Detecting Implicit Transition From Python Int To (Unlimited) Long - python-2.7

The Python2 Docs On Numeric Types state that
Plain integers (also just called integers) are implemented using long in C, which gives them at least 32 bits of precision (sys.maxint is always set to the maximum plain integer value for the current platform, the minimum value is -sys.maxint - 1). Long integers have unlimited precision
I have some code which does non-scientific math operations on integers, and am concerned about implicit conversions from the former type to the latter:
presumably, the latter types are much less efficient than the former
more importantly, a transition to the latter probably signifies (at least in my code) some bug
It's possible to place code after each and every math operation to check for the type, but this would make even the expression
a * b + 2 * c * d
into a cluttered glob of unreadable code.
Is there any way to set some exception to be thrown in case some number becomes too large for a regular int?

There is no way to set an exception in the current versions of Python. The Python developers have tried to hide the differences between the int and long types over time. In Python 3, the only integer type is the unlimited precision type (although it is called int).
Very old versions of Python (prior to 2.2; circa 2001) did not automatically promote the int type to the long type. An exception was raised instead. Unfortunately, this caused more bugs. I remember needing to initialize integer constants with a trailing L to force unlimited precision calculations. See PEP 237 for the details.

You can make your own class which extends int and then override its dunder methods, right?


Why does C++ promote an int to a float when a float cannot represent all int values?

Say I have the following:
int i = 23;
float f = 3.14;
if (i == f) // do something
i will be promoted to a float and the two float numbers will be compared, but can a float represent all int values? Why not promote both the int and the float to a double?
When int is promoted to unsigned in the integral promotions, negative values are also lost (which leads to such fun as 0u < -1 being true).
Like most mechanisms in C (that are inherited in C++), the usual arithmetic conversions should be understood in terms of hardware operations. The makers of C were very familiar with the assembly language of the machines with which they worked, and they wrote C to make immediate sense to themselves and people like themselves when writing things that would until then have been written in assembly (such as the UNIX kernel).
Now, processors, as a rule, do not have mixed-type instructions (add float to double, compare int to float, etc.) because it would be a huge waste of real estate on the wafer -- you'd have to implement as many times more opcodes as you want to support different types. That you only have instructions for "add int to int," "compare float to float", "multiply unsigned with unsigned" etc. makes the usual arithmetic conversions necessary in the first place -- they are a mapping of two types to the instruction family that makes most sense to use with them.
From the point of view of someone who's used to writing low-level machine code, if you have mixed types, the assembler instructions you're most likely to consider in the general case are those that require the least conversions. This is particularly the case with floating points, where conversions are runtime-expensive, and particularly back in the early 1970s, when C was developed, computers were slow, and when floating point calculations were done in software. This shows in the usual arithmetic conversions -- only one operand is ever converted (with the single exception of long/unsigned int, where the long may be converted to unsigned long, which does not require anything to be done on most machines. Perhaps not on any where the exception applies).
So, the usual arithmetic conversions are written to do what an assembly coder would do most of the time: you have two types that don't fit, convert one to the other so that it does. This is what you'd do in assembler code unless you had a specific reason to do otherwise, and to people who are used to writing assembler code and do have a specific reason to force a different conversion, explicitly requesting that conversion is natural. After all, you can simply write
if((double) i < (double) f)
It is interesting to note in this context, by the way, that unsigned is higher in the hierarchy than int, so that comparing int with unsigned will end in an unsigned comparison (hence the 0u < -1 bit from the beginning). I suspect this to be an indicator that people in olden times considered unsigned less as a restriction on int than as an extension of its value range: We don't need the sign right now, so let's use the extra bit for a larger value range. You'd use it if you had reason to expect that an int would overflow -- a much bigger worry in a world of 16-bit ints.
Even double may not be able to represent all int values, depending on how much bits does int contain.
Why not promote both the int and the float to a double?
Probably because it's more costly to convert both types to double than use one of the operands, which is already a float, as float. It would also introduce special rules for comparison operators incompatible with rules for arithmetic operators.
There's also no guarantee how floating point types will be represented, so it would be a blind shot to assume that converting int to double (or even long double) for comparison will solve anything.
The type promotion rules are designed to be simple and to work in a predictable manner. The types in C/C++ are naturally "sorted" by the range of values they can represent. See this for details. Although floating point types cannot represent all integers represented by integral types because they can't represent the same number of significant digits, they might be able to represent a wider range.
To have predictable behavior, when requiring type promotions, the numeric types are always converted to the type with the larger range to avoid overflow in the smaller one. Imagine this:
int i = 23464364; // more digits than float can represent!
float f = 123.4212E36f; // larger range than int can represent!
if (i == f) { /* do something */ }
If the conversion was done towards the integral type, the float f would certainly overflow when converted to int, leading to undefined behavior. On the other hand, converting i to f only causes a loss of precision which is irrelevant since f has the same precision so it's still possible that the comparison succeeds. It's up to the programmer at that point to interpret the result of the comparison according to the application requirements.
Finally, besides the fact that double precision floating point numbers suffer from the same problem representing integers (limited number of significant digits), using promotion on both types would lead to having a higher precision representation for i, while f is doomed to have the original precision, so the comparison will not succeed if i has a more significant digits than f to begin with. Now that is also undefined behavior: the comparison might succeed for some couples (i,f) but not for others.
can a float represent all int values?
For a typical modern system where both int and float are stored in 32 bits, no. Something's gotta give. 32 bits' worth of integers doesn't map 1-to-1 onto a same-sized set that includes fractions.
The i will be promoted to a float and the two float numbers will be compared…
Not necessarily. You don't really know what precision will apply. C++14 §5/12:
The values of the floating operands and the results of floating expressions may be represented in greater precision and range than that required by the type; the types are not changed thereby.
Although i after promotion has nominal type float, the value may be represented using double hardware. C++ doesn't guarantee floating-point precision loss or overflow. (This is not new in C++14; it's inherited from C since olden days.)
Why not promote both the int and the float to a double?
If you want optimal precision everywhere, use double instead and you'll never see a float. Or long double, but that might run slower. The rules are designed to be relatively sensible for the majority of use-cases of limited-precision types, considering that one machine may offer several alternative precisions.
Most of the time, fast and loose is good enough, so the machine is free to do whatever is easiest. That might mean a rounded, single-precision comparison, or double precision and no rounding.
But, such rules are ultimately compromises, and sometimes they fail. To precisely specify arithmetic in C++ (or C), it helps to make conversions and promotions explicit. Many style guides for extra-reliable software prohibit using implicit conversions altogether, and most compilers offer warnings to help you expunge them.
To learn about how these compromises came about, you can peruse the C rationale document. (The latest edition covers up to C99.) It is not just senseless baggage from the days of the PDP-11 or K&R.
It is fascinating that a number of answers here argue from the origin of the C language, explicitly naming K&R and historical baggage as the reason that an int is converted to a float when combined with a float.
This is pointing the blame to the wrong parties. In K&R C, there was no such thing as a float calculation. All floating point operations were done in double precision. For that reason, an integer (or anything else) was never implicitly converted to a float, but only to a double. A float also could not be the type of a function argument: you had to pass a pointer to float if you really, really, really wanted to avoid conversion into a double. For that reason, the functions
int x(float a)
{ ... }
int y(a)
float a;
{ ... }
have different calling conventions. The first gets a float argument, the second (by now no longer permissable as syntax) gets a double argument.
Single-precision floating point arithmetic and function arguments were only introduced with ANSI C. Kernighan/Ritchie is innocent.
Now with the newly available single float expressions (single float previously was only a storage format), there also had to be new type conversions. Whatever the ANSI C team picked here (and I would be at a loss for a better choice) is not the fault of K&R.
Q1: Can a float represent all int values?
IEE754 can represent all integers exactly as floats, up to about 223, as mentioned in this answer.
Q2: Why not promote both the int and the float to a double?
The rules in the Standard for these conversions are slight modifications of those in K&R: the modifications accommodate the added types and the value preserving rules. Explicit license was added to perform calculations in a “wider” type than absolutely necessary, since this can sometimes produce smaller and faster code, not to mention the correct answer more often. Calculations can also be performed in a “narrower” type by the as if rule so long as the same end result is obtained. Explicit casting can always be used to obtain a value in a desired type.
Performing calculations in a wider type means that given float f1; and float f2;, f1 + f2 might be calculated in double precision. And it means that given int i; and float f;, i == f might be calculated in double precision. But it isn't required to calculate i == f in double precision, as hvd stated in the comment.
Also C standard says so. These are known as the usual arithmetic conversions . The following description is taken straight from the ANSI C standard.
...if either operand has type float , the other operand is converted to type float .
Source and you can see it in the ref too.
A relevant link is this answer. A more analytic source is here.
Here is another way to explain this: The usual arithmetic conversions are implicitly performed to cast their values in a common type. Compiler first performs integer promotion, if operands still have different types then they are converted to the type that appears highest in the following hierarchy:
When a programming language is created some decisions are made intuitively.
For instance why not convert int+float to int+int instead of float+float or double+double? Why call int->float a promotion if it holds the same about of bits? Why not call float->int a promotion?
If you rely on implicit type conversions you should know how they work, otherwise just convert manually.
Some language could have been designed without any automatic type conversions at all. And not every decision during a design phase could have been made logically with a good reason.
JavaScript with it's duck typing has even more obscure decisions under the hood. Designing an absolutely logical language is impossible, I think it goes to Godel incompleteness theorem. You have to balance logic, intuition, practice and ideals.
The question is why: Because it is fast, easy to explain, easy to compile, and these were all very important reasons at the time when the C language was developed.
You could have had a different rule: That for every comparison of arithmetic values, the result is that of comparing the actual numerical values. That would be somewhere between trivial if one of the expressions compared is a constant, one additional instruction when comparing signed and unsigned int, and quite difficult if you compare long long and double and want correct results when the long long cannot be represented as double. (0u < -1 would be false, because it would compare the numerical values 0 and -1 without considering their types).
In Swift, the problem is solved easily by disallowing operations between different types.
The rules are written for 16 bit ints (smallest required size). Your compiler with 32 bit ints surely converts both sides to double. There are no float registers in modern hardware anyway so it has to convert to double. Now if you have 64 bit ints I'm not too sure what it does. long double would be appropriate (normally 80 bits but it's not even standard).

Compile-time vs runtime constants

I'm currently developing my own math lib to improve my c++ skills. I stumbled over boost's constants header file and I'm asking myself what is the point of using compile-time constants over runtime declared constants?
const float root_two = 1.414213562373095048801688724209698078e+00;
const float root_two = std::sqrt( 2.0f );
Isn't there an error introduced when using the fixed compile-time constant but calculations while running the application with functions?
Wouldn't then the error be negleted if you use runtime constants?
As HansPassant said, it may save you a micro-Watt. However, note that the compiler will sometimes optimize that away by evaluating the expression during compilation and substituting in the literal value. See this answer to my earlier question about this.
Isn't there an error introduced when using the fixed compile-time constant?
If you are using arbitrary-precision data types, perhaps. But it is more efficient to use plain data types like double and these are limited to about 16 decimal digits of precision anyways.
Based on (2), your second initialization would not be more precise than your first one. In fact, if you precomputed the value of the square root with an arbitrary precision calculator, the literal may even be more precise.
A library such as Boost must work in tons of environments. The application that uses the library could have set FPU could be in flush-to-zero mode, giving you 0.0 for denormalized (tiny) results.
Or the application could have been compiled with the -fast-math flag, giving
inaccurate results.
Furthermore, a runtime computation of (a + b + c) depends on how the compiler generated code will store intermediate results. It might chose to pop (a + b) from the FPU as a 64-bit double, or it could leave it on the FPU stack as 80 bits. It depends on tons of things, also algebraic rewrites of associativity.
All in all, if you mix different processors, operating systems, compilers and the different applications the library is used inside, you will get a different result for each permutation of the above.
In some (rare) siturations this is not wanted; you can be in need for an exact constant value.

fortran default precision of numbers

I chose the precision in my code as :
integer, parameter ::psn=selected_real_kind(15,307)
then I write numbers appearing in the code with _psn, for example :
I have many long expressions in code where many numbers appear in multiplications and divisions.
Now my question is: Is there any way to set precision of all numbers appearing in the code to be in a selected precision without explicitly specifying _psn everywhere?
You can set the default kind of real for the compiler...
-r8 Makes default real and complex variables 8 bytes long.
-fdefault-real-8 Set the default real type to an 8 byte wide type.
Then, you can just use 1.e0 in your code...
In a portable manner, no.
If you choose convenience and readability over portability and maintainability, you can use compiler flags to change the default kind of REAL, like the accepted answer says.
It is important to understand that, in doing this, some assumptions that could be made based on the standard are often broken. Here are some examples:
The decimal precision of the double precision real approximation method shall be greater than that of the default real method. If you only promote REAL, that is probably lost, however at least in gfortran the commonly used flag for that end still upholds that rule:
Set the default real type to an 8 byte wide type. This option also affects the kind of non-double real constants like 1.0. This option promotes the default width of DOUBLE PRECISION and double real constants like 1.d0 to 16 bytes if possible.
A nonpointer scalar object that is default integer, default real, or default logical occupies a single numeric storage unit.
A nonpointer scalar object that is double precision real or default complex occupies two contiguous numeric storage units.
These last two imply there is something called a numeric storage unit, which is a basic building block of storage for numeric types, and default REAL, INTEGER and LOGICAL variables occupy 1 of it, while default DOUBLE PRECISION and COMPLEX occupy 2 of it. Needless to say, those contracts are also probably broken when you change default kinds.
It is possible (and even probable) that the affected code does not rely on any of those anyway, and in that case it would be harmless to use such flags. However, it remains important to understand the risks.

changing float type to short but with same behaviour as float type variable

Is it possible to change the
float *pointer
type that is used in the VS c++ project
to some other type, so that it will still behave as a floating type but with less range?
I know that the floating point values never exceed some fixed value in that project, so I want to optimize the program by memory it uses. It doesn't need 4 bytes for each element of the 'float *pointer', 2 bytes will be enough I think. If I change a float to short and imitate the floating point behaviour, then it will use twice shorter memory. How to do it?
It calculates the probabilities. So there are divisions like
A / B
Where A < B,
And also B (and A) can be from 1 to 10 000.
There is a standard 16-bit floating point format described in IEEE 754-2008 called "binary16". It is specified as a format to store floating point values with reduced precisions. There is almost no compiler support for that yet (I think GCC supports it for certain ARM platforms), but it is quite easy to roll your own routines. This fellow:
wrote a bit about it and also presents a routine to convert half-float <-> float.
Also, here seems to be a half-float C++ wrapper class:
which supplies "HalfFloat" as a possible drop-in replacement type.
Maybe use fixed-point math? It all depends on value and precision you want to achieve.
For C there is a lot of code that makes fixed-point easy and I'm pretty sure there are also many C++ classes that make it even easier, but I don't know of any, I'm more into C.
The first, obvious, memory optimization would be to try and get rid of the pointer. If you can store just the float, that may, depending on the larger context, reduce your memory consumption from eight to four bytes already. (On a 64-Bit system, from twelve to four.)
Whether you can get by with a short depends on what your program does with the values. You may be able to use fix point arithmetic using an integral type such as a short, yes but your questions shows way too little context to judge that.
The code you posted and the text in the question do not deal with actual float, but with pointers to float. In all architectures I know of, the size of a pointer is the same regardless of the pointed type, so there would be no improvement in changing that to a short or char pointer.
Now, about the actual pointed elements, what is the range that you expect in your application? What is the precision you need? How many of those elements do you have? What are the memory constraints of your target platform? Unless the range and precision are small and the number of elements huge, just use floats. Also note that if you need floating point operations, storing any other type will require conversions before and after each operation, and you might be impacting performance.
Without greater knowledge of what you are doing, the ranges for short in many architectures are [-32k, 32k), where k stands for 1024. If your data ranges is [-32,32) and you can do with roughly 3 decimal digits you could use fixed point arithmetic with shorts, but there are few such situation.

Integer vs floating division -> Who is responsible for providing the result?

I've been programming for a while in C++, but suddenly had a doubt and wanted to clarify with the Stackoverflow community.
When an integer is divided by another integer, we all know the result is an integer and like wise, a float divided by float is also a float.
But who is responsible for providing this result? Is it the compiler or DIV instruction?
That depends on whether or not your architecture has a DIV instruction. If your architecture has both integer and floating-point divide instructions, the compiler will emit the right instruction for the case specified by the code. The language standard specifies the rules for type promotion and whether integer or floating-point division should be used in each possible situation.
If you have only an integer divide instruction, or only a floating-point divide instruction, the compiler will inline some code or generate a call to a math support library to handle the division. Divide instructions are notoriously slow, so most compilers will try to optimize them out if at all possible (eg, replace with shift instructions, or precalculate the result for a division of compile-time constants).
Hardware divide instructions almost never include conversion between integer and floating point. If you get divide instructions at all (they are sometimes left out, because a divide circuit is large and complicated), they're practically certain to be "divide int by int, produce int" and "divide float by float, produce float". And it'll usually be that both inputs and the output are all the same size, too.
The compiler is responsible for building whatever operation was written in the source code, on top of these primitives. For instance, in C, if you divide a float by an int, the compiler will emit an int-to-float conversion and then a float divide.
(Wacky exceptions do exist. I don't know, but I wouldn't put it past the VAX to have had "divide float by int" type instructions. The Itanium didn't really have a divide instruction, but its "divide helper" was only for floating point, you had to fake integer divide on top of float divide!)
The compiler will decide at compile time what form of division is required based on the types of the variables being used - at the end of the day a DIV (or FDIV) instruction of one form or another will get involved.
Your question doesn't really make sense. The DIV instruction doesn't do anything by itself. No matter how loud you shout at it, even if you try to bribe it, it doesn't take responsibility for anything
When you program in a programming language [X], it is the sole responsibility of the [X] compiler to make a program that does what you described in the source code.
If a division is requested, the compiler decides how to make a division happen. That might happen by generating the opcode for the DIV instruction, if the CPU you're targeting has one. It might be by precomputing the division at compile-time, and just inserting the result directly into the program (assuming both operands are known at compile-time), or it might be done by generating a sequence of instructions which together emulate a divison.
But it is always up to the compiler. Your C++ program doesn't have any effect unless it is interpreted according to the C++ standard. If you interpret it as a plain text file, it doesn't do anything. If your compiler interprets it as a Java program, it is going to choke and reject it.
And the DIV instruction doesn't know anything about the C++ standard. A C++ compiler, on the other hand, is written with the sole purpose of understanding the C++ standard, and transforming code according to it.
The compiler is always responsible.
One of the most important rules in the C++ standard is the "as if" rule:
The semantic descriptions in this International Standard define a parameterized nondeterministic abstract machine. This International Standard places no requirement on the structure of conforming implementations. In particular, they need not copy or emulate the structure of the abstract machine. Rather, conforming implementations are required to emulate (only) the observable behavior of the abstract machine as explained below.
Which in relation to your question means it doesn't matter what component does the division, as long as it gets done. It may be performed by a DIV machine code, it may be performed by more complicated code if there isn't an appropriate instruction for the processor in question.
It can also:
Replace the operation with a bit-shift operation if appropriate and likely to be faster.
Replace the operation with a literal if computable at compile-time or an assignment if e.g. when processing x / y it can be shown at compile time that y will always be 1.
Replace the operation with an exception throw if it can be shown at compile time that it will always be an integer division by zero.
The C99 standard defines "When integers are divided, the result of the / operator
is the algebraic quotient with any fractional part
discarded." And adds in a footnote that "this is often called 'truncation toward zero.'"
Historically, the language specification is responsible.
Pascal defines its operators so that using / for division always returns a real (even if you use it to divide 2 integers), and if you want to divide integers and get an integer result, you use the div operator instead. (Visual Basic has a similar distinction and uses the \ operator for integer division that returns an integer result.)
In C, it was decided that the same distinction should be made by casting one of the integer operands to a float if you wanted a floating point result. It's become convention to treat integer versus floating point types the way you describe in many C-derived languages. I suspect this convention may have originated in Fortran.