I have read these two posts:
Getting result of value analysis
and Getting the values of statement. These two posts provide invaluable information on how to print the values of the value analysis.
However, my task requires me to extract the integers stored in the value variable, and then do some math with the integers (I am only concerned with integer values). For example, if the value analysis result for some variable is {1, 2}, I want to get the result as an OCaml list of integers: [1, 2]. This way I can do math with it. If the result involves an interval, I assume I can define a type to handle it. For example,
type point_or_interval =
| Point of int
| Interval of int * int
The type of the value variable is defined as type t = Cvalue.V.t in the documentation. I have not been able to find this module in the source, so I do not know how to manipulate the value and extract the information that I need. How should I do this? A code illustration will be appreciated!
I have tried the following code. This code is copied verbatim from Getting result of value analysis, with only some modifications in the pretty_vi function. It is not working with my test input program - Locations.Location_Bytes.find_lonely_key function raises Not_found exception. My input program is also attached.
open Cil_types
(* Prints the value associated to variable [vi] before [stmt]. *)
let pretty_vi fmt stmt vi =
let kinstr = Kstmt stmt in (* make a kinstr from a stmt *)
let lval = (Var vi, NoOffset) in (* make an lval from a varinfo *)
let loc = (* make a location from a kinstr + an lval *)
!Db.Value.lval_to_loc kinstr ~with_alarms:CilE.warn_none_mode lval
(fun state () ->
(* for each state in the callstack *)
let value = Db.Value.find state loc in (* obtain value for location *)
let base, offset = Locations.Location_Bytes.find_lonely_key value in
(match offset with
| Ival.Set _ -> ()
| Ival.Float _ -> ()
| Ival.Top (_, _, _, _ )-> ());
Format.fprintf fmt "%a -> %a#." Printer.pp_varinfo vi
Db.Value.pretty value (* print mapping *)
) () ~after:false kinstr
(* Prints the state at statement [stmt] for each local variable in [kf],
and for each global variable. *)
let pretty_local_and_global_vars kf fmt stmt =
let locals = Kernel_function.get_locals kf in
List.iter (fun vi -> pretty_vi fmt stmt vi) locals (*;
Globals.Vars.iter (fun vi _ -> pretty_vi fmt stmt vi) *)
(* Visits each statement in [kf] and prints the result of Value before the
statement. *)
class stmt_val_visitor kf =
object (self)
inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
method! vstmt_aux stmt =
(match stmt.skind with
| Instr _ ->
Format.printf "state for all variables before stmt: %a#.%a#."
Printer.pp_stmt stmt (pretty_local_and_global_vars kf) stmt
| _ -> ());
(* usage: frama-c file.c -load-script print_vals.ml *)
let () =
Db.Main.extend (fun () ->
Format.printf "computing value...#.";
!Db.Value.compute ();
let fun_name = "main" in
Format.printf "visiting function: %s#." fun_name;
let kf_vis = new stmt_val_visitor in
let kf = Globals.Functions.find_by_name fun_name in
let fundec = Kernel_function.get_definition kf in
ignore (Visitor.visitFramacFunction (kf_vis kf) fundec);
Format.printf "done!#.")
Test input program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a = 1;
return 0;
What is the problem with this code? Why is the mapping of the value not found?
General remark: if you are using an editor which supports Merlin, I seriously recommend using it. It makes it easier to find in which module things are defined, which types are synonyms, and, combined with an auto-completion tool, Merlin allows you to find conversion functions much more easily.
In particular, Merlin should help you find out that Cvalue.V.project_ival : V.t -> Ival.t converts a V.t into an Ival.t (assuming the value is convertible, e.g. it is not a pointer).
Ival.t is a sophisticated interval-like value that can represent:
a contiguous interval of floating-point values (Ival.Float);
a small set of integer values (Ival.Set);
or an actual integer interval (Ival.Top, despite the name), with congruence information and optional bounds, e.g. [9..--]1%4 represents {x ∈ ℕ | x ≥ 9 ∧ x mod 4 = 1}.
Function Ival.min_and_max : Ival.t -> Integer.t option * Integer.t option takes an Ival.t and returns (assuming the interval does not contain a floating-point interval) a pair (maybe_min, maybe_max), where maybe_min is None if there is no lower bound (minus infinity), or Some min otherwise, and symmetrically for maybe max. It works both with Ival.Set and Ival.Top.
Note that Integer.t are not machine integers, but an implementation of arbitrary-precision integers.
I am quite new to OCaml, so I am not sure what the following error message means (specifically the /0 and the /-1):
Error: This expression has type (string, string) Hashtbl/0.t
but an expression was expected of type ('a, 'b) Hashtbl/-1.t
I am passing a Hashtbl.t into Hashtbl.find and this error shows up. I am unclear as to how the /0 and /-1 came in, and what they actually mean.
Here's a minimal working example to demonstrate my issue:
open Core_kernel.Std
let file_to_hashtbl filename =
let sexp_to_hashtbl_str = Sexplib.Conv.hashtbl_of_sexp
string_of_sexp string_of_sexp
in In_channel.with_file
filename ~f:(fun ch -> (Sexp.input_sexp ch |> sexp_to_hashtbl_str))
let ht = file_to_hashtbl "test"
let t1_val = match Hashtbl.find ht "t1" with
| Some v -> v
| None -> assert false
let () = print_endline t1_val
Let's show you an example :
If I write
type t = A;;
let x = A;;
type t = B;;
let y = B;;
x = y;;
Error: This expression has type t/1561 but an expression was expected of type
This is because in the interpreter you can declare multiple types with the same name and associate values to these types. But here, as you can see, x and y are not of the same type but both the types are named t so the interpreter tries to tell you the types are both named t but are not the same.
If I wanted to compile this, I would have to declare
type t = A
let x = A
type t = B
let y = B
open Typea
open Typeb
x = y
If I compile this I will have
Error: This expression has type Typeb.t
but an expression was expected of type Typea.t
What lesson should you learn from this ? Stop interpreting, compile !
Now that I managed to compile your file, I got an error too but much more explicit :
Error: This expression has type (string, string) Hashtbl.t
but an expression was expected of type
('a, 'b) Core_kernel.Std.Hashtbl.t =
('a, 'b) Core_kernel.Core_hashtbl.t
[Explanation and correction]
Since I'm too nice, here is your file corrected :
let file_to_hashtbl filename =
(* open the namespace only where needed *)
let open Core_kernel.Std in
let sexp_to_hashtbl_str = Sexplib.Conv.hashtbl_of_sexp
string_of_sexp string_of_sexp
in In_channel.with_file
filename ~f:(fun ch -> (Sexp.input_sexp ch |> sexp_to_hashtbl_str));;
let ht = file_to_hashtbl "test"
let t1_val =
Hashtbl.find ht "t1"
with Not_found -> assert false
let () = print_endline t1_val
Your error was that you opened Core_kernel.Std as a global namespace so when you wrote Hashtbl.find it looked first in Core_kernel.Std and not in the standard library.
What I did is open Core_kernel.Std in the function that needs it, not in the whole file (so it's a local namespace) (a good habit to take).
So, as you can see, the problem was that you had two definition of the type Hashtbl.t (one in Core_kernel.Std and one in the standard library) and OCaml ain't no fool, boy, he knows when you're wrong but he is hard to understand since he only speak for those who can hear. :-D
P.S. : You had an error in your Hashtbl.find because it doesn't return an option but the found value or raise a Not_found exception if no value was found. I corrected it too. ;-)
Apparently, it is just a matter of missing semi-columns, the foloowing code compiles :
open Core_kernel.Std;;
let file_to_hashtbl filename =
let sexp_to_hashtbl_str = Sexplib.Conv.hashtbl_of_sexp
string_of_sexp string_of_sexp
in In_channel.with_file
filename ~f:(fun ch -> (Sexp.input_sexp ch |> sexp_to_hashtbl_str));;
let ht = file_to_hashtbl "test"
let t1_val = match Hashtbl.find ht "t1" with
| Some v -> v
| None -> assert false
let () = print_endline t1_val
But, I do not know how to interpret the error message neither.
I am working on a Plugin for Frama-C, using the Value-analysis.
I simply want to print the state of the variables (values) after each statement (I think the solution is quiet easy, but I couldn't figure it out).
I got the current state with Db.Value.get_stmt_state in the vstmt_aux method in the visitor.
How can I now get the values of the variables?
PS: I found this post, but it didn't help, there is no real solution, and with the help of the description I was not able to do it:
How to use functions in Value.Eval_expr, Value.Eval_op etc modules of Frama-c Value plugin
Here's a concrete example of how to print, for each local and global variable, the result computed by Value before each statement in a given function (read the functions from bottom to top):
open Cil_types
(* Prints the value associated to variable [vi] before [stmt]. *)
let pretty_vi fmt stmt vi =
let kinstr = Kstmt stmt in (* make a kinstr from a stmt *)
let lval = (Var vi, NoOffset) in (* make an lval from a varinfo *)
let loc = (* make a location from a kinstr + an lval *)
!Db.Value.lval_to_loc kinstr ~with_alarms:CilE.warn_none_mode lval
(fun state () ->
(* for each state in the callstack *)
let value = Db.Value.find state loc in (* obtain value for location *)
Format.fprintf fmt "%a -> %a#." Printer.pp_varinfo vi
Locations.Location_Bytes.pretty value (* print mapping *)
) () ~after:false kinstr
(* Prints the state at statement [stmt] for each local variable in [kf],
and for each global variable. *)
let pretty_local_and_global_vars kf fmt stmt =
let locals = Kernel_function.get_locals kf in
List.iter (fun vi -> pretty_vi fmt stmt vi) locals;
Globals.Vars.iter (fun vi _ -> pretty_vi fmt stmt vi)
(* Visits each statement in [kf] and prints the result of Value before the
statement. *)
class stmt_val_visitor kf =
object (self)
inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
method! vstmt_aux stmt =
(match stmt.skind with
| Instr _ ->
Format.printf "state for all variables before stmt: %a#.%a#."
Printer.pp_stmt stmt (pretty_local_and_global_vars kf) stmt
| _ -> ());
(* usage: frama-c file.c -load-script print_vals.ml *)
let () =
Db.Main.extend (fun () ->
Format.printf "computing value...#.";
!Db.Value.compute ();
let fun_name = "main" in
Format.printf "visiting function: %s#." fun_name;
let kf_vis = new stmt_val_visitor in
let kf = Globals.Functions.find_by_name fun_name in
let fundec = Kernel_function.get_definition kf in
ignore (Visitor.visitFramacFunction (kf_vis kf) fundec);
Format.printf "done!#.")
This is far from ideal, and the output is uglier than simply using Cvalue.Model.pretty state, but it could serve as base for further modifications.
This script has been tested with Frama-C Magnesium.
To retrieve the state after a statement, simply replace the ~after:false parameter in fold_state_callstack with ~after:true. My previous version of the code used a function which already bound that value for the pre-state, but no such function is exported for the post-state, so we must use fold_state_callstack (which is incidentally more powerful, because it allows retrieving a specific state per callstack).
Update using Eva's new API (since Frama-C 25.0)
This is an update to the previous answer, using Eva's new API, available since Frama-C 25.0 (Magnesium); I left the original answer for users based on older Frama-C versions.
Using Eva's new API, the above answer can be written more succinctly:
(* Prints the value associated to variable [vi] before [stmt]. *)
let pretty_vi fmt stmt vi =
let req = Eva.Results.before stmt in
let cvalue = Eva.Results.(eval_var vi req |> as_cvalue) in
Format.fprintf fmt "%a -> %a#." Printer.pp_varinfo vi
Cvalue.V.pretty cvalue (* print mapping *)
(* Prints the state at statement [stmt] for each local variable in [kf],
and for each global variable. *)
let pretty_local_and_global_vars kf fmt stmt =
let locals = Kernel_function.get_locals kf in
List.iter (fun vi -> pretty_vi fmt stmt vi) locals;
Globals.Vars.iter (fun vi _ -> pretty_vi fmt stmt vi)
(* Visits each statement in [kf] and prints the result of Value before the
statement. *)
class stmt_val_visitor kf =
inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
method! vstmt_aux stmt =
(match stmt.skind with
| Instr _ ->
Format.printf "state for all variables before stmt: %a#.%a#."
Printer.pp_stmt stmt (pretty_local_and_global_vars kf) stmt
| _ -> ());
(* usage: frama-c file.c -load-script print_vals.ml *)
let () =
Db.Main.extend (fun () ->
Format.printf "computing value...#.";
Eva.Analysis.compute ();
let fun_name = "main" in
Format.printf "visiting function: %s#." fun_name;
let kf_vis = new stmt_val_visitor in
let kf = Globals.Functions.find_by_name fun_name in
let fundec = Kernel_function.get_definition kf in
ignore (Visitor.visitFramacFunction (kf_vis kf) fundec);
Format.printf "done!#.")
Note that the output is not identical; it is actually more condensed, as in, instead of printing e.g. score -> {{ NULL -> {0} }}, which means, for location score, the offset associated to the NULL base, that is, a constant value, is 0, it simply prints score -> {0}. It also prints minimum/maximum bounds according to the variable type (e.g. int __fc_errno was printed as an unbounded interval [--..--] with the previous code; here, it is printed as [-2147483648..2147483647] when using a machdep with 32-bit integers).
The new API also makes it easier to answer queries such as Is there also a way to get the values after the statement?: just use Eva.Results.after instead of Eva.Results.before.
Finally, for callstack-specific information, search for callstack in the src/plugins/value/utils/results.mli file. This file also contains some lenghty comments explaining the API, as well as a usage sketch.
I have a simple code of union-find as below:
let rec find p x =
if p.(x) = x
then x
let y = find p (p.(x)) in
p.(x) <- y;
let union x y p =
p.(find p y) <- p.(find p x);
let a = [|0;1;2;3;4|]
let print_array a =
Array.iter (fun i -> Printf.printf "%i" i; print_string " ") a
let print_union =
let a = union 0 1 a in
print_string "Result union (0, 1): ";
print_array a;
print_string "\n"
the result will be:
Result union (0, 1): 0 0 2 3 4
I am having a hard time to go further to get the disjoint-set.
For instance the example above I want to get: {0,1},{2},{3},{4}
Thank you for your help.
For obvious reasons, you can't print that result without going through the whole structure.
So, you want to collect inhabitants from all of your union-find:
let print_classes a =
(* Let's first create an array for storing the classes *)
let classes = Array.make (Array.length a) [] in
(* Let's now populate it!
I'm going backwards in the array to have nicer printing *)
for i = (Array.length classes) - 1 downto 0
do classes.(a.(i)) <- i :: (classes.(a.(i))) done;
(* And now the printing *)
Array.iter (function
| [] -> ()
| h::t -> Printf.printf "{%d%a}" h
(fun c -> List.iter (fun x -> Printf.fprintf c ",%i" x)) t
I used Printf functions for the sake of brevity, you can find their doc here.
Note that this could probably be improved as it creates a potentially big array that may be "almost not" populated. depending on the frequency in which you'll use this function, you may want to store the equivalence class along with the class leader (I had to do that once, I used Set and Map from the stdlib).
this is a question about ocaml lists and tuples. I have some 2-tuples of numbers (either integers or floats) and I want to convert it to a list of lists (with 2 elements). Assuming that I have defined a num type Int of int | Float of float, the conversion should give the following:
((1,1.0),(0.4,1),(0,0)) => [[Int 1;Float 1.0];[Float 0.4; Int 1];[Int 0;Int 0]]
or more precisely
let a = (1,1.0) and b = (0.4,1) and c = (0,0) in
myconversion (a,b,c) ;;
=> [[Int 1;Float 1.0];[Float 0.4; Int 1];[Int 0;Int 0]]
the point being the values a, b, c... are defined in several places in the source files (by people who use different signatures for their tuples).
The difficulty here is that I don't know the types of the elements of the 2-tuples (int or float, that varies depending on the tuple).
Your input data can't be represented in OCaml as you describe it. OCaml is strongly typed. For example, your example input list is an invalid value in OCaml:
# [(1,1.0);(0.4,1);(0,0)];;
Error: This expression has type float but an expression was expected of type
So what you describe as the essence of your problem (not knowing the types) is in fact not possible. You'll have to use some other method of representing the input. For example, you could just use floats for everything. Or you could use pairs of strings.
The answer for the rewritten question is the same. In OCaml it's not possible not to know the type of something statically; i.e., at the time you're writing the program (unless it can be any type at all). It's not possible (or necessary) to query the type of something at runtime. So your question doesn't have an answer (at least as far as I can see).
For OCaml, you have to think with the type system rather than against it. After a while you start to really like it (or at least that's how it worked for me). I'd start by writing down the type you want your function myconverstion to have.
Update 2
I'll repeat my advice to treat your inputs as strings. Assuming you've parsed your input up into pairs of strings, here's some code that does what you want:
let myconversion coords =
let c1 s =
if String.contains s '.' then
Float (float_of_string s)
Int (int_of_string s)
let cp (a, b) = [c1 a; c1 b] in
List.map cp coords
Here's how it works for your input (reinterpreted as strings):
# myconversion [("1", "1.0"); ("0.4", "1"); ("0", "0")];;
- : fi list list = [[Int 1; Float 1.]; [Float 0.4; Int 1]; [Int 0; Int 0]]
Update 3
Here's some (crude) code that parses a file of numbers into coordinates represented as pairs of strings. It should work as long as the tuples in the input are well formed.
let coords fname =
let ic = open_in fname in
let len = in_channel_length ic in
let buf = Buffer.create 128 in
let () = Buffer.add_channel buf ic len in
let () = close_in ic in
let s = Buffer.contents buf in
let nums = Str.(split (regexp "[^0-9.]+") s) in
let rec mkcoords sofar = function
| [] | [_] -> List.rev sofar
| a :: b :: rest -> mkcoords ((a, b) :: sofar) rest
mkcoords [] nums
There are two distinct problems in your setup:
you don't know the type of the tuples parameters
you want to pass them as a single n-ary tuple
For problem 2, you would have to write a function for that type specifically, whereas you could mimic a type level list type by nesting couple of tuples:
myconversion a,(b,c) ;;
The reason is that with that setup, you could write a recursive polymorphic function on the type level list:
val myconversion : type a b. (a,b) -> num list
There would still be a problem on the last element though.
So, assuming that you could pass a sequence to your conversion function, and have it process elements of that sequence one by one, you would still need to find a way of selecting the proper function of pair conversion from the tuple type: that's basically ad-hoc polymorphism, ie. you would need to be able to overload a function on its parameters' types(1). Unfortunately, OCaml doesn't support that out of the box.
One possibility would be perhaps (I have no experience doing that) to implement an extension which would extract the type information of a given expression, and generate the correct code to process it in your own code.
A flexible technique consists in having that extension generate an algebraic description of the tuples types, and use that description as an equality witness in the code which will process the tuples:
type _ w =
| U : (unit * unit) w
| IF : 'a w -> ((int * float) * 'a) w
| FI : 'a w -> ((float * int) * 'a) w
(* other constructors if necessary *)
(* data *)
let a = 1,1.0
let b = 2.0, 2
let c = 3.0, 3
let d = 4, 4.0
let l = a,(b, (c,(d,((),()))))
(* witness *)
let w = IF (FI (FI (IF U)))
(* the type parameter of w should be the same as l type *)
let rec conv : type a b. (a * b) w -> (a * b) -> num list = fun w (x, xs) ->
match w with
U -> []
| IF w' -> let i,f = x in (Int I)::(Float f)::(conv w' xs)
(* etc *)
Here, we encode the type level nil list as (unit * unit) w.
A coalgebraic approach would require to register function overloads to the conversion function polymorphic signature within the extension, and let it pick the right one from the function overload dictionary.
There's a discussion on that topic on the LtU site.
Thanks to everybody who answered. I finally found a solution, using a bit of magic:
# type num = Int of int | Float of float;;
# let to_num x = if Obj.is_int (Obj.repr x) then
Int (Obj.magic (Obj.repr x) : int)
Float ((Obj.magic (Obj.repr x) : float));;
# let pair_to_num (a,b) = [to_num a; to_num b];;
# let myconversion (a,b,c) = [pair_to_num a; pair_to_num b; pair_to_num c];;
and the test:
# myconversion ((1,1.0),(0.4,1),(0,0));;
- : num list list = [[Int 1; Float 1.]; [Float 0.4; Int 1]; [Int 0; Int 0]]
# myconversion ((0,0),(1,1.0),(0.4,1));;
- : num list list = [[Int 0; Int 0]; [Int 1; Float 1.]; [Float 0.4; Int 1]]
Magic, the order does not matter and the type is recorded! I can then follow didier's idea to get rid of the pair of superfluous parentheses.
I have a function save that take standard input, which is used individually like this:
./try < input.txt (* save function is in try file *)
10 29 23
22 14 9
and now i put the function into another file called path.ml which is a part of my interpreter. Now I have a problem in defining the type of Save function and this is because save function has type in_channel, but when i write
type term = Save of in_channel
ocamlc complain about the parameter in the command function.
How can i fix this error? This is the reason why in my last question posted on stackoverflow, I asked for the way to express a variable that accept any type. I understand the answers but actually it doesn't help much in make the code running.
This is my code:
(* Data types *)
open Printf
type term = Print_line_in_file of int*string
| Print of string
| Save of in_channel (* error here *)
let input_line_opt ic =
try Some (input_line ic)
with End_of_file -> None
let nth_line n filename =
let ic = open_in filename in
let rec aux i =
match input_line_opt ic with
| Some line ->
if i = n then begin
close_in ic;
end else aux (succ i)
| None ->
close_in ic;
failwith "end of file reached"
aux 1
(* get all lines *)
let k = ref 1
let first = ref ""
let second = ref ""
let sequence = ref []
let append_item lst a = lst # [a]
let save () =
while true do
let line = input_line stdin in
if k = ref 1
first := line;
incr k;
end else
if k = ref 2
second := line;
incr k;
end else
sequence := append_item !sequence line;
incr k;
End_of_file -> None;;
let rec command term = match term with
| Print (n) -> print_endline n
| Print_line_in_file (n, f) -> print_endline (nth_line n f)
| Save () -> save ()
Error in code:
Save of in_channel:
Error: This pattern matches values of type unit
but a pattern was expected which matches values of type in_channel
Save of unit:
Error: This expression has type 'a option
but an expression was expected of type unit
There are many errors in this code, so it's hard to know where to start.
One problem is this: your save function has type unit -> 'a option. So it's not the same type as the other branches of your final match. The fix is straightforward: save should return (), not None. In OCaml these are completely different things.
The immediate problem seems to be that you have Save () in your match, but have declared Save as taking an input channel. Your current code doesn't have any way to pass the input channel to the save function, but if it did, you would want something more like this in your match:
| Save ch -> save ch
Errors like this suggest (to me) that you're not so familiar with OCaml's type system. It would probably save you a lot of trouble if you went through a tutorial of some kind before writing much more code. You can find tutorials at http://ocaml.org.