Doctrine specify logical name for JoinColumn [duplicate] - doctrine-orm

I'm working on an events site and have a one to many relationship between a production and its performances, when I have a performance object if I need its production id at the moment I have to do
$productionId = $performance->getProduction()->getId();
In cases when I literally just need the production id it seems like a waste to send off another database query to get a value that's already in the object somewhere.
Is there a way round this?

Edit 2013.02.17:
What I wrote below is no longer true. You don't have to do anything in the scenario outlined in the question, because Doctrine is clever enough to load the id fields into related entities, so the proxy objects will already contain the id, and it will not issue another call to the database.
Outdated answer below:
It is possible, but it is unadvised.
The reason behind that, is Doctrine tries to truly adhere to the principle that your entities should form an object graph, where the foreign keys have no place, because they are just "artifacts", that come from the way relational databases work.
You should rewrite the association to be
eager loaded, if you always need the related entity
write a DQL query (preferably on a Repository) to fetch-join the related entity
let it lazy-load the related entity by calling a getter on it
If you are not convinced, and really want to avoid all of the above, there are two ways (that I know of), to get the id of a related object, without triggering a load, and without resorting to tricks like reflection and serialization:
If you already have the object in hand, you can retrieve the inner UnitOfWork object that Doctrine uses internally, and use it's getEntityIdentifier() method, passing it the unloaded entity (the proxy object). It will return you the id, without triggering the lazy-load.
Assuming you have many-to-one relation, with multiple articles belonging to a category:
$articleId = 1;
$article = $em->find('Article', $articleId);
$categoryId = $em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityIdentifier($article->getCategory());
Coming 2.2, you will be able to use the IDENTITY DQL function, to select just a foreign key, like this:
SELECT IDENTITY(u.Group) AS group_id FROM User u WHERE = ?0
It is already committed to the development versions.
Still, you should really try to stick to one of the "correct" methods.


Django: How to depend on an externally ID, which can be switched?

Consider the following scenario:
Our Django database objects must rely on IDs that are provided by external service A (ESA) - this is because we use this ID to pull the information about objects that aren't created yet from the external directly. ESA might shut down soon, so we also pull information about the same objects from external service B (ESB), and save them as a fallback.
Because these IDs are relied on heavily in views and URLs, the ideal scenario would be to use a #property:
dynamic_id = ESA_id
And then, if ESA shuts down, we can switch easily by changing dynamic_id to ESB_id. The problem with this though, is that properties cannot be used in queryset filters and various other scenarios, which is also a must in this case.
My current thought is to just save ESA_id, ESB_id, and dynamic_ID as regular fields separately and assign dynamic_ID = ESA_id, and then, in case ESA shuts down, simply go over the objects and do dynamic_ID = ESB_id.
But I feel there must be a better way?
Having ESA_id and ESB_id fields in the same table is a good solution, then you have some kind of setting (DEFAULT_SERVICE_ID='ESA_id'|'ESB_id') and your code change the lookup based on this option.
Here you can see an aproach to create filters dynamicly

Symfony & Doctrine: Optional foreign key

Without scrutinizing why I want this (it may sound like a bad approach, but I have good reason) I want to know if there is a way in the standard-framework-edition 3.1+ to create a relational association to an entity that may not exist...
Firstly I do realize this determines the schema and that's fine. So if an entity does not exist, it doesn't create a foreign key and the field is always null, or if the target entity does exist, it creates the foreign key and the field works like a normal association...
Secondly, this only changes project to project, and may change down the line as an update to which I realize a manual schema update could be necessary.
Preferably without 3rd party bundle dependencies... hoping for the standard framework to do this,
Thanks in advance
I am using annotations in my entities with doctrine ORM
The simplest version of why I am doing this is because certain bundles are optional project-to-project, and bundle A may make use of entities in bundle B only if it is present. I have considered using services and if container->has then container->get, or the XML on-invalid="null" approach, but that doesn't address property persistence. I was happy with storing a non-mapped value as a custom relational field, which is fine, just lengthier and wondered if perhaps there was a way Doctrine could ignore a missing targetEntity...
Hm, perhaps I misunderstand your question, but this sounds like a normal 'nullable' association to me?
Create your assocation via annotation:
* #var Child
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Child")
private $child;
and use
setChild(Child $child = null)
$this->child = $child;
as a Setter to allow nullable values.
And your getter might look like:
return $this->child;
In case there isn't any child it will return null.
I will keep the other answer as it responds to the question for a 'nullable association target' live data.
This is the answer for a 'nullable association target' meta data which is a different thing.
OP asks to provide a targetEntity in the metadata which cannot exist in his case, e.g. is not there in a different bundle (or whatever OP's mysterious reason might be).
In that case I recommend to build upon Doctrine's TargetEntityListener which is able to resolve the targetEntity during runtime and targetEntity can be set to an Abstract Class or an Interface:
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Acme\InvoiceBundle\Model\InvoiceSubjectInterface")
* #var InvoiceSubjectInterface
protected $subject;
InvoiceSubjectInterface will then be replaced during runtime by a specific class provided by config e.g.:
# app/config/config.yml
# ...
# ...
Acme\InvoiceBundle\Model\InvoiceSubjectInterface: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
So this should be eiter an extendable behaviour for providing no class or implementing an own solution.

RESTful API and Foreign key handling for POSTs and PUTs

I'm helping develop a new API for an existing database.
I'm using Python 2.7.3, Django 1.5 and the django-rest-framework 2.2.4 with PostgreSQL 9.1
I need/want good documentation for the API, but I'm shorthanded and I hate writing/maintaining documentation (one of my many flaws).
I need to allow consumers of the API to add new "POS" (points of sale) locations. In the Postgres database, there is a foreign key from pos to pos_location_type. So, here is a simplified table structure.
id serial,
description text not null
id serial,
pos_name text not null,
pos_location_type_id int not null references pos_location_type(id)
So, to allow them to POST a new pos, they will need to give me a "pos_name" an a valid pos_location_type. So, I've been reading about this stuff all weekend. Lots of debates out there.
How is my API consumers going to know what a pos_location_type is? Or what value to pass here?
It seems like I need to tell them where to get a valid list of pos_locations. Something like:
GET /pos_location/
As a quick note, examples of pos_location_type descriptions might be: ('school', 'park', 'office').
I really like the "Browseability" of of the Django REST Framework, but, it doesn't seem to address this type of thing, and I actually had a very nice chat on IRC with Tom Christie earlier today, and he didn't really have an answer on what to do here (or maybe I never made my question clear).
I've looked at Swagger, and that's a very cool/interesting project, but take a look at their "pet" resource on their demo here. Notice it is pretty similar to what I need to do. To add a new pet, you need to pass a category, which they define as class Category(id: long, name: string). How is the consumer suppose to know what to pass here? What's a valid id? or name?
In Django rest framework, I can define/override what is returned in the OPTION call. I guess I could come up with my own little "system" here and return some information like:
pos-location-url: '/pos_location/'
in the generic form, it would be: {resource}-url: '/path/to/resource_list'
and that would sort of work for the documentation side, but I'm not sure if that's really a nice solution programmatically. What if I change the resources location. That would mean that my consumers would need to programmatically make and OPTIONS call for the resource to figure out all of the relations. Maybe not a bad thing, but feels like a little weird.
So, how do people handle this kind of thing?
Final notes: I get the fact that I don't really want a "leaking" abstaction here and have my database peaking thru the API layer, but the fact remains that there is a foreign_key constraint on this existing database and any insert that doesn't have a valid pos_location_type_id is raising an error.
Also, I'm not trying to open up the URI vs. ID debate. Whether the user has to use the pos_location_type_id int value or a URI doesn't matter for this discussion. In either case, they have no idea what to send me.
I've worked with this kind of stuff in the past. I think there is two ways of approaching this problem, the first you already said it, allow an endpoint for users of the API to know what is the id-like value of the pos_location_type. Many API's do this because a person developing from your API is gonna have to read your documentation and will know where to get the pos_location_type values from. End-users should not worry about this, because they will have an interface showing probably a dropdown list of text values.
On the other hand, the way I've also worked this, not very RESTful-like. Let's suppose you have a location in New York, and the POST could be something like:
POST /pos/new_york/
You can handle /pos/(location_name)/ by normalizing the text, then just search on the database for the value or some similarity, if place does not exist then you just create a new one. That in case users can add new places, if not, then the user would have to know what fixed places exist, which again is the first situation we are in.
that way you can avoid pos_location_type in the request data, you could programatically map it to a valid ID.

OpenJPA CascadeType.DELETE causes Foreign Key constraint violation

I am using OpenJPA (JPA 1.0) on WebLogic 10.0.x with Oracle. I have defined a OneToMany relationship as below:
public class Compound implements Serializable {
#OneToMany(mappedBy="compound", fetch=FetchType.LAZY, cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
private List<Submission> submissions = new ArrayList<Submission>();
public class Submission implements Serializable {
#ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, cascade=CascadeType.REFRESH)
private Compound compound;
When I delete a Compound entity all child Submission entities should be deleted also. This works as a general rule, except that I have a foreign key constraint setup on these tables:
Now when I attempt to delete the Compound entity I encounter the following exception:
ORA-02292: integrity constraint (HELC.FK_SUBMISSION_COMPOUND) violated - child record found {prepstmnt 3740 DELETE FROM Compound WHERE compoundId = ? [params=(long) 10384]} [code=2292, state=23000]"
The above exception implies that Open JPA is attempting to delete the parent prior to cascading the delete onto the child entities. I've read a few articles via Google about this exception, dating back to 2006. However, the most recent article suggests that this bug has been fixed?
Can anyone suggest why this is not working and what I can do about it? I am loathe to manually delete the child entities, especially as this is one of the less-complicated relationships in my schema and whatever solution I use for this I will need to apply elsewhere.
When I delete a Compound entity all child Submission entities should
be deleted also. This works as a general rule, except that I have a
foreign key constraint setup on these tables:
If you can change the foreign key constraint, that should solve the problem as far as the database is concerned. I'm not sure how OpenJPA will behave here.
One thing - as discussed above this is Weblogic 10.0.x. I suspect we
are using the bundled version of OpenJPA / Kodo, which is probably
quite old...
My own feeling is that the bug you referred to should have been fixed by this version, but it's also a) close enough in time that it might not have been fixed, and b) potentially a big enough problem that I think you should spend some time verifying the version and fix. (Actually, I just noticed that OpenJPA 1.0 was released on Aug 2007. That's a lot earlier than I thought, which makes it more likely you don't have the bug fix.)
If you can't modify the database (because it's a legacy system that clearly doesn't intend for clients to rely on cascading deletes), and if the bug isn't fixed in your version, you'll have to manage the order of SQL statements yourself.
The burden of manually managing SQL statements--which is one of the things that OpenJPA is supposed to do for you--might be enough to get management to either upgrade OpenJPA or to update the foreign key constraints in the database.
I really hope you get a better answer than this one.

read objects persisted but not yet flushed with doctrine

I'm new to symfony2 and doctrine.
here is the problem as I see it.
i cannot use :
$repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('entity');
$my_object = $repository->findOneBy($index);
on an object that is persisted, BUT NOT FLUSHED YET !!
i think getRepository read from DB, so it will not find a not-flushed object.
my question: how to read those objects that are persisted (i think they are somewhere in a "doctrine session") to re-use them before i do flush my entire batch ?
every profile has 256 physical plumes.
every profile has 1 plumeOptions record assigned to it.
In plumeOptions, I have a cartridgeplume which is a FK for PhysicalPlume.
every plume is identified by ID (auto-generated) and an INDEX (user-generated).
rule: I say profile 1 has physical_plume_index number 3 (=index) connected to it.
now, I want to copy a profile with all its related data to another profile.
new profile is created. New 256 plumes are created and copied from older profile.
i want to link the new profile to the new plume index 3.
check here:
I think you might want to have a look at this function:
Gives you back a list of entity objects which are persisting yet.
Hmm, I didn't really read your question well, with the above you will retrieve a full list (as an array) but you cannot query it like with getRepository. I will try found something for u..
I think you might look at the problem from the wrong angle. Doctrine is your persistance layer and database access layer. It is the responsibility of your domain model to provide access to objects once they are in memory. So the problem boils down to how do you get a reference to an object without the persistance layer?
Where do you create the object you need to get hold of later? Can the method/service that create the object return a reference to the controller so it can propagate it to the other place you need it? Can you dispatch an event that you listen to elsewhere in your application to get hold of the object?
In my opinion, Doctrine should be used at the startup of the application (as early as possible), to initialize the domain model, and at the shutdown of the application, to persist any changes to the domain model during the request. To use a repository to get hold of objects in the middle of a request is, in my opinion, probably a code smell and you should look at how the application flow can be refactored to remove that need.
Your is a business logic problem effectively.
Querying down the Database a findby Query on Object that are not flushed yet, means heaving much more the DB layer querying object that you have already in your function scope.
Also Keep in mind a findOneBy will retrieve also other object previously saved with same features.
If you need to find only among those new created objects, you should make f.e. them in a Session Array Variable, and iterate them with the foreach.
If you need a mix of already saved items + some new items, you should threate the 2 parts separately, one with a foreach , other one with the repository query!