Kafka and Akka Cluster - akka

Following is my use case
Bunch of applications enqueue messages in Kafka under different topics.
Have consumer of each topic distribute the work to a worker in a cluster. The work can be classified as long running, memory intensive, simple etc and the worker is chosen accordingly.
This has me exploring Akka cluster for work distribution, routing and scaling. I can use Akka "Supervisor" as a Kafka consumer and assign incoming work to the appropriate worker based on its classification.
But what I am still trying to understand is the correct way to implement a resilient way of communication between the supervisor and workers in the Akka cluster. Because as soon as the supervisor consumes the message from Kafka, the Kafka offset is committed. If some error happens in processing after the offset commit, is the following acceptable way to recover and start from where it was last left?
Make the supervisor a persistent actor by using durable mailbox backed by Kafka. Supervisor enqueues work in Kafka and worker gets its work from Kafka and commits its offset only after completing the work.

As said by Jaakko, it really depends on the third-part library you are using.
As far as I'm concerned I have successfully used Akka Streams Kafka although I did enable offset auto-commit.
However, this library may meet your needs since it allows you to customize offset commit (see sections External Offset Storage and Offset Storage in Kafka).
The documentation says:
The Consumer.committableSource makes it possible to commit offset positions to Kafka. Compared to auto-commit this gives exact control of when a message is considered consumed.
In order to disable auto-commit, you have to complete your Akka application.conf file by adding an akka.kafka.consumer section:
akka.kafka.consumer {
# Properties defined by org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig
# can be defined in this configuration section.
kafka-clients {
# Disable auto-commit by default
enable.auto.commit = false
Last version of akka-stream-kafka_2.11 (version 0.16) is compatible with Akka 2.5.x but you have to override akka-stream_2.11 dependency with the one of the Akka toolkit. Currently, I am using this library with Akka 2.5.3 and it works really well.
Hope you will find what your are looking for :)


How should I pull from Pub/Sub using Compute Engine MIGs

In my personal case, Pub/Sub's pushes to a Python service on Cloud Functions are being unfeasible due to it's short timeout. So the idea of having a container-based managed instance group of Compute Engine instances sounds good, these instances can scale up/down based on Pub/Sub pending task count metrics. These machines' containers would run Python code on startup, the given code would PULL Pub/Sub and process the pulled job accordingly.
Contextualization aside, the question is: Is it a good idea? Are there any gotchas? As there would be several machines at scale, how could I guarantee that a same given 'queued task' would not be picked and have it's processing started on more than one of these machines? I know about ACKs, but ACKs should just be emitted when the task ends successfully, isn't it? What strategy to use to prevent the initially mentioned and other problems?

Is there a way to achieve service downgrade in akka cluster sharding?

I'm trying to build up an Akka cluster ShardRegion that might need to be downgraded in the production environment when a bug occurs. However, instead of unregistering it by calling
which will terminate the ShardRegion and its child actors after all messages are consumed before PoisonPill, my sharding child actors have their internal state and purposes that need to be accomplished. I need an elegant way to slowly downgrade the process with the ShardRegion to let any session in-between finish, e.g. any new message with a different EntityId will be sent elsewhere.
I haven't yet found any means to downgrade it or just simply stop any new sharding AkkaActor to prop up on the ShardRegion.Is this even achievable in Akka Cluster ShardRegion?
You can accomplish part of this by specifying a custom stopMessage. The shard region will send this command to the entity actors when they are to be passivated or rebalanced. The default is PoisonPill, but a custom one allows the entity actors to do whatever they need to do to shut down (they do need to eventually stop themselves in this scenario).
If you're triggering a rebalance, the messages to the shard will be buffered until all the active entities in that shard have stopped, which may qualify as "any new message with a different entity ID will be sent elsewhere". Note that messages which are being sent outside of cluster sharding (i.e. directly between entity actors) will still be delivered normally (until said entity actors stop).

Akka design: How to add/remove routee from cluster aware router dynamically

I have the following use case and I am not sure if the akka toolkit provide this out of the box:
I have a number of nodes (instance/machine) that can run a finite number of long running task in the background and cannot accept more work while at max capacity.
Each instance can only process 50 tasks.
All instances are behind a load balancer.
Each task can respond to messages from the client who initiated the task, since the client sends the messages via the load balancer the instances need to route it to the correct instance that handles the task.
I have tried initially cluster sharding, but there doesn't seem to be a way to cap the maximum number of shard regions/actors per node (= #tasks).
Then I tried it with a cluster aware router, which acts as a guard for accepting or rejecting work. This seems to work reasonable well, one problem is that once it reaches capacity I need to remove it as a routee and add it back once it has capacity again.
Is there something out of the box that supports this use case or should I carry on with the routing option and if so how can I achieve this?
I'll update the description if you have further questions or something is unclear.
Your scenario sounds like a good fit for the work pulling pattern. The gist of this pattern is:
A master actor coordinates units of work among a number of worker actors.
Workers register themselves to the master, meaning that workers can be added or removed dynamically.
When the master receives work to be done, the master notifies the workers that work is available. Workers pull units of work when they're ready, do what needs to be done with their respective units of work, then ask the master for more work when they're finished.
To learn more about this pattern, read the following (the first two links are listed in the Akka documentation):
The original post (by Derek Wyatt): http://letitcrash.com/post/29044669086/balancing-workload-across-nodes-with-akka-2
A follow-on post (by Michael Pollmeier): http://www.michaelpollmeier.com/akka-work-pulling-pattern
An application of the pattern in a clustered environment with a cluster-aware router (by Ryan Tanner): https://www.conspire.com/blog/2013/10/akka-at-conspire-part-5-the-importance-of/

Chat bots: ensuring serial processing of messages on a per-conversation basis in clustered environment

In the context of writing a Messenger chat bot in a cloud environment, I'm facing some concurrency issues.
Specifically, I would like to ensure that incoming messages from the same conversation are processed one after the other.
As a constraint, I'm processing the messages with workers in a Cloud environment (i.e the worker pool is of variable size and worker instances are potentially short-lived and may crash). Also, low latency is important.
So abstracting a little, my requirements are:
I have a stream of incoming messages
each of these messages has a 'topic key' (the conversation id)
the set of topics is not known ahead-of-time and is virtually infinite
I want to ensure that messages of the same topic are processed serially
on a cluster of potentially ephemeral workers
if possible, I would like reliability guarantees e.g making sure that each message is processed exactly once.
My questions are:
Is there a name for this concurrency scenario?.
Are there technologies (message brokers, coordination services, etc.) which implement this out of the box?
If not, what algorithms can I use to implement this on top of lower-level concurrency tools? (distributed locks, actors, queues, etc.)
I don't know of a widely-accepted name for the scenario, but a common strategy to solve that type of problem is to route your messages so that all messages with the same topic key end up at the same destination. A couple of technologies that will do this for you:
With Apache ActiveMQ, HornetQ, or Apache ActiveMQ Artemis, you could use your topic key as the JMSXGroupId to ensure all messages with the same topic key are processed in-order by the same consumer, with failover
With Apache Kafka, you could use your topic key as the partition key, which will also ensure all messages with the same topic key are processed in-order by the same consumer
Some message broker vendors refer to this requirement as Message Grouping, Sticky Sessions, or Sticky Message Load Balancing.
Another common strategy on messaging systems with weaker delivery/ordering guarantees (like Amazon SQS) is to simply include a sequence number in the message and leave it up to the destination to resequence and request redelivery of missing messages as needed.
I think you can fix this by using a queue and a set. What I can think of is sending every message object in queue and processing it as first in first out. But while adding it in queue add topic name in set and while taking it out for processing remove topic name from set.
So now if you have any topic in set then don't add another message object of same topic in queue.
I hope this will help you. All the best :)

Recommendation for batch processing on aws

I'm new to using AWS, so any pointers would be appreciated.
I have a need to process large files using our in-house software.
It takes about 2GB of input and generates 5GB of output, running for 2 hours on a c3.8xlarge.
For now I do it manually, start an instance (either on-demand or spot-request), but now I want to reliably automate and scale this processing - what are good frameworks or platform or amazon services to do that?
Especially regarding the possibility that a spot-instance will be terminated half-way through (and I'll need to detect that and restart the job).
I heard about Python Celery, but does it work well with amazon and spot-instances?
Or are there other recommended mechanisms?
Thank you!
This is somewhat opinion-based, but you can mix and match some of the AWS pieces to make this easier:
put the input data on S3
push an entry into a SQS queue indicating a job needs to be processed with a long visibility timeout
set up an autoscaling policy based on SQS with your machine description in CloudFormation.
use UserData/cloudinit to set up the machine and start your application
write code to receive the queue entry, start processing, finish processing, then delete the SQS message.
code should check for another queued entry. If none, code should terminate machine.