Passing data between templates in django? - django

I'm creating a website that uses registration sort of like twitter where there is a pre-registration form that leads to another full registration form. Initially, I tried this using a POST and it worked but I realized the data from the first form could be seen through a proxy which I do not want.
I then did a proxy with Twitter's website and they use a GET instead of a POST. I'm thinking maybe I could do something using the session variables but not sure how to go about that or if I can do it with a GET. What would be the best approach for doing this with django?

Sessions are a good way to do that. When processing the first form put the data in the session and retrieve it when processing the get. Here's the documentation on Django sessions:


How to build conversational form with django?

I am trying to build a conversational form with Django.
It will be used in landing page. The form questions will be loaded one by one as user answers them. And there will be some greeting and "human-way" responses to user input (such as "wow! you did a good choice!" after user selects one of the choices from form). The experience and look of the app will be like a real-time chat but user can only select one of the choices from form or upload a file/image.
1. Which technology is better to use for it? I am planning to do it with Fetch.
2. Since I want it to work without page reloading, how do I need to load Django forms through Fetch? Do I need to pass elements of it with JSON and construct it in client-side or can I just pass it as an html with {{form.as_p}} and display it in HTML?
Does these options make difference in matter of security?
I do not know anything about Fetch, but anyway I think it must be constructed clientside, but at first I would simply display the form in a template to get the ids of its fields and then use it in clientside code.
What about security - you'll need to pass the csrf token via your form.

How to Fill Form with Data in DJango without Update

New to Django here. I have a link to a form in DJango. I use the CreateView to have the user enter the initial information. It all works great and the data is accurately saved to the database. My issue is this: I would like that same link to open the form (it's a one-to-one relationship) with the filled data so the user can see what they have previously entered and correct, edit or update as needed. The form currfently opens as a blank form so if the user has entered that information previously they are unable to see it. I cave researched get_or_create and update_or_create as well as a number of other topics, but can't seem to figure this out. This needs to be a user-friendly experience so multiple entires or clicking multiple buttons to access the data is not an option. How best can I implement this?
#Don you can checkout django formsets, I think this will help in this situation. And you can use a single FormView for all your needs by overriding its methods.
Have you looked at Django Sessions. It’s a simple way of saving session data and passing the data to future requests. I. In your form view you cloud save the session data you want to pass to your next form. In your next form, you could use the session data as default values. I’ve done something similar in the past.

Django REST API to receive images

I have a Django project using Tastypie as its main API and it works ok. But now I want to be able to receive images through the API (coming from phones and such). It looks like Tastypie is not quite ready yet in that field. I'm ready to try something else just for that matter, or even write a custom view. How can I do that?
A standard Django view can technically serve as an API endpoint, too, so why not just write a view that handles a POST payload?
You could even make a form which you use to validate the input, even if your client device isn't using that form to capture content - as long as the fields and their criteria match up, it'll still fit.

Backbone.js and Django (Without Tastypie)

I'm using Django for my site and trying to incorporate backbone.js. Backbone encourages using Tastypie - but I would rather not. Is there a way to use backbone.js and django without tastypie? Are there any examples out there of how to do this?
I've been were you are. Needed to just make a custom API for backbone to read for the specific instances.
All that really means, is making custom views in your and attaching them to custom urls in for backbone. Your views will have to return a JSON version of the object or objects
So you end up with friendly looking urls that backbone likes
For example if I had a model of boxes and I want to write a url and a view that sends all the boxes in my database to my frontend delivering them to backbone - I could make a url like this /api/v1/box/all/ really anything you want. In your view you just need to remember to return JSON.
Remember - you need update views to to update from backbone syncings (tastypie PUTS)
something like /api/v1/box/3/update?updatedinfodata
Let me know if you would like me to expand or show some code.
It is possible to bot use TastyPie and just build your own API.
You just need to know Backbone sends to the API and data it expects to receive.

How do I set session variables at login using django-registration and auth?

I'm using django-registration to log users into my application. That part works fine. The part that I cannot figure out is how to set custom session variables when the user logs in. For instance, I'd like to populate variables containing UserProfile data as well as the output of a few other functions. Then I'd be able to use that information in subsequent views/templates.
If anybody can point me to a tutorial online or post some sample code, that would be great.
I'm using django 1.1 and Python 2.6
If you don't want persistent storage of user data (just additional session data) have a look at:
The sessions framework will most probably be already enabled if you use django.contrib.auth.
If you want persistent storage of additional user data (not only in a session, but in the database), you will store them in another "profile" model:
I realize #stefanw provided you an alternative solution, but to answer the original question:
Setting session data at login is difficult because the easiest place to set that data is in your view function, and the particular view function you'd want to modify is a part of the contrib.django.auth app.
So your options would be the following:
Create a small middleware class to set your session data.
Create a template tag or other bit of code than can be integrated into the login template or subsequent page that will set the data you want.
Write your own custom login view function (it's really quite easy, actually).
Happy django-ing!