changing float type to short but with same behaviour as float type variable - c++

Is it possible to change the
float *pointer
type that is used in the VS c++ project
to some other type, so that it will still behave as a floating type but with less range?
I know that the floating point values never exceed some fixed value in that project, so I want to optimize the program by memory it uses. It doesn't need 4 bytes for each element of the 'float *pointer', 2 bytes will be enough I think. If I change a float to short and imitate the floating point behaviour, then it will use twice shorter memory. How to do it?
It calculates the probabilities. So there are divisions like
A / B
Where A < B,
And also B (and A) can be from 1 to 10 000.

There is a standard 16-bit floating point format described in IEEE 754-2008 called "binary16". It is specified as a format to store floating point values with reduced precisions. There is almost no compiler support for that yet (I think GCC supports it for certain ARM platforms), but it is quite easy to roll your own routines. This fellow:
wrote a bit about it and also presents a routine to convert half-float <-> float.
Also, here seems to be a half-float C++ wrapper class:
which supplies "HalfFloat" as a possible drop-in replacement type.

Maybe use fixed-point math? It all depends on value and precision you want to achieve.
For C there is a lot of code that makes fixed-point easy and I'm pretty sure there are also many C++ classes that make it even easier, but I don't know of any, I'm more into C.

The first, obvious, memory optimization would be to try and get rid of the pointer. If you can store just the float, that may, depending on the larger context, reduce your memory consumption from eight to four bytes already. (On a 64-Bit system, from twelve to four.)
Whether you can get by with a short depends on what your program does with the values. You may be able to use fix point arithmetic using an integral type such as a short, yes but your questions shows way too little context to judge that.

The code you posted and the text in the question do not deal with actual float, but with pointers to float. In all architectures I know of, the size of a pointer is the same regardless of the pointed type, so there would be no improvement in changing that to a short or char pointer.
Now, about the actual pointed elements, what is the range that you expect in your application? What is the precision you need? How many of those elements do you have? What are the memory constraints of your target platform? Unless the range and precision are small and the number of elements huge, just use floats. Also note that if you need floating point operations, storing any other type will require conversions before and after each operation, and you might be impacting performance.
Without greater knowledge of what you are doing, the ranges for short in many architectures are [-32k, 32k), where k stands for 1024. If your data ranges is [-32,32) and you can do with roughly 3 decimal digits you could use fixed point arithmetic with shorts, but there are few such situation.


How to express float constants precisely in source code

I have some C++11 code generated via a code generator that contains a large array of floats, and I want to make sure that the compiled values are precisely the same as the compiled values in the generator (assuming that both depend on the same float ISO norm)
So I figured the best way to do it is to store the values as hex representations and interpret them as float in the code.
Edit for Clarification: The code generator takes the float values and converts them to their corresponding hex representations. The target code is supposed to convert back to float.
It looks something like this:
const unsigned int data[3] = { 0x3d13f407U, 0x3ea27884U, 0xbe072dddU};
float const* ptr = reinterpret_cast<float const*>(&data[0]);
This works and gives me access to all the data element as floats, but I recently stumbled upon the fact that this is actually undefined behavior and only works because my compiler resolves it the way I intended:
The standard basically says that reinterpret_cast is not defined between POD pointers of different type.
So basically I have three options:
Use memcopy and hope that the compiler will be able to optimize this
Store the data not as hex-values but in a different way.
Use std::bit_cast from C++20.
I cannot use 3) because I'm stuck with C++11.
I don't have the resources to store the data array twice, so I would have to rely on the compiler to optimize this. Due to this, I don't particularly like 1) because it could stop working if I changed compilers or compiler settings.
So that leaves me with 2):
Is there a standardized way to express float values in source code so that they map to the exact float value when compiled? Does the ISO float standard define this in a way that guarantees that any compiler will follow the interpretation? I imagine if I deviate from the way the compiler expects, I could run the risk that the float "neighbor" of the number I actually want is used.
I would also take alternative ideas if there is an option 4 I forgot.
How to express float constants precisely in source code
Use hexadecimal floating point literals. Assuming some endianess for the hexes you presented:
float floats[] = { 0x1.27e80ep-5, 0x1.44f108p-2, -0x1.0e5bbap-3 };
If you have the generated code produce the full representation of the floating-point value—all of the decimal digits needed to show its exact value—then a C++ 11 compiler is required to parse the number exactly.
C++ 11 draft N3092 2.14.4 1 says, of a floating literal:
… The exponent, if present, indicates the power of 10 by which the significant [likely typo, should be “significand”] part is to be scaled. If the scaled value is in the range of representable values for its type, the result is the scaled value if representable, else the larger or smaller representable value nearest the scaled value, chosen in an implementation-defined manner…
Thus, if the floating literal does not have all the digits needed to show the exact value, the implementation may round it either upward or downward, as the implementation defines. But if it does have all the digits, then the value represented by the floating literal is representable in the floating-point format, and so its value must be the result of the parsing.
I have read some very valuable information here and would like to throw in an option that does not strictly answer the question, but could be a solution.
It might be problematic, but if so, I would like to discuss it.
The simple solution would be: Leave it as it is.
A short rundown of why I am hesitant about the suggested options:
memcpy relies on the compiler to optimize away the actual copy and understand that I only want to read the values. Since I am having large arrays of data I would want to avoid a surprise event in which a compiler setting would be changed that suddenly introduces increased runtime and would require a fix on short notice.
bit_cast is only available from C++20. There are reference implementations but they basically use memcpy under the hood (see above).
hex float literals are only available from C++17
Directly writing the floats precisely... I don't know, it seems to be somewhat dangerous, because if I make a slight mistake I may end up with a data block that is slightly off and could have an impact on my classification results. A mistake like that would be a nightmare to spot.
So why do I think I can get away with an implementation that is strictly speaking undefined? The rationale is that the standard may not define it, but compiler manufacturers likely do, at least the ones I have worked with so far gave me exact results. The code has been running without major problems for a fairly long time, across dozens of code generator run and I would expect that a failed reinterpret_cast would break the conversion so severely that I would spot the result in my classification results right away.
Still not robust enough though. So my idea was to write a unit test that contains a significant number of hex-floats, do the reinterpret_cast and compare to reference float values for exact correspondence to tell me if a setting or compiler failed in this regard.
I have one doubt though: Is the assumption somewhat reasonable that a failed reinterpret_cast would break things spectacularly, or are the bets totally off when it comes to undefined behavior?
I am a bit worried that if the compiler implementation defines the undefined behavior in a way that it would pick a float that is close the hex value instead of the precise one (although I would wonder why), and that it happens only sporadically so that my unit test misses the problems.
So the endgame would be to unit test every single data entry against the corresponding reference float. Since the code is generated, I can generate the test as well. I think that should put all my worries to rest and make sure that I can get this to work across all possible compilers and compiler settings or be notified if anything breaks.

Why does C++ promote an int to a float when a float cannot represent all int values?

Say I have the following:
int i = 23;
float f = 3.14;
if (i == f) // do something
i will be promoted to a float and the two float numbers will be compared, but can a float represent all int values? Why not promote both the int and the float to a double?
When int is promoted to unsigned in the integral promotions, negative values are also lost (which leads to such fun as 0u < -1 being true).
Like most mechanisms in C (that are inherited in C++), the usual arithmetic conversions should be understood in terms of hardware operations. The makers of C were very familiar with the assembly language of the machines with which they worked, and they wrote C to make immediate sense to themselves and people like themselves when writing things that would until then have been written in assembly (such as the UNIX kernel).
Now, processors, as a rule, do not have mixed-type instructions (add float to double, compare int to float, etc.) because it would be a huge waste of real estate on the wafer -- you'd have to implement as many times more opcodes as you want to support different types. That you only have instructions for "add int to int," "compare float to float", "multiply unsigned with unsigned" etc. makes the usual arithmetic conversions necessary in the first place -- they are a mapping of two types to the instruction family that makes most sense to use with them.
From the point of view of someone who's used to writing low-level machine code, if you have mixed types, the assembler instructions you're most likely to consider in the general case are those that require the least conversions. This is particularly the case with floating points, where conversions are runtime-expensive, and particularly back in the early 1970s, when C was developed, computers were slow, and when floating point calculations were done in software. This shows in the usual arithmetic conversions -- only one operand is ever converted (with the single exception of long/unsigned int, where the long may be converted to unsigned long, which does not require anything to be done on most machines. Perhaps not on any where the exception applies).
So, the usual arithmetic conversions are written to do what an assembly coder would do most of the time: you have two types that don't fit, convert one to the other so that it does. This is what you'd do in assembler code unless you had a specific reason to do otherwise, and to people who are used to writing assembler code and do have a specific reason to force a different conversion, explicitly requesting that conversion is natural. After all, you can simply write
if((double) i < (double) f)
It is interesting to note in this context, by the way, that unsigned is higher in the hierarchy than int, so that comparing int with unsigned will end in an unsigned comparison (hence the 0u < -1 bit from the beginning). I suspect this to be an indicator that people in olden times considered unsigned less as a restriction on int than as an extension of its value range: We don't need the sign right now, so let's use the extra bit for a larger value range. You'd use it if you had reason to expect that an int would overflow -- a much bigger worry in a world of 16-bit ints.
Even double may not be able to represent all int values, depending on how much bits does int contain.
Why not promote both the int and the float to a double?
Probably because it's more costly to convert both types to double than use one of the operands, which is already a float, as float. It would also introduce special rules for comparison operators incompatible with rules for arithmetic operators.
There's also no guarantee how floating point types will be represented, so it would be a blind shot to assume that converting int to double (or even long double) for comparison will solve anything.
The type promotion rules are designed to be simple and to work in a predictable manner. The types in C/C++ are naturally "sorted" by the range of values they can represent. See this for details. Although floating point types cannot represent all integers represented by integral types because they can't represent the same number of significant digits, they might be able to represent a wider range.
To have predictable behavior, when requiring type promotions, the numeric types are always converted to the type with the larger range to avoid overflow in the smaller one. Imagine this:
int i = 23464364; // more digits than float can represent!
float f = 123.4212E36f; // larger range than int can represent!
if (i == f) { /* do something */ }
If the conversion was done towards the integral type, the float f would certainly overflow when converted to int, leading to undefined behavior. On the other hand, converting i to f only causes a loss of precision which is irrelevant since f has the same precision so it's still possible that the comparison succeeds. It's up to the programmer at that point to interpret the result of the comparison according to the application requirements.
Finally, besides the fact that double precision floating point numbers suffer from the same problem representing integers (limited number of significant digits), using promotion on both types would lead to having a higher precision representation for i, while f is doomed to have the original precision, so the comparison will not succeed if i has a more significant digits than f to begin with. Now that is also undefined behavior: the comparison might succeed for some couples (i,f) but not for others.
can a float represent all int values?
For a typical modern system where both int and float are stored in 32 bits, no. Something's gotta give. 32 bits' worth of integers doesn't map 1-to-1 onto a same-sized set that includes fractions.
The i will be promoted to a float and the two float numbers will be compared…
Not necessarily. You don't really know what precision will apply. C++14 §5/12:
The values of the floating operands and the results of floating expressions may be represented in greater precision and range than that required by the type; the types are not changed thereby.
Although i after promotion has nominal type float, the value may be represented using double hardware. C++ doesn't guarantee floating-point precision loss or overflow. (This is not new in C++14; it's inherited from C since olden days.)
Why not promote both the int and the float to a double?
If you want optimal precision everywhere, use double instead and you'll never see a float. Or long double, but that might run slower. The rules are designed to be relatively sensible for the majority of use-cases of limited-precision types, considering that one machine may offer several alternative precisions.
Most of the time, fast and loose is good enough, so the machine is free to do whatever is easiest. That might mean a rounded, single-precision comparison, or double precision and no rounding.
But, such rules are ultimately compromises, and sometimes they fail. To precisely specify arithmetic in C++ (or C), it helps to make conversions and promotions explicit. Many style guides for extra-reliable software prohibit using implicit conversions altogether, and most compilers offer warnings to help you expunge them.
To learn about how these compromises came about, you can peruse the C rationale document. (The latest edition covers up to C99.) It is not just senseless baggage from the days of the PDP-11 or K&R.
It is fascinating that a number of answers here argue from the origin of the C language, explicitly naming K&R and historical baggage as the reason that an int is converted to a float when combined with a float.
This is pointing the blame to the wrong parties. In K&R C, there was no such thing as a float calculation. All floating point operations were done in double precision. For that reason, an integer (or anything else) was never implicitly converted to a float, but only to a double. A float also could not be the type of a function argument: you had to pass a pointer to float if you really, really, really wanted to avoid conversion into a double. For that reason, the functions
int x(float a)
{ ... }
int y(a)
float a;
{ ... }
have different calling conventions. The first gets a float argument, the second (by now no longer permissable as syntax) gets a double argument.
Single-precision floating point arithmetic and function arguments were only introduced with ANSI C. Kernighan/Ritchie is innocent.
Now with the newly available single float expressions (single float previously was only a storage format), there also had to be new type conversions. Whatever the ANSI C team picked here (and I would be at a loss for a better choice) is not the fault of K&R.
Q1: Can a float represent all int values?
IEE754 can represent all integers exactly as floats, up to about 223, as mentioned in this answer.
Q2: Why not promote both the int and the float to a double?
The rules in the Standard for these conversions are slight modifications of those in K&R: the modifications accommodate the added types and the value preserving rules. Explicit license was added to perform calculations in a “wider” type than absolutely necessary, since this can sometimes produce smaller and faster code, not to mention the correct answer more often. Calculations can also be performed in a “narrower” type by the as if rule so long as the same end result is obtained. Explicit casting can always be used to obtain a value in a desired type.
Performing calculations in a wider type means that given float f1; and float f2;, f1 + f2 might be calculated in double precision. And it means that given int i; and float f;, i == f might be calculated in double precision. But it isn't required to calculate i == f in double precision, as hvd stated in the comment.
Also C standard says so. These are known as the usual arithmetic conversions . The following description is taken straight from the ANSI C standard.
...if either operand has type float , the other operand is converted to type float .
Source and you can see it in the ref too.
A relevant link is this answer. A more analytic source is here.
Here is another way to explain this: The usual arithmetic conversions are implicitly performed to cast their values in a common type. Compiler first performs integer promotion, if operands still have different types then they are converted to the type that appears highest in the following hierarchy:
When a programming language is created some decisions are made intuitively.
For instance why not convert int+float to int+int instead of float+float or double+double? Why call int->float a promotion if it holds the same about of bits? Why not call float->int a promotion?
If you rely on implicit type conversions you should know how they work, otherwise just convert manually.
Some language could have been designed without any automatic type conversions at all. And not every decision during a design phase could have been made logically with a good reason.
JavaScript with it's duck typing has even more obscure decisions under the hood. Designing an absolutely logical language is impossible, I think it goes to Godel incompleteness theorem. You have to balance logic, intuition, practice and ideals.
The question is why: Because it is fast, easy to explain, easy to compile, and these were all very important reasons at the time when the C language was developed.
You could have had a different rule: That for every comparison of arithmetic values, the result is that of comparing the actual numerical values. That would be somewhere between trivial if one of the expressions compared is a constant, one additional instruction when comparing signed and unsigned int, and quite difficult if you compare long long and double and want correct results when the long long cannot be represented as double. (0u < -1 would be false, because it would compare the numerical values 0 and -1 without considering their types).
In Swift, the problem is solved easily by disallowing operations between different types.
The rules are written for 16 bit ints (smallest required size). Your compiler with 32 bit ints surely converts both sides to double. There are no float registers in modern hardware anyway so it has to convert to double. Now if you have 64 bit ints I'm not too sure what it does. long double would be appropriate (normally 80 bits but it's not even standard).

An Alternative to Floating-Point for Storing Simple Fractional Values

Firstly, the problem I'm trying to solve is coming up with a better representation for values that will always remain uniformly distributed in the range:
0.0 <= x < 1.0
The motivation for this is to attempt to reduce the number of bytes used to store this data (the application is heavily memory and I/O bandwidth bound). Currently a 32-bit floating-point representation is used, 16-bit floating-point is proving insufficiently accurate.
My initial thoughts are to try and store the data in a 16-bit integer and to simply use the scheme:
x/(2^16 - 1) [x is an unsigned short]
To keep the algorithms largely the same and to retain use of the same floating-point hardware operations (at least at first), I would ideally like to keep converting this fractional representation into floating-point representation, performing the operation(s), then converting back into fractional representation for storage.
Clearly, there will be a loss of precision going back and forth between these two quite different, imprecise representations, but for our application, I suspect this might be an acceptable tradeoff.
I've done some research looking at what is currently out there that might give us a good starting point. The seminal "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic" article ( led me to look at a few others, "Beyond Floating Point" ( being one such example.
Can anyone point me to other examples of representations that people have used elsewhere that might satisfy these requirements?
I'm concerned that any potential gain in exactness of representation (we're wasting much of the floating-point format currently by using this specific range) will be completely out-weighed by the requirement to round twice going from fractional representation to floating-point and back again. In which case, it may be required to do arithmetic using this fractional representation directly to get any benefit out of this approach. Any advice on this point would be helpful?
Don't use 2^16-1. Use 2^16. Yes, you will have very slightly less precision and waste your 0xFFFF, but you will guarantee that there is no loss in precision when converting to floating point. (In contrast, when converting away from floating point, you will lose 8 bits of mantissal precision.)
Round-trip conversions between precisions can cause problems with certain operations, in particular progressively summing numbers. If at all possible, treat your fixed-point values as "dirty", and don't use them for further floating-point computations; prefer recalculating from inputs to using intermediate results which are in fixed-point form.
Alternatively, use 24 bits. With this representation, you will lose no precision in either direction as long as your values don't underflow (that is, as long as they're above 2^-24).
Wouldn't 1/x be badly distributed in your range? 1/2 1/3 1/4 .. do you not want to represent numbers above 1/2?
This kind of thing is done in Netcdf quite a lot to encode data for saving space.
const double scale = 1.0/65536;
unsigned short x;
Any number in x is really x*scale
See example in NetCDF for a more general approach using scale and offset:
Have a look at "Packed Data Values" section of this page:

Is there a solution for Floating point Arithmetic problems in C++?

I am doing some floating point arithmetic and having precision problems. The resulting value is different on two machines for the same input. I read the post # Why can't I multiply a float? and also read other material on the web & understood that it is got to do with binary representation of floating point and on machine epsilon. However, I wanted to check if there is a way to solve this problem / Some work around for Floating point arithmetic in C++ ?? I am converting a float to unsigned short for storage and am converting back when necessary. However, when I convert it back to unsigned short, the precision (to 6 decimal points) remains correct on one machine but fails on the other.
//convert FLOAT to short
unsigned short sConst = 0xFFFF;
unsigned short shortValue = (unsigned short)(floatValue * sConst);
//Convert SHORT to FLOAT
float floatValue = ((float)shortValue / sConst);
A short must be at least 16 bits, and in a whole lot of implementations that's exactly what it is. An unsigned 16-bit short will hold values from 0 to 65535. That means that a short will not hold a full five digits of precision, and certainly not six. If you want six digits, you need 20 bits.
Therefore, any loss of precision is likely due to the fact that you're trying to pack six digits of precision into something less than five digits. There is no solution to this, other than using an integral type that probably takes as much storage as a float.
I don't know why it would seem to work on one given system. Were you using the same numbers on both? Did one use an older floating-point system, and one that coincidentally gave the results you were expecting on the samples you tried? Was it possibly using a larger short than the other?
If you want to use native floating point types, the best you can do is to assert that the values output by your program do not differ too much from a set of reference values.
The precise definition of "too much" depends entirely on your application. For example, if you compute a + b on different platforms, you should find the two results to be within machine precision of each other. On the other hand, if you're doing something more complicated like matrix inversion, the results will most likely differ by more than machine precision. Determining precisely how close you can expect the results to be to each other is a very subtle and complicated process. Unless you know exactly what you are doing, it is probably safer (and saner) to determine the amount of precision you need downstream in your application and verify that the result is sufficiently precise.
To get an idea about how to compute the relative error between two floating point values robustly, see this answer and the floating point guide linked therein:
Floating point comparison functions for C#
Are you looking for standard like this:
Programming Languages C++ - Technical Report of Type 2 on Extensions for the programming language C++ to support decimal floating point arithmetic draft
Instead of using 0xFFFF use half of it, i.e. 32768 for conversion. 32768 (Ox8000) has a binary representation of 1000000000000000 whereas OxFFFF has a binary representation of 1111111111111111. Ox8000 's binary representation clearly implies, multiplication & divsion operations during conversion (to short (or) while converting back to float) will not change precision values after zero. For one side conversion, however OxFFFF is preferable, as it leads to more accurate result.

Floating point versus fixed point: what are the pros/cons?

Floating point type represents a number by storing its significant digits and its exponent separately on separate binary words so it fits in 16, 32, 64 or 128 bits.
Fixed point type stores numbers with 2 words, one representing the integer part, another representing the part past the radix, in negative exponents, 2^-1, 2^-2, 2^-3, etc.
Float are better because they have wider range in an exponent sense, but not if one wants to store number with more precision for a certain range, for example only using integer from -16 to 16, thus using more bits to hold digits past the radix.
In terms of performances, which one has the best performance, or are there cases where some is faster than the other ?
In video game programming, does everybody use floating point because the FPU makes it faster, or because the performance drop is just negligible, or do they make their own fixed type ?
Why isn't there any fixed type in C/C++ ?
That definition covers a very limited subset of fixed point implementations.
It would be more correct to say that in fixed point only the mantissa is stored and the exponent is a constant determined a-priori. There is no requirement for the binary point to fall inside the mantissa, and definitely no requirement that it fall on a word boundary. For example, all of the following are "fixed point":
64 bit mantissa, scaled by 2-32 (this fits the definition listed in the question)
64 bit mantissa, scaled by 2-33 (now the integer and fractional parts cannot be separated by an octet boundary)
32 bit mantissa, scaled by 24 (now there is no fractional part)
32 bit mantissa, scaled by 2-40 (now there is no integer part)
GPUs tend to use fixed point with no integer part (typically 32-bit mantissa scaled by 2-32). Therefore APIs such as OpenGL and Direct3D often use floating-point types which are capable of holding these values. However, manipulating the integer mantissa is often more efficient so these APIs allow specifying coordinates (in texture space, color space, etc) this way as well.
As for your claim that C++ doesn't have a fixed point type, I disagree. All integer types in C++ are fixed point types. The exponent is often assumed to be zero, but this isn't required and I have quite a bit of fixed-point DSP code implemented in C++ this way.
At the code level, fixed-point arithmetic is simply integer arithmetic with an implied denominator.
For many simple arithmetic operations, fixed-point and integer operations are essentially the same. However, there are some operations which the intermediate values must be represented with a higher number of bits and then rounded off. For example, to multiply two 16-bit fixed-point numbers, the result must be temporarily stored in 32-bit before renormalizing (or saturating) back to 16-bit fixed-point.
When the software does not take advantage of vectorization (such as CPU-based SIMD or GPGPU), integer and fixed-point arithmeric is faster than FPU. When vectorization is used, the efficiency of vectorization matters a lot more, such that the performance differences between fixed-point and floating-point is moot.
Some architectures provide hardware implementations for certain math functions, such as sin, cos, atan, sqrt, for floating-point types only. Some architectures do not provide any hardware implementation at all. In both cases, specialized math software libraries may provide those functions by using only integer or fixed-point arithmetic. Often, such libraries will provide multiple level of precisions, for example, answers which are only accurate up to N-bits of precision, which is less than the full precision of the representation. The limited-precision versions may be faster than the highest-precision version.
Fixed point is widely used in DSP and embedded-systems where often the target processor has no FPU, and fixed point can be implemented reasonably efficiently using an integer ALU.
In terms of performance, that is likley to vary depending on the target architecture and application. Obviously if there is no FPU, then fixed point will be considerably faster. When you have an FPU it will depend on the application too. For example performing some functions such as sqrt() or log() will be much faster when directly supported in the instruction set rather thna implemented algorithmically.
There is no built-in fixed point type in C or C++ I imagine because they (or at least C) were envisaged as systems level languages and the need fixed point is somewhat domain specific, and also perhaps because on a general purpose processor there is typically no direct hardware support for fixed point.
In C++ defining a fixed-point data type class with suitable operator overloads and associated math functions can easily overcome this shortcomming. However there are good and bad solutions to this problem. A good example can be found here: The link to the code in that article is broken, but I tracked it down to
You need to be careful when discussing "precision" in this context.
For the same number of bits in representation the maximum fixed point value has more significant bits than any floating point value (because the floating point format has to give some bits away to the exponent), but the minimum fixed point value has fewer than any non-denormalized floating point value (because the fixed point value wastes most of its mantissa in leading zeros).
Also depending on the way you divide the fixed point number up, the floating point value may be able to represent smaller numbers meaning that it has a more precise representation of "tiny but non-zero".
And so on.
The diferrence between floating point and integer math depends on the CPU you have in mind. On Intel chips the difference is not big in clockticks. Int math is still faster because there are multiple integer ALU's that can work in parallel. Compilers are also smart to use special adress calculation instructions to optimize add/multiply in a single instruction. Conversion counts as an operation too, so just choose your type and stick with it.
In C++ you can build your own type for fixed point math. You just define as struct with one int and override the appropriate overloads, and make them do what they normally do plus a shift to put the comma back to the right position.
You dont use float in games because it is faster or slower you use it because it is easier to implement the algorithms in floating point than in fixed point. You are assuming the reason has to do with computing speed and that is not the reason, it has to do with ease of programming.
For example you may define the width of the screen/viewport as going from 0.0 to 1.0, the height of the screen 0.0 to 1.0. The depth of the word 0.0 to 1.0. and so on. Matrix math, etc makes things real easy to implement. Do all of the math that way up to the point where you need to compute real pixels on a real screen size, say 800x400. Project the ray from the eye to the point on the object in the world and compute where it pierces the screen, using 0 to 1 math, then multiply x by 800, y times 400 and place that pixel.
floating point does not store the exponent and mantissa separately and the mantissa is a goofy number, what is left over after the exponent and sign, like 23 bits, not 16 or 32 or 64 bits.
floating point math at its core uses fixed point logic with extra logic and extra steps required. By definition compared apples to apples fixed point math is cheaper because you dont have to manipulate the data on the way into the alu and dont have to manipulate the data on the way out (normalize). When you add in IEEE and all of its garbage that adds even more logic, more clock cycles, etc. (properly signed infinity, quiet and signaling nans, different results for same operation if there is an exception handler enabled). As someone pointed out in a comment in a real system where you can do fixed and float in parallel, you can take advantage of some or all of the processors and recover some clocks that way. both with float and fixed clock rate can be increased by using vast quantities of chip real estate, fixed will remain cheaper, but float can approach fixed speeds using these kinds of tricks as well as parallel operation.
One issue not covered is the answers is a power consumption. Though it highly depends on specific hardware architecture, usually FPU consumes much more energy than ALU in CPU thus if you target mobile applications where power consumption is important it's worth consider fixed point impelementation of the algorithm.
It depends on what you're working on. If you're using fixed point then you lose precision; you have to select the number of places after the decimal place (which may not always be good enough). In floating point you don't need to worry about this as the precision offered is nearly always good enough for the task in hand - uses a standard form implementation to represent the number.
The pros and cons come down to speed and resources. On modern 32bit and 64bit platforms there is really no need to use fixed point. Most systems come with built in FPUs that are hardwired to be optimised for fixed point operations. Furthermore, most modern CPU intrinsics come with operations such as the SIMD set which help optimise vector based methods via vectorisation and unrolling. So fixed point only comes with a down side.
On embedded systems and small microcontrollers (8bit and 16bit) you may not have an FPU nor extended instruction sets. In which case you may be forced to use fixed point methods or the limited floating point instruction sets that are not very fast. So in these circumstances fixed point will be a better - or even your only - choice.