Has anyone tried using the new Titanium Hyperloop module (in beta currently) in an app that is compiled and distributed via TiShadow app? Since TiShadow app isn't Alloy, I'm not sure if Hyperloop module will work with TiShadow, which would be a problem because a Titanium app using Hyperloop cannot be deployed and distributed via TiShadow any longer.
I am developing my own app using Objective-C and C++. I want my app to be able to download the updates for other apps downloaded from the AppStore.
Does someone know if this is possible?
I know how to find which apps have a newer version via the iTunes search API.
I am a total beginner with developing in scalatra, eclipse, sbt, web services, etc...coming from a proprietary SAP Abap world where everything is different. Recently I found interest in developing in scala and SAP opens its SAP Cloud Platform, so I tried some tutorials to create some very simple web applications.
I could manage to create the sample tutorial with scalatra and sbt.
Scalatra includes Jetty as a default container.
I want to use Eclipse as SAP uses it as a standard development environment. I managed also to install the sbt-eclipse plugin and could import the project into the eclipse environment.
But now I'm stuck.
How can I change the web-container (server) to Tomcat which is installed locally in my eclipse environment?
It is a Scala project, so I cannot use the option which is available in a J2EE project to define the Target Runtime Environment in the properties.
Ultimately I would like to deploy it to my Hana trial account at SAP Cloud Platform. Any hint is appreciated.
Appcelerator application is not opening after installation. I tried one android module which was invoked in index.js to check if device datetime was enabled.When i commented this module reference from tiapp.xml, it worked. But i need this module. Please help on this.
Which version of Titanium SDK are you using? If we consider that you are using SDK 6.0 and above, then for Android modules, you need to re-build them with Titanium SDK 6.0 to make it compatible. For this reason if you remove the module it is working fine. Can you rebuild the module using the updated SDK and confirm.
I found the root cause is that Camera,Location,Storage,Calendar permissions are not getting set on app launch. Once i enable them manually via device app settings its working. I tried to set these permissions via example in
http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/api/Titanium.Android Permissions section but not getting set. Please advise how to set permissions in Android N
Im currently learning about Google App Engine and how it can be used to develop web apps. I have some knowledge of Django too.
What is the best way to go for building an app on Google App Engine,should i use the default webapp framework or use Django ?
Please Help
Thank You
it depends on your project
you can use both , but i prefer webapp cause its simple for me
Google App Engine SDK used to ship with Django 0.96 not the latest version
but there is a project called http://www.allbuttonspressed.com/projects/django-nonrel forked of the latest version of Django
here is an article to run native django apps on GAE
How to make Django projects packaged as desktop applications?
I found some tutorials, but is there any solution as DjangoKit , for Linux and Windows?
List of related tutorials :
Deploying a Django app on the desktop
Django application as a stand-alone desktop application
This project started when I needed to
distribute a self contained user
installable Windows demo of a Django
Edit: Another alternative is Super Zippy, it takes a Python package and its pure Python dependencies and transforms them all into a single executable file.
You might want to look into Appcelerator's (link) Titanium Desktop for developing web apps on the desktop.
It's fully cross platform, Linux, Mac OSX, Windows.
It's supports running Python, Ruby, and JavaScript code in your application all concurrently interacting with one anther in one application. It's pretty sweet.
(Full disclosure, I'm the founder of ToDesktop. I think this is a helpful answer though)
If your Django app is already deployed as a web app then you can wrap the web app in Electron.
If the web app does not need to be distributed to users (i.e.. you don't need an installer or code signing) then Nativefier is great for that. It's free and open-source. I made a Nativefier guide here.
If you're distributing to users then you'll probably want an installer and code signing and auto-updates for Electron. ToDesktop will do all that for you without any coding or configuration.
There's a comparison of the two here.