create web service client from OIM 11g? - web-services

Can you suggest me how to deploy the spml webservice in OIM 11G, I have gone through the OIM 11G developers guide but I didn't find any thing related to deploying spml webservice in OIM 11G.
I have a requirement on create & update user in OIM 11g from a spml message which comes from client application.
I will really appreciate if you could provide me steps on how to create web service client from OIM 11g Developer tool using WSDL. Is there any documentation on this chapter?

SPML service is already in OIM, you could use this service from client applications.
As you can see in documentation: The SPML Web Service supports only inbound provisioning requests.
BTW, may be helpful example:


Consume soap web service from Azure web app

I'm trying to consume a soap web service from an azure web app.
To do this I need to run a connectivity test through telnet to do this.
How would I go about doing this in Azure?
Unfortunately, Telnet client is not setup by default on Azure App Service.
It is not possible to install it as it requires elevated permissions.
My advice would be to develop a quick app, for example based on this kind of tool:
Hope this helps,

Creating web service with Developer Studio and create its API with API Manager

I want to create a web service with WSO2 Developer Studio but I don't know which project I have to use. My final goal is to create an API using the WSO2 API Manager and implement it passing the created web service as backend endpoint.
Do I should create an Axis2 web service, a Java Bean, or maybe another artifact?
Thanks and best regards.
Using DevStudio you can built axis2 services and JAX-WS services.
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For api creation in api manager you can do it via the webconsole provided in APIManager
you can use Axi2 web service
You do not need developerstudio to create a webservice. Webservices can be created using an IDE/IDEA..
You can try the existing samples in WSO2AS and deploy them. Make them as BE services for the APIs which you publish from WSO2APIManager.

SOA Suite - How to automatically enable Web Service Rest support after composite deploy

I have a composite with a SOAP web service entry point running on SOA Suite. We will have a new client for that web service, but this client cannot speak SOAP, so we will have to publish that entry point on a REST endpoint. I know I can enable REST Support to the existing web service through EM console, but I would like to have this configuration enabled by default after deploy.
My research for ways to do that using a property or attribute on a configuration plan did not get useful informations.
Does anyone know how could I achieve that?
REST Support is formal part of SOA Suite 12c. Download and install that and then you can easily add a REST interface to a SOAP composite. Also, 12c now installs without RCU/DB, etc - just start the Integrated WLS domain in JDev and it builds itself and you are up and deploying in under 20 mins. And this may help.

Is there a way to find out if a updated a service in WSO2 application server?

I have a simple question if it make sense in the context of WSO2 Application server.
I want to write a module, which tells me if i updated a service. The service is an axis2 SOAP service. I know how to write modules for axis2 services inside axis2 engine. But if i use the WSO2 interface, and either delete a service, update a service or add a service, Is there a way to find out that i performed these activities?.
In short, can i intercept the messages that i uploaded a new module or i uploaded a new service or i changed the service.
thanks you...
You could write a Axis2 Observer for this, take a look

connecting a web service to wso2 identity server

I have installed a wso2 identity server on my computer and now I am looking to have it act as an pdp and pep for my application which will be a website or database server. I already know how to create policies, the problem is that i can not seem to find a tutorial for how to connect a service to the identity server. what i want is for a tutorial to start off with the simple basic things and then I will be able to move on from there. thank you for your help
I think you want to use Identity Server as PDP. your application which is running on tomcat uses this PDP for authorization queries. Therefore you want to create PEP component with your application. PEP can do a web service call to WSO2IS PDP. Actually use can use the same PEP client source that is described in the above blog post. You can easily integrate it with your web app. However there is a sample web app that act as a PEP. Please refer the sample from here. Also source code of this web app can be found at here. If you just go through source code, you could find how it has been implemented.
You can find SOAP based PEP client for accessing WSO2 Identity Server's PDP from here. Also If you want more details on PDP PED communication related to WSO2 Identity Server, please find from here.