OpenGL. Window-To-Viewport Transformation - c++

I'm new to OpenGL. Hence I require some assistance in the matter described below. I'm not sure how to produce viewport coordinates with respect to screen coordinates as well as producing it in c++ since I used to deal with Java.
In this question I need to implement the function worldToViewportTransform.
The function implements a 2D orthographic projection matrix, which is used for the (world)window-to-viewport transformation. In OpenGL this matrix is defined by gluOrtho2D.
Input are the coordinates of the world-window (winLeft, winRight, winBottom, winTop), the top-left corner of the viewport (window) on the screen (windowX, windowY), and the size of the viewport (window) on the screen (windowWidth, windowHeight).
Output are the values A, B, C and D which constitute the world-to-viewport transformation.
The answer needs to use the function format below - copy it and fill out the missing code. The function uses pointer variables for the values A, B, C and D since Coderunner does not seem to accept C++ notation - the code segment below converts the pointer variables to double values and back, so you don't need to understand how pointers work.
void worldToViewportTransform (double winLeft, double winRight, double winBottom, double winTop,
int windowX, int windowY, int windowWidth, int windowHeight,
double* APtr, double* BPtr, double* CPtr, double* DPtr)
double A=*APtr, B=*BPtr, C=*CPtr, D=*DPtr;
*APtr=A; *BPtr=B; *CPtr=C; *DPtr=D;
Particular Test case should produces the output:(u,v)=(-200,367)
//Code for Testing
double A, B, C, D;
double winLeft=1.5, winRight=4.5, winBottom=0.0, winTop=3.0;
int windowX=100, windowY=100, windowWidth=600, windowHeight=400;
worldToViewportTransform(winLeft, winRight, winBottom, winTop,
windowX, windowY, windowWidth, windowHeight,
&A, &B, &C, &D);
// Test cases
double x, y; // world coordinates
int u, v; // window coordinates
x=0.0f; y=1.0f;
u=(int) floor(A*x+C+0.5f);
v=(int) floor(B*y+D+0.5f);

The function implements a 2D orthographic projection matrix, which is used for the (world)window-to-viewport transformation. In OpenGL this matrix is defined by gluOrtho2D.
No! gluOrtho2D/glOrtho is not doing that. These functions setup a orthographic projection matrix, which purpose is to transform from view-space into clip-space.
Then an implicit clip-space to NDC-space transform happens behind the scenes.
Finally the NDC-space coordinates are transformed to window coordinates in the viewport range.
Input are the coordinates of the world-window (winLeft, winRight, winBottom, winTop), the top-left corner of the viewport (window) on the screen (windowX, windowY), and the size of the viewport (window) on the screen (windowWidth, windowHeight).
Your nomenclature seems a little bit off.
The usual convention is that the viewport defines the target rectangle within the window, specified in window-relative coordinates. In OpenGL the window coordinate (0,0) being the lower-left corner of the window.
Window coordinates are usually relative to its parent window; hence for top-level window relative to the screen coordinates. In usual screen coordinate systems (0,0) is the upper-left.
Output are the values A, B, C and D which constitute the world-to-viewport transformation.
It's unclear what you actually want, but my best educated guess is, that you want to recreate the OpenGL transformation chain. Of course if you're using shaders, everything could be done in there. But in practice you'll probably just want to follow the chain
r_clip = P · M · r_in
r_NDC = r_clip/r_clip.w
r_viewport = (r_NDC.xy + 1)*viewport.width_height/2 + viewport.xy
where P is your projection matrix, for example the matrix produced by glOrtho.


OpenglGL - how to check if cursor coincides with object region?

I am trying to implement a logic where, on mouse click, a shot is fired at an object.To do so, I did the following,
I first considered the .obj file of my model and found the region (list of coordinates) that the shot works on (a particular weak point of the body).
I then considered the least and largest x,y and z values present in the file for that particular region (xmin,ymin,zmin and xmax,ymax,zmax).
To figure out whether the shot has landed on the weak point, I considered the assumption that a shot would land on the weak point, if the coordinates of the shot lie between (xmin,ymin,zmin) and (xmax,ymax,zmax).
I assumed the coordinates from the .obj file to be the actual coordinates of the model, since the assimp code I have directly loads in the coordinates of the model. Considering (xmin,ymin,zmin) and (xmax,ymax,zmax), I converted the coordinates to window coordinates via gluProject().
I then considered the current cursor position and checked if the cursor position lies between (xmin,ymin,zmin) and (xmax,ymax,zmax).
The problems I now face are:
The object coordinates provided in the .obj file range between -4 to 4, which then lie around 1.0 after gluProject(), whereas the cursor position lies between (0,0) and (1280,720).
After gluProject(), (xmin,ymin) and (xmax,ymax) are either (0,1) or (1,0) whereas the zmin and zmax values seem fine.
How can I get my logic working ?
Here is the code:
// Call shader to draw and acquire necessary information for gluProject()
modelShader.setMat4("projection", projection);
modelShader.setMat4("view", view);
glm::mat4 model_dragon;
double time=glfwGetTime();
model_dragon=glm::translate(model_dragon, glm::vec3(cos((360.0-time)/2.0)*60.0,cos(((360.0-time)/2.0))*(-2.5),sin((360-time)/1.0)*60.0));
modelShader.setMat4("model", model_dragon);
collision_model=model_dragon;collision_view=view;collision_proj=projection; //so that I can provide the view,model and projection required for gluProject()
Mouse button callback
// Note: dragon_min and dragon_max variables hold the constant position of the min and max coordinates.
void mouse_button_callback(GLFWwindow* window,int button,int action,int mods){
if(button==GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT && action==GLFW_PRESS){
Mix_PlayChannel( -1, shot, 0 ); //Play sound
GLdouble x,y,xmin,ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax,zmax,dmodel[16],dproj[16];
GLint dview[16];
float *model = (float*)glm::value_ptr(collision_model);
float *proj = (float*)glm::value_ptr(collision_proj);
float *view = (float*)glm::value_ptr(collision_view);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i){dmodel[i]=model[i];dproj[i]=proj[i];dview[i]=(int)view[i];} // Convert mat4 to double array
if((x>=xmin && x<=xmax) && (y>=ymin && y<=ymax)){printf("Hit\n");defense--;}
The .obj coordinates have eg. values as shown:
0.032046 1.533727 4.398055
You are confusing the parameters of gluProject, especially the view parameter. This parameter should contain 4 integers which describe the viewport (x,y,width,height) and not the view matrix.
gluProject (and a lot of other glu functions) are tailored towards the fixed function pipeline and their matrix stacks. Due to this, you have to pass the following information:
model: The modelview matrix, as returned by glGetDoublev( GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, ...)).
proj: The projection matrix, as returned by glGetDoublev( GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, ...).
view: The current viewport, as returned by glGetIntegerv( GL_VIEWPORT, ...)
As you see, the view matrix is packed together with the model matrix and view contains the viewport.
I'd strongly advice not to use glu functions at all when working with modern OpenGL. Especially when the matrices are already stored in glm, it would be better to use glm::project.
Note1: Converting a floating point matrix to an integer matrix by casting each element almost never results in anything meaningful.
Note2: When projecting a bounding rectangle to screenspace, the result will in general not be a rectangle anymore. During projection, angles are not preserved, thus the result is a general four cornered polygon and not a rectangle anymore. Same goes for bounding boxes: You can't even guarantee that the projected box is contained in the screen-space rectangle defined by projecting [x_min, y_min, z_min] and [x_max, y_max, z_max].

Object orientation within an opengl scene

I'm having difficulty getting the right orientation from my objects within a scene. The objects are defined in standard Cartesian coordinates in the same units as I define the scene.
I then define my scenes matrix with the following code:
void SVIS_SetLookAt (double eyePos[3], double center[3], double up[3])
// Determine the new n
double vN[3] = {eyePos[0] - center[0], eyePos[1] - center[1], eyePos[2] - center[2]};
// Don't I need to normalize the above?
// Determine the new up by crossing witht he Up Vector.
double vU[3];
MATH_crossproduct(up, vN, vU);
// Determine V by crossing n and u...
double vV[3];
MATH_crossproduct(vN, vU, vV);
// Create the model view matrix.
double modelView[16] = {
vU[0], vV[0], vN[0], 0,
vU[1], vV[1], vN[1], 0,
vU[2], vV[2], vN[2], 0,
// -MATH_Dotd(eyePos, vU), -MATH_Dotd(eyePos, vV), -MATH_Dotd(eyePos, vN), 1
0, 0, 0, 1
// Load the modelview matrix. The model view matrix shoudl already be active.
I am attempting to display n-1 objects such that each object is facing the object in front of it, excluding the first object which is not displayed. So for each object, I define the up, right, and forward vectors as such:
lal_to_ecef(curcen, pHits->u); // up vector is our position normalized
MATH_subtractVec3D((SVN_VEC3D*) prevcenter, (SVN_VEC3D*) curcen, (SVN_VEC3D*) pHits->f);
MATH_crossproduct(pHits->u, pHits->f, pHits->r);
MATH_crossproduct(pHits->f, pHits->r, pHits->u);
I then go on to display each object with the following code:
double p[3] = {pHits->cen[0] - position[0],
pHits->cen[1] - position[1],
pHits->cen[2] - position[2]};
SVIS_LookAt(pHits->u, pHits->f, pHits->r, p);
void SVIS_LookAt (double u[3], double f[3], double l[3], double pos[3])
double model[16] = {
l[0], u[0], f[0], 0,
l[1], u[1], f[1], 0,
l[2], u[2], f[2], 0,
pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], 1
I would expect this to work for any object such that the output would be whatever was defined in the Cartesian coordinate system would be present at the given point oriented such that it was pointed at the proceeding object with 0,1,0 and 0,-1,0 from the defined object would be aligned vertically on the screen. What I am seeing instead (by using simple rectangle as the object to be displayed) is that the objects are consistently rotated about the forward axis.
Can anyone point out what I am doing wrong here?
I've displayed an axis grid without translating by taking the three vectors multiplying a scalar and adding/subtracting it to the centre point. Doing this, the axis align up as I would expect. Overlaying the object described above shows the object to not be aligned the same way. Is there a relationship between the object space forward, right, and up vectors and the desired world-space vectors that I am missing? Am I simply completely off the mark with regards to my rotation translation matrix?
You are conflicted here; part of that matrix is transposed and part of
it is correct... you have the 4th column correct but your top-left 3x3
matrix is transposed. Each column of the 3x3 matrix (row in that array
of 16 double) is supposed to be one of your axes. It should be:
l[0],l[1],l[2],0, u[0],u[1],u[2],0, f[0],f[1],f[2],0,
pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],1. – Andon M. Coleman
This was dead on. Thanks Andon.
Building an entirely new modelview matrix from scratch using a 'lookat' implementation for each object is, frankly, crazy (or will at least drive you crazy). What you're doing is tantamount to trying to build a scene by having set of objects which are always in a fixed location, and constantly repositioning a camera to catch them from different angles.
A lookat style function should be called once to set up the camera (the view portion of the modelview matrix) position, and subsequently you should be using the matrix stack to position objects within the scene (the model portion of the modelview matrix). That's why it's called the modelview matrix, and not just the view matrix.
In code terms, it would look something like this
// Set up camera position
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// move the object to it's location relative to the world coordinate system
// rotate the object to have the correct orientation
// render the geometry
Of course this assumes that everything has it's position defined in world coordinates. If you have a hierarchy of objects, then you would need to descend into an objects children between the glCallList and glPopMatrix in order to have their locations applied relative to their parent object.

Maintaining Aspect Ratio and Scale Independent of Window Size with freeglut

I've been wanting to experiment with platforming physics using freeglut, but before I would allow myself to start, I had an old problem to take care of.
You see, I want to write a reshape handler that not only maintains the scale and eliminates any distortion of the view, but also allows all of the onscreen shapes to maintain their size even while the window is too small to contain them (i.e. let them be clipped).
I've almost got all three parts solved, but when I scale my window, the circle I have drawn onto it scales just slightly. Otherwise, I got the clipping, and I have eliminated the distortion. Update: What I want to achieve is a program that maintains scale and aspect ratio independent of window size.
Here's my code:
void reshape(int nwidth,int nheight)
//here begins the code
double bound = 1.5;
double aspect = double(nwidth)/nheight;
//so far, I get the best results by normalizing the dimensions
double norm = sqrt(bound*bound+aspect*aspect);
double invnorm = sqrt(bound*bound+(1/aspect)*(1/aspect));
if(nwidth <= nheight)
//without setting the modelview matrix to the identity form,
//the circle becomes an oval, and does not clip when nheight > nwidth
Update: As per Mr. Coleman's suggestion, I've tried switching out single precision for double. The scaling issue has improved along the vertical axis, but whenever I drag the horizontal axis in either direction, the shape still scales by a noticeable amount. It's still the same shape throughout, but a visual inspection tells me that the shape is not the same size when the window is 150x300 as it is when the window is 600x800, regardless of which glOrtho is being executed.
I've got it. Here's how I changed my code:
//at the top of the source file, in global scope:
int init_width;//the initial width
int init_height;//the initial height
void reshape(int new_width, int new_height)
//moved the glViewport call further down (it was part of an earlier idea that didn't work out)
glLoadIdentity();//these two lines are unchanged
double bound = 1.0; //I reduced the edge distance to make the shape larger in the window
double scaleX = double(new_width)/init_width;
double scaleY = double(new_height)/init_height;
glOrtho( -bound*scaleX/2, bound*scaleX/2, //these are halved in order to un-squash the shape
-bound*scaleY, bound*scaleY, -1,1 );
That is what my code looks like now. It maintains the scale and shape of what I have on screen, and allows it to go offscreen when the window is too small to contain the entire shape.

OpenGL Rotate something that has been popped off matrix

I have a question about applying transformations to textures/vertices (I'm an OpenGL learner). I've got a situation where I'm using SharpGL's DrawText function. You can specify the X and Y coordinate but I want to rotate the text so that it's oriented vertically. The function doesn't take an angle though. The way that SharpGL writes text is that it gets an array of bitmaps that it writes to the screen.
No matter what I try, my text always comes out horizontal.
The gl.DrawText function does the following (I dug into the source code).
int[] viewport = new int[4];
gl.GetInteger(OpenGL.GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
gl.Ortho(0, width, 0, height, -1, 1);
// Create the appropriate modelview matrix.
gl.Color(r, g, b);
gl.RasterPos(x, y);
gl.PushAttrib(OpenGL.GL_LIST_BIT | OpenGL.GL_CURRENT_BIT |
gl.Color(r, g, b);
gl.RasterPos(x, y);
// Set the list base.
// Create an array of lists for the glyphs.
var lists = text.Select(c => (byte) c).ToArray();
// Call the lists for the string.
gl.CallLists(lists.Length, lists);
Is there a way that I can make transformation calls apply to any drawing that has already been made and had the associated matrices popped off?
If SharpGL is using glBitmap() behind the scenes you'll have to render the text to a texture (glReadPixels()/PBO/FBO) then render a (rotated) quad with that texture.

World-Coordinate Issues with gluUnProject()

I'm currently calling Trace (method below) from a game loop. Right now all I'm trying to do is get the world coordinates from the screen mouse so I can move objects around in the world space. The values I'm getting from gluUnProject are however; puzzling me.
I was using glReadPixel(...) to get the Z value but that produced little to no movement in the object I was drawing and the resulting vector ended up being the same as my cameras location (except for the tiny decimal changes due to mouse movement), so I decided to get rid of the call and replace the Z value with 1.
My question is: Does the following code look right to you? Every example I've seen thusfar is either identical or -very- similar but I can't seem to produce correct results, even if I lock down the Y axis. If the code is correct, then I'm guessing that I'm just not using the resulting vector properly. Should I not be able to draw an object or point directly with the resulting vector or do I have to do something else with it, like normalize?
The current render mode is GL_RENDER and I am using glFrustum with a NearZ value of 1 and FarZ value of 2048, to create a perspective. There is also a series of viewports created along with scissors, with a size and width of 512x768 and positioned in each corner of a 1024x768 window. Trace(...) is called in between rendering of the upper left viewport and is the only perspective projection, while the other viewports are orthographic. FOV is set to 45.
void VideoWindow::Trace(int cursorX, int cursorY)
double objX, objY, objZ;//holder for world coordinates
GLint view[4];//viewport dimensions+pos
GLdouble p[16];//projection matrix
GLdouble m[16];//modelview matrix
GLdouble z;//Z-Buffer Value?
glGetDoublev (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, m);
glGetIntegerv( GL_VIEWPORT, view );
//view[3]-cursorY = conversion from upper left (0,0) to lower left (0,0)
//Unproject 2D Screen coordinates into wonderful world coordinates
gluUnProject(cursorX, view[3]-cursorY, 1, m, p, view, &objX, &objY, &objZ);
//Do something useful here???
Any ideas?
Edit: I've changed the winZ value to 0.5 instead of 1 which gives a vector thats more reasonable but drawing a point still wasn't matching the mouse. I found out that the value of view[3] was 384 which is correct for the viewport I'm using but I replaced it with 768 (the actual window size) and the point followed the mouse 100%. Further experimentation reveals that I can't use the coordinates to move around a 3D object in the perspective world space using this these coordinates however moving around 3D object in Orthographic space works fine.
The winz argument to gluUnproject specifies the depth from the camera at which you're "picking" your points. As you've stated this coordinate should be in the [0, 1] range.
Some tutorials like NeHes read out the z coordinate from the depth buffer so that you "pick" at the right depth, of course for this to work you'll have to do the gluUnproject after you've rendered everything else.
Regardless, if you set winz to 0.5 or something (not 0 or 1 or the point will end up on the near or far clip plane, and maybe culled) and do the following:
gluUnProject(cursorX, view[3]-cursorY, 0.5, m, p, view, &objX, &objY, &objZ);
//Do something useful here???
glColor3f(1, 0, 0);
glVertex3f(objX, objY, objZ);
You should end up with a red blob at the mouse pointer (provided nothing else overdraws it afterwards and you don't have any funny render states which renders the point invisible).
just a thought, but if the third argument to gluUnProject is the z distance to the camera, wouldn't any point you draw at that location be on the near clipping plane of your frustum?
Better make that z value a bit higher.