CLion indexer does not resolve some includes in the project directory - c++

I have a CLion C++ project that has the following structure:
| ----> my_own.hpp
----> my_app
----> my_src.cpp
The first line of my_src.cpp is
#include "my_includes/my_own.hpp"
I use an external build system that requires this inclusion format. The problem is if I use a function in my source file defined in the included header, CLion says "Cannot find my_own.hpp" if I try to hover over the inclusion.
I tried marking the include directory as containing Project Source or Headers but this didn't fix it. Any ideas?

You need to create a CMakeLists.txt for CLion to be happy. It is enough to declare all the source files, you don't have to convert your scons (or any other build system) to cmake.
You don't even have to write the CMakeLists.txt by hand, you can ask CLion to do it:
File | New CMake Project from Sources... (since CLion 2019.2)
File | Import project ... | (older CLion)
and then point at the directory containing your project.
Now edit the generated CMakeLists.txt and add a cmake command to tell CLion where to find the includes (actually to tell the compiler, and CLion will reuse that information).
Since your source files use the include as #include "my_includes/my_own.hpp", you need to tell cmake the base directory containing directory my_includes:
Where the dot means the same directory as the one containing the CMakeLists.txt.
I tested with a project reproducing your layout and from my_src.cpp I can navigate to my_own.hpp.
Then to build you still have to use scons in a console. It is also possible to add a cmake command, add_custom_target() that will call your scons (or your make, or whatever), so that you can also navigate from CLion to the build errors.

This should be a CMake-based project to open correctly in CLion.
Check CMake basics tutorial if you are new to CMake:

And for MakeFile + gcc (g++) projects, you can add the flag -I /Dir/To/Your/Project.
If CLion still shows errors with #include after recompiling the make file, delete the .idea folder and restart CLion.


Migrating a Visual Studio C++ Project to Linux and CMake

I'm currently trying to move from Windows 10 to Linux (Pop!_OS), but I'm having trouble getting my C++ Project to compile and run correctly on the latter. My C++ project was created using Visual Studio, where I also specified the include folders, library folders, what should be linked, etc in the solution properties. I now want to switch to writing my code using Neovim and not Visual Studio (or Visual Studio Code) and have tried compiling it via G++. I quickly noticed that my include files weren't recognized, so I tried to use CMake and created a CMakeLists.txt. I tried using both
but no matter what path I enter, my included files were not recognized. Even when I used a path to the specific include file that caused the first error, it still wasn't recognized.
My goal would be that I can specify an include folder and a library folder, so that I can just add files and folders in these and that the new files and folders automatically get recognized when compiling (i.e I would not have to edit the CMakeLists.txt in the future). Is that even possible with CMake and if yes, does anyone know where i can find further information about that or does anyone have a CMakeLists.txt file that does this? If no, would I have to specify each and every file and folder in the CMakeLists.txt file and do the same for every new include and library?
Project structure:
Overall folder
\- build
\- include
---> includeFolder1
---> includeFolder2
---> ...
\- libs
---> library1.lib
---> library2.lib
---> ...
\- src
--> main.cpp
--> other .cpp's and .h's
--> other folders with .cpp's and .h's
I've tried compiling with G++ and CMake, but both did not work, no matter what I specified as the include and library paths.
I have found the problem that caused my errors. The problem wasn't with CMake, it was with Windows and Linux specific details. I always received errors like "<foo\foo.h> no such file or directory", which led me to think that CMake couldn't find the include directory or the files in it. The problem, however, is with the include path itself. On Windows, paths can be given with a backslash ('\') but on Linux, paths are denominated with a forward slash ('/'). So in my example, the path to the file was "../foo/foo.h" but my code had "#include <foo\foo.h>". So when migrating a project from Windows to Linux, be sure to watch out for backslashes in your #include statements!
Below is a template CMakeLists.txt, that should be a good starting point if you want to migrate your Visual Studio project to Linux. I've used glfw (+ glad) as an example library:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} src/glad.c src/main.cpp)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE include)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} GL dl glfw)

How to set a working directory to a cmake target in VSCode?

I have a pure cmake project where I work on it from Linux (makefiles) and Windows (Visual Studio) environments.
And I want to be able to specify a kind of working directory to one of my targets so that I could read input files with relative path.
My project tree is something like:
My App target is build at build directory and my program think that there is the starting directory (obviously).
I want to be able to load my image.png inside my code as:
Instead as I am doing now:
In CLion, there is setting called "Working directory" that works exactly as I want, but I don't know how to set this directly to my CMake configuration. Or better saying, I don't know how CLion do this.
To be clearer, I develop using VSCode, I worked on CLion for a long time and I remembered this setup.

How to generate a C++ executable file on Clion (using Ubuntu)

I'm currently learning C++ and I'm working on a small project. I was wondering how I can generate an executable of my project. I'm not sure how to do it, I'm using Ubuntu 20.04
I've googled it but I can not find any instructions on how to do it.
Well. If you are using CLion, you can just create a new project, and check the CMake file that CLion generate. Something like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
add_executable(Test main.cpp)
And in that file there was a line with a function called add_executable, in that function you set first the exe name and then the source files. And just run the project in CLion. By default CLion create a directory calle "cmake-build-debug" where the exe file are located.
If you want to add more libraries, change the binaries source directory and more. You will need learn CMake. Also you can use CMake standalone whiteout CLion, you just need install it sudo apt-get install cmake and use then in the terminal.
Expanding over #Steback's answer:
First, a clarification: an executable file is a file that can be executed by the system. It (roughly) contains assembly commands. Under Windows executable files are marked with an .exe extension. Under linux, they are usually extension-less.
To generate an executable file from C / C++ code you ("only") need a C/C++ compiler. A default / pre-installed one on Ubuntu is gcc / g++ (whereas on Windows you need to actively install one).
CLion is an IDE and (exactly like any other IDE) can run the compiler for you. IDE (stands for Integrated Development Environment) is a program which incorporates (minimally) a text/code editor, a compiler and a debugger (all of which it invokes normally via command line, just as you can do yourself).
CLion is an advanced (and excellent) IDE. In CLion, the way you specify how exactly it should invoke the compiler is via the CMake language (not to be confused with the unix tool make which chiefly only knows to run commands conditionally on file modified date).
CMake code should be placed in a file named CMakeLists.txt in the project root directory (sometimes CLion creates this file for you automatically). A minimal cmake project looks like
# Specify cmake language version to use for this file
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
# Specify any name for the project
# A name for your executable file and the code files needed to build it
add_executable(YourExecutableName source_file1.cpp somefolder/source_file2.cpp header_file.h)
Of course this is just a very minimal example. The CMake language is a powerful language to specify build processes, with cross-platform support. You can look it up / learn it someday.
When giving the "build" command to CLion it will now do two things:
use the cmake tool to generate a set of commands for gcc/g++ (this is called "cmake configure" + "cmake generate") - according to what you wrote in CMakeLists.txt
run the generated commands to hopefully build your executable.
As a beginner, you may be better off first trying to run the compiler yourself via the command line to see what it does. You can also opt for a different IDE (e.g. CodeBlocks, eclipse, Dev C++) where you specify what you need the compiler to do via a GUI and not via CMake (although CMake is arguably more convenient).
I'm using Dev C++. When I run and compile it, it automaticcally generate a .exe file. Just install it and open ur file with it and compile it. Should work good.

Android Studio: How to auto-update CmakeLists.txt file when added new .cpp/.h file(s) [duplicate]

I'm using cmake, and I just added new source files and I want to include that new source files in the cmake generated makefiles to include in the building. I tried rebuild_cache but nothing happens.
It depends how your cmake file was built. If you use GLOB, you must run cmake manually any time you add or remove a source file. If you explicitly list your source files, just run make again. CMake will detect the changed CMakeLists.text.
CMake suggests the latter for this reason:
We do not recommend using GLOB to collect a list of source files from your source tree. If no CMakeLists.txt file changes when a source is added or removed then the generated build system cannot know when to ask CMake to regenerate.
CMake documentation

How to add files to Eclipse CDT project with CMake?

I'm having problem getting the source and header files added into my Eclipse CDT project with CMake. In my test project (which generates and builds fine) I have the following CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
This works fine but the resulting Eclipse project files contains no links to the source or header files. Anyone knows why? Are there any other cmake command I have to use to actually add the files into the project?
I realize it's been a while since you've post this, but fwiw, it work's for me fine with CMake 2.6 or 2.7 (trunk) versions, generating for Eclipse/Ganymede. What I do is first run
cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" /path/to/src
which generates the Eclipse project files as well as the makefiles, then "Import Project" in Eclipse.
Works beautifully...
I use CMake 2.4, not 2.6 but in 2.4 they specifically warn against using GLOBs to find the files to build.
This is because it will notice if new files are added or deleted, so it will not be able to figure out the dependencies.
If you have to explicitly add the files to your CMakeLists.txt then this file will be newer than the makefiles and the cache files. So CMake will know to regenerate them.
If the files are added with a glob no files CMake knows about change with you add new files so CMake doesn't know that it has to regenerate the makefiles etc. This is the same for regular makefiles and Visual Studio projects.
Unless the CMake 2.6 docs explicitly says it is ok to add files like this I would avoid it. It is not that hard to manage the source files in cmake. How often do you add new files?
The problem I had was I made an "in-source" build instead of an "out-of-source" build. Now it works fine, and it was actually lots of info on this on the Wiki but somehow I misunderstood it.