Removing rows containing special characters - regex

I am working on filtering out a massive dataset that reads in as a list. I need to filter out special markings and am getting stuck on some of them. Here is what I currently have:
gunzip("movies.list.gz") #open file
movies <- readLines("movies.list") #read lines in
movies <- gsub("[\t]", '', movies) #remove tabs (\t)
#movies <- gsub(, '', movies)
a <- movies[!grepl("\\{", movies)] # removed any line that contained special character {
b <- a[!grepl("\\(V)", a)] #remove porn?
c <- b[!grepl("\\(TV)", b)] #remove tv
d <- c[!grepl("\\(VG)", c)] #remove video games
e <- d[!grepl("\\(\\?\\?\\?\\?\\)", d)] #remove anyhting with unknown date ex (????)
f <- e[!grepl("\\#)", e)]
g <- e[!grepl("\\!)", f)]
i <- data.frame(g)
i <- i[-c(1:15),]
i <- data.frame(i)
i$Date <- lapply(strsplit(as.character(i$i), "\\(....\\)"), "[", 2)
i$Title <- lapply(strsplit(as.character(i$i), "\\(....\\)"), "[", 1)
I still need to clean it up a bit, and remove the original column (i) but from the output you can see that it is not removing the special characters ! or #
> head(i)
i Date Title
1 "!Next?" (1994)1994-1995 1994-1995 "!Next?"
2 "#1 Single" (2006)2006-???? 2006-???? "#1 Single"
3 "#1MinuteNightmare" (2014)2014-???? 2014-???? "#1MinuteNightmare"
4 "#30Nods" (2014)2014-2015 2014-2015 "#30Nods"
5 "#7DaysLater" (2013)2013-???? 2013-???? "#7DaysLater"
6 "#ATown" (2014)2014-???? 2014-???? "#ATown"
What I actually want to do is remove the entire rows containing those special characters. Everything I have tried has thrown errors. Any suggestions?

You could sub anything that is not alphanumeric or a "-" or "()" like this:
gsub("[^A-Za-z()-]", "", row)

In order to remove the rows you can try something like the one below:
data[!grepl(pattern = "[#!]", x = data)]
In case you want to remove all the rows with special characters you can use the code suggested by #luke1018 using grepl:
data[!grepl(pattern = "[^A-Za-z0-9-()]", x = data)]


Removing regular expressions from text string in a data-frame in R

I have a data-set with 1000 rows with text containing the order description of lamps. The data is full of inconsistent regex patterns and after referring to the few solutions, I got some help, but its not solving the issue.
R remove multiple text strings in data frame
remove multiple patterns from text vector r
I want to remove all delimiters and also keep only the words present in the wordstoreplace vector.
I have tried removing the delimiters using lapply and post that I have created 2 vectors- "wordstoremove" and "wordstoreplace"
I am trying to apply "str_remove_all()" and the "str_replace_all()". The the first function worked but the second did not.
Initially I had tried using a very naive approach but it was too clumsy.
mydata_sample=data.frame(x=c("LAMP, FLUORESCENT;TYPE TUBE LIGHT, POWER 8 W, POTENTIAL 230 V, COLORWHITE, BASE G5, LENGTH 302.5 MM; P/N: 37755,Mnfr:SuryaREF: MODEL: FW/T5/33 GE 1/25,",
"Brief Desc:HIGH PRES. SODIUM VAPOUR LAMP 250W/400WDetailed Desc:Purchase order text :Short Description :HIGH PRES. SODIUM VAPOURLAMP 250W/400W===============================Part No :SON-T 250W/400W===============================Additional Specification :HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOUR LAMPSON-T 250W/400W USED IN SURFACE INS SYSTEM TOP LIGHT"))
dat <- mydata_sample %>%
mutate(x1 = str_remove_all(x1, regex(str_c("\\b",delimiters1, "\\b", collapse = '|'), ignore_case = T)))
dat <- mydata_sample %>%
mutate(x1 = str_remove_all(x1, regex(str_c("\\b",delimiters2, "\\b", collapse = '|'), ignore_case = T)))
####Error in stri_replace_all_regex(string, pattern, fix_replacement(replacement), :
Syntax error in regexp pattern. (U_REGEX_RULE_SYNTAX)
wordstoreplace=c('HAVELLS','Havells','Bajaj','BAJAJGrade A','PHILIPS',
'Philips',"MAKEBAJAJ/CG","philips","Philips/Grade A/Grade A/CG/GEPurchase","CG","Bajaj",
dat1 <- dat%>%
mutate(x1 = str_remove_all(x1, regex(str_c("\\b",wordstoremove, "\\b", collapse = '|'), ignore_case = T)))
dat1=dat1 %>%
mutate(x1=str_replace_all(x1, wordstoreplace, 'Grade A'),ignore_case = T)
###Warning message:
In stri_replace_all_regex(string, pattern, fix_replacement(replacement), :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
The regex is failing because you need to escape all special characters. See the differences here:
# orig delimiters1=c('"', "\r\n", '-', '=', ';')
delimiters1=c('\\"', "\r\n", '-', '\\=', ';')
# orig delimiters2=c('*', ',', ':')
delimiters2=c('\\*', ',', '\\:')
For the str_replace_all() you need the words to be a single string separated by a | rather than a vector of 12
wordstoreplace <-
c('HAVELLS','Havells','Bajaj','BAJAJGrade A','PHILIPS',
'Philips',"MAKEBAJAJ/CG","philips","Philips/Grade A/Grade A/CG/GEPurchase","CG","Bajaj",
"BAJAJ") %>%
paste0(collapse = "|")
# "HAVELLS|Havells|Bajaj|BAJAJGrade A|PHILIPS|Philips|MAKEBAJAJ/CG|philips|Philips/Grade A/Grade A/CG/GEPurchase|CG|Bajaj|BAJAJ"
This then runs without throwing an error
dat1 <-
dat %>%
x1 =
str_remove_all(x1, regex(str_c("\\b", wordstoremove, "\\b", collapse = "|"), ignore_case = T)),
x1 = str_replace_all(x1, wordstoreplace, "Grade A")

Extracting hashtags AND attached string elements (IF ANY) with regular expressions AND positive lookarounds and lookbehinds in r

I'd like to create a function in r using regular expressions that extracts hashtags (and one for #'s as well) but checks to see if its a part of a string and return those parts of that string. I'm still picking up hashtags (and #'s) and so I'm assuming that I'm not picking up pure hashtag strings (#word) because this is after using a function to remove URLs, emails, hashtags, and #'s via:
clean.text <- function(x){
x <- gsub("http[^[:space:]]+"," ", x)
x <- gsub("([_+A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[_+A-Za-z0-9-]+)*#[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[A-Za-z]{2,14}))","", x)
x <- gsub("\\s#[[:alnum:]_]+"," ", x)
x <- gsub("\\s#[^[:space:]]+"," ", x)
So I'd like to know what parts of the string are attached to the hashtags (and #'s) because I'm still getting hashtags (and #'s) when use the following on my cleaned text.
findHash2 <- function(x){
m <- gregexpr("(#\\w+)", x, perl=TRUE)
w <- unlist(regmatches(x,m))
op <- paste(w,collapse=" ")
findAT2 <- function(x){
m <- gregexpr("#(\\w+)", x, perl=TRUE)
w <- unlist(regmatches(x,m))
op <- paste(w,collapse=" ")
Note: again, this is after I apply my clean.text function to my text. Would it be something like this?
findHash1 <- function(x){
m <- gregexpr("(?<=^)#\\w+(?=$)", x, perl=TRUE)
w <- unlist(regmatches(x, m))
return(paste(w, collapse=" "))
UPDATE Example
x <- "yp#MonicaSarkar: RT #saultracey: Sun kissed .....#olmpicrings at #towerbridge #london2012 # Tower Bridge
x <-I don'nt#know #It would %%%%#be #best if#you just.idk#provided/a fewexample#character! strings# #my#&^( 160,000+posts#in #of text #my) #data is#so huge!# (some# that #should match#and some that #shouldn't) and post# the desired#output.#We'll take it from there."
As for the desired output, I guess something like:
[1] yp#MonicaSarkar: #saultracey: .....#olmpicrings
Or in the second example:
[1] don'nt#know if#you 160,000+posts#in %%%%#be fewexample#character!
Ultimately, I'd like to see what's attached to the hash tags.
I'd like to use a function or functions that would extract a hashtag (another function or set of functions for #'s) if part of a string in three scenarios and presented my attempt at the first: one that says it must be preceded and followed by one or more characters, another that matches if only followed by one or more characters and a third that matches only if preceded by one or more characters. That is: one that would match the string hashtag only if it's at the middle not if it's present at the start or at the end of a string, one that would match the string only if it's present at the start, and one that would match the string if it's present at the end.
Would three functions like I discussed need to be created for that type of procedure or could it be combined into one?

Truncate words within each element of a character vector in R

I have a data frame where one column is a character vector and every element in the vector is the full text of a document. I want to truncate words in each element so that maximum word length is 5 characters.
For example:
a <- c(1, 2)
b <- c("Words longer than five characters should be truncated",
"Words shorter than five characters should not be modified")
df <- data.frame("file" = a, "text" = b, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
file text
1 1 Words longer than five characters should be truncated
2 2 Words shorter than five characters should not be modified
And this is what I'm trying to get:
file text
1 1 Words longe than five chara shoul be trunc
2 2 Words short than five chara shoul not be modif
I've tried using strsplit() and strtrim() to modify each word (based in part on split vectors of words by every n words (vectors are in a list)):
x <- unlist(strsplit(df$text, "\\s+"))
y <- strtrim(x, 5)
[1] "Words" "longe" "than" "five" "chara" "shoul" "be" "trunc" "Words" "short" "than"
[12] "five" "chara" "shoul" "not" "be" "modif"
But I don't know if that's the right direction, because I ultimately need the words in a data frame associated with the correct row, as shown above.
Is there a way to do this using gsub and regex?
If you're looking to utilize gsub to perform this task:
> df$text <- gsub('(?=\\b\\pL{6,}).{5}\\K\\pL*', '', df$text, perl=T)
> df
# file text
# 1 1 Words longe than five chara shoul be trunc
# 2 2 Words short than five chara shoul not be modif
You were on the right track. In order for your idea to work, however, you have to do the split/trim/combine for each row separated. Here's a way to do it. I was very verbose on purpose, to make it clear, but you can obviously use less lines.
df$text <- sapply(df$text, function(str) {
str <- unlist(strsplit(str, " "))
str <- strtrim(str, 5)
str <- paste(str, collapse = " ")
And the output:
> df
file text
1 1 Words longe than five chara shoul be trunc
2 2 Words short than five chara shoul not be modif
The short version is
df$text <- sapply(df$text, function(str) {
paste(strtrim(unlist(strsplit(str, " ")), 5), collapse = " ")
I just realized you asked if it is possible to do this using gsub and regex. Even though you don't need those for this, it's still possible, but harder to read:
df$text <- sapply(df$text, function(str) {
str <- unlist(strsplit(str, " "))
str <- gsub("(?<=.{5}).+", "", str, perl = TRUE)
str <- paste(str, collapse = " ")
The regex matches anything that appears after 5 characters and replaces those with nothing. perl = TRUE is necessary to enable the regex lookbehind ((?<=.{5})).

Using regular expressions in R to extract information from string

I searched the stack overflow a little and all I found was, that regex in R are a bit tricky and not convenient compared to Perl or Python.
My problem is the following. I have long file names with informations inside. The look like the following:
I want to extract the parts from the filename and convert them conveniently into values, for example the first part is a date, the second is machine abbreviation, the next an institute abbreviation, group abbreviation, sample number(s) etc...
What I do at the moment is constructing a regex, to make (almost) sure, I grep the correct part of the string:
regex <- '([:digit:]{8})_([:alnum:]{1,4})_([:upper:]+)_ etc'
Then I use sub to save each snipped into a variable:
date <- sub(regex, '\\1', filename)
machine <- sub(regex, '\\2', filename)
This works, if the filename has the correct convention. It is overall very hard to read and I am search for a more convenient way of doing the work. I thought about splitting the filename by _ and accessing the string by index might be a good solution. But sometimes, since the filenames often get created by hand, there are terms missing or additional information in the names and I am looking for a better solution to this.
Can anyone suggest a better way of doing so?
What I want to create is an object, which has all the information of the filenames extracted and accessible... such as my_object$machine or so....
The help page for ?regex actually gives an example that is exactly equivalent to Python's re.match(r"(?P<first_name>\w+) (?P<last_name>\w+)", "Malcolm Reynolds") (as per your comment):
## named capture
notables <- c(" Ben Franklin and Jefferson Davis",
"\tMillard Fillmore")
#name groups 'first' and 'last'
name.rex <- "(?<first>[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+) (?<last>[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+)"
(parsed <- regexpr(name.rex, notables, perl = TRUE))
gregexpr(name.rex, notables, perl = TRUE)[[2]] <- function(res, result) {
m <-, lapply(seq_along(res), function(i) {
if(result[i] == -1) return("")
st <- attr(result, "capture.start")[i, ]
substring(res[i], st, st + attr(result, "capture.length")[i, ] - 1)
colnames(m) <- attr(result, "capture.names")
}, parsed)
The normal way (i.e. the R way) to extract from a string is the following:
text <- "Malcolm Reynolds"
x <- gregexpr("\\w+", text) #Don't forget to escape the backslash
regmatches(text, x)
[1] "Malcolm" "Reynolds"
You can use however Perl-style group naming by using argument perl=TRUE:
regexpr("(?P<first_name>\\w+) (?P<last_name>\\w+)", text, perl=TRUE)
However regmatches does not support it, hence the need to create your own function to handle that, which is given in the help page: <- function(res, result) {
m <-, lapply(seq_along(res), function(i) {
if(result[i] == -1) return("")
st <- attr(result, "capture.start")[i, ]
substring(res[i], st, st + attr(result, "capture.length")[i, ] - 1)
colnames(m) <- attr(result, "capture.names")
Applied to your example:
text <- "Malcolm Reynolds"
x <- regexpr("(?P<first_name>\\w+) (?P<last_name>\\w+)", text, perl=TRUE), x)
first_name last_name
[1,] "Malcolm" "Reynolds"
To go back to your initial problem:
filenames <- c("20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1234_hs_IP_NON_060.raw", "20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1234-1235_hs_IP_NON_060.raw", "20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1236_hs_IP_NON_060_some_other_info.raw", "20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1237_hs_IP_NON_060")
regex <- '(?P<date>[[:digit:]]{8})_(?P<machine>[[:alnum:]]{1,4})_(?P<whatev>[[:upper:]]+)'
x <- regexpr(regex,filenames,perl=TRUE),x)
date machine whatev
[1,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"
[2,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"
[3,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"
[4,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"

Extract string between parenthesis in R

I have to extract values between a very peculiar feature in R. For eg.
a <- "{1:0987617820}{2:q312132498s7yd09f8sydf987s6df8797yds9f87098}
This is my example string and I wish to extract text between {[0-9]: and } such that my output for the above string looks like
## output should be
"0987617820" "q312132498s7yd09f8sydf987s6df8797yds9f87098", "{112:123123214321}" "20:asdasd3214213"
This is a horrible hack and probably breaks on your real data. Ideally you could just use a parser but if you're stuck with regex... well... it's not pretty
a <- "{1:0987617820}{2:q312132498s7yd09f8sydf987s6df8797yds9f87098}
# split based on }{ allowing for newlines and spaces
out <- strsplit(a, "\\}[[:space:]]*\\{")
# Make a single vector
out <- unlist(out)
# Have an excess open bracket in first
out[1] <- substring(out[1], 2)
# Have an excess closing bracket in last
n <- length(out)
out[length(out)] <- substring(out[n], 1, nchar(out[n])-1)
# Remove the number colon at the beginning of the string
answer <- gsub("^[0-9]*\\:", "", out)
which gives
> answer
[1] "0987617820"
[2] "q312132498s7yd09f8sydf987s6df8797yds9f87098"
[3] "{112:123123214321}"
[4] "20:asdasd3214213"
You could wrap something like that in a function if you need to do this for multiple strings.
Using PERL. This way is a bit more robust.
a = "{1:0987617820}{2:q312132498s7yd09f8sydf987s6df8797yds9f87098}{3:{112:123123214321}}{4:20:asdasd3214213}"
foohacky = function(str){
#remove opening bracket
pt1 = gsub('\\{+[0-9]:', '##',str)
#remove a closing bracket that is preceded by any alphanumeric character
pt2 = gsub('([0-9a-zA-Z])(\\})', '\\1',pt1, perl=TRUE)
#split up and hack together the result
pt3 = strsplit(pt2, "##")[[1]][-1]
For example
> foohacky(a)
[1] "0987617820"
[2] "q312132498s7yd09f8sydf987s6df8797yds9f87098"
[3] "{112:123123214321}"
[4] "20:asdasd3214213"
It also works with nesting
> a = "{1:0987617820}{{3:{112:123123214321}}{4:{20:asdasd3214213}}"
> foohacky(a)
[1] "0987617820" "{112:123123214321}" "{20:asdasd3214213}"
Here's a more general way, which returns any pattern between {[0-9]: and } allowing for a single nest of {} inside the match.
regPattern <- gregexpr("(?<=\\{[0-9]\\:)(\\{.*\\}|.*?)(?=\\})", a, perl=TRUE)
a_parse <- regmatches(a, regPattern)
a <- unlist(a_parse)