What kind of project do I need to create? - web-services

I need to create a .net based Restful web service to interface to an existing SOAP back end application, This web service will be deployed to Azure. Using Visual Studio 2015, what kind of project do I need to create? Could your answer cover in some detail the steps I need to create this project?

You'll probably want to use C#. Here's a pretty good tutorial by Microsoft that covers all the steps of creating a basic web interface.
I recommend you do the whole walkthrough, even if it doesn't immediately solve your issue, it will teach you how to do it.


Autodesk Forge _ Using Postman

After Coding in Postman how to use in Visual studio for creating Forge App? i am unable to understand
Any specific logic please help with respect to arrange the folder structure in visual code for forge
Prakash Pisipati
Forge itself doesn't require any specific folder structure or project setup. That will typically depend on the programming language you want to use, and the project type.
For example, if you're building a server application using Node.js, consider using Express.js, and following its Getting Started. And for an ASP.NET app, try this tutorial.
Or, let's say you're building a .NET Core console app. In that case, try following https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tutorials/with-visual-studio-code.

Integrating paypal with c++ MFC app

We are planning to integrate Paypal with one of our cpp application written using MFC. The question is shall we use Rest apis to accomplish this? or there is any other easier way to do achieve this? I have recently used Paypal REST Services via Postman and they look pretty easy. What I want to achieve is how can I use rest apis for paypal without launching the browser ? How can I achieve Login credentials from the user ? Can anyone point me to right direction ?
Appreciate your help in advance.
I'd suggest using PayPal REST API https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/ as they putting more effort into it. There is also SOAP API, but I would not use it. It seems like dated.
You can use ultra modern Casablanca C++ REST SDK which is an open source framework from Microsoft available at: https://github.com/Microsoft/cpprestsdk to implement your end-point.
You can do that using Wizdome which is c++ / MFC oriented. A product named Datattoo recovery developed under c++ and MFC allows paying for the amount of data successfully recovered, and the integration with PayPal is done that way.
Here is a more detailed description about the process:

how to use addin developed with microsoft.sharepoint.dll in other system

I've developed an outlook addin in vs2013. The development machine has sharepoint installed. My code has:
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
But when I run this code on a client machine it shows an error.
enter image description here.In some sites they suggest using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll. Can anyone help?
This won't work as you expected. Microsoft.SharePoint.dll is a server side library which is part of Microsoft SharePoint and hence can neither be referenced nor used otherwise in a client-side environment such as an Outlook add-in.
What you are looking for is Client-Side Object Model, or CSOM for short. However, developing CSOM apps is a completely different story, needs slightly different knowledge and skills. The bad news is most of your SharePoint-related work will have to be redeveloped almost from scratch.
If your SharePoint integration isn't heavy, you might be able to achieve what you want with SharePoint's web services, either REST or SOAP. There an article on MSDN providing insight to various types of SharePoint APIs and providing guidance which API to use in what situation. You shoudl read this first.
we can't use using Microsoft.SharePoint; in sharepoint not installed system.
we need to use using Microsoft.SharePoint.client; for client system and use client object model code.

Supporting Web Services from a Win/MFC/C++ App

I am looking for the best way to add support for a REST based Web Service to an MFC C++ Application. This is legacy code that has been around a long time.
I need to have the Application provide the Web Service. I've researched this, and the articles are about consuming Web Services in a C++ App. I envision having to monitor a port and respond to the HTTP requests. It would probably make more sense to tie in with WCF and IIS, but I am not sure how to move forward.
I already have a tool of "making" this App into a Windows Service. I realize it would be better to have a "real" app, and this is what I have to work with. There is so much logic in this code and we are limited in development time, so we are taking the fastest approach possible. We also cannot use DCOM, as the Web Service will be called by a Linux based system.
Any suggested articles would be much appreciated.
For C++ you can test two libraries WSF/C and gSoap, another alternative is to develop it with C# and WCF , and communicate between C# and C++ using C++\CLI.
I use the Poco Net c++ library for this as it supports both HTTP client and server functionality. I considered various other libraries including Boost based stuff, but other than Poco I struggled to find everything I needed in one tidy package. It also has some easy to use mutex support which became essential for me as soon as I added a web server front-end to what had previously been a simple single threaded console app. Poco is cross platform but I mainly use it windows and it has served me well to date. I'm not very clued up on MFC so I don't know how it would get on in that department though.

How to test SharePoint 2010 Web Services

Is there a way to test sharepoint 2010 web services methods? Either using browser and modify the url or some kind of free tool to test web services. SharePoint web services looks like http://intranet.site.com/_vti_bin/webs.asmx. Some methods does not take parameter and others do.
Just want to be able to test methods using tool or if browsers allows it.
This tools http://www.xyrow.com/Home/Free seems to be light weight and serves the purpose.
Storm is worth a go - open source so you can be less worried about downloading nasties