Removing single quotes from kendo spread sheet -

We are using Kendo Spreadsheet control to provide excel like features for the end users. We have set of rows for which values will be pasted from the MS excel sheet. Based upon these cell values, the below row cells will have its own calculation.
But while pasting, the cell values are appending with single quotes as shown in screenshot which is causing error in its dependent cell.
How can I avoid appending single quotes with values on the kendo spread sheet cells when I am copying the data's from msexcel sheet ?
You can see value in the red box is appended with single quotes


Excel formula that checks the text of a specific column and the text of a specific row and returns the data listed in the table

I am trying to display the outcome scores on one Excel sheet into another Excel sheet based on the outcome name and course.
If the text in Sheet1!C2=communication and Sheet1!E2=Comm 2010, then display Sheet1!D2 on Sheet2!B3.
If the text in Sheet1!C4=information* and Sheet1!E4=Commm 3000, then display Sheet1!1D4 on Sheet2!C5.
Need to be able to use Wildcard when checking the text.
If the text in Sheet1!C6=communication and Sheet1!E6=Comm2010, but there is no number in Sheet1!D6, leave Sheet2!B5 blank
I have played around with a few different IF AND formulas, but I can't get the data displayed correctly.
Right now, I am building a pivot table from the data in Sheet1, then taking the table and formatting it to match the table on Sheet1 then using =IF(Pivot!C7="","",Pivot!C7). This works, but building a pivot table for each student and then formatting it to match Sheet1 is a time drain.
I'm really hoping there is a better way to do this.
Thank you!
Since you are compiling outcomes on a per-student basis and not in total it is safe to use the SUMPRODUCT() function:
The formula below is used in B3
and can be copied across and down throughout B3:C4
The formula used in B5 is different, because of the 'wildcard criterion'
(unless you are using Microsoft 365, having the formula directly suppress 0 values essentially entails doubling it in length so, as an alternative, given the small output range, a custom-number format has been implemented, which effectively doesn't display 0 in a cell where that is the formula result)

Filtering google sheets column to show cells ending with one of several values

I need to filter column A to see which cells end with values like .com/,.org/,, etc
Instead of filtering by "text ends with" dozens or hundreds of times, is there a way to combine all of these into one custom formula?
try this custom formula for:
filter view
conditional formatting
data validation
=REGEXMATCH(A1, ".com/$|.org/$|$")

Read value from a different table for Y-axis constant line in Power BI

I have a scatter chart and a db view to get the necessary data from it. This view only returns the names and its's respective values and is enough to make my chart just fine. Problem is that i want to draw a Constant Line on my chart but i want to read its value from a configuration table that i have in my DB. Currently when i try to add the Y-axis constant line in power bi, it only allows me to type the static value and it won't get the data dynamically from somewhere else; a different key-value based table that i already mentioned above. How can i achieve this?
Here's the images:
Thanks in advance.
There is not direct solution for this problem but this workaround did the job for me:
Create a measure (may work with a calculated column that will later be summarized as average, MAX, MIN, etc.). The measure (or aggregation of calculated column) will have the dynamic value of the constant line you want to display. In my case, I used a measure and I am showing a constant line that changes value depending on the current month.
Create your visual without the constant line first. In my case, I am using the clustered bar chart.
Add the measure with the constant value to your list of values of the visual. The value will appear in your visual. In my case, it appeared as another horizontal bar. You'll hide it in a later step.
Go to the analytics tab of the visual and instead of adding a new Constant Line, add a Min Line, Max Line, or whatever line makes more sense for your measure, column, visual, etc. as long as the option you choose allows you to select the measure/column you added in the previous step. From the formatting options of the line you added, click on the dropdown labeled "Measure" and pick the measure that has the value of the constant line.
Finish formatting the line as you want (title, text position, color, etc.).
Go back to the Fields tab of the visual and drag the measure with the constant value from the Value group to the Tooltips group. The value will now disappear from the visual but the constant line should remain.
(optional) If you do not want the value of the now dynamic constant line to show in the Tooltip of the visual, create a custom visual. However, keep in mind that if the user is viewing the report in a way that doesn't support report page tooltips, the user will see the default Tooltip including the value of the dynamic constant line you just created.

How to add a text to tool-tips

I have two columns (EBELN - Data Type is Text), (MATKL - Data Type is Text). I want to add them to tool-tips but it is shown as count.
How can I show it as text?
The trick to remember here is that your chart is aggregating data. In other words, for a single date (BEDAT), there may be many MENGE values that are either being summed or averaged or counted.
To create a text tooltip, you can't drag in a text column because, while 3 MENGE values can be easily summed, 3 corresponding tooltip values can't be summed.
What you need to do is create a measure that calculates the text based on the aggregated MENGE values. For example:
Text Tooltip = IF(SUM(Sheet1[MENGE])>100,"This is excellent","This is terrible")
You can then drag that text measure into the tooltip field (because you've said exactly what you want the text to be regardless of whether you've got one MENGE value, or 3, or 300 for a single BEDAT).
There's more information and code samples in the Power BI forums, for example here:
Dustin Ryan also has a good blog post on this here:

How Compare two sheet in open office and mark different value with color

In first sheet original data and in second modify data so i want to compare both sheet data and mark with color if sheet1 and sheet2 data not match.
I have two different sheet with data as per below.
ABC is represent the columns.
1-2 is represent row.
I can write the conditional format on single cell to check if Sheet1.A1 <> Sheet2.A1 and change the background colour.
conditional formatting : "Cell Value is" "equal to" $Sheet1.A$1 Cell Style "BACK_COLOR_RED".
But the problem is that how can i apply this same conditional format on sheet all cell to compare both sheet as manually write the same formula
on one by one cell is not feasible.
I got the answer, I hope below answer will also help to other people to run time compare two sheet.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3: