glDrawPixels vs textures to draw a 2d buffer in OpenGL - opengl

I have a 2d graphic library that I want to use in OpenGL, to be able to mix 2d and 3d graphic. The simplest way seems to be with glDrawPixels, but many recent tutorial, and forums, suggest to use a texture with the command glTexSubImage2D, and then to draw a square with such a texture.
My question is: why? where is the advantage? It just adds one more step (memory buffer->texture->video buffer, instead of memory buffer->video buffer).

There are two main reasons:
glDrawPixels() is deprecated, and not available in the OpenGL core profile, or in OpenGL ES.
When drawing the image multiple times, a lot of repeated work can be saved by storing the image data in a texture.
It's quite rare that you would have to draw an image only once. Much more commonly, you'll draw it repeatedly, on each redraw. With glDrawPixels() you have to pass the image data into OpenGL each time. If you store it in a texture, you can draw it repeatedly, and OpenGL can reuse the same data each time.
To draw the content of a texture, you don't necessarily have to set up a shader, draw a quad, etc. You can use glBlitFramebuffer() to copy the texture content to the display.

Since OpenGL use a video memory, use a simple "draw pixel" must be really slow because you will do a lot GPU/CPU synchronisation for each draw.
When you use glTexSubImage2D, you ensure that your image will reside(all the time) into the video memory which is fast.
One way to load a texture inside video memory could be :
glCreateTextures(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, &texture->mId);
glTextureParameteri(mId, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);
GLsizei numMipmaps = ((GLsizei)log2(std::max(surface->w, surface->h)) + 1);
glTextureStorage2D(*texture, numMipmaps, internalFormat, surface->w, surface->h);
glTextureSubImage2D(*texture, 0, 0, 0, surface->w, surface->h,
format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surface->pixels);
Don't forget binding if you do not want to use direct state access.
However, if you still want to perform pixel draw (for example for procedural rendering), you must write your own fragment shader to be as fast as possible


Most Efficient Way to Retrieve Texture Pixel Data?

I know Directx for Dx9 at least, has a texture object where you are able to get only a small portion of the texture to CPU accessible memory. It was a function called "LockRect" I believe. OpenGL has glGetTexImage() but it grabs the entire image and if the format isn't the same as the texture's then it is going to have to convert the entire texture into the new pixel format on top of transferring the entire texture. This function is also not in OpenGL ES. Framebuffers is another option but where I could potentially bind a framebuffer where a color attachment in connected to a texture. Then there is glReadPixels which reads from the framebuffer, so it should be reading from the texture. glReadPixels has limited pixel format options so a conversion is going to have to happen, but I can read the pixels I need (which is only 1 pixel). I haven't used this method but it seems like it is possible. If anyone can confirm the framebuffer method, that it is a working alternative. Then this method would also work for OpenGL ES 2+.
Are there any other methods? How efficient is the framebuffer method (if it works), does it end up having to convert the entire texture to the desired format before it reads the pixels or is it entirely implementation defined?
Edit: #Nicol_Bolas Please stop removing OpenGL from tags and adding OpenGL-ES, OpenGL-ES isn't applicable, OpenGL is. This is for OpenGL specifically but I would like it to be Open ES 2+ compatible if possible, though it doesn't have to be. If a OpenGL only solution is available then it is a consideration I will make if it is worth the trade off. Thank you.
Please note, I do not have that much experience with ES in particular, so there might be better ways to do this specifically in that context. The general gist applies in either plain OpenGL or ES, though.
First off, the most important performance consideration should be when you are doing the reading. If you request data from the video card while you are rendering, your program (the CPU end) will have to halt until the video card returns the data, which will slow rendering due to your inability to issue further render commands. As a general rule, you should always upload, render, download - do not mix any of these processes, it will impact speed immensely, and how much so can be very driver/hardware/OS dependent.
I suggest using glReadPixels( ) at the end of your render cycle. I suspect the limitations on formats for that function are connected to limitations on framebuffer formats; besides, you really should be using 8 bit unsigned or floating point, both of which are supported. If you have some fringe case not allowing any of those supported formats, you should explain what that is, as there may be a way to handle it specifically.
If you need the contents of the framebuffer at a specific point in rendering (rather than the end), create a second texture + framebuffer (again with the same format) to be an effective "backbuffer" and then copy from the target framebuffer to that texture. This occurs on the video card, so it does not impose the bus latency directly reading does. Here is something I wrote that does this operation:
glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 + unit );
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, backbufferTextureHandle );
glBindFramebuffer( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, framebufferHandle );
0, // level
0, 0, // offset
0, 0, // x, y
screenX, screenY );
glBindFramebuffer( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, framebufferHandle );
Then when you want the data, bind the backbuffer to GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER and use glReadPixels( ) on it.
Finally, you should keep in mind that a download of data will still halt the CPU end. If you download before displaying the framebuffer, you will put off displaying the image until after you can again execute commands, which might result in visible latency. As such, I suggest still using a non-default framebuffer even if you only care about the final buffer state, and ending your render cycle to the effect of:
(1.) Blit to the default framebuffer:
glBindFramebuffer( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 ); // Default framebuffer
glBindFramebuffer( GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, framebufferHandle );
0, 0, screenX, screenY,
0, 0, screenX, screenY,
(2.) Call whatever your swap buffers command may be in your given situation.
(3.) Your download call from the framebuffer (be it glReadPixels( ) or something else).
As for the speed impact of the blit/texcopy operations, it's quite good on most modern hardware and I have not found it to have a noticeable impact even done 10+ times a frame, but if you are dealing with antiquated hardware, it might be worth a second thought.

openGL render to texture renders always black geometry

This is the only part of the code that could be buggy:
GLuint tex_name;
glGenTextures(1, &tex_name);
// set id to the gl_texture_id map for later use
gl_texture_id[t] = tex_name;
// bind texture
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex_name);
// set texture filtering parameters
// load texture data
Could you see something wrong in this code?
enabling glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) is not making the difference. Texture coordinates are right, fragment and vertex shader are right for sure.
That was not the issue, i'm still using glGenerateMipmap (...) before glTexImage2D (...). The real problem is that i passed as format GL_RGBA when my image is in GL_RGB format. Additionally my t->data() array was height*width*sizeof(GL_FLOAT) long and i was passing GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE as type parameter causing data loss. Althougth this works you still have right, in fact preceding glTexImage2D with glGenerateMipmap causes weird effects on Nvidia hardware while life is beautiful (strangely) on ATI GPUs.
Why are you calling glGenerateMipmap (...) on a texture that has no data store?
You need to allocate at least image level 0 before this will work (e.g. call glTexImage2D (...). You should be calling this function after you draw into your texture each frame, the way you have it right now it actually does nothing and when you finally draw into your texture you are only generating an image for 1 LOD. I would remove the mipmap texture filter if you are not going to re-compute the mipmaps everytime you give texture image level 0 data.
I also do not see what this has to do with rendering to a texture? You are passing image data to your texture from client memory. Usually when you render to a texture, this is done using either a pixel buffer (old school) or frame buffer object.

Copy depth texture to RGBA texture

I have created a texture using
This texture is used in other code and filled with depth. Now I want to copy the depth values to an RGBA texture (doesn't matter which color channel).
How can I do this?
If it needs to be fast, I'd say render an orthograhic quad the size of the texture and use a shader to read from the depth texture and write to the target texture.
If performance doesn't matter that much you can use PBOs (might even be faster depending on your render pipeline but stalls the CPU). Here's an overview on said PBOs
I don't know of any inherent OpenGL method to do this.

low resolution in OpenGL to mimic older games

I'm interested in know how is the right way to mimic the low resolution of the older games (like Atari 2600) in OpenGL to do a fps game. I imagine the best way to do it is writing the buffer into a texture, put onto a quad and display it to the screen resolution.
Take a look of, for example (great game!)
Any advice, help or sample-code will be welcome.
I think the best way to do it would be like you said, render everything into a low-res texture (best done using FBOs) and then just display the texture by drawing a sceen-sized quad (of course using GL_NEAREST as magnification filter for the texture). Maybe you can also use glBlitFramebuffer for copying directly from the low-res FBO into the high-res framebuffer, although I don't know if you can copy directly into the default framebuffer (the displayed one) this way.
EDIT: After looking up the specification for framebuffer_blit it seems you can just copy from the low-res FBO into the high-res default framebuffer using glBlitFramebuffer(EXT/ARB). This might be faster than using a texture mapped quad as it completely bypasses the vertex-fragment-pipeline (although this would have been a simple one). And another advantage is that you also get the low-res depth and stencil buffers if needed and can this way render high-res content on top of the low-res background which might be an interesting effect. So it would happen somehow like this:
generate FBO with low-res renderbuffers for color and depth (and stencil)
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, lowFBO);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, 640, 480, 0, 0, 1024, 768,

how to use glCopyImage2D

I'm trying something like
I think glCopyTexImage2D won't work with a non-power of two image, so that's one problem; I've also tried glReadPixels, but it's too slow for my purposes.
If glReadPixels is too slow for you, then glCopyTexImage2D and glCopyTexSubImage2D aren’t going to be a whole lot faster. On platforms with support for framebuffer objects, like iOS, the recommended (i.e. faster) way to get GPU-rendered image data into a texture is to use that texture as the color attachment for a framebuffer object and render directly into it. That said, if you still want to pursue this method, here’s what you need to do to fix it:
First, you’re passing bad arguments to glCopyTexImage2D. The third argument, internalformat, should probably be GL_RGBA instead of 0. If you had called glGetError after calling glCopyTexImage2D, you would probably have gotten GL_INVALID_OPERATION. See the OpenGL ES 1.1 man pages for glCopyTexImage2D and glCopyTexSubImage2D.
Second, as you’ve already observed, glCopyTexImage2D requires its width and height arguments to be power-of-two as well. The correct way to deal with this is to allocate a texture image using glTexImage2D (you can pass NULL for pixels here), then use glCopyTexSubImage2D to copy your framebuffer contents into a rectangle. Note that glCopyTexSubImage2D doesn’t take an internalformat argument—because it’s updating a subrectangle of a texture, it uses the texture’s existing format.
For the record, glGetTexImage doesn’t exist in OpenGL ES 1.1 or 2.0, which is why you’re getting an implicit declaration.
You can check if the video card supports non-power of 2 textures if it supports the ARB_texture_non_power_of_two extension. See here for info.
glCopyTexImage2D does work with NPOT image.
NPT image (non-power of two) is limited supported by OpenGLES 2/OpenGL 1 or WebGL, In OpenGLES 3/OpenGL 2 or later it is fully supported.
If you want to copy color attachment of fbo to newTexture.
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, newTexture);
glTexImage2D(bindTarget, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL);
glCopyTexSubImage2D(target, level, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
NPT image will output black color in fragment shader sampling if texture mipmap, magnification filter and repeat mode setting is wrong.
To help figure out if the "non-power of two" thing is a problem, use glGetError() like this:
printf("error: %#06x\n", glGetError());
Put that in different places in your code to make sure what line is causing the problem, then check the error code here:
To copy a texture I did:
after binding the texture. Check the docs on those two functions for more info.