Raise SystemExit not working - python-2.7

This is a simplified version of a portion of my program:
for i in range(5):
turn1l = []
turn1 = raw_input("Enter Value Using the format \'x,y\' : ")
def winnerchecker():
if "1,1" in turn1l and "1,2" in turn1l and "1,3" in turn1l:
print xplayer, "YOU HAVE WON! GG TO ", name
raise SystemExit()
For some reason every time I enter "1,1" then "1,2" then "1,3" it doesn't stop the porgram, it keeps going. How do I get it to stop, is there any way I'm not aware of? Thank you!

Don't reinitialize the list turn1l at the beginning of every iteration of the loop:
for i in range(5):
turn1l = []
Instead, make the list once:
turn1l = []
for i in range(5):


hackerrank day 8 python

SPOILER This questions is about the Hackerrank Day 8 challenge, in case you want to try it yourself first.
This is the question they give:
Given n names and phone numbers, assemble a phone book that maps
friends' names to their respective phone numbers. You will then be
given an unknown number of names to query your phone book for. For
each name queried, print the associated entry from your phone book
on a new line in the form name=phoneNumber; if an entry for is not
found, print Not found instead.
Note: Your phone book should be a Dictionary/Map/HashMap data
The first line contains an integer, n, denoting the number of
entries in the phone book. Each of the n subsequent lines describes
an entry in the form of 2 space-separated values on a single line. The
first value is a friend's name, and the second value is an 8-digit
phone number.
After the n lines of phone book entries, there are an unknown number
of lines of queries. Each line (query) contains name a to look up,
and you must continue reading lines until there is no more input.
Note: Names consist of lowercase English alphabetic letters and are
first names only.
They go further then to give the input:
sam 99912222
tom 11122222
harry 12299933
which expects the output:
Not found
I am having trouble with the unknown number of names to query. I tried using a try/except block to stop at an EOFError but I keep timing out on their test cases 1, 2 and 3. It works on two of the other test cases but not those and I assume it must be because I am stuck in a kind of infinite loop using my while True statement? This is what I wrote:
phonebook = {}
entries = int(raw_input())
for n in range(entries):
name, num = raw_input().strip().split(' ')
name, num = [str(name), int(num)]
phonebook[name] = num
while True:
search = str(raw_input())
if search in phonebook.keys():
output = ''.join('%s=%r' % (search, phonebook[search]))
print output
print "Not found"
except EOFError:
I am still fairly new to python so maybe I'm not using the try/except or break methods correctly? I would appreciate if anyone could tell me where I went wrong or what I can do to improve my code?
The only mistake you are doing is that you are using
You can loop without using .keys() . It will save time.
phonebook = {}
entries = int(raw_input())
for n in range(entries):
name, num = raw_input().strip().split(' ')
name, num = [str(name), int(num)]
phonebook[name] = num
while True:
search = str(raw_input())
if search in phonebook:
output = ''.join('%s=%r' % (search, phonebook[search]))
print output
print "Not found"
except EOFError:
The above code will work with all the test cases.
In python-3
# n, Enter number of record you need to insert in dict
n = int(input())
d = dict()
# enter name and number by separate space
for i in range(0, n):
name, number = input().split()
d[name] = number
# print(d) #print dict, if needed
# enter name in order to get phone number
for i in range(0, n):
name = input()
if name in d:
print("Not found")
sam 99912222
tom 11122222
harry 12299933
Not found
n = int(input())
d = dict()
for i in range(0, n):
name, number = input().split()
d[name] = number
#print(d) Check if your dictionary is ready
for i in range(0, n):
name = input()
if name in d:
print("Not found")
Try this, It'll work.
run this code to pass all the test cases:
n = int(input())
d = {}
for i in range(n):
tp = input()
a, b = tp.split()
d.update({a: b})
inputs = []
input1 = input().strip()
while len(input1) > 0:
input1 = input().strip()
for i in inputs:
if i in d.keys():
c = 1
print(i + "=" + d[i])
print('Not found')
Lets make life easy
Hacker rank 30 Day Code - Day no 8 (#Murtuza Chawala)
n = int(input())
i = 0
book = dict() #Declare a dictionary
while(i < n):
name , number = input().split() #Split input for name,number
book[name] = number #Append key,value pair in dictionary
while True: #Run infinitely
#Trick - If there is no more input stop the program
query = input()
val = book.get(query, 0) #Returns 0 is name not in dictionary
if val != 0:
print(query + "=" + book[query])
print("Not found")
n = int(input())
PhoneBook = dict(input().split() for x in range(n))
for x in range(n):
key = input()
if key in PhoneBook:
print (key,'=',PhoneBook[key],sep='')
print('Not found')
n= int(input())
for i in range(n):
while 1:
if query in dct:
print('Not found')
except EOFError:
Below snippet works for me.
noOfTestCases = int(input())
phoneDict = {}
for i in range(noOfTestCases):
name, phoneNumber = input().split()
phoneDict[name] = phoneNumber
for i in range(noOfTestCases):
name = input()
if name in phoneDict:
print("Not found")
sam 99912222
tom 11122222
harry 12299933
Not found
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
entries = int( input() )
# print(entries)
data = {}
for i in range(entries):
# print("i=",i)
name, num = input().strip().split(" ")
# print(name)
# print(num)
# print(data)
while True:
search = input()
if search in data.keys():
print(search,"=",data[search], sep="")
print("Not found")
except EOFError:
Input (stdin)
sam 99912222
tom 11122222
harry 12299933
Your Output (stdout)
Not found
Expected Output
Not found
#Using Setter and Getter
n = int(input())
d = {}
while n:
x, y = input().split()
n -= 1
while True:
inp = input()
if d.get(inp):
print(f"Not found")
except EOFError:
for i in range(n):
name,number = input().split()
for i in range(n):
if name in d:print(name +"="+d[name])
print("Not found")

Iterating through a .txt file in an odd way

What I am trying to do is write a program that opens a .txt file with movie reviews where the rating is a number from 0-4 followed by a short review of the movie. The program then prompts the user to open a second text file with words that will be matched against the reviews and given a number value based on the review.
For example, with these two sample reviews how they would appear in the .txt file:
4 A comedy-drama of nearly epic proportions rooted in a sincere performance by the title character undergoing midlife crisis . 2 Massoud 's story is an epic , but also a tragedy , the record of a tenacious , humane fighter who was also the prisoner -LRB- and ultimately the victim -RRB- of history .
So, if I were looking for the word "epic", it would increment the count for that word by 2 (which I already have figured out) since it appears twice, and then append the values 4 and 2 to a list of ratings for that word.
How do I append those ints to a list or dictionary related to that word? Keep in mind that I need to create a new list or dicitonary key for every word in a list of words.
Please and thank you. And sorry if this was poorly worded, programming isn't my forte.
All of my code:
def menu_validate(prompt, min_val, max_val):
""" produces a prompt, gets input, validates the input and returns a value. """
while True:
menu = int(input(prompt))
if menu >= min_val and menu <= max_val:
return menu
elif menu.lower == "quit" or menu.lower == "q":
print("You must enter a number value from {} to {}.".format(min_val, max_val))
except ValueError:
print("You must enter a number value from {} to {}.".format(min_val, max_val))
def open_file(prompt):
""" opens a file """
while True:
file_name = str(input(prompt))
if ".txt" in file_name:
input_file = open(file_name, 'r')
return input_file
input_file = open(file_name+".txt", 'r')
return input_file
except FileNotFoundError:
print("You must enter a valid file name. Make sure the file you would like to open is in this programs root folder.")
def make_list(file):
lst = []
for line in file:
lst2 = line.split(' ')
del lst2[-1]
return lst
def rating_list(lst):
'''iterates through a list of lists and appends the first value in each list to a second list'''
rating_list = []
for list in lst:
return rating_list
def word_cnt(lst, word : str):
cnt = 0
for list in lst:
for word in list:
cnt += 1
return cnt
def words_list(file):
lst = []
for word in file:
return lst
##def sort(words, occurrences, avg_scores, std_dev):
## '''sorts and prints the output'''
## menu = menu_validate("You must choose one of the valid choices of 1, 2, 3, 4 \n Sort Options\n 1. Sort by Avg Ascending\n 2. Sort by Avg Descending\n 3. Sort by Std Deviation Ascending\n 4. Sort by Std Deviation Descending", 1, 4)
## print ("{}{}{}{}\n{}".format("Word", "Occurence", "Avg. Score", "Std. Dev.", "="*51))
## if menu == 1:
## for i in range (len(word_list)):
## print ("{}{}{}{}".format(cnt_list.sorted[i],)
def make_odict(lst1, lst2):
'''makes an ordered dictionary of keys/values from 2 lists of equal length'''
dic = OrderedDict()
for i in range (len(word_list)):
dic[lst2[i]] = lst2[i]
return dic
cnt_list = []
while True:
menu = menu_validate("1. Get sentiment for all words in a file? \nQ. Quit \n", 1, 1)
if menu == True:
ratings_file = open("sample.txt")
ratings_list = make_list(ratings_file)
word_file = open_file("Enter the name of the file with words to score \n")
word_list = words_list(word_file)
for word in word_list:
cnt = word_cnt(ratings_list, word)
cnt_list.append(word_cnt(ratings_list, word))
Sorry, I know it's messy and very incomplete.
I think you mean:
import collections
counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
word = 'epic'
counts[word] += 1
Obviously, you can do more with word than I have, but you aren't showing us any code, so ...
Okay, looking at your code, I'd suggest you make the separation between rating and text explicit. Take this:
def make_list(file):
lst = []
for line in file:
lst2 = line.split(' ')
del lst2[-1]
return lst
And convert it to this:
def parse_ratings(file):
Given a file of lines, each with a numeric rating at the start,
parse the lines into score/text tuples, one per line. Return the
list of parsed tuples.
ratings = []
for line in file:
text = line.strip().split()
if text:
score = text[0]
return ratings
Then you can compute both values together:
def match_reviews(word, ratings):
cnt = 0
scores = []
for score,text in ratings:
n = text.count(word)
if n:
cnt += n
return (cnt, scores)

''str' object does not support item assignment' python 2

So this is my code it is strying tomease car registration plates, start times and end times (In the complete code it would be printed at the bottom).
data = str(list)
sdata = str(list)
edata = str(list)
current = 0
repeats = input ('How many cars do you want to measure?')
def main():
global current
print (current)
print ''
print ''
print '---------------------------------------'
print '---------------------------------------'
print 'Enter the registration number.'
data[current] = raw_input(' ')
print 'Enter the time it passed Camera 1. In this form HH:MM:SS'
sdata[current] = raw_input(' ')
print 'Enter the time it passed Camera 2. In this form HH:MM:SS'
edata[current] = raw_input (' ')
print '---------------------------------------'
print 'The Registration Number is :'
print data[current]
print 'The Start Time Is:'
print sdata[current]
print 'The End Time Is:'
print edata[current]
raw_input('Press enter to confirm.')
d = d + 1
s = s + 1
a = a + 1
current = current = 1
while current < repeats:
When I run it and it gets to:
data[current] = raw_input(' ')
I get the error message 'TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment'
Thank you in advance for the help. :D
The error is clear. str object does not support item assignment
Strings in python are immutable. You have converted the data to a string when you do
data = str(list)
So, by
data["current"] = raw_input()
you are trying to assign some value to a string, which is not supported in python.
If you want data to be a list,
data = list()
data = []
will help, thus preventing the error
Dont use str during assignment
data = str(list)
sdata = str(list)
edata = str(list)
Instead use
data = []
sdata = []
edata = []
and later while printing use str if u want
print str(data[current])
as aswin said its immutable so dont complex it

Issue with an exception from a class, how to get it to return the main-script?

I'm having an issue with an exception in my class. I want it to return to my main-script if that's even possible, or any solution which will avoid any crashing of my program. I'll show you the code.
Here's the main script:
from requestnew import requestNew
def chooseCountry():
countryc = input("Enter which country your city is in(in english): ")
def chooseCity():
cityc = cityc = input("Enter the name of the city: ")
def makeForecast():
for day in rq.data['forecast']['simpleforecast']['forecastday']:
print ("Country: ", rq.countrychoice[-1], "City: ", rq.citychoice[-1])
print (day['date']['weekday'] + ":")
print ("Conditions: ", day['conditions'])
print ("High: ", day['high']['celsius'] + "C", '\n' "Low: ", day['low']['celsius'] + "C", '\n')
except Exception as e:
print ("\nHave you typed in the correct country and city?\nBecause we got a" ,'"',e,'"', "error\nplease try again!")
return menu
if __name__ == '__main__':
print ("\nThis program lets you see a weather forecast for your choosen city.")
rq = requestNew()
while True:
print("\nWhen you have typed in country and city, press 3 in the menu to see the weather forecast for your choice.\n")
menu = int(input("\nPress 1 for country\nPress 2 for city\nPress 3 to see forecast\nPress 4 to exit\n"))
if menu == 1:
elif menu == 2:
elif menu == 3:
elif menu == 4:
print ("\nThank you for using my application, farewell!")
elif menu >= 5:
print ("\nYou pressed the wrong number, please try again!")
except ValueError as e:
print ("\nOps! We got a ValueError, info:", e, "\nplease try again!")
And here is my class code:
import requests
import json
class requestNew:
def __init__(self):
self.countrychoice = []
self.citychoice = []
def countryChoice(self):
self.countrychoice = []
def cityChoice(self):
self.citychoice = []
def forecastRequest(self):
r = requests.get("http://api.wunderground.com/api/0def10027afaebb7/forecast/q/" + self.countrychoice[-1] + "/" + self.citychoice[-1] + ".json")
self.data = r.json()
except #?
As you can see above I use an exception in the def forecastRequest(self):. The problem is I don't know which exception and how to return it correctly to avoid any program crashes.
If you look at my main-script you can see that I have while True: to loop everything from the menu.
Everything in the program works correctly except if I press 3; elif menu == 3: without choosen both country from def chooseCountry(): or city from def chooseCity():.
This is because I'm using a list in my class and then print it in the def forecastRequest(self): like this; countrychoice[-1] to get the last appended list-item from input. And when I press 3 in the menu without choosing country or city, the list will be empty.
My question is, is there any way to let the except #? in def forecastRequest(self): to return the user to the menu in my main-script? Or is there any other way to avoid the program of crashing if the list is empty when I try to make the request?
Sorry for my english, and sorry if my explaining is messy, I've tried my best for it to be relatively easy to understand as possible.
If you want control to return to the main loop, catch the exception in the main loop:
elif menu == 3:
except IndexError:
# self.countrychoice[-1] will raise an IndexError if self.countrychoice is empty
# handle error

How do I create a list from raw_input in Python 2.7.2?

I have to write a program that accepts a sequence of average daily temperatures and put those temperatures into a list, but I can't figure out how. What I tried below does not work. Instead of giving me a list it just gives me the last input.
def main():
#create a list to store the temperatures.
tempList = []
while True:
dailyTemp = raw_input(
"Enter average daily temperature or -100 to quit: ")
# assign dailyTemo to tempList list
tempList = [dailyTemp]
print tempList
if dailyTemp == '-100':
To append to a list, you have to do templist.append('thingtoappend').
In your case, you'd want something like this:
tempList = []
while True:
dailyTemp = raw_input("Enter average daily temperature or -100 to quit: ")
tempList = tempList.append(dailyTemp)
What the code that you posted does instead is, it says that the temperature that the user entered, is the list - so each time they enter a new temperature, it replaces the last one they entered.
The answer above does not work correctly because instead of append the new value to the list in this line tempList = tempList.append(dailyTemp), it will try to append the value to an NoneType object and raise an error.
To fix it, you must just use tempList.append(dailyTemp)
The entire solution is:
tempList = []
while True:
dailyTemp = raw_input("Enter average daily temperature or -100 to quit: ")