How to create Python Django WebApplication on Github? - django

I have created a static website on github which i have hosted on it.
URL ->
But now i want to create a __python django __ site on github.
I have much knowledge of python django, i have created some web application on my local computer using python.
how to create python django web application on github?

You need a hosting service provider.
You can try heroku and set up a free account.


Azure Web Apps directly from Repo and not requiring to setting up the server?

So we can deploy Java apps directly from your GitHub account ? - no need to setup server with Java setup etc - the azure web app will recognize the GitHub repo as a Java app (like springboot) and deploy the code and setup Java + SpringBoot automatically.
Please correct me if my understanding is incorrect. I am only interested in deploying a springboot / django app if I don't need to take care of the actual intricacies of setting up a server.

What is the proper documentation for using django channels on azure app services?

I am trying to deploy a web app on azure app service
All the http request work just fine as one would expect
there just one problem none of the websockets work
I am using in memory channels version 2.4.0
and django version 2.2.15
The problem is azure just can not show me proper logs that django shows when running on local server
What is the proper documentation for using django channels on azure app services?
Django Channel
Refer Deploy Django app with App Service and Deploying a Basic Django App using Azure App Services
The problem is azure just can not show me proper logs that django shows when running on local server
Clicking “Show Logs” will show you the different processes happening behind the scenes
Refer Debug Django Web Application in Azure Web Apps

Can I deploy the Django Rest Framework project on Firebase?

We are developing an application using Vue.js and Django. The essence of the application: accept user requests from the form, send them for approval to the backend and send an answer to the frontend. On the localhost everything is already organized and working. Now our frontend is on firebase and I want to deploy my backend part somewhere. So, can I use firebase for deploying my part? Вecause I met different ambiguous answers to this question
You cant, I guess you are using Django Rest Framework with Vue.js. So you need deploy your back-end to some machine. You can choose any hosting which can propose you Linux machine. GoogleCloud, DigitalOcean, AWS, Heroku and a lot of others..
I like AWS (In your case as a new user you can run free EC2 for 12-month, if you do not need a lot of performance)

upload django site to the web hosting service

Hello im about the finish my first ever django website and I dont know how to upload it to the internet Bcuz I want to buy a web hosting service and to run django server I need to run a command python runserver and how is the web hosting service gonna do it? how should I upload my django website?
It's not easy to host a django project on a shared host. At least it come with a lot of problems that you have to face.
And you will need to use hostings that support a django project (Not only python). Django comes with requirements that not many hostings provide therefore i highly recommend to go with a VPS (Ubuntu for example) and host it yourself.
There is a lot of great docs for hosting a django project on a VPS and a lot of cloud services provide services for django.
How To Serve Django Applications with uWSGI and Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04
if you are fresher you need to create your on hosting service in your computer,
that is best idea for beginner,

running Django web application publicly on the web

i'ev finished making a chatbot web application using Django and python3 and during the development phase i was using the:
python3 runserver
to see the results and test the application. Now i want for the application to entered like any other website publicly using URL.
any recommendation for deploying the django project?
thank you?
Depends on your hosting provider. Heroku is a good choice, it has a free pricing tier but that tier brings the VMs down if not used regularly.
It may be a good idea to start with the official documentation: