cannot be defined as such #DEFINE V __. It does not work as a global variable. The input file changes V based on the contents. Expected the parameters to pass and use the djisktra's algorithm found on Geeks for Geeks.
I have tried declaring V globally, but I am given an error saying "variable must have constant value."
void dijkstra(int graph[V][V], int src, int V)
//array function being pasted, error is the V in graph[V]
//V is defined at beginning of main as
int V;
//where V is changed
if(newstr.find(check) != std::string::npos)
//where it is passed in main
for(int i = 0; i < V; i++)
size = V;
dijkstra(array[size][size], i, V);
Don't use C-style arrays. Use std::vector and friends from the Standard Library where you can ask for the size if you want to know.
void dijkstra(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph, int src) {
auto v = graph.size();
// ... Other code.
For inserting you can use push_back:
std::vector<std::vector<int>> graph;
while(std::getline(file2,newstr)) {
if(newstr.find(check) != std::string::npos) {
std::vector<int> row;
Then pass it in like a regular variable:
dijkstra(graph, src);
If all that vector stuff looks really ugly, typedef it to something more friendly looking.
For c style arrays, you need to know the size at compile time. A variable like int N; is a runtime value. A variable like constexpr int N = 9; is usable at compile time and cannot be mutated.
If you need an array sizeable at runtime, you need some sort of dynamic array. The most common one is std::vector.
void dijkstra(std::vector<int> graph, int src, int V)
std::vector<int> graph;
graph.resize(V * V); // vector are resizable
for(int i = 0; i < V; i++)
size = V;
dijkstra(graph, i, V);
Is it possible to pass a variable length array as a parameter in C++.
Variable length arrays are not supported in std C++, But read on, they have an alternative that is surprisingly better.
I do not know the value of V before it is found within a file I open
in the program.
A 1d vector is trivial to create, after your code has found V, no compile time constant required.
Early in the startup in one of my programs, the gBoard vector is built using argv[3] and argv[4]. Here is a snippet:
aTermPFN += argv[1]; // ouput tty, /dev/pts/<argv[1]>
fillPatternChoiceLetter = argv[2][0];
aMaxRow = stoi(argv[3]);
aMaxCol = stoi(argv[4]);
userDim = true;
Clearly, the program has already started ... and V size is easily computed from (aMaxRow * aMaxCol).
I find it easy to access a 1d vector (or 1d array), in row major order, as if it is a 2d matrix, with the following function:
// game-board-index: computes index into the single dimension vector
// from 2d (row, col) matrix coordinates
size_t gbIndx(int r, int c) { return static_cast<size_t>((r * maxCol) + c); }
// a 2d game board of cells
// 2d access (row major order) implemented using 1d access
Cell_t* getCell( int r, int c ) { return (gBoard [gbIndx(r,c)]); }
// 1d access is surprisingly convenient for many functions
Cell_t* getCell( uint gbIndex ) { return (gBoard [gbIndex]); }
Sample initialization usage:
// vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv_-- 2d matrix access
gBoard [ gbIndx((midRow+1), midCol) ] -> setOptionX();
// ^^^^^^--1d row-major order index
A randomized gGoard is trivial in 1d:
void GOLUtil_t::setRandom()
CellVec_t myVec(gBoard); // copy cell vector
random_device rd;
mt19937_64 gen(rd());
shuffle (myVec.begin(), myVec.end(), gen); // shuffle order
int count = 1;
for ( auto it : myVec ) // randomly mark half the cells
if(count++ & 1)
it->setAlive(); // every odd cell
Note from https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector:
"The elements are stored contiguously, which means that elements can be accessed not only through iterators, but also using offsets to regular pointers to elements. This means that a pointer to an element of a vector may be passed to any function that expects a pointer to an element of an array."
I was surprised how often the 1d access enabled simpler code.
for (auto it : gBoard)
it->init(); // command each cell to init
Despite variable-length-arrays (vla) not being supported in std C++, I believe you will find std::vector a better alternative. And you will find that passing the vector within your code works.
Still relatively new to vectors in C++, the aim of this function is to take 4 arguments, 3 of which define the (x , y , z) position of the data being written, and the 4th being the value that is to be written.
as Requested, a picture of the errors is listed:
Picture of code listed above
The issue is under the "push_back" code. the "." after yy.push and xx.push is giving the error "no instance of overloaded function".
If somebody could explain what this means and how to fix it I would greatly appreciate it! :)
double datawrite(vector<unsigned int> xx, vector<unsigned int> yy,
vector<unsigned int> zz, double val) {
//Writes data to the 3d Vector
//finds coordinates for data
vector< vector< vector<unsigned int > > > xx;
vector< vector<unsigned int> > yy;
vector<unsigned int> zz;
//Writes value at proper position
//outputs value from vector
return val;
So you want a 3d matrix of doubles? First you need to create it:
#include <vector>
std::vector<vector<vector<double>>> matrix;
This creates a 3d matrix, but with 0 size. Next, when you add data to the matrix, you need to make sure the matrix is big enough:
// Co-ords are integers
double datawrite(int x, int y, int z, double val)
// Make sure vectors are large enough
if (matrix.size() < x+1) matrix.resize(x+1);
if (matrix[x].size() < y+1) matrix[x].resize(y+1);
if (matrix[x][y].size() < z+1) matrix[x][y].resize(z+1);
// Store the value
matrix[x][y][z] = val;
return val;
However, this is a bit messy and leaves the matrix in an incomplete state. For example, if you call datawrite(2, 3, 4, 9.9); this may appear that all indexes < 2,3,4 would be valid, but they are not. For example trying to read matrix[0][0][0] will give you an error.
You could work around this with a dataread function that checks the sizes of the vectors before trying to read from them.
If you know ahead of time how large the matrix is, you can create the entire matrix at once like this:
vector<vector<vector<double>>> matrix(10, vector<vector<double>>(10, vector<double>(10)));
This creates a complete 10x10x10 matrix. This ensures all indexes < 10 will be valid. I prefer this method. Then your function becomes:
double datawrite(int x, int y, int z, double val)
// Make sure indexes are valid
if (x >= matrix.size() || y >= matrix[x].size() || z >= matrix[x][y].size()) {
// Up to you what to do here.
// Throw an error or resize the matrix to fit the new data
// Store the value
matrix[x][y][z] = val;
return val;
I'm using C++, but my question is more about algorithms than implementation.
The problem is the following:
Write a program that inputs two integers n and k, where n>=k. Your program should calculate the number of different ways that k bishops could be placed on an nXn chessboard.
My basic idea is to represent each bishop as a struct with an X value and a Y value. Then I place the bishops on the board to get a configuration.
I have written a method called moveToNextPlace that allows me to move a bishop into the next available spot. I return a string to help with debugging.
struct bishop {
int y=0;
int x=0;
string moveToNextPlace (int n){
if (y<n-1) {y++; return "move to next y value";}
else if (x<n-1) {x++; return "move to next x value";}
else {reset(); return "reset";};
void setValuesLike (bishop b){
void reset (){
bool clashesWith (bishop b){
if (b.x==x && b.y==y){
return true;
if ( b.y-y == b.x-x ) return true; //if their slope is 1
return false;
I then set the board to an initial configuration by calling findSolutions with my desired settings.
int findSolutions (int k, int n){ //k bishops on n*n board
bishop *b = new bishop [k];
for (int i=0; i<k; i++){
findAspot (b, n, i);
bool check (int num, bishop b[]){
for (int i=0 ; i<num; i++){
if (b[i].clashesWith (b[num])) return false;
return true;
void findAspot (bishop b[], int n, int num){ //n=boardsize
while (1){
if (check(num, b)){return;}
if (b[num].moveToNextPlace(n) == "reset") break;
findAspot (b, n, num-1);
b[num].setValuesLike ( b[num-1] );
findAspot (b, n, num);
I then want to keep backtracking until I have a total number of solutions, but I get stuck on how to find the next solution.
I thought I could write a findNextSolution that keeps getting called at the end of the findSolutions function until it reaches a cycle. But I don't know what algorithm to use to find the next solution.
You're off to a good start with your idea of storing the bishop positions in an array. This is a compact representation of a board state.
You'll have to correct your method of checking whether one bishop clashes with another. Bear in mind that two clashing bishops may be separated by a vertical distance dy and a horizontal distance dx such that dx == -dy. Therefore, you will want to compare the absolute values: the bishops clash if abs(dx) == abs(dy).
Now on to the general problem of counting the number of board states in which k bishops are arranged without clashing. You'll want to define a function that returns an integer value. Let's say that this function looks like
count(currentBishops, numRemaining)
where currentBishops is a feasible placement of bishops and numRemaining is the number of bishops you haven't placed yet.
Then the solution to the problem is
count([], k)
where [] means that no bishops have been placed yet.
The count function can be implemented according to the following pseudocode.
count(currentBishops, numRemaining):
if numRemaining == 0:
return 1
sum = 0
for each possible board position (x, y):
if (x, y) does not clash with any bishop in currentBishops:
let nextBishops be currentBishops augmented with (x, y)
sum += count(nextBishops, numRemaining-1)
return sum
In order to avoid an exponential explosion of recursive calls, you'll want to cache the result of each subproblem. This technique is called memoization, and you can implement it as follows.
let memo be a map from (currentBishops, numRemaining) to an integer value
count(currentBishops, numRemaining):
if numRemaining == 0:
return 1
if memo contains (currentBishops, numRemaining):
return memo[(currentBishops, numRemaining)]
sum = 0
for each possible board position (x, y):
if (x, y) does not clash with any bishop in currentBishops:
let nextBishops be currentBishops augmented with (x, y)
sum += count(nextBishops, numRemaining-1)
memo[(currentBishops, numRemaining)] = sum
return sum
The mapping of currentBishops should be one that doesn't care about the order in which you have placed the bishops. You can accomplish this by sorting the bishop positions or making a bitmap of the board when you compute the key for memo.
I have m*n table which each entry have a value .
start position is at top left corner and I can go right or down until I reach lower right corner.
I want a path that if I multiply numbers on that path I get a number that have minimum number of zeros in it's right side .
1 2 100
5 5 4
possible paths :
1*2*5*4= 40
1*5*5*4= 100
Solution : 1*2*5*4= 40 because 40 have 1 zero but other paths have 2 zero.
easiest way is using dfs and calculate all paths. but it's not efficient.
I'm looking for an optimal substructure for solving it using dynammic programming.
After thinking for a while I came up to this equation :
T(i,j) = CountZeros(T(i-1,j)*table[i,j]) < CountZeros(T(i,j-1)*table[i,j]) ?
T(i-1,j)*table[i,j] : T(i,j-1)*table[i,j]
Code :
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
using namespace std;
using Table = vector<vector<int>>;
const int rows = 2;
const int cols = 3;
Table memo(rows, vector<int>(cols, -1));
int CountZeros(int number)
if (number < 0)
return numeric_limits<int>::max();
int res = 0;
while (number != 0)
if (number % 10 == 0)
else break;
number /= 10;
return res;
int solve(int i, int j, const Table& table)
if (i < 0 || j < 0)
return -1;
if (memo[i][j] != -1)
return memo[i][j];
int up = solve(i - 1, j, table)*table[i][j];
int left = solve(i, j - 1, table)*table[i][j];
memo[i][j] = CountZeros(up) < CountZeros(left) ? up : left;
return memo[i][j];
int main()
Table table =
{ 1, 2, 100 },
{ 5, 5, 4 }
memo[0][0] = table[0][0];
cout << solve(1, 2, table);
(Run )
But it is not optimal (for example in above example it give 100 )
Any idea for better optimal sub-structure ? can I solve it with dynammic programming ?!
Let's reconsider the Bellman optimality equation for your task. I consider this as a systematic approach to such problems (whereas I often don't understand DP one-liners). My reference is the book of Sutton and Barto.
The state in which your system is can be described by a triple of integer numbers (i,j,r) (which is modeled as a std::array<int,3>). Here, i and j denote column and row in your rectangle M = m_{i,j}, whereas r denotes the multiplication result.
Your actions in state (i,j,r) are given by going right, with which you end in state (i, j+1, r*m_{i,j+1}) or by going down which leads to the state (i+1, j, r*m_{i+1,j}).
Then, the Bellman equation is given by
v(i,j,r) = min{ NullsIn(r*m_{i+1,j}) - NullsIn(r) + v_(i+1,j, r*m_{i+1,j})
NullsIn(r*m_{i,j+1}) - NullsIn(r) + v_(i,j+1, r*m_{i,j+1}) }
The rationale behind this equation is the following: NullsIn(r*m_{i+1,j}) - NullsIn(r) denotes the zeros you have to add when you take one of the two actions, i.e. the instant penalty. v_(i+1,j, r*m_{i+1,j}) denotes the zeros in the state you get to when you take this action. Now one wants to take the action which minimizes both contributions.
What you need further is only a function int NullsIn(int) which returns the nulls in a given integer. Here is my attempt:
int NullsIn(int r)
int ret=0;
for(int j=10; j<=r; j*=10)
if((r/j) * j == r)
return ret;
For convenience I further defined a NullsDifference function:
int NullsDifference(int r, int m)
return NullsIn(r*m) - NullsIn(r);
Now, one has to do a backwards iteration starting from the initial state in the right bottom element of the matrix.
int backwardIteration(std::array<int,3> state, std::vector<std::vector<int> > const& m)
static std::map<std::array<int,3>, int> memoization;
auto it=memoization.find(state);
return it->second;
int i=state[0];
int j=state[1];
int r=state[2];
int ret=0;
if(i>0 && j>0)
int inew=i-1;
int jnew=j-1;
ret=std::min(NullsDifference(r, m[inew][j]) + backwardIteration({inew,j,r*m[inew][j]}, m),
NullsDifference(r, m[i][jnew]) + backwardIteration({i,jnew,r*m[i][jnew]}, m));
else if(i>0)
int inew=i-1;
ret= NullsDifference(r, m[inew][j]) + backwardIteration({inew,j,r*m[inew][j]}, m);
else if(j>0)
int jnew=j-1;
ret= NullsDifference(r, m[i][jnew]) + backwardIteration({i,jnew,r*m[i][jnew]}, m);
return ret;
This routine is called via
int main()
int ncols=2;
int nrows=3;
std::vector<std::vector<int> > m={{1,2,100}, {5,5,4}};
std::array<int,3> initialState = {ncols-1, nrows -1, m[ncols-1][nrows - 1]};
std::cout<<"Minimum number of zeros: "backwardIteration(initialState, m)<<"\n"<<std::endl;
For your array, it prints out the desired 1 for the number of zeros.
Here is a live demo on Coliru.
Here is an important thing: in production, you usually don't call backwardIteration as I did because it takes an exponentially increasing number of recursive calls. Rather, you start in the top left and call it, then store the result. Next you go left and down and each time call backwardIteration where you now use the previously stored result. And so on.
In order to do this, one needs a memoization concept within the function backwardIteration, which returns the already stored result instead of invoking another recursive call.
I've added memoization in the function call above. Now you can loop through the array from left top to right bottom in any way you like -- but prefereably take small steps, such as row-by-row, column-by-column, or rectangle-for-rectangle.
In fact, this and only this is the spirit of Dynamic Programming.
I've implemented a 3D strange attractor explorer which gives float XYZ outputs in the range 0-100, I now want to implement a colouring function for it based upon the displacement between two successive outputs.
I'm not sure of the data structure to use to store the colour values for each point, using a 3D array I'm limited to rounding to the nearest int which gives a very coarse colour scheme.
I'm vaguely aware of octtrees, are they suitable in this siutation?
EDIT: A little more explanation:
to generate the points i'm repeatedly running this:
(a,b,c,d are random floats in the range -3 to 3)
x = x2;
y = y2;
z = z2;
x2 = sin(a * y) - z * cos(b * x);
y2 = z2 * sin(c * x) - cos(d * y);
z2 = sin(x);
which generates new positions for each axis each run, to colour the render I need to take the distance between two successive results, if I just do this with a distance calculation between each run then the colours fade back and forth in equilibrium so I need to take running average for each point and store it, using a 3dimenrsionl array is too coarse a colouring and I'm looking for advice on how to store the values at much smaller increments.
Maybe you could drop the 2-dim array off and use an 1-dim array of
struct ColoredPoint {
int x;
int y;
int z;
float color;
so that the code would look like
parr[i].x = x;
parr[i].y = y;
parr[i].z = z;
parr[i].color = some_computed_color;
(you may also wish to encapsulate the fields and use class ColoredPoint with access methods)
I'd probably think bout some kind of 3-d binary search tree.
template <class KEY, class VALUE>
class BinaryTree
// some implementation, probably available in libraries
VALUE* Find(const KEY& key) const
// real implementation is needed here
return NULL;
// this tree nodes wil actually hold color
class BinaryTree1 : public BinaryTree<double, int>
class BinaryTree2 : public BinaryTree<double, BinaryTree1>
class BinaryTree3 : public BinaryTree<double, BinaryTree2>
And you function to retreive the color from this tree would look like that
bool GetColor(const BinaryTree3& tree, double dX, double dY, double& dZ, int& color)
BinaryTree2* pYTree = tree.Find(dX);
if( NULL == pYTree )
return false;
BinaryTree1* pZTree = pYTree->Find(dY);
if( NULL == pZTree )
return false;
int* pCol = pZTree->Find(dZ);
if( NULL == pCol )
return false;
color = *pCol;
return true;
Af course you will need to write the function that would add color to this tree, provided 3 coordinates X, Y and Z.
std::map appears to be a good candidate for base class.