I Think my code is perfect but the output is not proper - c++

Here's my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Personal_Record {
Personal_Record(string nam, string dob, string addr, int mobNum, string ema, string hob);
void Get_PersonalRecord();
void Display_PersonalRecord();
string name;
string dateOfBirth;
string address;
int mobileNumber;
string emailId;
string hobby;
name = "";
dateOfBirth = "";
address = "";
hobby = "";
Personal_Record::Personal_Record(string nam, string dob, string addr, int mobNum, string ema, string hob)
name = nam;
dateOfBirth = dob;
address = addr;
mobileNumber = mobNum;
emailId = ema;
hobby = hob;
void Personal_Record::Get_PersonalRecord()
cout << endl << "Enter the name of the person: ";
cin >> name;
cout << endl << "Enter the date of birth: ";
cin >> dateOfBirth;
cout << endl << "Enter the address: ";
cin >> address;
cout << endl << "Enter the mobile number: ";
cin >> mobileNumber;
cout << endl << "Enter the e-mail id: ";
cin >> emailId;
cout << endl << "Enter any hobby the person has: ";
cin >> hobby;
void Personal_Record::Display_PersonalRecord()
cout << "Personal Record:" << endl << endl;
cout << "1.Name: " << name << endl;
cout << "2.Date Of Birth: " << dateOfBirth << endl;
cout << "3.Address: " << address << endl;
cout << "4.Mobile Number: " << mobileNumber << endl;
cout << "5.E-mail Id: " << emailId << endl;
cout << "6.Hobby" << hobby << endl;
class Professional_Record {
Professional_Record(string nameOfCom, string pos, int xp);
void Get_Professional_Record();
void Display_Professional_Record();
string nameOfCompany;
string position;
int experienceInYears;
nameOfCompany = "";
position = "";
experienceInYears = 0;
Professional_Record::Professional_Record(string nameOfCom, string pos, int xp)
nameOfCompany = nameOfCom;
position = pos;
experienceInYears = xp;
void Professional_Record::Get_Professional_Record()
cout << endl << "Enter name of the company: ";
cin >> nameOfCompany;
cout << endl << "Enter position in this company: ";
cin >> position;
cout << endl << "Enter number of years of experience: ";
cin >> experienceInYears;
void Professional_Record::Display_Professional_Record()
cout << "Professional Record: " << endl << endl;
cout << "Name of the Company: " << nameOfCompany << endl;
cout << "Position in this company: " << position << endl;
cout << "Number of years of experience: " << experienceInYears << endl;
class Academic_Record {
Academic_Record(string nameOfCou, string nameOfCol, int passOut, float percent, string special);
void Get_Academic_Record();
void Display_Academic_Record();
string nameOfCourse;
string nameOfCollege;
int passOutYear;
float percentage;
string specialization;
nameOfCourse = "";
nameOfCollege = "";
passOutYear = 0;
percentage = 0.0;
specialization = "";
Academic_Record::Academic_Record(string nameOfCou, string nameOfCol, int passOut, float percent, string special)
nameOfCourse = nameOfCou;
nameOfCollege = nameOfCol;
passOutYear = passOut;
percentage = percent;
specialization = special;
void Academic_Record::Get_Academic_Record()
cout << endl << "Enter the name of the course: ";
cin >> nameOfCourse;
cout << endl << "Enter the name of the college: ";
cin >> nameOfCollege;
cout << endl << "Enter year of passout: ";
cin >> passOutYear;
cout << endl << "Enter the percentage: ";
cin >> percentage;
cout << endl << "Enter the subject the person has specialized in: ";
cin >> specialization;
void Academic_Record::Display_Academic_Record()
cout << endl << "Academic Details:" << endl;
cout << "Name of the Course: " << nameOfCourse << endl;
cout << "Name of the College: " << nameOfCollege << endl;
cout << "Year of passout: " << passOutYear << endl;
cout << "Percentage acquired: " << percentage << endl;
cout << "The person has specialized in: " << specialization << endl;
class Bio_Data : public Personal_Record, public Professional_Record, public Academic_Record {
void Display_BioData();
void Bio_Data::Display_BioData()
int main()
Bio_Data bd;
cout << "Enter Personal Information: " << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter Professional Information: " << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter Academic Information: " << endl << endl;
return 0;
Output of the following code:
Enter Personal Information:
Enter the name of the person: Suraj
Enter the date of birth: 02/04/1996
Enter the address: Varnam,A/38,Pune
Enter the mobile number: 8552004340
Enter the e-mail id:
Enter any hobby the person has: Enter Professional Information:
Enter name of the company:
Enter position in this company:
Enter number of years of experience: Enter Academic Information:
Enter the name of the course:
Enter the name of the college:
Enter year of passout:
Enter the percentage:
Enter the subject the person has specialized in: Personal Record:
1.Name: Suraj
2.Date Of Birth: 02/04/1996
3.Address: Varnam,A/38,Pune
4.Mobile Number: 2147483647
5.E-mail Id:
Professional Record:
Name of the Company:
Position in this company:
Number of years of experience: 0
Academic Details:
Name of the Course:
Name of the College:
Year of passout: 0
Percentage acquired: 0
The person has specialized in:
The problem here is that after taking the mobile number it doesn't give me a prompt for email id or taking input for any other fields.It just gives me the output.And even in the output the mobile no. is turned into some garbage value not the original no. I entered.I really don't know whats going on.Can someone help me!
I have run the code on ubuntu and c++ shell online and they both seem to give me same results.
I don't know what this problem is called so don't get angry at me for asking this question!

You are storing the mobile number as an int, which has a max size of 32767 http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/climits/
8552004340 is too big!
Better to store it as a string.


Salary with vector array to get sum of employee gross pay

I am to create an application that takes at least 5 employees i.d, names, pay rate, and hours. And then I am to add the pay rate and the hours together to show the gross pay for each employee at the end of the initial inquiries. I am stuck on how to add it in the vector please help!
** Here is the assignment that our instructor gave us **
I've added a vector and added all the essential information for the employee
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct Employee
int id;
string firstName;
string lastName;
float payRate;
int hours;
int main()
/*========= other way of adding employee information ==========*/
/*const int NUM_EMPLOYEE = 5;
Employee employee[NUM_EMPLOYEE];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << "ID of employee " << (i + 1) << ": ";
cin >> employee[i].id;
cout << "First Name of employee " << (i + 1) << ": ";
cin >> employee[i].firstName;
cout << "Last Name of employee " << (i + 1) << ": ";
cin >> employee[i].lastName;
cout << "Pay rate for employee " << (i + 1) << ": ";
cin >> employee[i].payRate;
cout << "Hours worked " << (i + 1) << ": ";
cin >> employee[i].hours;
/*========= End of other way of adding employee information ==========*/
vector<Employee> employees;
char Another = 'y';
while (Another == 'y' || Another == 'Y')
Employee e;
cout << "Enter employee ID: \n";
cin >> e.id;
cout << "Enter employee first name: \n";
cin >> e.firstName;
cout << "Enter employee last name: \n";
cin >> e.lastName;
cout << "Enter employee pay rate: \n";
cin >> e.payRate;
cout << "Enter employee hours worked: \n";
cin >> e.hours;
cout << "Another? (y/n): \n";
cin >> Another;
float sum = 0;
vector<Employee>::iterator it = employees.begin();
for (; it != employees.end(); it++)
cout << "ID of employee: \n" << it->id << ": \n"
<< "Employees name: \n" << it->firstName << " " << it->lastName << ": \n"
<< "Employee pay rate: \n" << it->payRate << ": \n"
<< "Employee hours worked: \n" << it->hours << "\n";
float avg = sum / employees.size();
Employee e;
/*cout << " ID of employees: \n" << e.id;
cout << " Name of employees: \n" << e.firstName << " " <<
cout << "Gross pay of employees: \n" << avg;
return 0;
Show Id, names, and gross pay of all employees to user
vector<Employee> employees;
char Another = 'y';
while (Another == 'y' || Another == 'Y')
Employee e;
cout << "Enter employee ID: \n";
cin >> e.id;
cout << "Enter employee first name: \n";
cin >> e.firstName;
cout << "Enter employee last name: \n";
cin >> e.lastName;
cout << "Enter employee pay rate: \n";
cin >> e.payRate;
cout << "Enter employee hours worked: \n";
cin >> e.hours;
cout << "Another? (y/n): \n";
cin >> Another;
float sum = 0;
vector<Employee>::iterator it = employees.begin();
cout << "ID" << "\t" << "First Name" << "\t" << "Last Name" << "\t" << "Pay rate" << "\t" << "Hours" << "\t" << "Gross Pay" << "\n" ;
for (; it != employees.end(); it++)
float grossPay = it->payRate * it->hours;
cout << it->id << "\t" << it->firstName << "\t\t" << it->lastName << "\t\t" << it->payRate << "\t\t"
<< it->hours << "$" << "\t" << grossPay << "\n";
sum += grossPay;
cout << "The gross pay for all employee is: " << "$" << sum;
return 0;
//This is what i got so far. But if I want to make the application ask the user to input how many employee they want to enter into the database how do i do that? would it be like this?
int EMPLOYEE_NUM[][] // ??

How to use struct members in a struct's member function?

So the purpose of the program is to Create an array of 3 people, allow the user to populate the data in a for loop, ensure that the results are capitalized, and output the results.
These new projects instructions were to
1. Rewrite capitalize() as a method within the structure.
2. Rewrite printPerson() as a method within the structure
The program itself works just fine, it's just not in the format that my professor wanted. He said the point of it is to not use any arguments but again, I don't know what he means. I just started programming a few months ago and even though I'm trying I don't have a strong knowledge of the terminology.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct Person {
string firstName;
string middleName;
string lastName;
int age;
string gender;
void capitalize(Person &arg);
void printPerson(Person arg);
Pretty sure these are the methods right here, but I'm not sure if the (person &arg) and (person arg) are the arguments itself or if they are parameters. I thought it was the "arg" part but I can't find a way to get the program to run without them as I'm pretty sure I need the & of operator to modify the information.
int main(void) {
Person myPerson;
Person a[3];
const int size = 5;
for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
cout << "What is First Name #" << i + 1 << "? ";
getline(cin, a[i].firstName);
cout << "What is Middle Name #" << i + 1 << "? ";
getline(cin, a[i].middleName);
cout << "What is Last Name #" << i + 1 << "? ";
getline(cin, a[i].lastName);
cout << "Age #" << i + 1 << "? ";
cin >> a[i].age;
cout << "Male or Female #" << i + 1 << "? ";
getline(cin, a[i].gender);
cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
cout << "PERSON #" << i + 1 << endl;
cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" << endl;
return 0;
Along with that, I don't know how to manipulate the functions to work without the "parameters/arguments" (I'm not sure the difference at this point) or without the "arg"
void Person::capitalize(Person &arg) {
transform(arg.firstName.begin(), arg.firstName.end(), arg.firstName.begin(), ::toupper);
transform(arg.middleName.begin(), arg.middleName.end(), arg.middleName.begin(), ::toupper);
transform(arg.lastName.begin(), arg.lastName.end(), arg.lastName.begin(), ::toupper);
void Person::printPerson(Person arg) {
cout << "\nFirst Name: " << arg.firstName << endl;
cout << "\nMiddle Name: " << arg.middleName << endl;
cout << "\nLast Name: " << arg.lastName << endl;
cout << "\nAge: " << arg.age << endl;
cout << "\nGender: " << arg.gender << endl;
cout << "\n\n";
The capitalize and the printPerson are now members (usually called methods) of the struct Person. This means that they operate on the member variables of an Person instance. Like this, you can just access all the classes members in these methods. See the following code. I also completed it with a constructor and made it slightly more readable.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct Person {
void readFromUserInput();
void capitalize();
void print();
string firstName;
string middleName;
string lastName;
int age;
string gender;
Person::Person() :
void Person::readFromUserInput()
cout << "What is the First Name ? ";
getline(cin, firstName);
cout << "What is Middle Name ? ";
getline(cin, middleName);
cout << "What is Last Name ? ";
getline(cin, lastName);
cout << "Age ? ";
cin >> age;
cout << "Male or Female ? ";
getline(cin, gender);
void Person::capitalize()
transform(firstName.begin(), firstName.end(), firstName.begin(), ::toupper);
transform(middleName.begin(), middleName.end(), middleName.begin(), ::toupper);
transform(lastName.begin(), lastName.end(), lastName.begin(), ::toupper);
void Person::print()
cout << "\nFirst Name: " << firstName << endl;
cout << "\nMiddle Name: " << middleName << endl;
cout << "\nLast Name: " << lastName << endl;
cout << "\nAge: " << age << endl;
cout << "\nGender: " << gender << endl;
cout << "\n\n";
int main(void)
const int NUM_PERSONS = 3;
Person a[NUM_PERSONS];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PERSONS; i++)
cout << "### " << (i + 1) << ". User:" << endl;
cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PERSONS; i++)
cout << "PERSON #" << i + 1 << endl;
cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" << endl;
return 0;

c++ file reading into memory

i'm trying to load the file into an array when the program starts so i can
modify or search in it i don't know if my code works or not ( it's not reading the file )i have the file
and there's two books in
i have tried to debug it but couldn't find the problem the code works
but it think there's a problem with the load() function i don't know what
my code :
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
struct books{
//identfying books with all needed things
int id, status;
string title, p_name, p_address;
string date;
string aut_name, aut_nationality;
}newbook[10000], aut[10000];
int i = 0;
void load(){
ifstream myfile("books.txt", ios::in);
while (myfile >> newbook[i].id >> newbook[i].title >> newbook[i].p_name >> newbook[i].p_address >> aut[i].aut_name >> aut[i].aut_nationality >> newbook[i].date >> newbook[i].status)
void search_for_book(){
int temp = 0;
int idx;
cout << "enter the ID of the book you're looking for : ";
cin >> idx;
for (int srh = 0; srh < i; srh++){
if (newbook[srh].id == idx){
cout << setw(10) << "book found :" << endl;
cout << "title :" << newbook[srh].title << endl;
cout << "publisher name : " << newbook[srh].p_name << endl;
cout << "publisher address" << newbook[srh].p_address << endl;
cout << "author name :" << aut[srh].aut_name << endl;
cout << "author Nationality :" << aut[srh].aut_nationality << endl;
cout << "publish Date :" << newbook[srh].date << endl;
cout << "status :" << newbook[srh].status << endl;
if (temp == 0){
cout << "couldn't find book" << endl << endl;
int main(){
char choice;
cout << "enter your choice (3)";
cin >> choice;
if (choice == '3'){
note :*( there are other functions like adding new book but not necessary to write )
*(i'm new to c++ don't really know how to read file into memory but i'm trying)
this is the code to save data into file :
void add_new_book_5(){
int booksnumber;
books newbook[1000], aut[100];
cout << "how many books you want to add ? ";
cin >> booksnumber;
cout << "what books you want to add :" << endl;
d_base.open(path, ios::out | ios::app);
for (int i = 0; i < booksnumber; i++){
cout << "id please : "; cin >> newbook[i].id;
cout << "title : "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, newbook[i].title);
cout << "publisher name :"; getline(cin, newbook[i].p_name);
cout << "publisher address : "; getline(cin, newbook[i].p_address);
cout << "author" << " name : "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, newbook[i].aut_name);
cout << "Nationality : "; getline(cin, newbook[i].aut_nationality);
cout << "Publish date :"; getline(cin, newbook[i].date);
cout << "How many copies of " << newbook[i].title << " "; cin >> newbook[i].status;
d_base << newbook[i].id << "\ " << newbook[i].title << "\ ";
d_base << newbook[i].p_name << "\ " << newbook[i].p_address << "\ ";
d_base << newbook[i].aut_name << "\ " << newbook[i].aut_nationality << "\ ";
d_base << newbook[i].date << "\ " << newbook[i].status << endl;
cout << setw(76) << "Books Have Been Saved Sucessfully" << endl;

Error: ld returned 1 exit status June 2015

I need help understanding the [Error] id return 1 exit status due to 2 undefined references: getGrades() and getAverage(). I was issued DEV C++ and knocked out the syntax errors with mild frustration but these "linking" errors are still giving me a hard time. This is the most recent update of the code, if anyone could help me understand these linking errors that would be great.
Compiler - Dev C++
Windows 7
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
// Function declarations
string getStudentName();
string getWork();
int getGrades();
double getAverage();
int main()
string studentName, work[3];
int grades[3];
double average;
// Get the name of the student
studentName = getStudentName();
// Get the work
work[3] = getWork();
// Get the grades
grades[3] = getGrades();
// Get the average
average = getAverage();
// Dynamic spacing for grades
ostringstream ss;
int gradesLength = ss.str().length();
ss <<setprecision(0) << fixed << showpoint;
ss << grades;
cout << "\n the average for " << studentName << " is: " << average << endl;
cout << "The grades for " << studentName << " are: " << endl;
cout << setw(30) << work[0] << ": " << setw(gradesLength) << grades[0] << endl;
cout << setw(30) << work[1] << ": " << setw(gradesLength) << grades[1] << endl;
cout << setw(30) << work[2] << ": " << setw(gradesLength) << grades[2] << "\n\n\n";
cout << "You have completed the program: \n";
return 0;
// Student Name
string getStudentName()
string name;
cout << "Enter students full name: ";
getline(cin, name);
return name;
// Assignments
string getWork()
string work[3];
cout << "\nEnter the name of each assignment \n";
cout << "First assignment: ";
getline (cin, work[0]);
cout << "Second assignment: ";
getline (cin, work[1]);
cout << "Third assignment: ";
getline (cin, work[2]);
return work[3];
// Grades
int getGrades(string work[3])
int grades[3];
cout << "\nEnter the grade for " << work[0] << ": ";
cin >> grades[0];
cout << "Enter the grade for " << work[1] << ": ";
cin >> grades[1];
cout << "Enter the grade for " << work[2] << ": ";
cin >> grades[2];
return grades[3];
// Math
double getAverage(int grades[3])
double average;
average = (grades[0] + grades[1] + grades[2]) / 3.0f;
return average;

when running program it has me enter two lines after name? help please

my program seems to want to enter two inputs for name variable instead of just entering one thing and moving on to phone number?
i'm sure its simple but can someone help me fix this please? is it something it do with the getline?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
//define Car struct
struct Speaker
string name;
string phoneNumber;
string emailAddress;
string theme;
double fee;
Speaker *getSpeaker();
int main()
Speaker thespeaker;
thespeaker = *getSpeaker();
cout << "The speaker entered is!" << endl;
cout << thespeaker.name << endl;
cout << "phone number: " << thespeaker.phoneNumber << endl;
cout << "email: " << thespeaker.emailAddress << endl;
cout << "theme: " << thespeaker.theme << endl;
cout << "fees: " << thespeaker.fee << endl;
Speaker *getSpeaker()
Speaker *theSpeaker;
theSpeaker = new Speaker;
cout << "Please enter Speakers information" << endl;
cout << "name: " ;
getline(cin, theSpeaker->name);
cin.ignore(100, '\n');
cout << theSpeaker->name;
cout << "\nphone number: ";
cin >> theSpeaker->phoneNumber;
cout << "\nEmail Address: ";
cin >> theSpeaker->emailAddress;
cout << "\nTheme: ";
cin >> theSpeaker->theme;
cout << "\nFee: ";
cin >>theSpeaker->fee;
return theSpeaker;
There's no need for cin.ignore();
Simply write it as:
Speaker *getSpeaker()
Speaker *theSpeaker;
theSpeaker = new Speaker;
cout << "Please enter Speakers information" << endl;
cout << "name: " ;
getline(cin, theSpeaker->name);
cout << theSpeaker->name;
cout << "\nphone number: ";
cin >> theSpeaker->phoneNumber;
cout << "\nEmail Address: ";
cin >> theSpeaker->emailAddress;
cout << "\nTheme: ";
cin >> theSpeaker->theme;
cout << "\nFee: ";
cin >>theSpeaker->fee;
return theSpeaker;