Creating a fallback container/resolver DryIoc - dryioc

Current working on creating a Prism.DryIoc.Forms project to try out DryIoc (first time!).
In Xamarin.Forms there is a native DependencyService and to provide a nice way to migrate towards using Prism I would like to add it as a fallback container in case the requsted service type can't be resolved from the main container.
Current I have created a FallbackContainer and pass the instance of IContainerand overrides the methods for IResolver and delegates the rest of the IContainer calls to the instance passed during creation.
So after the default container is created and configured and then do
Container = CreateContainer();
Container.Rules.WithFallbackContainer(new DependencyServiceContainer(Container));
Is this the preferred method or is there any way just to attach a default IResolver?
Current implementation
public class FallbackDependencyServiceContainer : IContainer
private readonly IContainer container;
public FallbackDependencyServiceContainer(IContainer container)
this.container = container;
public object Resolve(Type serviceType, bool ifUnresolvedReturnDefault)
return ResolveFromDependencyService(serviceType);
public object Resolve(Type serviceType, object serviceKey, bool ifUnresolvedReturnDefault,
Type requiredServiceType,
RequestInfo preResolveParent, IScope scope)
return ResolveFromDependencyService(serviceType);
public IEnumerable<object> ResolveMany(Type serviceType, object serviceKey, Type requiredServiceType,
object compositeParentKey,
Type compositeParentRequiredType, RequestInfo preResolveParent, IScope scope)
return new[] { ResolveFromDependencyService(serviceType) };
private static object ResolveFromDependencyService(Type targetType)
if (!targetType.GetTypeInfo().IsInterface)
return null;
var method = typeof(DependencyService).GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredMethod("Get");
var genericMethod = method.MakeGenericMethod(targetType);
return genericMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { DependencyFetchTarget.GlobalInstance });
Thanks and looking forward to test DryIoc since I've read it's supposed to be the fastest out there

Updated answer:
You may directly use WithUnknownServiceResolvers returning DelegateFactory:
var c = new Container(Rules.Default.WithUnknownServiceResolvers(request =>
new DelegateFactory(_ => GetFromDependencyService(request.ServiceType))));
No need to implement IContainer just for that.
I think it may be optimized regarding performance by replacing DelegateFactory with ExpressionFactory. But I need some time to play with the idea.


Mock Generic Method with Type Variable - NSubstitute

I have a client interface that looks like this:
public interface IDiscosClient
public Task<DiscosResponse<T>?> Get<T>(string queryUrl) where T : DiscosModelBase;
// The rest
And DiscosResponse<T> looks like this:
public record DiscosResponse<T> where T: DiscosModelBase
public DiscosResponse()
internal DiscosResponse(T attributes)
Attributes = attributes;
public ResponseType Type { get; init; }
// TODO - This is wrong an probably needs renaming to something like Object
public T Attributes { get; init; }
public int Id { get; init; }
I want to be able to be able to dynamically create a Substitute.For<T>() of this interface that will always build and return an instance of T.
So I know how to construct and call a generic method. I also have AutoFixture set up so that I can create new instances of T on demand.
What I don't know, however, is how to then go about telling NSubstitute to return this new instance when this constructed method is called.
For reference, the usual syntax for doing this without reflection would be:
MyType myMock = Substitute.For<MyType>();
I've had to put a pin in the AutoFix part of this because it was causing recursion issues. However, I've now come up with this, which seems to work right up until I try and set the return value on the invocation:
private IDiscosClient CreateSubstituteClient(Type type)
IDiscosClient client = Substitute.For<IDiscosClient>();
MethodInfo getMethod = typeof(IDiscosClient).GetMethod(nameof(client.Get), new [] {typeof(string)}) ?? throw new MethodAccessException();
MethodInfo constructedGetMethod = getMethod.MakeGenericMethod(type);
Type constructedReturnType = typeof(DiscosResponse<>).MakeGenericType(type);
const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
object returnValue = Activator.CreateInstance(constructedReturnType, flags, null, new [] {Activator.CreateInstance(type)}, culture); // Not using AutoFix as it will cause recursion issues
constructedGetMethod.Invoke(client, new object?[] {Arg.Any<string>()}).Returns(Task.FromResult(returnValue));
return client;
At which point it throws this error:
Can not return value of type Task1 for IDiscosClient.Get (expected type Task1).
Which is confusing because the type of returnValue is:
DISCOSweb-Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=null]], DISCOSweb-Sdk, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
And constructedGetMethod.ReturnParameter is:
Which, AFIACT match once I wrap the former in a Task.FromResult
Task.FromResult(returnValue) results in runtime type of Task<object> while your method expects Task<DiscosResponse<T>?>. NSubstitute checks compatibility of returned type with(among others) IsAssignableFrom so it throws exception. In this particular case you need to do sth like this
var methodInfo = typeof(Task).GetMethod(nameof(Task.FromResult), BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
var fromResult = methodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(constructedReturnType).Invoke(null, new []{ returnValue});
constructedGetMethod.Invoke(client, new object?[] {Arg.Any<string>()}).Returns(fromResult);
in order for runtime types to be the same.

How to use Moq to Prove that the Method under test Calls another Method

I am working on a unit test of an instance method. The method happens to be an ASP.NET MVC 4 controller action, but I don't think that really matters much. We just found a bug in this method, and I'd like to use TDD to fix the bug and make sure it doesn't come back.
The method under test calls a service which returns an object. It then calls an internal method passing a string property of this object. The bug is that under some circumstances, the service returns null, causing the method under test to throw a NullReferenceException.
The controller uses dependency injection, so I have been able to mock the service client to have it return a null object. The problem is that I want to change the method under test so that when the service returns null, the internal method should be called with a default string value.
The only way I could think to do this is to use a mock for the class under test. I want to be able to assert, or Verify that this internal method has been called with the correct default value. When I try this, I get a MockException stating that the invocation was not performed on the mock. Yet I was able to debug the code and see the internal method being called, with the correct parameters.
What's the right way to prove that the method under test calls another method passing a particular parameter value?
I think there's a code smell here. The first question I'll ask myself in such a situation is, is the "internal" method really internal/ private to the controller under test. Is it the controller's responsibility to do the "internal" task? Should the controller change when the internal method's implementation changes? May be not.
In that case, I would pull out a new targeted class, which has a public method which does the stuff which was until now internal to the controller.
With this refactoring in place, I would use the callback mechanism of MOQ and assert the argument value.
So eventually, you will end up mocking two dependancies:
1. The external service
2. The new targeted class which has the controller's internal implementation
Now your controller is completely isolated and can be unit tested independently. Also, the "internal" implementation becomes unit testable and should have its own set of unit tests too.
So your code and test would look something like this:
public class ControllerUnderTest
private IExternalService Service { get; set; }
private NewFocusedClass NewFocusedClass { get; set; }
const string DefaultValue = "DefaultValue";
public ControllerUnderTest(IExternalService service, NewFocusedClass newFocusedClass)
Service = service;
NewFocusedClass = newFocusedClass;
public void MethodUnderTest()
var returnedValue = Service.ExternalMethod();
string valueToBePassed;
if (returnedValue == null)
valueToBePassed = DefaultValue;
valueToBePassed = returnedValue.StringProperty;
public interface IExternalService
ReturnClass ExternalMethod();
public class NewFocusedClass
public virtual void FocusedBehvaior(string param)
public class ReturnClass
public string StringProperty { get; set; }
public class ControllerTests
public void TestMethod()
var mockService = new Mock<IExternalService>();
mockService.Setup(s => s.ExternalMethod()).Returns((ReturnClass)null);
var mockFocusedClass = new Mock<NewFocusedClass>();
var actualParam = string.Empty;
mockFocusedClass.Setup(x => x.FocusedBehvaior(It.IsAny<string>())).Callback<string>(param => actualParam = param);
var controller = new ControllerUnderTest(mockService.Object, mockFocusedClass.Object);
Assert.AreEqual("DefaultValue", actualParam);
Edit: Based on the suggestion in the comments to use "verify" instead of callback.
Easier way to verify the parameter value is by using strict MOQ behavior and a verify call on the mock after system under test is executed.
Modified test could look like below:
public void TestMethod()
var mockService = new Mock<IExternalService>();
mockService.Setup(s => s.ExternalMethod()).Returns((ReturnClass)null);
var mockFocusedClass = new Mock<NewFocusedClass>(MockBehavior.Strict);
mockFocusedClass.Setup(x => x.FocusedBehvaior(It.Is<string>(s => s == "DefaultValue")));
var controller = new ControllerUnderTest(mockService.Object, mockFocusedClass.Object);
"The only way I could think to do this is to use a mock for the class under test."
I think you should not mock class under test. Mock only external dependencies your class under test has. What you could do is to create a testable-class. It would be a class which derives from your CUT and here you can catch the calls to the another method and verify it's parameter later. HTH
Testable class in the example is named MyTestableController
Another method is named InternalMethod.
Short example:
public class Tests
public void MethodUnderTest_WhenServiceReturnsNull_CallsInternalMethodWithDefault()
// Arrange
Mock<IService> serviceStub = new Mock<IService>();
serviceStub.Setup(s => s.ServiceCall()).Returns((ReturnedFromService)null);
MyTestableController testedController = new MyTestableController(serviceStub.Object)
FakeInternalMethod = true
// Act
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(testedController.SomeDefaultValue, testedController.FakeInternalMethodWasCalledWithThisParameter);
private class MyTestableController
: MyController
public bool FakeInternalMethod { get; set; }
public string FakeInternalMethodWasCalledWithThisParameter { get; set; }
public MyTestableController(IService service)
: base(service)
{ }
internal override void InternalMethod(string someProperty)
if (FakeInternalMethod)
FakeInternalMethodWasCalledWithThisParameter = someProperty;
The CUT could look something like this:
public class MyController : Controller
private readonly IService _service;
public MyController(IService service)
_service = service;
public virtual string SomeDefaultValue { get { return "SomeDefaultValue"; }}
public EmptyResult MethodUnderTest()
// We just found a bug in this method ...
// The method under test calls a service which returns an object.
ReturnedFromService fromService = _service.ServiceCall();
// It then calls an internal method passing a string property of this object
string someStringProperty = fromService == null
? SomeDefaultValue
: fromService.SomeProperty;
return new EmptyResult();
internal virtual void InternalMethod(string someProperty)
throw new NotImplementedException();

Castle Windsor: unit test component lifecycle

I would like to write a non-regression test to validate that transient components are well released. Some are created by a direct injection in ctor, other by typed factories.
I thought that I could do this way:
// Given
var rootComponent = container.Resolve<IRootComponent>();
var c1 = rootComponent.C1;
var c2 = c1.C2;
// When
// Then
HasTrack() always returns false, although if I look at the container in debug mode, I can see my components well tracked. Why is that? Do you have any suggestion for such a test?
Thx for your help
The reason that your components are not tracked is that the component and it's dependencies have no decomissioning requirements. In this case there is no reason for windsor to track them.
When using windsor in general you should only resolve on your container once to obtain your top level component. All other component are either injected or created by a factory. There is no need to worry about the live time of injected components. The container will handle it for you.
For transient components that you create with a factory you should be aware that they will never live (be tracked) longer then the factory it self. So if you don't mind that your components live at long as your factory there is no need to release them (using a destroy method on a factory).
For component that I want to make sure that I release them, I generally I create unit test for which I stub out the factory. That way it is easy to test that destroy is called.
I think with the approach that you are taking you are not just testing your code but also the container. IMHO windsor is already well tested, and test should focus on your own code.
Good luck,
Two years too late, but here's a test.
public class DependsOnSomethingDisposable
private readonly SomethingDisposable _disposable;
public Boolean SomethingDisposableIsDisposed { get { return _disposable.Disposed; } }
public DependsOnSomethingDisposable(SomethingDisposable disposable)
_disposable = disposable;
public class SomethingDisposable : IDisposable
public Boolean Disposed { get; private set; }
public void Dispose()
Disposed = true;
public class WindsorLifestyleTests
private IWindsorContainer _container;
public void Setup()
_container = new WindsorContainer();
public void Cleanup()
public void TransientDependencyIsDisposed()
var resolved = _container.Resolve<DependsOnSomethingDisposable>();
public void NonTransientDependencyIsNotDisposed()
var resolved = _container.Resolve<DependsOnSomethingDisposable>();

Problems with mocking IUnityContainer when testing UnityControllerFactory in MVC project

I am having trouble testing a unity controller factory. I am mcoking out the unity container and asserting that a method was called on it. I am getting invalid cast expection though but cannot really see what is wrong with my code.
Here is the class under test:
public class UnityControllerFactory : IControllerFactory
private readonly IUnityContainer _container;
public UnityControllerFactory(IUnityContainer container)
if (container == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("container");
_container = container;
public IController CreateController(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
return _container.Resolve<IController>(controllerName);
public void ReleaseController(IController controller)
and here is the test:
public void CreateControllerCallsResolveOnContainerWithCorrectArgument()
const string controllerName = "WhateverController";
var containerMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IUnityContainer>();
var controllerFactory = new UnityControllerFactory(containerMock);
controllerFactory.CreateController(null, controllerName);
containerMock.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Resolve<IController>(controllerName));
and here is the error message:
System.InvalidCastException : Unable to cast object of type 'ObjectProxy42336d85f7bb400f9590892348d1d597' to type 'System.Web.Mvc.IController'
The generic Resolve<T>(string) method is an extension method and cannot be mocked. You have two choices here:
Use a non-generic Resolve(Type, string) method or
Wrap IUnityContainer with your own interface so that the generic methods you want to use are interface methods, not extension methods.
Why don't you just use a IUnityContainer's real implementation and register mock/stubs inside it?

How to mock HttpClientCertificate?

I am trying to unit test an action filter I wrote. I want to mock the HttpClientCertificate but when I use MOQ I get exception. HttpClientCertificate doesnt have a public default constructor.
//Stub HttpClientCertificate </br>
var certMock = new Mock<HttpClientCertificate>();
HttpClientCertificate clientCertificate = certMock.Object;
requestMock.Setup(b => b.ClientCertificate).Returns(clientCertificate);
certMock.Setup(b => b.Certificate).Returns(new Byte[] { });
This is the most awkward case of creating unit testable systems in .NET. I invariable end up adding a layer of abstraction over the component that I can't mock. Normally this is required for classes with inaccessible constructors (like this case), non-virtual methods or extension methods.
Here is the pattern I use (which I think is Adapter pattern) and is similar to what MVC team has done with all the RequestBase/ResponseBase classes to make them unit testable.
//Here is the original HttpClientCertificate class
//Not actual class, rather generated from metadata in Visual Studio
public class HttpClientCertificate : NameValueCollection {
public byte[] BinaryIssuer { get; }
public int CertEncoding { get; }
//other methods
public class HttpClientCertificateBase {
private HttpClientCertificate m_cert;
public HttpClientCertificateBase(HttpClientCertificate cert) {
m_cert = cert;
public virtual byte[] BinaryIssuer { get{return m_cert.BinaryIssuer;} }
public virtual int CertEncoding { get{return m_cert.CertEncoding;} }
//other methods
public class TestClass {
public void Test() {
//we can pass null as constructor argument, since the mocked class will never use it and mock methods will be called instead
var certMock = new Mock<HttpClientCertificate>(null);
certMock.Setup(cert=>cert.BinaryIssuer).Returns(new byte[1]);
In your code that uses HttpClientCertificate you instead use HttpClientCertificateBase, which you can instantiate like this - new HttpClientCertificateBase(httpClientCertificateInstance). This way you are creating a test surface for you to plug in mock objects.
The issue is that you need to specify constructor parameters when creating the mock of the HttpClientCertificate.
var certMock = new Mock<HttpClientCertificate>(ctorArgument);
The bad news is that the ctor for HttpClientCertificate is internal and takes in an HttpContext, so it probably won't work.
Unless you want to write more code to make the class "Testable" I suggest you use Typemock Isolator, Unless specified otherwise it looks for the first c'tor available - public, internal or private and fake (mocks) it's parameters so you won't have to.
Creating the fake object is as simple as:
var fakeHttpClientCertificate = Isolate.Fake.Instance<HttpClientCertificate>();
Another alternative is to use the free Microsoft Moles framework. It will allow you to replace any .NET method with your own delegate. Check out the link as it gives an example that is pretty easy to understand. I think you'll find it much nicer than adding layers of indirection to get HttpClientCertificate into a testable state.