Regular Expression to match a number followed by that many characters? - regex

I would like to match strings that follow this pattern: "N: N-character-string"
Valid examples:
5. Fives
12. AbcdAbcdAbcd
1. O
3. Tre
Is there a way to accomplish this with a single regex? I'm happy to accept any flavor of regular expression.

No You can't do this with regex.
Finite automation (underlying data structure used by regex) has no support for memory. That is, on the lexical analysis done by your regex, your input is broken down into tokens and you can not use token from a previous stage to be used for further parsing on later stage.
Read Theory of automata for more theoretical background to this.


Can regex match intersection between two regular expressions?

Given several regular expressions, can we write a regular expressions which is equal to their intersection?
For example, given two regular expressions c[a-z][a-z] and [a-z][aeiou]t, their intersection contains cat and cut and possibly more. How can we write a regular expression for their intersection?
A logical AND in regex is represented by
The lookahead examples are easy to use, but technically are no longer regular languages. However it is possible to take the intersection of two regular languages, and that complement is regular.
First note that Regular Expressions can be converted to and from NFAs; they both are ways of expressing regular languages.
Second, by DeMorgan's law,
Thus these are the steps to compute the intersection of two RegExs:
Convert both RegExs to NFAs.
Compute the complement of both NFAs.
Compute the union of the two complements.
Compute the complement of that union.
Convert the resulting NFA to a RegEx.
Some sources:
Union and RegEx to NFA:
NFA to RegEx:
Complement of NFA:
Mathematically speaking, an intersection of two regular languages is regular, so there has to be a regular expression that accepts it.
Building it via corresponding NFAs is probably the easiest. Consider the two NFAs that correspond to the two regexes. The new states Q are pairs (Q1,Q2) from the two NFAs. If there is a transition (P1,x,Q1) in the first NFA and (P2,x,Q2) in the second NFA, then and only then there is a transition ((P1,P2),x,(Q1,Q2)) in the new NFA. A new state (Q1,Q2) is initial/final iff both Q1 and Q2 are initial/final.
If you use NFAs with ε-moves, then also for each transition (P1,ε,Q1) there will be a transition ((P1,P2),ε,(Q1,P2)) for all states P2. Likewise for ε-moves in the second NFA.
Now convert the new NFA to a regular expression with any known algorithm, and that's it.
As for PCRE, they are not, strictly speaking, regular expressions. There is no way to do it in the general case. Sometimes you can use lookaheads, like ^(?=regex1$)(?=regex2$) but this is only good for matching the entire string and is no good for either searching or embedding in other regexps. Without anchoring, the two lookaheads may end up matching strings of different lengths. This is not intersection.
First, let's agree on terms. My syntactical assumption will be that
The intersection of several regexes is one regex that matches strings
that each of the component regexes also match.
The General Option
To check for the intersection of two patterns, the general method is (pseudo-code):
if match(regex1) && match(regex2) { champagne for everyone! }
The Regex Option
In some cases, you can do the same with lookaheads, but for a complex regex there is little benefit of doing so, apart from making your regex more obscure to your enemies. Why little benefit? Because the engine will have to parse the whole string multiple times anyway.
Boolean AND
The general pattern for an AND checking that a string exactly meets regex1 and regex2 would be:
The $ in each lookahead ensures that each string matches the pattern and nothing more.
Matching when AND
Of course, if you don't want to just check the boolean value of the AND but also do some actual matching, after the lookaheads, you can add a dot-star to consume the string:
Or... After checking the first condition, just match the second:
This is a technique used for instance in password validation. For more details on this, see Mastering Lookahead and Lookbehind.
Bonus section: Union of Regexes
Instead of working on an intersection, let's say you are interested in the union of the following regexes, i.e., a regex that matches either of those regexes:
This is accomplished with the alternation | operator:
Furthermore, such a regex can often be compressed, as in:
For And operation, we have something like this in RegEx
Taking your example
["Cat", "C", "a", "t"]
([A-Za-z]+) //Match All characters
([aeiouAEIOU]+) //Match all vowels
Combine them both will match
["StackOverflow", "StackOverfl", "o", "w"]

How to match Regular Expression with String containing a wildcard character?

Regular expression:
/Hello .*, what's up?/i
String which may contain any number of wildcard characters (%):
"% world, what's up?" (matches)
"Hello world, %?" (matches)
"Hello %, what's up?" (matches)
"Hey world, what's up?" (no match)
"Hello %, blabla." (no match)
I have thought of a solution myself, but I'd like to see what you are able to come up with (considering performance is a high priority). A requirement is the ability to use any regular expression; I only used .* in the example, but any valid regular expression should work.
A little automata theory might help you here. You say
this is a simplified version of matching a regular expression with a regular expression[1]
Actually, that does not seem to be the case. Instead of matching the text of a regular expression, you want to find regular expressions that can match the same string as a given regular expression.
Luckily, this problem is solvable :-) To see whether such a string exists, you would need to compute the union of the two regular languages and test whether the result is not the empty language. This might be a non-trivial problem and solving it efficiently [enough] may be hard, but standard algorithms for this do already exist. Basically you would need to translate the expression into a NFA, that one into a DFA which you then can union.
[1]: Indeed, the wildcard strings you're using in the question build some kind of regular language, and can be translated to corresponding regular expressions
Not sure that I fully understand your question, but if you're looking for performance, avoid regular expressions. Instead you can split the string on %. Then, take a look at the first and last matches:
// Anything before % should match at start of the string
targetString.indexOf(splits[0]) === 0;
// Anything after % should match at the end of the string
targetString.indexOf(splits[1]) + splits[1].length === targetString.length;
If you can use % multiple times within the string, then the first and last splits should follow the above rules. Anything else just needs to be in the string, and .indexOf is how you can check that.
I came to realize that this is impossible with a regular language, and therefore the only solution to this problem is to replace the wildcard symbol % with .* and then match two regular expressions with each other. This can however not be done by traditional regular expressions, look at this SO-question and it's answers for details.
Or perhaps you should edit the underlying Regular Expression engine for supporting wildcard based strings. Anyone being able to answer this question by extending the default implementation will be accepted as answer to this question ;-)

PCRE repetition based on captured number -- (\d)(.{\1})

1xxx captures x
2xxx captures xx
3xxx captures xxx
I thought maybe this simple pattern would work:
But no.
I know this is easy in Perl, but I'm using PCRE in Julia which means it would be hard to embed code to change the expression on-the-fly.
Note that regular expressions are usually compiled to a state machine before being executed, and are not naively interpreted.
Technically, n Xn (where n is a number and X a rule containing all characters) isn't a regular language. It isn't a context-free language, and isn't even a context-sensitive language! (See the Chomsky Hierarchy). While PCRE regexes can match all all context-free languages (if expressed suitably), the engine can only match a very limited subset of context-sensitive languages. We have a big problem on our hand that can neither be solved by regular expressions nor regexes with all the PCRE extensions.
The solution here usually is to separate tokenization, parsing, and semantic validation when trying to parse some input. Here:
read the number (possibly using a regex)
read the following characters (possibly using a regex)
validate that the length of the character string is equal to the given number.
Obviously this isn't going to work in this specific case without implementing backtracking or similar strategies, so we will have to write a parser ourselves that can handle the input:
read the number (possibly using a regex)
then read that number of characters at that position (possibly using a substr-like function).
Regexes are awesome, but they are simply not the correct tool for every problem. Sometimes, writing the program yourself is easier.
It can't be done in general. For the particular example you gave, you can use the following:
If you have a long but fix list of numbers, you can generate the pattern programmatically.

Tools that turn regular phrases into regular expressions?

I know there are a lot of tools that allow you to create regular expressions and test regular phrases against them, but is there a tool that allows you to type just a regular phrase or word, etc and it will generate the regular expression for you. For example, typing:
xyz555.. would generate the correct regular expression. It may not be the most ideal expression, but it would be a useful learning tool.
Because such analysis can't be done deterministically. It's impossible to take a single sample (or any particular number of samples) and generate a pattern.
For example, your example data could mean three alphabetic characters followed by three numeric characters...
...or it could be any number of alphabetic characters followed by three numerics
...or three alphabetic followed by three '5' characters.
It's impossible to determine exactly what the pattern is when more than one pattern fits the data.

Regular expression listing all possibilities

Given a regular expression, how can I list all possible matches?
For example: AB[CD]1234, I want it to return a list like:
I searched the web, but couldn't find anything.
Exrex can do this:
$ python 'AB[CD]1234'
The reason you haven't found anything is probably because this is a problem of serious complexity given the amount of combinations certain expressions would allow. Some regular expressions could even allow infite matches:
Consider following expressions:
I think your best bet would be to create an algorithm yourself based on a small subset of allowed patterns. In your specific case, I would suggest to use a more naive approach than a regular expression.
For some simple regular expressions like the one you provided (AB[CD]1234), there is a limited set of matches. But for other expressions (AB[CD]*1234) the number of possible matches are not limited.
One method for locating all the posibilities, is to detect where in the regular expression there are choices. For each possible choice generate a new regular expression based on the original regular expression and the current choice. This new regular expression is now a bit simpler than the original one.
For an expression like "A[BC][DE]F", the method will proceed as follows
= getAllMatches("AB[DE]F") + getAllMatches("AC[DE]F")
= getAllMatches("ABDF") + getAllMatches("ABEF")
+ getAllMatches("ACDF")+ getAllMatches("ACEF")
= "ABDF" + "ABEF" + "ACDF" + "ACEF"
It's possible to write an algorithm to do this but it will only work for regular expressions that have a finite set of possible matches. Your regexes would be limited to using:
Optional: ?
Characters: . \d \D
Sets: like [1a-c]
Negated sets: [^2-9d-z]
Alternations: |
Positive lookarounds
So your regexes could NOT use:
Repeaters: * +
Word patterns: \w \W
Negative lookarounds
Some zero-width assertions: ^ $
And there are some others (word boundaries, lazy & greedy quantifiers) I'm not sure about yet.
As for the algorithm itself, another user posted a link to this answer which describes how to create it.
Well you could convert the regular expression into an equivalent finite state machine (is relatively simple and can be done algorithmly) and then recursively folow every possible path through that fsm, outputting the followed paths through the machine. It's neither very hard nor computer intensive per output (you will normally get a HUGE amount of output however). You should however take care to disallow potentielly infinite passes (like .*). This can be done by having a maximum allowed path length, after which the tracing is aborted
A regular expression is intended to do nothing more than match to a pattern, that being said, the regular expression will never 'list' anything, only match. If you want to get a list of all matches I believe you will need to do it on your own.
Consider look ahead assertions. And what about .*, how will you generate all possible strings that match that regex?
It may be possible to find some code to list all possible matches for something as simple as you are doing. But most regular expressions you would not even want to attempt listing all possible matches.
For example AB.*1234 would be AB followed by absolutely anything and then 1234.
I'm not entirely sure this is even possible, but if it were, it would be so cpu/time intensive for many situations that it would not be useful.
For instance, try to make a list of all matches for A.*Z
There are sites that help with building a good regular expression though: