Mocking method from golang package - unit-testing

I have been unable to find a solution to mocking methods from golang packages.
For example, my project has code that attempts to recover when Os.Getwd() returns an error. The easiest way I can thinking of making a unit test for this, is by mocking the Os.Getwd() method to return an error, and verify that the code works accordingly.
I tried using testify, but it does not seem to be possible.
Anyone have any experience with that?

My own solution was to take the method as an argument, which allow to inject a "mock" instead when testing. Additionnaly, create an exported method as public facade and an unexported one for testing.
func Foo() int {
return foo(os.Getpid)
func foo(getpid func() int) int {
return getpid()

Looks like that taking a look at the os.Getwd test could give you some example of how you could test your code. Look for the functions TestChdirAndGetwd and TestProgWideChdir.
From reading those, it seems that the tests create temporary folders.
So a pragmatic approach would be to create temporary folders, like the tests mentioned above do, then break them so os.Getwd throws an error for you to catch on your test.
Just be careful doing these operations as they can mess up your system. I'd suggest testing in a lightweight container or a virtual machine.

I know this is a bit late but, here is how you can do it.
Testing DAL or SystemCalls or package calls is usually difficult. My approach to solve this problem is to push your system function calls behind an interface and then mock the functions of those interface. For example.
type SystemCalls interface {
Getwd() error
type SystemCallsImplementation struct{
func (SystemCallsImplementation) Getwd() error{
return Os.Getwd()
func MyFunc(sysCall SystemCalls) error{
With this you inject your interface that has the system calls to your function. Now you can easily create a mock implementation of your interface for testing.
type MockSystemCallsImplementation struct{
err error
func (MockSystemCallsImplementation) Getwd() error{
return err //this can be set to nil or some value in your test function
Hope this answers your question.

This is the limitation of go compiler, google developers don't want to allow any hooks or monkey patching. If unit tests are important for you - than you have to select a method of source code poisoning. All these methods are the following:
You can't use global packages directly.
You have to create isolated version of method and test it.
Production version of method includes isolated version of method and global package.
But the best solution is to ignore go language completely (if possible).


What should be the easiest way to unit test influxdb queries

I have a service that only make queries ( read / write ) to influxDB.
I want to unit test this, but I'm not sure how to do it, I've read a bunch of tutos talking about mocking. A lot deals with components like go-sqlmock. But as I am using influxDB, I could not use it.
I also find out other components I've tried to use like goMock or testify to be over-complicated.
What I think to do is to create a Repository Layer, an interface that should implement all the methods I need to run / test, and pass concrete classes with dependency injection.
I think it could work, but is it the easiest way to do it ?
I guess having Repositories everywhere, even for small services, just for them to be testable, seems to be over-engineered.
I can give you code if needed, but I think my question is a bit more theorical than practical. It is about the easiest way to mock a custom DB for unit testing.
To expand on #Markus W Mahlberg answer:
If the goal is to verify the queries are valid and actually execute against influx there's no shortcut for actually performing these against influx. These are usually considered to be "integration" tests. I have found with docker-compose that these tests can be just as reliable as unit tests, and fast enough to be integrated into CI. Having the tests execute in CI enables local engineers to easily run these tests to verify their query changes as well.
I guess having Repositories everywhere, even for small services, just for them to be testable, seems to be over-engineered.
I have found this to be pretty polarizing discussion. A test implementation IS a concrete implementation and paves the way for reliable, repeatable tests that support easily isolating and exercising specific components of your code.
I want to unit test this, but I'm not sure how to do it,
I think this is pretty nuanced, IMO unit testing queries provides negative value. Value comes from using a repository interface to allow your unit tests to explicitly configure responses that you would receive from influx in order to fully exercise your application code. This provides no feedback on influx, which is why the integration tests are essential in order to verify that your application can validly configure, connect, and query against influx. This validation implicitly happens when you deploy your application, at which point it becomes way more expensive in terms of feedback than verifying it locally and in CI with integration tests.
I created a diagram to try and illustrate these differences:
Unit tests with repository are focused on your application code and provide little feedback/value on anything to do with influx. Integration tests are useful for verifying your client (perhaps being extended to your application depending on where the tests are exercising but I prefer to bound it to the client since you already have the static feedback from go on the interfaces and calls). Then finally, as #Markus points out, the step to e2e tests is pretty small from integration tests, and allow you to test your full service.
By its very definition, if you test your integration with an external resource, we are talking of integration tests, not unit tests. So we have two problems to solve here.
Unit tests
What you typically do is to have a data access layer which accepts interfaces, which in turn are easy to mock and you can unittest your application logic.
package main
import (
var (
values = map[string]string{"foo": "bar", "bar": "baz"}
Expected = errors.New("Expected error")
type Getter interface {
Get(name string) (string, error)
// ErrorGetter implements Getter and always returns an error to test the error handling code of the caller.
// ofc, you could (and prolly should) use some mocking here in order to be able to test various other cases
type ErrorGetter struct{}
func (e ErrorGetter) Get(name string) (string, error) {
return "", Expected
// MapGetter implements Getter and uses a map as its datasource.
// Here you can see that you actually get an advantage: you decouple your logic from the data source,
// making refactoring (and debugging) **much** easier WTSHTF.
type MapGetter struct {
data map[string]string
func (m MapGetter) Get(name string) (string, error) {
if v, ok :=[name]; ok {
return v, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("No value found for %s", name)
type retriever struct {
g Getter
func (r retriever) retrieve(name string) (string, error) {
return r.g.Get(name)
func main() {
// Assume this is test code. No tests possible on playground ;)
bad := retriever{g: ErrorGetter{}}
s, err := bad.retrieve("baz")
if s != "" || err == nil {
panic("Something went seriously wrong")
// Needs to fail as well, as "baz" is not in values
good := retriever{g: MapGetter{values}}
s, err = good.retrieve("baz")
if s != "" || err == nil {
panic("Something went seriously wrong")
s, err = good.retrieve("foo")
if s != "bar" || err != nil {
panic("Something went seriously wrong")
In the example above, I actually had to implement two Getters to cover all test cases, since I could not use a mocking library, but you get the picture.
As for the over engineering: Plain and simple, no, that is not overengineering. It is what I personally call proper craftsmanship. It will pay in the long run to get used to it. Maybe not in this project, but in one to come.
Integration tests
Dodgy. What I tend to do is to make sure my queries are correct before I commit them ;)
In the rare case I really want to verify my queries in a CI for example, I usually create a Makefile which in turn spins up a docker(-compose) which provides the stuff I want to integrate against and then runs the tests.

Mocking external struct dependencies in golang

I am having a hard time figuring out an idiomatic way of writing testable code in golang. I understand the importance of interfaces and their use in testing, but I haven't figured out how to mock/test external struct dependencies.
As an example, I have written the following which simulates a wrapper for creating a pull request on GitHub.
type GitHubService interface {
type gitHubService struct {
CreatePullRequest(...) (PullRequest,error)
func (s gitHubService) CreatePullRequest(...) (PullRequest,error) {
tp := github.BasicAuthTransport{
Username: strings.TrimSpace(/*.....*/),
Password: strings.TrimSpace(/*.....*/),
client := github.NewClient(tp.Client())
pr,err := client.Repositories.CreatePullRequest(...)
func TestPullRequest(t *testing.T) {
service := gitHubService{}
pr,err := service.CreatePullRequest(...)
If I was writing a unit test for GitHubService.CreatePullRequest(...) I would want to mock the call to client.Repositories.CreatePullRequest(...) and probably even github.NewClient(...) to return mock implementations that I can control.
With tools such as gomock it seems that you are out of luck with structs and package functions.
What is the idiomatic way to handle this? I am very familiary with Inversion of Control and the different patterns such as Dependency Injection and Service Locator, but I have heard countless times that this is not idiomatic.
One important design feature of Go is decoupling (Watch this great talk from Bill Kennedy about that topic). Inside your method there are some dependencies, which could be decoupled. This coupled method makes it not really testable.
Thing you should refactor:
tp := github.BasicAuthTransport: you should not initialize the authorization inside of your method. It should move into your gitHubService as a parameter. Inside your method call you can access ist via You could also make it an input parameter of the method.
github.NewClient() and client.Repositories.CreatePullRequest(...) just read about the golang best practices from Peter Bourgon Make dependencies explicit!. The alternative is to create an interface, which contains all the called functions. This interface should be an input to your method.
After your code is decoupled you can mock everything very easy. If you use interfaces as an input you can just create a mock struct, which implements the interface. If you make the dependencies explicit you can overwrite them. In the last case the code for storing the values of the calls is not so clean, but it also works. The idiomatic go way is to use interfaces.
I had a similar problem and looks like, the only option you have is to have another layer in between which would call your "unmockable" clients.
For e.g. for mocking the govmi clients (vmware clients sdk for golang), I had to have a "myCustomClient" having interfaces and structs to make calls to govmi.Client.AnyMethod..
I could then generate mocks for "myCustomClient".
mockgen -source myCustomClient.go -package myPackage -destination myCustomClientMock.go
You can install it by: got get

Unittest design pattern for static functions

I am writing a piece of simple C++ class and trying to have a unittest case for the code.
The code is as simple as:
class Foo
static int EntryFunction(bool flag)
return 0;
static void TryDownload()
// http download code
static void TryDeleteFile()
// delete file code
The issue is, according to the concept of UT, we cannot relay on the network connection. So the unittest cannot really run the download code. My ultimate goal is just to test the code path, for example: when pass in TRUE, the download code path should hit, otherwise the delete logic should hit. I was thinking to override this class so download and delete function can be override to just set a flag and noop, but the functions are static.
I was wondering in this case what will be a good way to test it?
I think it depends on what is in your TryDownload and TryDelete functions. If they use some other objects/functions to perform their tasks, you can configure simulations of those objects so that your TryDownload and TryDelete don't know their aren't really downloading/deleting anything.
If you don't have such objects/functions (and everything is contained in TryDownload/TryDelete), one might argue that the code is not well suited to unit testing because it can't be broken down into small units. In that case, your only option is an actual web service (perhaps running on the localhost) that lets those functions do their thing.
One of the ways which I can suggest is to use Google Mock library in your unit test framework.
Using Google mock library, you can do exactly what you have explained.

Can I make Intellij Idea 11 IDE aware of assertEquals and other JUnit methods in Grails 2.0.x unit tests?

I find it very odd that with such excellent Grails integration, Idea does not recognize standard JUnit assertion methods in Grails unit tests. I created a brand new project and made one domain class with corresponding test to make sure it wasn't something weird with my larger project. Even if I add a #Test annotation, the IDE does not see any assertion methods
class SomeDomainTests {
#Test //thought adding this, not needed for Grails tests, would help but it doesn't
void testSomething() {
assertEquals("something", 1, 1); //test runs fine, but IDE thinks this method and any similar ones don't exist
I have created an issue in IntelliJ bugtracker: It will be fixed in IDEA 11.1.0
As workaround you can add "import static org.junit.Assert.*" to imports.
Note: using "assert 1 == 1 : 'message'" is preferable than "assertEquals('message', 1, 1)" in groovy code.
Idea has problems if you use 'def' to define a variable (so it's type is not known) and then you try to pass it to a Java method which is strongly typed. Because it can't infer the type.
So it will give a message with words to the effect of "there is no method assertEquals() that takes arguments with type String, null, null".
I wouldn't expect this message in the example you give (because you are using ints directly, not a dynamically-typed variable) but I thought you might have missed it when trying to create a simple example code snippet for the question.
With the #TestFor annotation an AST will add methods to you test class and IDEA does not catch these methods.
You have two options:
Make the test class extends GrailsUnitTestCase.
Add dynamic method to your test class.

Mocking a dependency in Node

I'm in the process of learning Node.js and am wondering about how people mock dependencies in their modules when unit testing.
For example:
I have a module that abstracts my MongoDB calls. A module that uses this module may start out something like this.
var myMongo = require("MyMongoModule");
// insert rest of the module here.
I want to ensure I test such a module in isolation while also ensuring that my tests don't insert records/documents into Mongo.
Is there a module/package that I can use that proxies require() so I can inject in my own mocks? How do other's typically address this issue?
You can use a dependency injection library like nCore
To be honest, the hard part of this is actually mocking out the mongoDB API, which is complex and non trivial. I estimate it would take about a week to mock out most of the mongo API I use so I just test againts the a local mongodb database on my machine (which is always in a weird state)
Then with nCore specific syntax
// myModule.js
module.exports = {
myMethod: function () {
expose: ["myMethod"]
// test-myModule.js
var module = require("myModule")
module.mongo = mongoMock
assert(module.myMethod() === ...)
After reviewing Ryanos's suggestion as well as the Horaa package on npm, I discovered this thread on the Google Group that pointed me towards Sandboxed-Module.
Sandboxed-Module allows me to inject/override require() without me having to expose such dependencies for my unit tests.
I'm still up for other suggestions; however, Sandboxed-Module appears to fit my needs at the moment.
You easily mock require by using "a":
e.g. need to mock require('./foo') in unit test:
var fakeFoo = {};
var expectRequire = require('a').expectRequire;
//in sut:
var foo = require('./foo); //returns fakeFoo
Overwriting require to inject your mocks is a possible solution. However, I concur in Raynos' opinion:
I personally find the methodology of overwriting require on a file by file basis an "ugly hack" and prefer to go for proper DI. It is however optimum for mocking one or two modules on an existing code base without rewriting code for DI support.
To use proper dependency injection not only saves you an "ugly hack" but also allows you to apply additional use cases apart from injecting mocks. In production you may e.g. usually instantiate connections over http and in certain circumstances inject a different implementation to establish a connection over VPN.
If you want to look for a dependency injection container read this excellent article and check out Fire Up! which I implemented.