Debugging a dynamically-loaded library in c++ with QtCreator - c++

I am building an application which dynamically loads shared-libraries plugins with qtcreator on linux.
The plugin is built in a separate folder, then copied to the main application plugin folder. The application looks for plugins at startup and loads them.
Both plugin and executable are built in separate CMake projects (in Debug configuration), which are loaded in my qtcreator session.
It seems that the debugger is unable to link the library with the source code files. This has two effects
* The breakpoints I put on the plugins files are ignored
* If I put a "code breakpoint" (i.e. asm int 3) in the plugin code, the debugger shows me the dissasembly (and not the source).
How can I tell the debugger to look for the right source files ?

You may set breakpoints in libraries, based on function names and such. To view source code of break points the library must be compiled with debugging symbols (e.g. qmake CONFIG+=debug), and the source code cannot be moved after it is compiled. I believe breaking on file and line numbers also requires the source.
If you are still experiencing problems I would try adding the source directory to INCLUDEPATH, or loading both projects in QtCreator at runtime.


Missing libgcc_s_seh-1.dll starting the .exe on Windows

I have a CMake-based C++ project. Until now I build and ran the project via CLion. Everything worked fine until I tried to run the .exe-file directly (not via CLion).
When I navigate to the cmake build directory in order to start my program via the executable file, it fails with the following message in the popup: Cannot continue the code execution because libgcc_s so-1.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may resolve the issue.
I have the following questions
If I interpret the error message correctly, then this dll is missing on my computer. So I ask myself, why does my program still work when I start it via the development environment (CLion), although the error message expressly states that the source code requires this dll?
Is it the fault of my application/source code that the error appears or rather the current state of my computer? If the former, how can I prevent this error from appearing for other users?
What is the best way to fix this error? It's obvious that I need to download this dll, but where is the best place to put it (which directory and environment variable to use on Window)?
Which source is trustworthy to download this dll? I don't want to download any malware under this dll-name.
Optional: What kind of library is that? What functionalities does it offer?
Additional information
I use CMake as my build tool, CLion as the IDE and MinGW as the compiler.
What I have did so far?
I made sure it still works through the IDE.
I found this dll does not exist in the MinGW installation folder.
I searched the web for more information. Unfortunately, there are only pages unknown to me that only offer the download of this dll. That doesn't satisfy me.
I found the cause of my problem: I had two MingGW installations on my machine. Once the installation that comes with CLion and a separate one. The latter did not have the required dll. However, CLion used its own installation, which in turn owns the DLL. So the solution was to remove the separate installation and include the path to the CLion installation's bin/ directory in the PATH environment variable.
This file is part of MinGW-w64 when using SEH as exception model (as opposed to Dwarf or SJLJ). You need to distribute the .dll files your .exe file(s) depend on in the same folder as the .exe file(s).
If you don't have that file, then you probably have been using libraries compiled with different versions of GCC/MinGW(-w64). I recommend building everything with the same compiler to ensure stable binaries.
Tools like Dependency Walker can help you figure out which .dll files your .exe file depends on.
Or use the command line tool copypedeps -r from to copy the .exe files along with it's dependencies.

What cpp file types can I delete/exclude when packaging into an install bundle?

I want to package my executable file and other needed files into an install file (using NSIS) so that other people can install and use. There are a few file types I am uncertain of whether they are needed for installation or if it is safe to delete them.
Here is a random example of the files in the project folder as well as the Debug file automatically generated by VS:
I have already deleted the .user file as I know that is not needed, but not sure when it comes to .vcxproj, .tlog, .build.cppclean, .idp, and .pdb files. Also, do I need to keep the .obj files as well as the .cpp files?
This is my first time trying to do this, I am just messing around to seeing how it all works so thanks in advance.
You generally only need the .exe. Your app might depend on custom .dlls or the C++ run-time library in which case you would bundle the custom .dlls and/or the C++ redistributable.
Your screen shots are of a debug build and you normally want to distribute a release build instead because it is often smaller and contains more optimized code.
.obj files contain the machine code for each source file and is used by the linker when it merges all the required code into your .exe.
.pdb files contain debugging information. You should not distribute them but it is helpful to store them for yourself in case you need to debug a released version of your application.
The rest of the files in Debug and Release can also be ignored.
If your project is open source then you could include the c/c++ files and the Visual Studio project files. Or you could just upload them to Github.
In NSIS you could do something like this
InstallDir $ProgramFiles\MyApp
Page Directory
Page InstFiles
SetOutPath $InstDir
File myproject\Release\MyApp.exe
File mylibrary\Release\*.dll
It is a good idea to test your installer on a freshly installed Windows instance. Ideally the minimal version you require, Windows 7 etc. This should allow you to verify that you have included all the files required by your application.

Qt C++ Missing DLLs

I created a simple notepad file using Qt.
The program does run when in Qt creator.
However, when I navigate to the debug folder, the created executable file does not run without DLLs.
I've read online that this is can happen and all that is required is that the respective DLLs be copied to the location of the exe file. However... the error messages identify DLLs that my machine does not have.
I get and error message for the following DLL files.
Qt5Cored.dll, Qt5Widgetsd.dll, QtPrintSupportd.dll
I do not have the DLLs above. I do however have the dll files below. Which do not have the added 'd' before the extension.
Qt5Core.dll, Qt5Widgets.dll, QtPrintSupport.dll
Any help provided would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
First i can't think of any reason you would want to copy (preparing for an installer) the dependencies for the debug build of your application, the debug is not a build that you want to deploy, use the release build for deployment.
Now, that being said, you definitely have the dll's, otherwise your debug build won't run from Qt Creator, you are just not looking in the right path for those dlls.
The path where you find the dll is something like: C:\Qt\5.12.3\msvc2017_64\bin
notice that there can be many Qt versions installed and for different targets (example android), so the right way to find the dlls is: QT_INSTALL_PATH / QT_VERSION / COMPILER_VERSION _ARCHITECTURE / bin, so the sample path i provided is Qt version 5.12.3 build with Visual Studio 2017's compiler and it is a 64 bit build. In that path you will find the right dlls: Qt5Core.dll (the release build), Qt5Cored.dll (debug) and so on for all the Qt modules.
Side note: you most likely looked into the folder where Qt Creator .exe is located, there you will find only the Qt dlls that are needed for Qt Creator to work, you are not supposed to use those dlls to deploy your application (those might be built with a different compiler than what you are using and even cause crashes for your application, because of incompatible abi)

Eclipse GDB can't find source files

My workspaces are located in my home directory.
I am currently trying to debug python code which loads a shared C++ library, using Eclipse Oxygen and PyDev. I can debug the Python files just fine.
I run the program (pytest unit test if that matters) with a breakpoint somewhere in the test before the shared library is called (but after it is loaded) and then run a C/C++ Attach to Application debug and attach to the paused python thread. I then set a breakpoint in my C++ code and resume python, and get this from the GDB console output:
No source file named /home/myname/.../models/sourcefile.cpp
Doing an ls /home/myname/.../models clearly shows that that file exists.
I'm not sure if this matters but my library was compiled with CMake where the source and build directory are siblings. E.g. workspace is ~/dev and source is in ~/dev/sourceFolder and build files are in ~/dev/buildFolder
I was able to attach to the running Python debug thread manually in the console using gdb python <thread_number>. This works and finds my source files just fine, allowing me to debug manually in the console. It would still be much faster and less cumbersome if I were able to get it to work in Eclipse.
Things I've tried in the C++ debug config settings:
In preferences, changing C/C++ -> Debug -> Source Lookup to have
absolute file path first, profile first, and relative file path
In CppDebug settings debugger tab, manually added build and source directory to shared libraries
In CppDebug settings source tab, manually added source directory in source lookup path
None of these seemed to do much.
For cmake projects:
The launch configuration can default to the wrong executable, so go to launch configuration => main and check the "C/C++ Application"
Change it from this: build/default/
to this: build/cmake.debug.linux.x86_64/
(you can do this with the "Search Project" button.
This will then pick up the correct debug version and all your source will be found when you debug.

How to run a Qt application?

I have been using Qt creator to make applications using the Qt libraries. I can run these applications by just clicking the play button, but I want to learn how to make applications run just by double clicking on a .exe. So how can I do this?
If you have built a 'release' version of your program, copy it and the following DLL's from qt\bin to a directory:
QtCore4.dll, QtGui4.dll and mingwm10.dll (if you are compiling with gcc and minGW).
If you are running a 'debug' build, you will need the debug versions of the Qt DLLs. They have the same name but with a 'd' at the end of the name.
There may be other Qt DLLs you will have to copy depending on Qt modules you are using in your program.
You can find out more from this page (Qt docs website) Deploying Qt Applications
I'm assuming you are running windows since you mention an .exe file extension. Look in the debug and/or release subdirectories of your project to find the produced binary. You can double-click on it to run the application. However, there are several DLL's that will be required. So, make sure they are in your PATH or copy them in the same directory. Dependency Walker is useful for finding out what you need.