Consume soap web service from Azure web app - web-services

I'm trying to consume a soap web service from an azure web app.
To do this I need to run a connectivity test through telnet to do this.
How would I go about doing this in Azure?

Unfortunately, Telnet client is not setup by default on Azure App Service.
It is not possible to install it as it requires elevated permissions.
My advice would be to develop a quick app, for example based on this kind of tool:
Hope this helps,


How to expose biztalk orchestration as a web service

I have a hypothetical request to pull in 3 data fields into an orchestration but only via a web service.
how can I do this with biztalk?
As #Tim has mentioned, the WCF Publishing Wizard is a good starting point.
More here :
A couple of notes:
You'll need to build and deploy your BTS project to a dev environment before you publish.
Make sure that when you publish you deploy to an app pool with the same user as the BizTalk Isolated host.
You don't actually need IIS / WAS to host the service - Biztalk can self host with e.g. WCF-Custom. So you can avoid the Isolated host in your production environment and turn off IIS entirely. This has performance and resource benefits.
Note that you may need to open up permissions for BizTalk to listen see here or here
Publishing and 'refreshing' the WSDL in a dev environment so that peer systems can create proxies etc can be a pain. After using the publishing wizard, you can use this tool to refresh your WSDL publication without having to redo the wizard.
Use the "BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard". It will walk you through all the steps you need.

how to publish and discover a java web service

I am new to developing web services using java. I have an academic project where I need to do dynamic service composition. For that I can't directly create a service-client for a particular service because if I do so then that client will call that particular service only. Client need to search various web services and then out of those services select any one at run time and also call that service at run time.
I was able to develop the web service(JAX-WS) using Eclipse(indigo), I also created the client for that web service and every thing is working fine. Now my problem is that while creating the client I am hard coding the client to call that particular web service only(since I am creating the client using the WSDL file of the service). However I actually need to call any one of the searched service, but for that I need to publish the service some where then discover it and then call it.
I tried publishing the service to juddiv3. But on juddiv3 I could only publish the sample service supplied with the juddiv3. When I try to publish service created by me then it is not getting displayed in the group of published services.
Is there any other UDDI server which I could install on my local machine and then publish and discover the service from that. Also I was not able to figure out how to create a client that will modify itself at run time to call any one service out of various searched services.
Kindly provide the necessary steps and code.
You can use jUDDI ( ).
juddi is based on UDDI v2.0, v 3.0 .
Here, you can publish as well as discover your web service.
For integration, you have to make some application which integrates with jUDDI.
But I think for your academic project, and for your purpose, jUDDI is best suitable! ( :) )
jUDDI has a boat load of examples in the source code trunk. You may want to check them out. It's difficult to guess what the problem is from the little information you've provided. Consider contacting the jUDDI team for further assistance. There's also additional document for working with UDDI in the jUDDI user's guide, which is at the jUDDI web site
You cannot directly publish on jUDDI. You need to create publisher entities in jUDDI server also. You'll find Rename4Sales and Rename4Marketing examples in 'Classes' folder in the standalone server's juddi application. Use these XMLs as your basis and create your own entity. You also need to configure the server's login credentials.
I suggest you follow the tutorials on jUDDI blog.

Where do I start making a web service for wp7 to windows azure db

I'm writing an app which I need to store user details, location and connections in azure db but have no experience with cloud storage. I have created my azure database but not sure how to communicate with the wp7 app. Any thoughts on where to start with the web service,
Thanks, MH
The following may point you in the right direction "Using Windows Phone with Windows Azure
" :-
As to windows phone azure project, do you mean Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows Phone? This toolkit is optional. It may help us in some cases, especially if we want to integrate with ACS. But a web service will be enough if all we need is to bring data to the phone.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.
To add to Paul’s suggestions, the recommended architecture is: Hosting a service in Windows Azure (such as WCF Data Services). The service will talk to SQL Azure (if you use SQL Azure as the database). Client devices, such as Windows Phone, iPhone, Andriod, a web browser, and so on, will communicate with the service. If you use WCF Data Services, you can expose the data to clients via the OData protocol, which is supported by multiple devices. To get started with WCF Data Services, I would like to suggest you to check To learn how to consume OData in Windows Phone, please refer to
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.

Web Service on Netbeans

I have created a Web Service in Net Beans 6.9 and deploy it locally. And I am using it via a java SE application by adding Web Service client in this application. How to obtain the link of the Web Serice so that it can be used from anywhere ?
2) From where to obtain WSDL file of Web Service ?
3) How to host a Web Service on the internet ?
Thank a ton in advance..!!!
You could create a new project of type web application in Netbeans.
In the web application, you will then create a web service (NOT a web service client).
For publishing and testing the web application, you will have to deploy it to a web server (e.g. GlassFish).
After publishing the web application, the WSDL file will be typically located at: http://localhost:<port>/<your web app>/<your service>?wsdl
For GlassFish, the default port is 8080.
If your current Netbeans installation doesn't support web projects or you don't have GlassFish installed, I suggest you download and install the latest version of Netbeans with Java EE support (bundled Apache Tomcat and GlassFish server in the same setup).
Hosting SOAP web services on the internet at large has not been terribly successful. For example Google had SOAP based web services initially, and they switched to REST based services in the end. You may want to reconsider and deploy a REST based interface. If the bulk of your code is not embedded in the web service, then you should not have that difficult of a time switching the interface.
To deploy a SOAP or a REST web service, you would need to deploy a 'full' Java EE container (e.g. Glassfissh or JBoss) on a machine with access to the internet. You might virtual hosting e.g. Westhost, Amazon, or there are turnkey solutions like Heroku (note: I'm not endorsing any of the companies listed here; they're just examples). If you just want to deploy a REST based service, any web container will do e.g. Tomcat or Jetty. In addition to services mentioned above you could probably host a rest web service on any service that will let you upload a war file.

create web service client from OIM 11g?

Can you suggest me how to deploy the spml webservice in OIM 11G, I have gone through the OIM 11G developers guide but I didn't find any thing related to deploying spml webservice in OIM 11G.
I have a requirement on create & update user in OIM 11g from a spml message which comes from client application.
I will really appreciate if you could provide me steps on how to create web service client from OIM 11g Developer tool using WSDL. Is there any documentation on this chapter?
SPML service is already in OIM, you could use this service from client applications.
As you can see in documentation: The SPML Web Service supports only inbound provisioning requests.
BTW, may be helpful example: