Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 freezes after I build the solution - c++

Whenever I am building a solution, vs2013 is freezing. I do not know why? I have uninstall it and re-install it I am still having the same problem. It is hanging, can someone tell me a solution for this problem. It is running fine since 5 months, all of a sudden i am having this problem.

Is the solution very large with lots of projects?
Try disabling code optimization.
You haven't specified a language, but in C++ it is in Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Optimization -> Set Optimization to False


Visual Studio 2017 IntelliSense is not working for C++

IntelliSense is underlining all my identifiers in my C++ code and says:
identifier "WhateverPtr" is undefined.
But my code compiles without error and IntelliSense used to work a few days ago. Also there is no auto completion. IntelliSense works fine for my C# code though.
I have googled and tried every solution I found and I could think of, there are quite a lot solutions, because this seems to happen more often with VS 2017.
I found this site were basicly every solution is summarized, but none of them worked for me.
I tried to:
delete the hidden ".vs" folder
Check the Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages -> General "Auto List Members" (it was already checked)
Check if IntelliSense is disbled: Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> IntelliSense DiableIntelleSense is False (it was on false like it should)
Of course I also tried restart VS / PC and rebuild and clean of the solution.
I changed nothing (at least nothing I would remember to cause such a behavior). The solution I have is very big with 160 projects and 1/3 of them are C++ projects. I also have Resharper Installed, but not for C++, so I do not think that ReSharper influence it.
Today I installed the newest update of Visual Studio (Version 15.9.14) and now my IntelliSense works again. But it stills underlines some of my Identifiers for no reasons.

VS2017 Getting numerous 'Cannot resolve symbol' errors in source but everything builds

I am getting numerous 'Cannot resolve symbol' errors in a VB.Net source code file. Everything in the solution builds without a problem.
Peek Definition and Goto Implementation work fine.
Thus far, I have tried the following:
Did a Build | Clean, closed VS 2017, re-started VS 2017 and did a Build | Rebuild Solution.
Cleared the ReSharper Cache, Closed VS 2017, Restarted VS 2017.
Closed VS 2017, Deleted all .SUO files, Restarted VS 2017.
Manually deleted all output followed by a Rebuild All.
Are there any other known solutions to this issue?
Did you update Visual Studio recently? I had this happen after updating recently. The way I fixed it was within VS go into Tools -> Options -> "Projects and Solutions" and uncheck "allow parallel project initialization". Now load the solution and hopefully it will load ok now. Once everything looks good again, close the solution and go back and turn the option on again. Haven't seen the issue again after that.

C++ Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Debug issue (Cannot find or open the PDB file.)

Very new to coding as well as compilers. I have recently started learning C++ and have been attempting to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 as my compiler. Unfortunately every time I try to compile even the simplest of programs, I continuously get the same error. I have looked for other solutions but everything seems to be outdated showing either 2010 or 2013 Microsoft VS. I have tried editing the debug options, "Load dll exports (Native Only) as I saw that that could have been a possible solutions but that also did not solve the issue. If anyone can help me out it would be very much appreciated, also if you could explain the issue as simply as possible it would also be much appreciated as I said before, I know very little about coding or the compilers yet.
In Debug -> Options -> Symbols check if you have folder where you have PDBs and Microsoft Server. Also create folder for Cache, and have "Load all modules" checked
Get Debug -> Windows -> Modules, and start app step by step. Go inside until you see you app in Modules, right click on your module and try to force loading symbols.

executable compiled with VS 2015 much slower than with 2013

I am writing a graphical application using SDL2. I started the project in VS 2013 and it ran with about 30 fps. Now with the exact same code in VS 2015 I only get 8 - 10 fps.
To make sure it wasn't caused by moving the solution to a newer Version of the IDE I created a completely new project and only copied the source files. I even compiled the SDL libraries in VS 2015 but still much slower.
Can I do something to get better Performance or do I have to use VS 2013?
Are you comparing Debug or Release builds? Assuming you are comparing Release builds, the most likely explanation is differing compiler optimization settings between VS2013 and VS2015. Visual Studio has a fairly large number of compiler flags that can impact performance. Look at the property pages for your project, particularly at the options under Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Optimization and see if there are differences. Make sure you are comparing properties for the same configuration (Release vs. Debug).
If you find a Debug build is much slower, it is possible there are extra security / debug checks enabled in your VS2015 solution that are not enabled under VS2013. Compare the other settings under Configuration Properties -> C/C++ and see if you can identify any differences.

Visual Studio 2010 Express 64 bit Properties Missing

I'm trying to run OpenCV with Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2010. I'm using Windows 7 64 bit. It seems I have to compile the code (using the OpenCV libraries) as a x64 application. This is fine. I installed the Windows SDK 7.1 that allows you to do this. So now I go to the dropdown menu, configuration manager and select x64 (copying from Win32). But here I run into a problem. I can't seem to edit the properties in this configuration.
If I change back to Win32 and go to project properties I have all the usual options (Configuration Properties -> General, Debugging, VC++ Directories etc.). But in x64 all I have is a practically blank window that has the Common Properties->Framework and References menus. I can't modify anything.
If I try adding a new property sheet in the Property Manger to Debug|x64, I can name and add it, but when I click on it says "There are no property pages for the selection".
I have searched every possible relevant forum for this! Maybe I'm just using the wrong search terms, but I can't seem to find anyone with this exact problem. Am I just missing something about using properties? Or is this a bug?
Visual C++ compilers are removed when you upgrade Visual Studio 2010 Professional or Visual Studio 2010 Express to Visual Studio 2010 SP1 if Windows SDK v7.1 is installed. For anyone else who has come across this problem I would recommend updating Visual Studio 2010 SP1 via the below link.
Well, even I faced a problem something similar to this in the start, I am not sure, whether my approach would solve your problem, but, let me give it a try.
After making it x64 as explained in your first step, just click on "ok" and close that window, now, select your project or right click on it, you ll find project properties at the bottom, then use it, you ll find all the available options you need.
when you say, you are seeing "common properties" which means that, you are trying to access the properties of solution not the project, so, select the project before accessing its properties.
your approach of adding a property sheet must work well, go to property manager ->right click on debug/64-> add new property sheet -> name it, save it, you must access it from the next go.
Just to let anyone know who might be having the same problem, I didn't manage to fix it but I did find a work-around. The latest version of OpenCV (2.4.8 I think) would not compile as a 32 bit application. It gave me an error which apparently means there is a conflict because I have a 64 bit OS. As I stated above, I couldn't get the x64 configuration working correctly. My work-around was to use an older version of OpenCV (2.4.6) and this works fine as a 32 bit application. It has the same functionality. The official OpenCV website has a list of previous versions. Now I have it all working fine!