How to get ribbon control in MFC feature pack to process ID_WINDOW_TILE_VERT - c++

I'm porting an older MFC application to use MFC feature pack with ribbon UI and have found the ribbon UI doesn't process MDI windows tiling commands such ID_WINDOW_TILE_VERT. Is there a way to enable this functionality?
Single stepping through the MFC source I get as far as the following in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\atlmfc\src\mfc\winmdi.cpp, which seems correct;
ASSERT(m_hWndMDIClient != NULL);
UINT msg;
UINT wParam = 0;
switch (nID)
return FALSE; // not for us
// fall through
::SendMessage(m_hWndMDIClient, msg, wParam, 0);
return TRUE;
I have also tried calling
directly, which essentially does the same thing and does not work.

From some experimentation, when the MFC mdi interface is based on CMDIFrameWndEx frames hosting dockable panes based CMDIChildWndEx and tabbed documents are enabled, floating windows are not available and hence neither are tiling or cascading.
To enable tiling, simply remove the line
EnableMDITabbedGroups(TRUE, mdiTabParams);
from your CMainFrame::OnCreate method. The downside is you also lose your nice tabbed document UI. FWIW, I also tried calling EnableDocking(CBRS_FLOAT_MULTI) after enabling tabbed groups, but it does not make any difference. Also under discussion here
Update: In order to keep the tabbed interface and split the screens, the following alternative works well to split a single horizontal view with multiple tabs into two views, with current tab in the new view.
void SplitViews(CMDIFrameWndEx *pFrame)


Why is my window losing its HTMEME when I call SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_STYLE) on it?

I'm coding a custom Win32 UI control that I want to incorporate visual themes in. I load themes in its WM_NCCREATE as such:
HTHEME hTheme = ::OpenThemeData(hWnd, L"EDIT");
assert(::GetWindowTheme(hWnd) != 0);
return 1;
and then release them when control is destroyed:
HTHEME hTheme = ::GetWindowTheme(hWnd);
if(::CloseThemeData(hTheme) != S_OK)
This works well, until someone tries to change that control's styles. The following call (just by itself without even changing any styles):
::SetWindowLongPtr(hChildWnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle);
will make GetWindowTheme on hChildWnd return NULL.
So, is it a bug or a feature?
PS. To make a reproducible Win32 example I had to adjust the stock Win32 solution from the VS 2017. (Here is its full source code.) The way it works is this: in it I create a small child control (shown in gray below) that has theme in question:
Then when you click on the white area of the main window, I try to change its styles and its theme disappears:
To see the full Win32 code for that project, I also posted it on PasteBin.
According to Window Styles document:
"After the window has been created, these styles cannot be modified,
except as noted."
Because this is not permitted, the theme engine does not always check for changed styles and in some circumstances will draw the caption based on old data. And the only guaranteed and supportable solution is for the application to destroy the window and recreate it with the new styles rather than trying to change them on the fly.
A similar discussion can be found:

MFC's dialog-based app title bar highlighting visual artifacts on Windows 10 (i.e. bugs in CDialogEx)

I'm not sure why am I getting this visual artifact?
Here's how to repro:
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 Community. Create a new C++ -> MFC project:
Then specify "dialog based":
Then build as "Debug" x86 app and run it.
So I'm running it on Windows 10.
When this dialog-based process has focus, it looks as I would expect it:
but if I switch keyboard focus to some other app (by clicking on it), this dialog-based process still retains its title bar color:
I'm not sure if it's just a matter of a visual glitch or if there's a deeper mess-up with the window message handling. How do I correct it? (This wasn't an issue with older MFC projects.)
I managed to replicate your problem and found a quick fix for it.
You need to add the WM_ACTIVATE message handler to your main dialog, comment out the base class OnActivate and modify it like this:
void CMFCApplication1Dlg::OnActivate(UINT nState, CWnd* pWndOther, BOOL bMinimized)
//CDialogEx::OnActivate(nState, pWndOther, bMinimized);
// TODO: Add your message handler code here
CWnd::Default call is needed to keep the active/inactive visualization of the default button.
OK, as much as I appreciate #VuVirt's solution, it doesn't completely remove all the bugs that are shipped in the default Dialog-based solution in VS2017. It solves the title bar focus issue, but while continuing to develop my project I encountered another bug. So I'm copy-and-pasting it from my comment to his answer:
There's still some kinda screw-up there. I'm not sure if it's related to this fix or not. Ex: If you create a button and then in its handler try to do: CFileDialog d(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_EXPLORER, NULL, this); d.DoModal(); to open a file picker dialog. When file picker opens up, close it and see if the title bar of the parent MFC dialog window goes back to being active. In my case it remains inactive until I click onto the Windows taskbar and then back onto that MFC app.
After banging my head against the wall trying to see what is going on there, I decided to try an earlier solution proposed by #zett42 in the comments to my original question (i.e. to replace CDialogEx with CDialog) and it worked! All the bugs are gone!
So here's my verdict: CDialogEx is buggy af.
The resolution is quite simple: When you create a new dialog-based project use project-wide find-and-replace (in the Edit menu) and replace all occurrences of CDialogEx with CDialog. And that is it. (I tried to use VS2017's refactoring tool for that but it messed it up and didn't replace it all. So simple search-and-replace does the job.)
And if you think that you'll be missing some functionality without CDialogEx, then you won't. All it does (besides introducing bugs) is that it adds background images and colors to the dialog.
So until MS fixes those glaring bugs in their templates I'm sticking with this approach.
This seems to be a bug in CDialogImpl::OnActivate and CDialogImpl::OnNcActivate:
void CDialogImpl::OnNcActivate(BOOL& bActive)
if (m_Dlg.m_nFlags & WF_STAYACTIVE)
bActive = TRUE;
if (!m_Dlg.IsWindowEnabled())
bActive = FALSE;
void CDialogImpl::OnActivate(UINT nState, CWnd* pWndOther)
m_Dlg.m_nFlags &= ~WF_STAYACTIVE;
CWnd* pWndActive = (nState == WA_INACTIVE) ? pWndOther : &m_Dlg;
if (pWndActive != NULL)
BOOL bStayActive = (pWndActive->GetSafeHwnd() == m_Dlg.GetSafeHwnd()
|| pWndActive->SendMessage(WM_FLOATSTATUS, FS_SYNCACTIVE));
if (bStayActive)
m_Dlg.m_nFlags |= WF_STAYACTIVE;
m_Dlg.SendMessage(WM_NCPAINT, 1);
This is meant to give CDialogEx the ability to stay active, for example, when CMFCPopupMenu is shown.
But m_Dlg.SendMessage(WM_NCPAINT, 1) is a suspicious call. The usage doesn't match the documentation for WM_NCPAINT:
A handle to the update region of the window. The update region is clipped to the window frame.
This parameter is not used.
Additionally, OnNcActivate has an override based on IsWindowEnabled(). This seems to be a patch to fix the earlier problem in OnActivate. But it causes problems elsewhere, for example when using CFileDialog in CDialogEx
Suggested solution:
Modify CDialogEx::OnActivate so that it runs the default procedure. Or, change it such that it will force repaint.
BOOL CDialogEx::OnNcActivate(BOOL active)
if(m_nFlags & WF_STAYACTIVE)
active = TRUE;
return(BOOL)DefWindowProc(WM_NCACTIVATE, active, 0L);
void CDialogEx::OnActivate(UINT nState, CWnd* pWndOther, BOOL bMinimized)
void CDialogEx::OnActivate(UINT nState, CWnd* pWndOther, BOOL bMinimized)
//save the previous flag
UINT previous_flag = m_nFlags;
m_nFlags &= ~WF_STAYACTIVE;
// Determine if this window should be active or not:
CWnd* pWndActive = (nState == WA_INACTIVE) ? pWndOther : this;
if(pWndActive != NULL)
BOOL bStayActive = pWndActive->GetSafeHwnd() == GetSafeHwnd() ||
m_nFlags |= WF_STAYACTIVE;
if(previous_flag != m_nFlags && previous_flag & WF_STAYACTIVE)
//if the flag is changed,
//and if WF_STAYACTIVE was previously set,
//then OnNcActivate had handled it wrongly, do it again
SendMessage(WM_NCACTIVATE, FALSE); //<- less wrong!
This should work with CMFCPopupMenu for example. The MFC menu will open without deactivating the dialog.
I am not sure what SendMessage(WM_FLOATSTATUS, FS_SYNCACTIVE) is for, I haven't been able to test it... If it's necessary, it seems the code could be added on OnNcActivate, and then OnActivate is left alone.

How to prevent WTL CSplitterWindow resize?

I am looking at MFC splitter window class override:
I had tested the override source code with WTL CSplitterWindow, but it doesn't worked.
i had modified the MainFrm.h using CSplitOverride instead of CSplitterWindow class.
when program start "api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll missing.." popup error message shows.
windows 7 64bit os platform, 32 bit vs2015 build.
class CSplitOverride : public CSplitterWindow
CSplitOverride() { }
LRESULT OnNcHitTest(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
EDIT: i had been tried thickframe setting but no available. Jan S solution works like that i want.
Take a look at Michael Dunns excellent tutorial on splitter windows (this requires a few changes to get it to even compile in vs2013 though!)
This discussion on the WTL sourceforge site also may be useful
I think you are asking how you keep a pane a constant size when the main frame is resized? It depends on the alignment of the fixed pane
atlsplit.h defines the following extended styles
#define SPLIT_RIGHTALIGNED 0x00000004
As Michael Dun says - "If none of those three styles are specified, the splitter defaults to being left- or top-aligned."
SPLIT_NONINTERACTIVE stops the user from resizing the pane
m_cxyMin hard codes the minimum size of the pane specified by the alignment
m_wndHorzSplit.m_cxyMin = 150;

Why does c++ send WM_DRAWITEM to the parent process?

I started recently learning C++ and WinAPI, I want to be able to create my own programs
I am subclassing a button (into separate file, because I like things clean and organized - is that a bad idea?), because I want to have few of the kind with same parameters. I also want to draw it, and the question that pops to my mind is: wouldn't it be better to have it all in the class file? Meaning all parameters including custom draw. It is annoying to go to main file to change the looks and set all other parameters in the class file. I use codeblocks.
EDIT (explanation):
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Winuser.h>
#include "CustomButton.h"
/*global vars*/
WNDPROC CustomButton::CustomButtonLongPtr;
LRESULT CALLBACK CustomButtonProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
CustomButton * CustomButton::CreateCustomButton(HINSTANCE hInstance, HWND hwnd, int pos_x, int pos_y, int width, int height)
CustomButton * p_CustomButton = new CustomButton;
HWND customButton = CreateWindowEx(0, "BUTTON", "OK", WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | BS_OWNERDRAW, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, hwnd, (HMENU)200, (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWLP_HINSTANCE), p_CustomButton);
if(customButton == NULL)
delete p_CustomButton;
MessageBox(NULL, "Problem creating the Search box.", "Error", 0);
return 0;
CustomButton::CustomButtonLongPtr = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(customButton, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)&CustomButton::CustomButtonProc);
return p_CustomButton;
I want to use WM_DRAWITEM for this button in CustomButtonProc and I am wondering why did the developers think that it would be smarted to allow to use it only in parent WinProc.
This is a little complicated to explain.
You're probably coming from a background where you plug a function into an outlet to handle events, something like
extern void onClicked(void);
button->OnClicked = onClicked;
And while it's fully possible for Windows to have done this from the start, you have to remember that Windows was originally designed to run on systems with severely limited memory, so it was important that controls not waste memory. And there are a lot of events you can get from a button:
void (*OnClicked)(void);
void (*OnDoubleClicked)(void);
void (*OnDisabled)(void);
void (*OnHighlight)(void);
void (*OnKillFocus)(void);
void (*OnPaint)(void);
void (*OnSetFocus)(void);
void (*OnUnhighlight)(void);
void (*OnUnpushed)(void);
HBRUSH (*OnCtlColorButton)(void);
Having these for every button in your program — that is, push buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, and groupboxes — with most of them likely to be unused would just be a massive waste of memory.
Because Windows needs a way to communicate between the system and a window and between windows, Microsoft decided to create a message-passing interface where each message had a 16-bit code and two pointer-sized (originally one 32-bit and one 16-bit) parameters and a pointer-sized return value. And there aren't a lot of messages that Windows needs for itself, giving both window classes and the application a lot of real estate for using messages to communicate. So why not use a message to signal the event?
Using a message avoids the waste of memory while still allowing the button to pass data to and return data from its target window. So the logic follows that all a button would need to do is
/* this is not the correct syntax but let's use it for expository purposes */
#define BN_CLICKED someNumberHere
SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), BN_CLICKED, hwnd);
and the parent would handle that:
if (whichButton == button1)
No wasted memory, but still flexible and extensible. And even more importantly, also binary-compatible: if more events were added later, the size of the function pointer table would need to change, and newer programs that tried to use newer events on older systems would clobber random memory. With messages, these programs would just have dead code.
Now why send the message to the parent? If we view windows as communication endpoints, then this is obvious: you want the button to tell its parent that it was clicked because you're communicating that the button was clicked!
But more important, you didn't write the button's window procedure. Microsoft did, and they provide the same one to every program. If you could handle the message in the button procedure, where would you put it? You can't change the button procedure, after all.
(Nowadays we have something called "subclassing" which allows you to override a single window's window procedure to do custom processing. It's not used for event handling because it's more work than just sending up to the parent.)
All of this extends to custom draw; just substitute "custom draw" for "clicked" and it should still make sense. Hopefully this explanation was clear, even with that mental substitution.
If you want, you can write your own facility to handle events in the function pointer way. Keep a map of window handles to event functions and call a global dispatch function in all your window procedures to handle the event messages WM_COMMAND, WM_NOTIFY, and (for trackbars) WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL. How you do this is up to you, but think about whether you really want to do it this way; sometimes it's necessary, but sometimes it isn't. If you do, remember to provide a way to pass arbitrary data to the event function that's decided at event connection time, so the event handler can do something reasonable without relying on global state.
Thanks to comments by RemyLebeau and IInspectable I was able to also find solution to my frustration, which I am going to explain here for anybody else who's scratching their heads over this very issue.
This solution does not require VCL nor any component from Visual Studio and such.
First define your own custom message, in the way that you can reach it inside WndProc:
#define MY_DRAWITEM (WM_APP+1)
UINT uDrawButtonMsg = RegisterWindowMessage(_T("MY_DRAWITEM"));
Then find out what number it is assigned:
std::cout << uDrawButtonMsg; //for example 49648
And send this message from WndProc to your subclassed control from any message you wish, for example WM_DRAWITEM:
::SendMessage(p_CustomButton->customButton, uDrawButtonMsg, wParam, lParam);
And then in your subclass just catch the message by the 5 digit number you looked for while ago:
if(49648 == uMsg)
//do your DRAWITEM stuff here
Thanks to everybody who contributed to this article helping with exaplanation, tips and also historical background!

How to enable predictive text (auto-correct) in the touch keyboard for a custom control in a Windows Desktop application?

When using the on-screen keyboard in Windows 8 (and Windows 10) for typing into an Edit or RichEdit control, the keyboard displays a list of word suggestions. Is there a way to enable this behavior for a custom text editor control? (Note: I am referring to the touch keyboard, not osk.exe)
The touch keyboard
Obviously, Windows needs to be able to access and modify the document data in my control.
I tried enabling some of the UI Automation text interfaces to no effect.
UI Automation Support for Textual Content
My window handles the WM_GETOBJECT message:
HRESULT OnGetObject(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL &bHandled) {
if (lParam == UiaRootObjectId) {
return UiaReturnRawElementProvider(*this, wParam, lParam, customTextProvider.get());
return 0;
return 0;
it returns a pointer to my custom text provider object:
class CustomTextProvider : public IRawElementProviderSimple, public ITextProvider, public ITextProvider2, public IValueProvider {
In this class I have IsTextPatternAvailable, IsTextPattern2Available, IsValuePatternAvailable, and IsLegacyAccessiblePatternAvailable all set to true. I can verify this using the Inspect utility. I can also correctly see the contents of my control for Value.Value.
Even with this, the touch keyboard shows word predictions/corrections for the edit control, but not my control.