making Modaless dialog on top - mfc

I have application in which I will create multiple modalless dialogs, and I want the modaless dialog to be in top without making it top most in setwindowpos(), any alternate way??
I want to do this because , when I click on window the opened modaless dialog should exist as it is but focus will be on window, if I make top most it wil not allow to keep other windows on top


Prevent window from being clicked in while another window is open

On Windows, when a window opens on top of another window, the parent window will not be clickable, and will make a "ding" sound and its titlebar will flash. It will do this until the other window is closed. How do I recreate this in Win32?
The words you are looking for are modal and modeless.
Modal dialogs won't let the user interact with the parent window until they've been dismissed.
This document covers the Win32 API for creating modal dialogs.

How to keep dialogs on top of main window always on top in Qt?

I modified a Qt application to set main window to always be on top using the setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint);. Now all of the dialogs appear underneath the main window, and the app gets "locked", as you need to close the modal to continue, but the modal is behind the always on top window. I did fix the one dialog by using dialog->setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint);. Does this mean I have to do the same for every dialog? Or is ther an easier or proper way to set the main window always on top?

How to create multiple Dialogues?

In a Project I am using multiple dialogues so in that my requirement is while I am initiating dialog if it is modal then it should come top else it should be behind the parent suggest me how to do it???
Modal dialog always come to the top of the parent window. But what is the else case? You have a non-Modal dialog that should stay behind the Parent window? This doesn't make sense to me.
But if you want to have a non-modal dialog behind the parent window (or any other window) you need to define NULL for the dialog as a parent (owner window). Than you can change the Z-order of the top level window to be behind/after the parent window (use SetWindowPos for this).
Please note that the user can always change the Z-Order of top-level windows when he clicks on it.
Remember: If the window is owned by a parent it is always on top of the owned window.

MFC floating CDialog control clipping issue

I am making an SDI MDF application that uses a frameview to provid the user with a set of controls (buttons, editboxes and such). The view also owns a set of CDialogs used to desplay aditional controls that can be can be shown or hidden via a tabcontrol and other means. Untill recently the dialogs have been staticly placed at creation to be in their proper location on the screen but I wanted to add a dialog that the user could move around but is still a child of the view. When I created a dialog with a caption and sysmenu that the user can move around the issue I am running into is that when the window is placed over another control owned by the view, (lets say a button) when the paint method is called on the button, it draws over the dialog. The dialog is still on top and the dialogs controls can still be interacted with but the button is drawn over them untill the dialog is repainted. I have tryed to change the clipchild and clipsiblings settings of the dialog and have been able to get the dialogs to properly clip eachother but can not seem to get the child dialog to properly clip the parent view controls. Does anyone have any ideas on what setting might fix this clipping issue.

Insert an UI into another MFC Dialog

I have one MFC application (exe) that contains two panes in its main UI. This application loads another DLL that also contains one dialog. How can I programatically place a Dialog defined into the DLL, and put it into (within) the pane of the MFC application? The question is not how to programatically retrieve the dialog from the DLL but how to put this dialog 'on the top' (within, inside) of one UI pane that belongs to the application?
My goal is to customize the UI of the application with dialog(s) retrieved from a dll and give the user the feeling that these dialogs all belong to one application UI. Thanks for any hint.
I have some applications with this feature, often with a tab control to alternate between windows.
First I set a frame in the container window, invisible to the user. The frame is just a placeholder to where the dialog window will be.
Then I make an instance of the dialog window as a global variable in the container class, I create the dialog window as a modeless window (using Create(), not DoModal()), move the window to the same RECT of the frame control, and call ShowWindow() to show the window.
Am I understanding you correctly that you don't want the dialogs to appear as dialogs, but rather as content of another window, or as a pane?
In other words, you want to get rid of the dialog's title bar and embed the dialog's content into another window, is that right?
That is possible. You would need to create the dialog without the title bar (change the window style) and make sure that you create the dialog's window as a childwindow of the window where you want the content to go. I can explain this further but I first would like to know if I'm understanding you correctly.