django access request data (without POST or GET ) - django

Is there any way to access the request data without specifying the request method - GET or POST ?
I have a class based view which uses POST with some parameters.
Sometimes for some tests/debugging I want to use this view with a GET method, but then I need to change all the parameters to request.GET instead of request.POST.
Since my view is class based, I've already specify the method in the class by choosing post/get method. So I would prefer to access both GET and POST data together.

No, Django does not provide a way to do this. It once had a request.REQUEST attribute, but it was deprecated in Django 1.7 and removed in Django 1.9.
It was removed because there was consensus that treating request.GET and request.POST the same was not a good idea. See the mailing list discussion for more info.


Django Rest framework Serializer necessary?

I had one business requirement to be implemented lately which required me to just fetch the data and render the response.
So some API endpoint would return a response as: [{"id" :1,"name":"first"} ,{"id" :2,"name":"second":}]
Can I just render this data by constructing a list of dictionaries which can be populated with various ORM queries instead of rendering the response through a serializer?
Would it be an efficient solution in case I won't be using this serializer ever for POST request?
It is fine to have Django Rest Framework without serializer.
But best practice would be using Serializer.
Using Serializer you can control the input and out of the data.
You can validate Data. You can serializer and deserializer the data. Much more than that. Think Serializer as Form
From the Docs
Expanding the usefulness of the serializers is something that we would
like to address. However, it's not a trivial problem, and it will take
some serious design work.
— Russell Keith-Magee, Django users group

How does viewset aligns with rest methods

I am relatively new to DRF, but found viewsets an amazing abstraction technique for writing RESTful API. I am having a hard time correlating Viewsets with REST methods though. Let's say I have a viewset for Userprofiles and somebody new creates a profile on client.
Should this send a PUT or a POST ?
Which url should this request go to, http://user or http://user/new_id ?
If I want this profile only accessible to the user or admin(all CRUD operations), then where should I handle the code for making it inaccessible to others ?
Should I create a new permission ? If yes, should I handle rest methods in has_permission/has_object_permission ?
I have gone through the tutorial, and know how permissions/mixins works, but I am not able to connect these dots here.
1/ In general, POST is for creating new, PUT is for updating. See the docs on the SimpleRouter to show how the various types of Http methods align with various actions in your Django backend.
2/ You'll find that different situations call for different routing methods. If yours is standard, you may want to use a SimpleRouter like the example above. In that case, creating a new user would be a POST request to /user/ and updating a user would be a PUT request to /user/{{user_id}}/.
3/ To limit access to various API methods, you want to use Permissions. It's possible that you could use one of DRF's Custom Permissions. I've found that in general, if you want only the user to access his/her own profile, it's easier to either use conditional logic within a view (i.e., return a DRF PermissionDenied exception in the view logic if the is not the pk of that REST url. More often than not, I've used the UserPassesTestMixin from Django Braces, that works pretty well to filter user permissions.
4/ I guess the Django Braces mixin above answers this question. You should include a test_func method if you're using Django Braces that returns True if you want to grant the user access, and False otherwise.
Hope this helps! I agree that these are difficult parts of DRF and perhaps some of these could more effectively get incorporated into the source. Good luck!

Passing data between templates in django?

I'm creating a website that uses registration sort of like twitter where there is a pre-registration form that leads to another full registration form. Initially, I tried this using a POST and it worked but I realized the data from the first form could be seen through a proxy which I do not want.
I then did a proxy with Twitter's website and they use a GET instead of a POST. I'm thinking maybe I could do something using the session variables but not sure how to go about that or if I can do it with a GET. What would be the best approach for doing this with django?
Sessions are a good way to do that. When processing the first form put the data in the session and retrieve it when processing the get. Here's the documentation on Django sessions:

How to post json to Django

What is the proper way to post json to Django? I have tried to use views, but I am not certain how to handle csrf. Is there another way to bypass views and simply accept a post of json?
Views are what handle the post data. There is no concept of "bypass views" because that is where the work of processing a request is done.
This is probably what your are looking for:
This shows you how to handle csrf tokens with ajax (namely by using cookies).
I also might suggest you slow down and try to work through the tutorial found here:
You will likely have an easier time with django if you undertstand how the pieces (Models, Views, Templates, urls, Forms, etc) fit together.
Since you've added that these are API calls the simplest thing to do would be to mark these views as csrf_exempt. Additionally, as you might guess creating an API from models is a common task (I'm assuming that your API maps to models as that's the common case and you haven't specified) you may want to not reinvent the wheel and instead use piston or tastypie to make this easier on you:
Use the #csrf_exempt decorator on any API views.

Django custom manager request object/current user

I have made a custom manager by creating a class inheriting from models.Manager.The manager just changed the default model.objects query to add some filters. Now, I want to add a filter according to the user logged in. I dont want to have to search through code changing what params are added, is there any way I can get the request object/current user without passing it through to the method?
Im hoping this is not a stupid question, but I may just be getting confused...
This is the basic setup of the Manager
class pubManager(models.Manager):
def get_queryset(self):
return pubEnt.objects.filter(state='new')
def on_site(self):
return pubEnt.objects.filter(state='old', val=0)
There is no way in django to access the current request without passing it. If can't live without it you should probably rethink your design! Having access to the request shouldn't be a requirement of a manager's method, since it could also be accessible from somewhere where you do not have a request object (think for example of calling the method from the python shell). If you need access to the currently logged-in user, pass the user object to the method (from request.user), but not the whole request!
Global Django requests