LoopBack Model Definition vs json-schema - loopbackjs

Newbie: Trying to better understand how Loopback Model Definition relates (if at all) to json-schema. Will I be able to just write a json-schema file and use that as the Loopback Model Definition?

While there are definitely some close similarities between the two, json-schema and LoopBack's model definition are not the same.
If you have existing JSON schemas, you can probably convert those to LoopBack model definitions, but depending on how complex / advanced your schemas are will determine how easy that conversion is.


add_error(fieldname, ...) in Django Rest Framework (DRF)

I have a model serializer like this:
class MySerializer(ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
fields = ('myfield', 'otherfield')
I need to check a cross-field condition, say, x.myfield > x.otherfield.
(There are actually several otherfields and several conditions.)
I need detailed and easy-to-grasp human-readable error messages.
I currently generate them (actually only the first) in MySerializer.validate() via raise ValidationError(message), but then the message comes under the non-field-errors key, which is ugly and difficult for the users. It would be much nicer to attach it to myfield.
In Django forms, I would use add_error('myfield', ...), but I
could not find a similar thing in rest framework.
What is a suitable idiom here?
raise ValidationError(dict(myfield=[message]))
This way, one can mention multiple fields overall and can have multiple messages per field.
Where to find it
As of 2021-05, the respective information comes under
Overriding serialization and deserialization behavior in the documentation, not under "Validation" as one might expect.
(Why do I so often have to write a near-complete stackoverflow post before I finally find what I'm looking for in the documentation? I don't know. Hope it helps others now.)

Load XSD schema model in C++

Is there a C++ library I use to load the XSD schema model?
The goal is to load the actual XSD schema model (eventually from multiple files) in a way that I can then inspect the model elements (i.e., types, cardinality, attributes, even comments if possible). I don't want to use it for XML content but to manipulate/inspect the actual model.
I know that in Java it can be done, for example, with Xerces2 (http://xerces.apache.org/xerces2-j/xml-schema.html), but I looked for something similar in C++ and could not find it.
You could look at the C++ implementation of EMF:
Then you could use the EMF XSD model:
The EMF XSD model is very well engineered, so the only question is around the maturity of the C++ port of EMF.

Doctrine specify logical name for JoinColumn [duplicate]

I'm working on an events site and have a one to many relationship between a production and its performances, when I have a performance object if I need its production id at the moment I have to do
$productionId = $performance->getProduction()->getId();
In cases when I literally just need the production id it seems like a waste to send off another database query to get a value that's already in the object somewhere.
Is there a way round this?
Edit 2013.02.17:
What I wrote below is no longer true. You don't have to do anything in the scenario outlined in the question, because Doctrine is clever enough to load the id fields into related entities, so the proxy objects will already contain the id, and it will not issue another call to the database.
Outdated answer below:
It is possible, but it is unadvised.
The reason behind that, is Doctrine tries to truly adhere to the principle that your entities should form an object graph, where the foreign keys have no place, because they are just "artifacts", that come from the way relational databases work.
You should rewrite the association to be
eager loaded, if you always need the related entity
write a DQL query (preferably on a Repository) to fetch-join the related entity
let it lazy-load the related entity by calling a getter on it
If you are not convinced, and really want to avoid all of the above, there are two ways (that I know of), to get the id of a related object, without triggering a load, and without resorting to tricks like reflection and serialization:
If you already have the object in hand, you can retrieve the inner UnitOfWork object that Doctrine uses internally, and use it's getEntityIdentifier() method, passing it the unloaded entity (the proxy object). It will return you the id, without triggering the lazy-load.
Assuming you have many-to-one relation, with multiple articles belonging to a category:
$articleId = 1;
$article = $em->find('Article', $articleId);
$categoryId = $em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityIdentifier($article->getCategory());
Coming 2.2, you will be able to use the IDENTITY DQL function, to select just a foreign key, like this:
SELECT IDENTITY(u.Group) AS group_id FROM User u WHERE u.id = ?0
It is already committed to the development versions.
Still, you should really try to stick to one of the "correct" methods.

Can a .NET oData DataService force filtering child records?

This should be a simple scenario - I have a data model with a parent/child relationship. For example's sake, let's say it's Orders and OrderDetails - 1 Order -> many OrderDetails.
I'd like to expose the model via oData using a standard DataService, but with a few limitations.
First, I should only see my Orders. That's simple enough using EntitySetRights.ReadSingle and a QueryInterceptor to make sure the order is in fact mine.
So far, so good! But how can the associated OrderDetail records be exposed in the oData feed in a way where I can read OrderDetails for a specific (read single) Order without giving access to the entire OrderDetails table?
In other words, I want to allow reading my details
myUrl.com/OrderService.svc/Orders(5)/OrderDetails <-- Good! My order is #5
but not everyone's details
myUrl.com/OrderService.svc/OrderDetails <-- Danger, Scarry, Keep Out!
Thanks for the help!
This is so called "containment" - your sample exactly described here: http://data.uservoice.com/forums/72027-wcf-data-services-feature-suggestions/suggestions/1012615-support-containment-hierarchical-models-in-odata?ref=title
WCF Data Services doesn't support this out of the box yet.
It is theoretically possible to implement such restriction with a custom LINQ provider. In your LINQ implementation you could detect the expansion (not that hard) and in that case allow it. But you could prevent queries to the entity set itself (also rather easy to recognize). For more details of how the LINQ expressions look plese refere to this series: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vitek/archive/2010/02/25/data-services-expressions-part-1-intro.aspx
It depends on what provider you wanted to use originally. If you had a custom provider already this is not that hard. If you had a reflection based provider, it is possible to layer this on top. If you had EF, this might be rather tricky (not sure if it's even possible).

Pitfalls of generating JSON in Django templates

I've found myself unsatisfied with Django's ability to render JSON data. If I use built in serializes then database foreign key relationships are not included in the data (only the keys). Also, it seems to be impossible to include custom data in the json feed that isn't part of the model being serialized.
As a test I implemented a template that rendered some JSON for the resultset of a particular model. I was able to include/exclude whatever parts of the model I wanted and was able to include custom data as well.
The test seemed to work well and wasn't slower than the recommended serialization methods.
Are there any pitfalls to this using this method of serialization?
While it's hard to say definitively whether this method has any pitfalls, it's the method we use in production as you control everything that is serialized, even if the underlying model is changed. We've been running a high traffic application in for almost two years using this method.
Hope this helps.
One problem might be escaping metacharacters like ". Django's template system automatically escapes dangerous characters, but it's set up to do that for HTML. You should look up exactly what the template escaping does, and compare that to what's dangerous in JSON. Otherwise, you could cause XSS problems.
You could think about constructing a data structure of dicts and lists, and then running a JSON serializer on that, rather than directly on your database model.
I don't understand why you see the choice as being either 'use Django serializers' or 'write JSON in templates'. The middle way, which to my mind is much more robust and fits your use case well, is to build up your data as Python lists/dictionaries and then simply use simplejson.dumps() to convert it to a JSON string.
We use this method to get custom JSON format consumed by datatables.net
It was the easiest method we find to accomplish this task and it looks very fine with no problems so far.
You can find details here: http://datatables.net/development/server-side/django
So far, generating JSON from templates, we've run into the need to escape newlines. Looking at doing simplejson.dumps() next.