awk to count and sum total using matching string from file - regex

I am trying to get the total length of each matching string and the count of each match in a file using awk. The matching string in $5 is the count and the sum of each $3 - $2 is the total length. Hopefully the awk below is a good start. Thank you :).
chr1 1266716 1266926 chr1:1266716-1266926 TAS1R3
chr1 1267008 1267328 chr1:1267008-1267328 TAS1R3
chr1 1267394 1268196 chr1:1267394-1268196 TAS1R3
chr1 1268291 1268514 chr1:1268291-1268514 TAS1R3
chr1 1956371 1956503 chr1:1956371-1956503 GABRD
chr1 1956747 1956866 chr1:1956747-1956866 GABRD
chr1 1956947 1957187 chr1:1956947-1957187 GABRD
chr1 1220077 1220196 chr1:1220077-1220196 SCNN1D
desired output
TAS1R3 4 1555
GABRD 3 491
SCNN1D 1 119
awk '{count[$5]++}
for (word in count)
print $1,$2,$3,$4,word, count[word]
}' input > count |
awk 'print $1,$2,$3,$4,word, count[word]
{ $6 = $3 - $2 }
1' count.txt > length
SCNN1D 1 119
GABRD 3 240
TAS1R3 4 223

You can do:
awk '{c1[$5]++; c2[$5]+=($3-$2)}
END{for (e in c1) print e, c1[e], c2[e]}' input
Note that the order of the records may be different than the order in the original file.

With awk, it's possible to do the entire thing in a single script,
by keeping a running count of both the cumulative length, and the number of instances for each word.
Try this (yet untested):
awk '{
offset1=$2; offset2=$3; word=$5
TotalLength[word]=offset2 - offset1 # or just $3-$2
for (word in count)
print word, count[word], TotalLength[word]
}' input
The original script had three errors.
The second awk chunk had an ambiguous input specification: Reading from pipe and a file argument (count.txt). In this case, awk cannot decide where to read from.
In an END section, the numbered fields will only refer to the fields of the last line/record read. This is not what you want.
Finally, the second awk script is missing the opening brace { for the print statement.

$ cat tst.awk
$5 != prev { if (NR>1) print prev, cnt, sum; prev=$5; cnt=sum=0 }
{ cnt++; sum+=($3-$2) }
END { print prev, cnt, sum }
$ awk -f tst.awk file
TAS1R3 4 1555
GABRD 3 491
SCNN1D 1 119


Add a condtion for specfic row length in a script

I want to modify the following script:
awk 'NR>242 && $1 =='$t' {print $4, "\t" '$t'}' test.txt > file
I want to add a condition for the first "1 to 121" data (corresponding to the first 121 points) and then for the "122 to 242" data (which corresponds to the other 121 points).
so it becomes:
when NR>242 take the corresponding values of rows form 1 to 121 print them to file1
when NR>242 take the corresponding values of rows form 121 to 242 print them to file2
Generic solution: Adding more generic solution here, where you could give all line numbers inside lines variable of awk program. Once line number matches with values it will increase counter of file with 1 eg: from file1 to file2 OR file2 to file3 and so on...
awk -v val="$t" -v lines="121,242" -v count=1'
FNR in arr[i]{
($1 == val){
print $4 "\t" val > (outputfile)
' Input_file
With your shown samples, please try following. This will print all lines from 1st line to 242nd line to file1 and 243 line onwards it will print output to file2. Also program has a shell variable named t passed into awk program's variable named val here.
awk -v val="$t" '
($1 == val){
print $4 "\t" val > (outputfile)
' Input_file
$ awk -v val="$t" '{c=int((NR-1)%242/121)+1}
$1==val {print $4 "\t" $1 > (output"c")}' file
this should take the first, third, etc blocks of 121 records to output1 and second, fourth, etc blocks of 121 records to output2 if they satisfy the condition.
If you want to skip first two blocks (first 242 records) just add && NR>242 condition to the existing one.

awk to print specific fields based on regex match in file

I am trying to use awk to look in input for keywords and in found print specified fields. The awk below does run but does not produce the desired output. What is supposed to happen is that if TYPE=ins or TYPE=del is found in the line then $1,$2,$4,$5, and the LEN= prints. The LEN= is also a field in the line with a number after the =. Thank you :).
chr1 1647893 . C CTTTCTT 31.9545 PASS AF=0.330827;AO=179;DP=695;FAO=132;FDP=399;FR=.;FRO=267;FSAF=67;FSAR=65;FSRF=124;FSRR=143;FWDB=0.0145873;FXX=0.00249994;HRUN=1;LEN=6;MLLD=190.481;OALT=TTTCTT;OID=.;OMAPALT=CTTTCTT;OPOS=1647894;OREF=-;PB=0.5;PBP=1;QD=0.320346;RBI=0.0146526;REFB=-0.0116875;REVB=0.00138131;RO=471;SAF=85;SAR=94;SRF=236;SRR=235;SSEN=0;SSEP=0;SSSB=-0.0324817;STB=0.528856;STBP=0.43;TYPE=ins;VARB=0.0222858 GT:GQ:DP:FDP:RO:FRO:AO:FAO:AF:SAR:SAF:SRF:SRR:FSAR:FSAF:FSRF:FSRR 0/1:31:695:399:471:267:179:132:0.330827:94:85:236:235:65:67:124:143
chr1 1650787 . T C 483.012 PASS AF=0.39;AO=181;DP=459;FAO=156;FDP=400;FR=.;FRO=244;FSAF=100;FSAR=56;FSRF=162;FSRR=82;FWDB=-0.00931067;FXX=0;HRUN=1;LEN=1;MLLD=210.04;OALT=C;OID=.;OMAPALT=C;OPOS=1650787;OREF=T;PB=0.5;PBP=1;QD=4.83012;RBI=0.018986;REFB=-0.0114993;REVB=-0.0165463;RO=276;SAF=116;SAR=65;SRF=184;SRR=92;SSEN=0;SSEP=0;SSSB=-0.0305478;STB=0.515311;STBP=0.652;TYPE=snp;VARB=0.019956 GT:GQ:DP:FDP:RO:FRO:AO:FAO:AF:SAR:SAF:SRF:SRR:FSAR:FSAF:FSRF:FSRR 0/1:483:459:400:276:244:181:156:0.39:65:116:184:92:56:100:162:82
chr1 17034455 . CGCGCGCGT C 50 PASS AF=0.205882;AO=56;DP=272;FR=.;LEN=8;OALT=-;OID=.;OMAPALT=C;OPOS=17034456;OREF=GCGCGCGT;RO=216;SAF=27;SAR=29;SRF=112;SRR=104;TYPE=del GT:GQ:DP:RO:AO:SAF:SAR:SRF:SRR:AF 0/1:99:272:216:56:27:29:112:104:0.205882
awk '/TYPE=ins/ {print $1,$2,$4,$5, "/TYPE=*/" "/LEN=*/" $0;next} /TYPE=del/ {print $1,$2,$4,$5, "/TYPE=*/" "/LEN=*/" $0;next} 1' input > out
desired output
chr1 1647893 C CTTTCTT TYPE=ins LEN=6
chr1 17034455 CGCGCGCGT C TYPE=del LEN=8
You can use this awk command:
awk 'function find(str) {
return substr($0, match($0, str "=[^; \t]+"), RLENGTH);
/TYPE=(ins|del)/ {
print $1, $2, $4, $5, find("TYPE"), find("LEN")
}' file
chr1 1647893 C CTTTCTT TYPE=ins LEN=6
chr1 17034455 CGCGCGCGT C TYPE=del LEN=8
Here is an awk-solution:
awk '$0~"TYPE=del" || $0~"TYPE=ins"{max=split($0,ar,";")
for(i=1; i<=max; i++){
print $1,$2,$4,$5,type,len}' input
chr1 1647893 C CTTTCTT TYPE=ins LEN=6
chr1 17034455 CGCGCGCGT C TYPE=del LEN=8

add plus or minus in awk if no match

I am trying to match all the lines in the below file to match. The awk will do that the problem is that the lines that do not match should be within plus or minus 10. I am not sure how to tell awk that the if a match is not found then use either plus or minus the coordinates in file. If no match is found after that then no match is in the file. Thank you :).
chr1 955543 955763 chr1:955543-955763 AGRN-6|gc=75
chr1 957571 957852 chr1:957571-957852 AGRN-7|gc=61.2
chr1 970621 970740 chr1:970621-970740 AGRN-8|gc=57.1
awk 'NR==FNR{A[$1];next}$3 in A' file bigfile > output
desired output (same as bigfile)
chr1 955543 955763 chr1:955543-955763 AGRN-6|gc=75
chr1 957571 957852 chr1:957571-957852 AGRN-7|gc=61.2
If there's no difference between a row that matches and one that's close, you could just set all of the keys in the range in the array:
awk 'NR == FNR { for (i = -10; i <= 10; ++i) A[$1+i]; next }
$3 in A' file bigfile > output
The advantage of this approach is that only one lookup is performed per line of the big file.
You need to run a loop on array a:
awk 'NR==FNR {
for (i in a)
if (i <= $3+10 && i >= $3-10)
}' file bigfile > output
Your data already produces the desired output (all exact match).
$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1];next} $3 in a{print; next}
{for(k in a)
if((k-$3)^2<=10^2) {print $0, " --> within 10 margin"; next}}' file bigfile
chr1 955543 955763 chr1:955543-955763 AGRN-6|gc=75
chr1 957571 957852 chr1:957571-957852 AGRN-7|gc=61.2
chr1 976251 976261 chr1:976251-976261 AGRN-8|gc=57.1 --> within 10 margin
I added a fake 4th row to get the margin match

grep, cut, sed, awk a file for 3rd column, n lines at a time, then paste into repeated columns of n rows?

I have a file of the form:
#some header text
a 1 1234
b 2 3333
c 2 1357
#some header text
a 4 8765
b 1 1212
c 7 9999
with repeated data in n-row chunks separated by a blank line (with possibly some other header text). I'm only interested in the third column, and would like to do some grep, cut, awk, sed, paste magic to turn it in to this:
a 1234 8765 ...
b 3333 1212
c 1357 9999
where the third column of each subsequent n-row chunk is tacked on as a new column. I guess you could call it a transpose, just n-lines at a time, and only a specific column. The leading (a b c) column label isn't essential... I'd be happy if I could just grab the data in the third column
Is this even possible? It must be. I can get things chopped down to only the interesting columns with grep and cut:
cat myfile | grep -A2 ^a\ | cut -c13-15
but I can't figure out how to take these n-row chunks and sed/paste/whatever them into repeated n-row columns.
Any ideas?
This awk does the job:
awk 'NF<3 || /^(#|[[:blank:]]*$)/{next} !a[$1]{b[++k]=$1; a[$1]=$3; next}
{a[$1] = a[$1] OFS $3} END{for(i=1; i<=k; i++) print b[i], a[b[i]]}' file
a 1234 8765
b 3333 1212
c 1357 9999
awk '/#/{next}{a[$1] = a[$1] $3 "\t"}END{for(i in a){print i, a[i]}}' file
Would produce
a 1234 8765
b 3333 1212
c 1357 9999
You can change "\t" to a different output separator like " " if you like.
sub(/\t$/, "", a[i]); may be inserted before printif uf you don't like having trailing spaces. Another solution is to check if a[$1] already has a value where you decide if you have append to a previous value or not. It complicates the code a bit though.
Using bash > 4.0:
declare -A array
while read line
if [[ $line && $line != \#* ]];then
c=$( echo $line | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
value=$( echo $line | cut -f 3 -d ' ')
array[$c]="${array[$c]} $value"
done < myFile.txt
for k in "${!array[#]}"
echo "$k ${array[$k]}"
Will produce:
a 1234 8765
b 3333 1212
c 1357 9999
It stores the letter as the key of the associative array, and in each iteration, appends the correspondig value to it.
$ awk -v RS= -F'\n' '{ for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) {split($i,f,/[[:space:]]+/); map[f[1]] = map[f[1]] " " f[3]} } END{ for (key in map) print key map[key]}' file
a 1234 8765
b 3333 1212
c 1357 9999

awk with joined field

I am trying to extract data from one file, based on another.
The substring from file1 serves as an index to find matches in file2.
All works when the string to be searched inf file2 is beetween spaces or isolated, but when is joined to other fields awk cannot find it. is there a way to have awk match any part of the strings in file2 ?
awk -vv1="$Var1" -vv2="$var2" '
if ($4==v1 && $5==v2) {
echo $s
!($1 in a) {
}' /tmp/file1 /tmp/file2
example that works:
1 554545352014-01-21 2014-01-21T16:18:01 FS 14001 1 1.10
1 554545362014-01-21 2014-01-21T16:18:08 FS 14002 1 5.50
55454535 11 17 102 850Sande Fiambre 1.000
55454536 11 17 17 238Pesc. Dourada 1.000
example that does not work:
5545453501/21/20142 1716:18 1 1 116:18
5545453601/21/20142 1716:18 1 1 216:18
the string to be searched, for instance : 55454535 finds a match in the working example, but it doesn't in the bottom one.
You probably want to replace this:
!($1 in a) {
with this (or similar - your requirements are unclear):
found = 0
for (s in a) {
if ($1 ~ "^"s) {
found = 1
if (!found) {
Use a regex comparison ~ instead of ==
ex. if ($4 ~ v1 && $5 ~ v2)
Prepend v1/v2 with ^ if you want to the word to only begin with string and $ if you want to word to only end with it