Bash: Regex for SVN Conflicts - regex

So I'm trying to write a regex to use for a grep command on an SVN status command. I want only files with conflicts to be displayed, and if it's a tree conflict, the extra information SVN provides about it (which is on a line with a > character).
So, here's my description of how SVN outputs lines with conflicts, and then I'll show my regex:
[Single Char Code][Spaces][Letter "C"][Space]Filename
[Spaces][Letter "C"][Space]Filename
[Letter "C"][Space]Filename
This is what I have so far to try and get the proper regex. The second part, after the OR condition, works fine to get the tree conflict extra line. It's the first part, where I'm trying to get lines with the letter C under very specific conditions.
Anyway, I'm not exactly the greatest with Regex, so some help here (plus an explanation of what I'm doing wrong, so I can learn from this) would be great.
CONFLICTS=($(svn status | grep "^(.)*C\s\|>"))

This regex should match your lines :
CONFLICTS=$(svn status | grep '^[ADMRCXI?!~ ]\? *C')
^[ADMRCXI?!~ ]\?: lines starting with zero or one \?status character ^[ADMRCXI?!~ ]
*zero or more spaces
character C
I removed the extra parenthesis surrounding the command substitution.

You have to read description of svn st output more deeply and try to get at least one Tree Conflict.
I'll start it for you:
> The first seven columns in the output are each one character wide:
> Seventh column: Whether the item is the victim of a tree conflict
> 'C' tree-Conflicted
and note: theoretically any of these 7 columns can be non-empty
status for tree-conflict
M wc/bar.c
! C wc/qaz.c
> local missing, incoming edit upon update
D wc/qax.c
Dirty lazy draft of regexp


How can I grep for every uneven match?

Markdowns fenced code blocks look like this
Here is the code
in many lines
or like this:
Here is the code
in many lines
The "text" specifies the language which should be used for highlighting.
I want to run over a flat directory and find all files which contain fenced code blocks without a specified language. How can I find fenced code blocks without a specified language?
What I tried
The following is a superset of what I want:
$ grep -rIE -m1 "\`\`\`[[:space:]]*$" *
The problem is the closing part. Essentially this finds all files which have a fenced code block at all. But how do I grep for every uneven triple backtick?
My guess is that I have to grep for the complete code block. It is guaranteed that there is either a newline after the triple backticks or a language.
So I tried the following two:
grep -rIzPo -m1 "\`\`\`\\n(.*?)\`\`\`" *
grep -rIzEo -m1 "\`\`\`\\n(.*?)\`\`\`" *
It found a couple of cases, but it missed at least one. I have no idea why.
Problem: Two codeblocks
I have many files with multiple code blocks, e.g:
a = "Hello"
b = "Stackoverflow"
print(f"{a} {b}")
Please note that I don't want a file with this content to match! All regexes I tried so far match
I think that'd be easier with gawk.
awk 'BEGINFILE{f=0} /^```/{f=!f}
f&&/^```\s*$/{print FILENAME;nextfile}' *
f denotes whether last match was even or uneven. It is reset at the beginning of each file, and negated by each match. When f is 1 and exit condition (i.e current line is three backquotes followed by zero+ spaces) is met, the program prints filename and moves on to the next file.

complex search/delete/move/replace operation using sed?

after several hours of searching and experimenting, I'm hoping someone can either help me or rub my nose in a post I've missed which acctually would be helpful as well come to think of it...
I've made a quick&dirty fix in several dozens of php scripts (we use to enhance smarty capabilities) with security checks.
Example of input(part1):
///// SMARTY AUTH /////
$auth['model'] = isset($params['model']) ? $params['model'] : null;
$auth['requiredLevel'] = isset($params['requiredlevel']) ? $params['requiredlevel'] : null;
$auth['baseAuthorizationLevel'] = isset($params['_authorizationlevel']) ? $params['_authorizationlevel'] : null;
$auth['defaultRequiredLevel'] = AuthorizationLevel::AULE_WRITE;
$auth['baseModel'] = $smarty->getTemplateVars('model');
///// SMARTY AUTH /////
...which i'd like to replace with a much cleaner solution we've come up with. Now here's the rub; in one section of the file there's a block of lines, luckily with very distinct delimiter lines, but in one of those lines is a piece of code that needs to be merged with a replacement string which replaces a second pattern in a line which follows the before-said block, with optionally a variable number of lines in between.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to piece this nested code together as the shorthand code of sed is quite confusing to me.
So far I've tried to assemble the code needed to capture the first block, but sed keeps giving me the same error each time; extra characters after command
here are some of the attempts I've made:
sed -n 'p/^\/\/\/\/\/ SMARTY AUTH \/\/\/\/\/\\n.*\\n.*\\n.*\\n.*AULE_\([A-Z_]*\);$^.*$^^\/\/\/\/\/ SMARTY AUTH \/\/\/\/\/$/' function.xls_form.php
sed -n 'p/\(^.*SMARTY AUTH.*$^.*$^.*$^.*$^.*AULE_\([A-Z_]*\);$^.*$^.*SMARTY AUTH.*$/' function.xls_form.php
the second part is relatively easy compared to the first;
sed -ei'.orig' 's/RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth(\$auth)/$smarty->hasAccess(\$params,AuthorizationLevel::AULE_\1)/' *.php
where \1 would be the matched snippet from the first part...
The first codeblock is an example of input part 1 which needs to be removed; part 2 is RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth($auth) which needs to be replaced with $smarty->hasAccess($params, AuthorizationLevel::AULE_<snippet from part1>)
Hoping somebody can point me in the right direction, Many thanks in advance!!!
The hold space is going to be key to solving this. You can copy material from the pattern space (where sed normally works) into the hold space, and do various operations with the hold space, etc.
You need to find the AuthorizationLevel::AULE_WRITE type text within the block markers, and copy that to the hold space, and then delete the text within the block markers. And then separately find the other pattern and replace it with information from the hold space.
Given that the markers use slashes, it is also time to use a custom search marker which is introduced by a backslash. The following could be in a file script.sed, to be used as:
sed -f script.sed function.xls_form.php
When you're sure it's working, you can play with -i options to overwrite the original.
\%///// SMARTY AUTH /////%,\%///// SMARTY AUTH /////% {
The first line searches for the start and end marker, using \% to change the delimiter to %. There's then a group of actions in braces. The second line searches for the authorization level and starts a second group of actions. The substitute command replaces the line with the desired output line. The x swaps the pattern space and the hold space, copying the desired output line to the hold space (and copying the empty hold space to the pattern space — it's x for eXchange pattern and hold spaces). This has saved the AuthorizationLevel information. The inner block ends; the outer block deletes the line and continues the execution. Note that there's no need to escape the $ symbol most of the time — it would matter if it was at the end of a pattern (there's a difference between /a\$/ and /a$/, but no difference between /b$c/ and /b\$c/).
The last line then looks for the RoleContextAuthorizations line and swaps it with the hold space. Everything else is just let through.
Given a data file containing:
///// SMARTY AUTH /////
$auth['model'] = isset($params['model']) ? $params['model'] : null;
$auth['requiredLevel'] = isset($params['requiredlevel']) ? $params['requiredlevel'] : null;
$auth['baseAuthorizationLevel'] = isset($params['_authorizationlevel']) ? $params['_authorizationlevel'] : null;
$auth['defaultRequiredLevel'] = AuthorizationLevel::AULE_WRITE;
$auth['baseModel'] = $smarty->getTemplateVars('model');
///// SMARTY AUTH /////
More gibberish
More rhubarb - it is good with strawberries, especially in yoghurt
Trailing gibbets — ugh; worse are trailing giblets
Finish - EOF
The output from sed -f script.sed data is:
$ sed -f script.sed data
More gibberish
More rhubarb - it is good with strawberries, especially in yoghurt
Trailing gibbets — ugh; worse are trailing giblets
Finish - EOF
I think that's what was wanted.
You can convert the file of sed script into a single line of gibberish, but that's left as an exercise for the reader — it isn't very hard, but GNU sed and BSD (macOS) sed have different rules for when you need semicolons as part of a single line command; you were warned. There are also differences in the rules for the -i option between the GNU and BSD variants of sed.
If you have to preserve some portions of the RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth line, you have to work harder, but it can probably be done. For example, you can add the hold space to the current pattern space with the G command, and then edit the information into the right places. It is simplest if every place the line occurs needs to look the same apart from the AULE_XYZ string — that's what I've assumed here.
Also, note that using x rather than h or g is lazy — but doesn't matter if there's only one RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth line. Using the alternatives would mean that if a file has multiple RoleContextAuthorizations::smartyAuth lines, then you'd be able to make the same substitution in each, unless there's another ///// SMARTY AUTH ///// in the file.

Issues while processing zeroes found in CSV input file with Perl

I have to process a CSV file, using Perl language and produce an Excel as output, using the Excel::Writer::XSLX module. This is not a homework but a real life problem, where I cannot download whichever Perl version (actually, I need to use Perl 5.6), or whichever Perl module (I have a limited set of them). My OS is UNIX. I can also use (embedding in Perl) ksh and csh (with some limitation, as I have found so far). Please, limit your answers to the tools I have available. Thanks in advance!
Even though I am not a Perl developer, but coming from other languages, I have already done my work. However, the customer is asking for extra processing where I am getting stuck on.
1) The stones in the road I found are coming from two sides: from Perl and from Excel particular styles of processing data. I already found a workaround to handle the Excel, but -as mentioned in the subject- I have difficulties while processing zeroes found in CSV input file. To handle the Excel, I am using the '0 way which is the final way for data representation that Excel seems to have while using the # formatting style.
2) Scenario:
I need to catch standalone zeroes which might be present in whichever line / column / cell of the CSV input file and put them as such (as zeroes) in the Excel output file.
I will go directly to the point of my question to avoid loosing your valuable time. I am providing more details after my question:
Research and question:
I tried to use Perl regex to find standalone "0" and replace them by whichever string, planning to replace them back to "0" at the end of processing.
perl -p -i -e 's/\b0\b/string/g' myfile.csv`
perl -i -ple 's/\b0\b/string/g' myfile.csv
Are working; but only from command line. They aren't working when I call them from the Perl script as follows:
system("perl -i -ple 's/\b0\b/string/g' myfile.csv")
Do not know why... I have already tried using exec and eval, instead of system, with the same results.
Note that I have a ton of regex that work perfectly with the same structure, such as the following:
system("perl -i -ple 's/input/output/g' myfile.csv")
I have also tried using backticks and qx//, without success. Note that qx// and backticks have not the same behavior, since qx// is complaining about the boundaries \b because of the forward slash.
I have tried using sed -i, but my System is rejecting -i as invalid flag (do not know if this happens in all UNIX, but at least happens in the one at work. However is accepting perl -i).
I have tried embedding awk (which is working from command line), in this way:
system `awk -F ',' -v OFS=',' '$1 == \"0\" { $1 = "string" }1' myfile.csv > myfile_copy.csv
But this works only for the first column (in command line) and, other than having the disadvantage of having extra copy file, Perl is complaining for > redirection, assuming it as "greater than"...
system(q#awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=",";split("1 2 3 4 5",A," ") } { for(i in A)sub(0,"string",$A[i] ) }1' myfile.csv#);
This awk is working from command line, but only 5 columns. But not in Perl using #.
All the combinations of exec and eval have also been tested without success.
I have also tried passing to system each one of the awk components, as arguments, separated by commas, but did not find any valid way to pass the redirector (>), since Perl is rejecting it because of the mentioned reason.
Using another approach, I noticed that the "standalone zeroes" seem to be "swallowed" by the Text::CSV module, thus, I get rid off it, and turned back to a traditional looping in csv line by line and a spliter for commas, preserving the zeroes in that way. However I found the "mystery" of isdual in Perl, and because of the limitation of modules I have, I cannot use the Dumper. Then, I also explored the guts of binaries in Perl and tried the $x ^ $x, which was deprecated since version 5.22 but valid till that version (I said mine is 5.6). This is useful to catch numbers vs strings. However, while if( $x ^ $x ) returns TRUE for strings, if( !( $x ^ $x ) ) does not returns TRUE when $x = 0. [UPDATE: I tried this in a devoted Perl script, just for this purpose, and it is working. I believe that my probable wrong conclusion ("not returning TRUE") was obtained when I did not still realize that Text::CSV was swallowing my zeroes. Doing new tests...].
I will appreciate very much your help!
1) This is a dynamic report coming from a database which is handover to me and I pickup programmatically from a folder. Dynamic means that it might have whichever amount of tables, whichever amount of columns in each table, whichever names as column headers, whichever amount of rows in each table.
2) I do not know, and cannot know, the column names, because they vary from report to report. So, I cannot be guided by column names.
A sample input:
3) Input Explanation
a) This is an example of a random report with 12 columns and 3 rows. Fist row is header.
b) I call "standalone zeroes" those "clean" zeroes which are coming in the CSV file, from second row onwards, between commas, like 0, (if the case is the first position in the row) or like ,0, in subsequent positions.
c) In the second row of the example you can read, from the beginning of the row: 0,J5,alfa,0, which in this particular case, are "words" or "strings". In this case, 4 names (note that two of them are zeroes, which required to be treated as strings). Thus, we have a 4 names-columns example (Alfa,Alfa1,Beta,Gamma are headers for those columns, but only in this scenario). From that point onwards, in the second row, you can see floating point (*.00) numbers and, among them, you can see 2 zeroes, which are numbers. Finally, in the third line, you can read M1,0,X888,Z, which are the names for the first 4 columns. Note, please, that the 4th column in the second row has 0 as name, while the 4th column in the third row has ZZ as name.
Summary: as a general picture, I have a table-report divided in 2 parts, from left to right: 4 columns for names, and 8 columns for numbers.
Always the first M columns are names and the last N columns are numbers.
- It is unknown which number is M: which amount of columns devoted for words / strings I will receive.
- It is unknown which number is N: which amount of columns devoted for numbers I will receive.
- It is KNOWN that, after the M amount of columns ends, always starts N, and this is constant for all the rows.
I have done a quick research on Perl boundaries for regex ( \b ), and I have not found any relevant information regarding if it applies or not in Perl 5.6.
However, since you are using and old Perl version, try the traditional UNIX / Linux style (I mean, what Perl inherits from Shell), like this:
system("perl -i -ple 's/^0/string/g' myfile.csv");
The previous regex should do the work doing the change at the start of the each line in your CSV file, if matches.
Or, maybe better (if you have those "standalone" zeroes, and want avoid any unwanted change in some "leading zeroes" string):
system("perl -i -ple 's/^0,/string,/g' myfile.csv");
[Note that I have added the comma, after the zero; and, of course, after the string].
Note that the first regex should work; the second one is just a "caveat", to be cautious.

regular expressions for selecting multiple lines

i have a text file in a particular format..
I need a regular expression to reformat this file using Find and Replace - Visual Studio. The Desc field value has overflowed onto next lines. i need to move them back to the actual line. Final string should be like
I need an RE for "desc=" followed by anything until the next ! symbol
find Desc=([^\|\r\n]+)[\r\n](([^!\r\n][^\r\n]+[\r\n])*), replace with Desc=\1\2 and repeat until every line starts with ! (you can test this using ^[^!] as a search expr which should find nothing).
alternatively find [\r\n]+, replace with the empty string. thereafter find !, replace with \r\n!. this suggestion has 2 drawbacks. it temporarily produces very long lines which your editor (notably vs) may or may not have difficulties with and processes descriptions containing ! incorrectly.
your input seems to be fixed format up to the Desc section. if it is indeed, you can apply alternative #2, step 1, being followed by a search/replace run using (!.{53}\|Desc=)/[\r\n]\1.
As mentioned in the comments by #X3074861X, you can use Notepad++.
For the find and replace, select the mode as Regular expression with the options as follows:
Find what: \r\n[^!]
Leave Replace with blank.

Regular Expression to Clean a numbered list

I've only just started playing with Regex and seem to be a little stuck! I have written a bulk find and replace using multiline in TextSoap. It is for cleaning up recipes that I have OCR'd and because there is Ingredients and Directions I cannot change a "1 " to become "1. " as this could rewrite "1 Tbsp" as "1. Tbsp".
I therefore did a check to see if the following two lines (possibly with extra rows) was the next sequential numbers using this code as the find:
^(1) (.*)\n?((\n))(^2 (.*)\n?(\n)^3 (.*)\n?(\n))
^(2) (.*)\n?((\n))(^3 (.*)\n?(\n)^4 (.*)\n?(\n))
^(3) (.*)\n?((\n))(^4 (.*)\n?(\n)^5 (.*)\n?(\n))
^(4) (.*)\n?((\n))(^5 (.*)\n?(\n)^6 (.*)\n?(\n))
^(5) (.*)\n?((\n))(^6 (.*)\n?(\n)^7 (.*)\n?(\n))
and the following as the replace for each of the above:
$1. $2 $3 $4$5
My Problem is that although it works as I wanted it to, it will never perform the task for the last three numbers...
An example of the text I want to clean up:
1 This is the first step in the list
2 Second lot if instructions to run through
3 Doing more of the recipe instruction
4 Half way through cooking up a storm
5 almost finished the recipe
6 Serve and eat
And what I want it to look like:
1. This is the first step in the list
2. Second lot if instructions to run through
3. Doing more of the recipe instruction
4. Half way through cooking up a storm
5. almost finished the recipe
6. Serve and eat
Is there a way to check the previous line or two above to run this backwards? I have looked at lookahead and lookbehind and I am somewhat confused at that point. Does anybody have a method to clean up my numbered list or help me with the regex I desire please?
dan1111 is right. You may run into trouble with similar looking data. But given the sample you provided, this should work:
^(\d+)\s+([^\r\n]+)(?:[\r\n]*) // search
$1. $2\r\n\r\n // replace
If you're not using Windows, remove the \rs from the replace string.
^ // beginning of the line
(\d+) // capture group 1. one or more digits
\s+ // any spaces after the digit. don't capture
([^\r\n]+) // capture group 2. all characters up to any EOL
(?:[\r\n]*) // consume additional EOL, but do not capture
$1. // group 1 (the digit), then period and a space
$2 // group 2
\r\n\r\n // two EOLs, to create a blank line
// (remove both \r for Linux)
What about this?
1 Tbsp salt
2 Tsp sugar
3 Eggs
You have run into a major limitation of regexes: they don't work well when your data can't be strictly defined. You may intuitively know what are ingredients and what are steps, but it isn't easy to go from that to a reliable set of rules for an algorithm.
I suggest you instead think about an approach that is based on position within the file. A given cookbook usually formats all the recipes the same: such as, the ingredients come first, followed by the list of steps. This would probably be an easier way to tell the difference.